Why The Election Results Will Be Questioned, Part 10

Both sides of the aisle will be questioning the results.

Let’s start with the Right.

We are in the wee hours of the morning on election night, and it’s shaping up to be lousy (or at least worse than it should be, but not as bad as I expected). I couldn’t help but notice that on the brief bit of Fox News coverage that I watched around 11pm ET, they were emphasizing how ties with Trump were toxic to certain candidates. They even blamed some of the more conservative firebrands for diverting GOP money to what should have been safe races, leaving more vulnerable races in trouble. They also talked about how New Hampshire was lost because of how long the GOP Primary lasted there.

That’s a load of garbage. The Establishment RINOs threw the races because their preferred candidates lost in the primaries. They openly funded Establishment losers in the primaries (and sabotaged ones they didn’t like), and the moment Trump-backed candidates swept the primaries the heads of the GOP declared the midterms to be unwinnable. Why? Because they were scared- these new candidates were not beholden to the elites, and the party elites would rather lose and be unable to serve the citizens who voted for them than face any kind of challenge to the hegemony they have in the GOP. And now they (and from what I saw, their spin masters on Fox News under RINO Paul Ryan) are trying to spin the election wins as a referendum on Trump. They are just as scared of him running as the Democrats are. And as for needing to move money around… hardly. They sent money from a conservative in a tough race to Democrat-lite Lisa Murkowski’s campaign, which didn’t need it. They stopped money from flowing to campaigns that needed it.

And most assuredly, they will not question any irregularities that brought this outcome about. And boy have there been a few already! Poor Arizonathat’s a real big mess (and once again Dominion voting machines prove their worth- to Democrats!). Look at how a judge ruled that districts that stopped counting votes due to technical issues before polls closed could not remain open after polls officially were to be closed. The voters most hurt by that are Republicans, because they wait until the day of the election to vote, so election day voting machine sabotage hurts GOP turnout, especially if polls close early because the computers are down! Now, it is a question as to if this was sabotage or not. Not that they’d ever find out, the person in charge of investigating election irregularities in Arizona will WIN because of these irregularities. Funny how that works.

As for the Left…

They started a campaign to delegitimize any Republican win this year, as they have done in the past (they even said Republicans would murder people to win in 2020, which obviously didn’t happen, and right now CNN/The Week/The Atlantic/Daily Kos/Rawstory/Progressive.org/New Republic/The Guardian are all running articles saying that Republicans will steal 2024). MSNBC was out there saying don’t believe the polls, the Democrats were going to win, which necessarily implies that a Republican win was achieved by cheating. Less subtle accusations of cheating were also thrown out. One Democrat already said earlier this year that Republicans stole a special election. Then there’s the myth of voter suppression like in Georgia, where historic numbers of Blacks voting indicates that Black people aren’t being allowed to vote, with these numbers topping any previous occasion that wouldn’t have had voter suppression according to Democrats (in other words, topping any other Georgia election Democrats won). But don’t let facts get in the way of a good narrative- Stacey Abrams made her name for herself and got to appear on Star Trek by claiming that her election was stolen and illegitimate, and this just gave her something for her next book deal. So Democrats ended up having “voter suppression” as their stolen election myth for claiming elections they lose are not legitimate, despite record turnout over and over again.

By the way, why do you guys believe it takes days or even weeks to learn the outcome of an election? Plenty of other countries, some whom you say we need to model ourselves after, get it all done in one night. For that matter, with much more primitive technology, we knew the same night that Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama won their elections. So how come the system got worse?

Rocky Start

We’ll see how things play out. Republicans have some things to be happy about, but there’s clearly a bit of cheating going on. Democrats will also come out saying their lost elections were stolen. According to one Democrat (who voted against certifying the 2016 election, a vote showing he denied the election was fair), denying that elections were fair means you are unfit for office. And that summarizes the Democratic Party right there- in their own words they are unfit for office but it’s stealing Democracy if they don’t win in an election, so violence against the GOP is ok.

Pounded Paul Pelosi

I’ll get right to the point: what happened was either a freaky sex thing gone sideways, or it’s because Nancy felt sending Paul to the doghouse just wasn’t enough after he embarrassed her earlier this year.

What Happened?

Police are refusing to release bodycam footage, and any requests for information won’t be answered until well after the Midterms. Conveniently, Democrats are using this as a campaign issue, claiming it was an average Republican that stormed the Pelosi Capitol.

Here are the events:

  • A homeless-nudist-illegal-immigrant-Black Lives Matter-supporter was found naked except for underwear in Paul Pelosi’s house, and so was Paul (of course that story changed)
  • Paul’s house and neighborhood are protected by private security, and surrounded by cameras, yet there is no footage of the assailant entering (allegedly Capitol Police weren’t watching, like Epstein’s jail guards) and there was no security guarding the house
  • The alleged entry point into the house is so small that the assailant couldn’t get in without tearing himself apart on the glass, and apparently couldn’t enter without setting off an alarm. In fact, originally it was reported that he entered the back door, and the only visible glass was OUTSIDE the house in a pattern indicating the window was broken out, not broken in.
  • When police arrived, they reported THREE people in the house, with no one injured at that time, and Paul Pelosi was the one with the hammer. But over time the story changed (much like the FBI’s tales after their bosses told them to lie)
  • Somehow, Paul and the assailant ended up injured. In fact, the government alleges that Paul was brutally beaten after police arrived.
  • The assailant is an insane drug addict, there is no footage of him espousing conservative views, and he lives in a school bus, yet it is alleged he was sane enough to start and run a website.
  • There is no record of the assailant’s website until some time after the incident took place, and it was erased from the internet shortly afterwards.
  • Federal charges were filed, ensuring the case would be treated like the Mar-A-Lago raid in that the public will only receive selective details leaked by Democrat-affiliated DOJ officials disguised as “anonymous sources”.

As you can see, there are a few questions here. In fact, taken altogether, only two conclusions are reasonable.

  1. Paul knew his attacker (as indicated in the first link, that’s what police said) and invited him in for purposes unknown, though based on them both being in their underwear and a third person present, it was probably not anything platonic. The attempt to paint a homeless Canadian illegal immigrant nudist as a Republican happened after the fact to hide yet another Pelosi embarrassment.
  2. Nancy wanted an October Surprise because no one cared about the January 6 stuff and the Mar-A-Lago raid, so she told her husband to take a dive and found some crazy guy no one would remember. Her husband owed her after she bailed him out of his DUI earlier this year.

It clearly didn’t happen the way we are told. What happened defies logic. Somehow the archetypical San Francisco liberal (illegal immigrant nudist living in a school bus) radicalized overnight (based on the only known record of his website it could not have been around long) and immediately went to attack Nancy Pelosi at her house that somehow he had the address of and somehow bypassed security to get into by I guess imploding the window so it scattered backwards and somehow entered through the resultant hole that was too small for him?

I will add- look at how quick and ready Democrats are to blame this on Republicans. They’re even trying to get Republicans to stop running ads against their Democrat opponents, in the name of some fake “civility”. This was obviously not a random Trump supporter, it was either a politically-motivated quick fix for another Paul screwup or it was a hoax from start to finish, one that Paul had to get a little bruised for.

Where Is The Real Violence?

Since Democrats are saying that anything anti-Pelosi or anything questioning the 2020 Election’s legitimacy (meanwhile most Democrats still believe Russia hacked into our computer systems to alter the election totals in 2016, and still are saying elections are being stolen) led to this violence (and that not only must people stop saying things Democrats don’t like because anything a Democrat doesn’t like hearing leads to violence against Democrats, but also anyone who DOES say something Democrats don’t like needs to be punished for saying such things), then it would seem Democrats believe that words of public figures and actions of citizens are directly linked. The court ruling against Alex Jones wherein he had to pay $965,000,000 for questioning the official narrative because a handful of his followers decided to non-violently act after hearing information he provided shows what kind of consequences Democrats have in mind. I don’t doubt they will use that precedent to go after anyone else who says things they dislike if someone acts on it (and they know that Republicans can’t do that- Republican judges know such an action is unconstitutional and garbage so they’d throw out any cases like that, while liberal judges would just throw out any case like that which didn’t help the Democratic Party). And what a coincidence it is that this thing with Paul Pelosi and the demands from major news networks and politicians to silence and punish those saying words they disagree with came right after the Alex Jones ruling which provides a precedent for just such a punishment!

If Conservative judges also tore up the Constitution and allowed a case like that to go through, here is a list of violence by Democrats this year alone, all from articles I’ve collected only since August (so I didn’t mention the communist Buffalo shooter, the NYC attempted serial killer who hated white people like the Left told him to, the mass shooter who acted based on CNN last year, and the Bernie Sanders supporter who almost murdered several Congressmen in atmosphere of intense threats by Democrats). By the way, they say violence is uniquely rightwing.

  • 82yo pro-life activist shot
  • 18yo ran over by a Democrat who wanted to kill a Republican
  • 135 pro-life activists were attacked vs 6 pro-abortion activists between May and September
  • A canvasser for Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was beaten for being a Republican
  • A Democrat activist bit a Republican County Chair
  • Leftist man beat a woman for wearing an American flag shirt
  • Democrats are swatting conservatives (essentially using the police to attempt murder)
  • Democrats assembled a violent mob to stop a conservative from speaking at a college
  • Democrat politician murdered a reporter who was giving unfavorable coverage
  • Assassination attempt by a Democrat on a Conservative Supreme Court Justice
  • Crisis pregnancy centers firebombed by Democrats
  • Democrat activist tried to shoot a mayoral candidate
  • Democrat activist tried to stab a Republican Congressman to death
  • Teenage pro-life activist was assaulted
  • Democrats threatened a mass shooting against Republicans (which they actually did even earlier this year, and in 2017)
  • A Democrat threatened to murder a Republican poll worker at a polling place on a primary election day

Here is a list of violent rhetoric, or rhetoric leaving Democrat voters with no logical recourse except to act in violence. Remember, these are through the lenses of Leftists, through which the Left says that merely having a negative opinion of them is inciting violence, say that “fight for your rights” is tantamount to calling for physical violence, say that calling for Pelosi to lose her job or asking “where’s Pelosi” is the same as trying to murder her, and that saying “peacefully” is a dog-whistle for violence.

  • Rep. Tim Ryan (D) said they need to “kill” Trump support. He once said rhetoric like his leads to mass shootings.
  • Leftist puppet Liz Cheney said Trump supporters- 74,000,000 citizens or more- are a “clear and present danger”
  • House Speaker Pelosi was revealed to have said she wanted to physically assault Trump
  • Democrat activists expressed happiness at a Republican protester being shot dead
  • A Democrat Senator issued what she said was “literally” a “call to arms”
  • the Democrat President said anyone who disagrees with the agenda is a violent extremist who is a “clear and present danger”
  • A former FBI official told agreeing Democrats he thought the President’s threats weren’t strong enough
  • The President’s Press Secretary agreed with the President’s remarks labeling anyone disagreeing with him as so strong a threat that you’d be criminally negligent to ignore it.
  • Even rank and file Democrats believe conservatives are domestic terrorists.
  • MSNBC said Democrats are at war against their political opponents
  • All Democrats are saying their opponents are threats to Democracy
  • MSNBC says Republicans are a threat to our way of life
  • A Democrat Congressman said Republicans will engage in violence
  • MSNBC says white conservatives in particular are naturally violent
  • MSNBC says we are in a civil war already
  • CNN says Republicans are the only violent people in the country

Seems like we have a case on our hands too.

The Third Word War (Sega CD, 1994, Residual From The War Games Series, Cheat Post)

I assume the reason the words are curved at the bottom is that this is on a flatscreen CRT TV but the video input signal is either being output or processed like it’s for the convex-screen models. It happens on other games too, you may have noted it in my Doom post.

As I said 4 years ago…

As we watch the Democrats peddle their warmongering interventionist and laissez-faire let’s-wait-for-war attitudes, ie as they play their war games on their way to the fall brawl known as the midterm elections, where voters will probably vote Democrat to bring us nookular annihilation, I’ll take a look at some literal war games. Cold War video games, anyway.

That “let’s-wait-for-war attitude” remark is more reflective of the time I originally wrote it, at which point Democrats had briefly softened their warmongering from its 2017 levels (where Democrats wanted a nuclear war with Russia because they lost an election and blamed it on Russia… so protesting in the Capitol on January 6 because you thought an election was stolen is worse than trying to trigger a nuclear war because you thought an election was stolen- which Democrats STILL believe (despite scandal-free Obama and members of his team debunking it) while saying Republicans are terrorist Nazis who believe “the big lie” if they think 2020 was stolen).

Anyway, today we’ll look at a game I had wanted to do 4 years ago but didn’t get around to.

The Game

Imagine the game Civilization but you choose who to attack with a drop-down menu and the only time you get to move units on a map is when you start a battle and enter the Real-Time Strategy part of the game. Also you don’t even have to attack if you have enough money to buy out the foe.

I first tried to play as Russia, thinking I could mimic the moves that led to the Ukraine crisis. Instead, it turned out the world was totally bananas so that wasn’t going to work. Then the video output glitched (already here you can see it’s darker than usual) so I had to shutoff the console and try again.

It looks like something you’d play on a computer: you have a cursor and drop-down menus where you select what you want to do, and then the chance for some numerical inputs. You have a set amount of money in each turn, and can only take a couple of actions before you’re not allowed to act anymore (there’s a counter for it). You can invest the money in yourself or other countries. The benefit of foreign investment is you can either make them friendly or conquer their economies.

Now comes the “Third World War” part. You have military units you can send out, plus you can launch different types of attacks on a foreign country without invading. Surprisingly for a game named “Third World War”, your nuclear strikes are limited and don’t escalate to the world blowing itself apart. Maybe Putin played this before making his nuclear threats?

What’s interesting is some of the mechanics at play. You have unrealistic elements like increasing tax audits causing a rise in the morale of your population, or Canada developing chemical and nuclear weapons. But then there are some very realistic mechanics, like the fact that other countries can bomb cities and maim civilians without a care in the world but then America is condemned and loses allies if they do the same thing (same also goes for if you play as Israel where liberals really do want to “drive the Jews into the sea” I guess because they DON’T use human shields like Palestine does, yet strangely if you’re NOT playing as Israel they can invade at will with no condemnation), even if the country they’re doing it to just invaded somebody. Really, that applies to anyone you play as, and I’m sure idiots sucking propaganda worldwide can sympathize with how their special slice of Hell is always persecuted just like when you play as them in this game.

This is a very loooooong game to play, so have a few hours on hand. I went for an hour and the status quo was the same an hour in as it was at the start. Luckily there is a save feature. You can also play different scenarios, whether it’s erupting the Cold War into a nuclear conflict, starting a Third World War in the 1990s, or a free-for-all (though the Third World War scenario seems like that too). It definitely has a lot of replay value if this is your kind of thing.

Now for the combat- at times, you can get caught in a land war where you get to command military units. You’re shown the battlefield, but not all at the same time, and the camera starts over the enemy’s units. You hover the cursor over one of your units, and upon selecting it you can direct them to destinations and tell them who/what to attack. Once per battle you can also call in an air strike either from the air force or navy or both depending on who you have available. Just be careful with that- it takes them 20-30 seconds to get there, so enemy troops could easily have moved out of range of their attack. You can’t target specific units with them, rather you can only call for a strike at a general area and hope the enemy is still there when the attack comes. This is the Real-Time Strategy part I described earlier, for the casual reader not hip on game terms. Given the use of a cursor to point and click on things, this part too seems designed for a PC (I so dislike using controllers instead of a mouse for RTS games that I surrendered my copy of Command And Conquer on the Sega Saturn, which is not compatible with the mouse released for the Saturn… but I traded it for a Hogan’s Heroes boxset so while I was disappointed I had to trade it off it wasn’t a total loss).

Getting a ground battle started is not as easy as just picking a target. You also can control what each of those 16 armies have in them, a super level of micromanaging. Also- if you want to weaken the enemy with an air strike before starting combat (as opposed to during combat), you have to do the air strike in one turn and then combat the next turn because it will always start combat before doing an air strike if you try to do them in the same turn (air strikes outside of combat don’t effect your ability to do air strikes during combat).

Overall I have to say this high-level involved game isn’t really my style unless I plan to dedicate a day to it, but I’d probably get too bored after hour 2 of no progress. It’s a little… dry. You don’t exactly see how your economic moves affect your country and the world, and how they’re countered. There’s a lot of numbers and graphs too. Plus you’re not exactly seeing everything all at once, you have to scroll through pages of data every turn to make an informed decision. Also in between turns you get a news ticker at the bottom of the screen telling you what countries gained what weapons or what economic crisis or disaster affected which country, and you need to pay attention to that and take it into account in your turn. A lot of detail goes into this, it’s a very immersive and time-consuming experience, and it’s not fast-paced in the least bit. Even the ground combat portion takes a while- your units move slowly.

Then you remember it’s the Sega CD in 1994 and realize it’s a pretty good game given the circumstances, and usually can be found pretty cheap… or at least it used to be. In 2018 I got it complete in box for $5, but today that’d be $40 on eBay, or $15 for the game by itself. I’m planning a series on games that are inexplicably expensive and get the feeling I should’ve saved this one for that.

The Real World War III Is About To Begin!

Yes, this is also a cheat post.

Earlier this week I interviewed someone about Putin’s nuclear threats, how with his mentality he might not be bluffing, and how we’re not paying attention to the warning signs and just assume some sort of moral shield will protect us and we don’t have to understand how the enemy thinks, nor should we try to give the bad guy a little of what he wants in order to avoid a situation where precious liberal cities get nuked (the same liberals who say in all cases we should send unarmed, powerless, counselors to stop a crazy man with a gun who’s killing people because the nutcase just needs to be understood (as if social workers were infallible, as if victims had no rights and the killers should just be given a lecture and sent on their way… and rapists too, for you liberals who say there’s an epidemic and then vote to increase it) also say we should continually provoke and eventually fight a crazy man with nuclear weapons and that we shouldn’t even try to understand him, except to understand how we can attack first. They say you’re a traitor if you don’t shut up and obey Democrats’ calls to war without examining the bigger picture- just look at the Left’s McCarthy-era reaction to Tucker Carlson’s nuanced view on staying out of the war, in some cases the same Left that said we should not have tried to stop Russia-backed North Vietnam from invading South Vietnam).

Since the interview was conducted, America seems to have decided to up the ante and sabotage Europe’s principle source of energy. If it turns out America is the culprit, then we pretty much cut off our nose to spite our face by royally screwing over our European allies. Remember how you Lefties said Trump was evil because he wanted other NATO nations to do their fair share of the work (ironic that you communists were AGAINST someone pulling their weight instead of mooching off others like a billionaire)? Well, I’d say making sure their citizens freeze to death in the winter is a bit worse, this coming after (as mentioned in the last post) the Biden Administration begged them not to evacuate their people from Afghanistan and leave them to be used as hostages or killed by the Taliban. Again, Trump saying NATO countries should put in equal effort according to their abilities is way different than the Biden Administration outright trying to kill citizens of NATO countries, but I guess that major difference is lost on the “orange man bad” crowd.

Of course it didn’t have to be this way, this proxy war Democrats are pushing (it could’ve been over in April but the Biden Administration teamed up with England to sabotage a peace deal) in Ukraine that leads to billions of taxpayer dollars going to Ukraine and defense contractors only to end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians over there and over here with defense contractors spending our money to put warmongers in office so the money keeps coming (I thought Democrats opposed the militaryindustrial complex?). America is pretty much the reason the war hasn’t ended yet (this war is NOT about “protecting Democracy in Ukraine” as liberals chant, since Zelensky has shown himself to be one execution away from being as anti-Democratic as Putin), as you heard in the interview and saw in my last post. So anything that happens, such as Europe’s power being cut, is on the Leftist Biden Administration. Worse, it looks like that might be a permanent cut given the damage to the pipelines (granted, the whole reason Europe got hooked on Russian power is because of Leftists believing Russian propaganda… which is ironic since they tried to blame Russia for Trump getting elected yet they believed everything Russia said about the climate that led to dependence on Russian energy).

And it really looks like the Biden Administration is responsible for the pipeline sabotage. Consider this- as recorded in the last post they had no problem trying to say Russia would launch a false flag to start a war, yet when NATO all but accused Russia of launching a false flag with its pipelines suddenly the Biden Administration came to Russia’s defense while at the same time telling Americans to evacuate Russia (ostensibly because Russia might conscript them, which actually has been grounds for war in the past… a war that left the White House as a pile of ash just as one with Russia would). It’s like they knew they screwed up and are trying to limit the damage.

Anyway, this definite provocation will just make Putin more likely to lash out irrationally, with a nuclear reprisal still on the table. Anyone else remember how Leftists wanted to disarm our nuclear arsenal (and as recently as a month before the invasion wanted to reduce it)? Hey Lefties, quick question: how would we deter Putin from escalating already in this crisis if we didn’t have weapons of mass destruction on the table?

For that matter, remember that Democrats consistently are anti-military (check out that link to a Salon piece in that post I linked to- hey Lefties, if you don’t need the military to protect your freedoms how come you keep sending military weapons designed for our military to a foreign military and say it’s to protect your freedom from Putin?). They’ve been very open about wanting to dissolve the institution, and under their current regime we’ve seen recruitment numbers drop while the military releases perfectly fit soldiers by the thousands who love this country while keeping/promoting soldiers they train to hate this country and love terrorists, and hate the race that constitutes the majority of the American public (not that the ones left are trained to be competent, they might make the Russians look competent by comparison. And let’s not forget that the folks in charge of the military think America shouldn’t exist.). So why would these people who hate America fight Russia to protect it? These people, taught through CRT that America is irredeemably racist and the majority population is the cause of it, would sooner take Russia’s side if we were invaded- why WOULDN’T they? Russia just has to claim to be the woke liberator and that the Leftists in the military are being lied to by evil white fascists about who the real enemy is, and like all good civil rights warriors they want to be on the right side of history don’t they?

On the one hand Democrats want a nuclear war with Russia and are doing everything they can to recklessly plough forward into it, but on the other hand they spent decades trying to disarm us and are STILL working to do so. What conclusion can we draw about them (and any ex-military who join the party) from this?

Yes I know I railed on Democrats a lot while most Republicans are aiding and abetting this (when looking for that article on Rand Paul, I saw that Leftwing Rolling Stone magazine said he was working for Putin because he dared pause funding to Ukraine), but this is the sort of thing the MAGA movement in the Republican Party was against; it’s those the “extremist” “clear and present danger” faction of the Republican Party believes. If you Lefties hadn’t welcomed the ejected warmongers like Liz Cheney with open arms and embraced their violent worldview, hadn’t embraced those you said were liars who tricked us into invading Iraq, then they’d be even less relevant and the RINOs too cowardly to jump ship would be more inclined to work for peace or at least not work against it just to keep their checks coming.

What Do You Think?

You voted Democrat, so I guess you wanted World War III after all. Whether it was 62 million or 81 million who voted for Biden, this is what at least a third of the country seems to want. Vote Democrat again this fall to make sure we all die.

Well… not all of us. Wealthy executives at our defense companies, a few billionaires, and the leaders of the Democratic Party will survive a nuclear war because they’re for the people and for equity, and equity means the royalty and nobility in society survive in luxury while the serfs die in nuclear hellfire or struggle to live in post-apocalyptic hellscapes, but that’s what you vote for and defend so ardently on the internet, in social media, and in the real world with your protests/riots so I guess that’s how you feel. It’s convenient that I live near a prime target so I’ll be vaporized in an instant, but I regert that I won’t get to see radiation poisoning dole out karma to you while you continue to praise your Democrat leaders for their bravery in forcing this situation on you.

Missile Command (Atari 400/800, 1981, Residual From The War Games Series)

Hmmm… as will be made apparent later, I think my original leading paragraph from exactly 4 years ago still applies:

As we watch the Democrats peddle their warmongering interventionist and laissez-faire let’s-wait-for-war attitudes, ie as they play their war games on their way to the fall brawl known as the midterm elections, where voters will probably vote Democrat to bring us nookular annihilation, I’ll take a look at some literal war games. Cold War video games, anyway.

Today, we’ll look at a game I had wanted to do 4 years ago with the rest of the Missile Command games that were part of the War Games series, but I never got around to buying the hardware. Ironically enough at that time I had the disposable income to do so but thought it’d be too expensive, but now that I finally bought it I financially shouldn’t have!

The Game

I still say it looks like you’re shooting down American strategic bombers.
I played this on a contemporary TV that’s about the right size for a contemporary computer monitor.

Not much to say here that wasn’t said in the last one. This is pretty much the Atari 5200 version, though I’m wanting to say the cursor movements felt as smooth as the Game Boy Advance version, and looking at a comparison video of the 400/800 and 5200 versions I’m wanting to say that the 400/800 is faster, though the graphics are the same. That much struck me immediately about it.

Spotlight On The Atari 400

It blew my mind that this machine came out in 1979. I thought for sure it was later than that. Just look at the quality of the games on it and its computing power, and compare that with its competitors at the time (and note that for the TI-99 the games start looking better when they’re ports of Atari 400/800 games- but not like the originals!). The keyboard keys though… those were very interesting, and I enjoyed playing with them. Too bad I’m giving this one to my cousin and keeping the 800XL I bought, but he’d want this one because it came with the box and manuals whereas the 800XL was a PAL model that didn’t even come with connection or power cables… just a copy of Pac Man that was missing its back half for some bizarre reason.

Throw-Away Warfare

This post underwent many changes. I started this in the fall of 2021, then worked on it in the days right before the Ukraine conflict when it looked like the Biden Administration was lying about Russia’s intentions (I thought I was wrong for a few months because the Biden Admin made it sound like they were lying when they said Russia would invade, but then the Biden team freely admitted to a loving media that they really WERE lying and Russia’s invasion was just a coincidence- this wouldn’t be the last time they lied about Ukraine.). I added more stuff about Democrats provoking a war, then over the first month of the Ukrainian conflict I added all sorts to it, then abandoned it because it just got too messy.

It wouldn’t be part of the War Games series if I didn’t talk about war, and boy are Democrats into that this year! Remember how I predicted a conflict with Russia 4 years ago if Democrats had their way? Well here we are, and Democrats started it- in 2014! I’ll get to that in a moment, but first I need to go over the Left’s attitude towards war.

Today’s trend can be traced back to just after World War II. China could’ve gone communist or not, it was up to America to decide. The non-communists in China had helped us during World War II. Democrats- whose party had been infiltrated by communist spies– decided to abandon our Chinese allies to the genocidal ferocity of the Chinese Communists who still maintain that practice to this day. Democrats didn’t care then, they didn’t care when China wiped out millions of its own people (in fact, I’ve seen Leftists in various forums deny that anyone was killed), and we see it today with the Leftist love of China’s genocidal history, where alleged civil rights activists ally themselves with the racist/genocidal Chinese regime (and the liberal/Democrat-ran media and allies in Big Tech cover it up- indeed they believe America is worse than China), where BLM civil rights allies defect to the racist/genocidal Chinese government. A police officer can’t even shoot someone attempting to murder people without BLM pouncing on them (well… not unless the one killed is white, then BLM doesn’t care about alleged police brutality), yet the Chinese police can arrest people for no crime at all and harvest their organs and BLM sees them as a friend. Kind of makes you suspicious on what BLM really wants.

But the point of the above is that Democrats/Leftists/Liberals/whatever you want to call them used the anti-communist Chinese in World War II and then threw them away once they outlived their usefulness. This happened again in Vietnam. The Leftists started that war. We are taught that Nixon was eeeeeevil and corrupt and the most rotten thing ever to be in the White House (before Trump of course), but as I posted about in the link above, Nixon actually ended the Vietnam War on terms that allowed South Vietnam to exist. All we had to do was keep money coming to the South. A quick side note- yes we did need to pay the South Vietnamese because we were the reason they existed in the state they were in, it was our responsibility (the Democrat-ran American government had its CIA remove a stable leader who didn’t want American soldiers there and may have brokered an agreement with the North, a move that led to the war’s outbreak and the North’s mass-murdering ways being inflicted on the South) because actions taken by Democrats in Power (D.I.P.s) led directly to the threat faced by innocent civilians.

Anyway, once Gerald Ford finished what Nixon started that made Democrats so mad they impeached him (let’s not kid ourselves, Democrats cheated against Nixon in both 1960 and 1968, so the only reason they went after Nixon over doing exactly what they did is political, probably because Nixon ended their little war) the Democrats- who owned Congress- decided that they’d no longer protect the civilians their reckless policies endangered and withdrew funding for the South Vietnamese (again, as referenced in my post linked earlier). Done with their South Vietnamese allies, they tossed them to the wolves, just like they did with the Chinese. It gets better though- Democrats refused to take in refugees from South Vietnam.

And no, these aren’t the mythical Democrats that switched over to make the Republican Party racist in some sort of secular retelling of Lucifer being cast out of paradise (you atheist Lefties like to substitute government for religion in your war against religion (and you atheists don’t mind mass murder), so I see why you needed to have a creation story like this to explain where your devil came from), unless you think Jerry Brown and Joe Biden are Republicans.

This brings us to the modern age- Iraq and Afghanistan. Republicans started those, yes, but there was bipartisan support. Then Democrats took over and destroyed all progress in Iraq, even ignoring President Bush’s prescient statement that if we left too soon a new terror cell would rise. He didn’t know at the time that this would be called ISIS, and didn’t know that the next Democrat President would aid ISIS in addition to creating circumstances allowing ISIS to rise while tossing aside our friends in the region and deliberately abandoning efforts to create a democracy. Next came Afghanistan, where the well-organized withdrawal that the Republican Trump scheduled was thrown away by Democrats along with every ally we had in Afghanistan (barring the occasional political stunt, but also for fear of a failed rescue attempt making them look bad politically, so better not to try at all was their reasoning). Democrats didn’t bother consulting with allies for days after the withdrawal started, in fact they said on August 13th they weren’t closing the embassy in Kabul down and the city wasn’t in any danger, but even while they spoke the staff was getting ready to evacuate and by the 15th the building was empty as the Taliban took the city. They lied a lot about the withdrawal as it happened- they bribed the Afghan President (Didn’t Democrats say quid pro quo deals were impeachable? Or is that only when it’s not a Democrat making them?) to lie that Afghanistan was in no danger thus making people think they didn’t need to leave the country, during the evacuation they told people NOT to evacuate and that they wouldn’t bother coming for them, then to top it all off they lied about people being stuck there (and Biden thought it was a joke)! And all that chaos and death just because Biden wanted to meet a political goal, and you Democrats would vote for him again in a heartbeat after that.

As you read in the links above America made a commitment to get our Afghan allies out and Trump’s plan allowed that to happen. But then Democrats showed up and threw away our allies once again. What else do you call it when the Democrats in charge tell other NATO countries to stop withdrawing their friends and forces because it exposes the Democrats’ lies about why we abandoned everyone (worse- Biden withdrew the military before the civilians yet with less than a month until the 9/11 deadline he didn’t even have a plan for getting our civilians and allies out, caring more about the political victory than bodies on the ground)? Democrats didn’t just throw away our Afghani allies that time, they tried to throw our NATO allies out too and demanded they stay in the trashcan just so Democrats could look good! (Speaking of, Democrats were happy with how the disaster went and insisted that all the women they threw away in Afghanistan are better off now than they were before the withdrawal. No, no they are not, but even though Democrats are becoming aware of the problem they’re still happy to campaign on what happened as if it were great.)

I guess in a sick way that’s to the Democrats’ credit that they finally realized after 80 years how unpopular their policy of throwing away allies after they’ve outlived their usefulness is to folks outside their party. They tried to hide their usual scheme of ditching our Afghan allies by telling lies about how we couldn’t evacuate them even as our NATO allies easily evacuated their Afghan friends- and even telling our NATO allies not to evacuate their people so that the Democrats’ lie would look better. They also actively interfered in civilian efforts to get people out. trying to stop that from happening. They tried to hide their abandonment of our Afghan allies and violations of our promises to them by just shoving as many random people onto the evacuation craft as they could and hoping the public would be fooled into thinking that taking a bunch of strangers was the same as fulfilling promises to friends, friends who were hunted down and brutalized by the Taliban using the billions of dollars of equipment the Democrats left for them.

Oh and we still have Americans trapped in Afghanistan. You know how they just let anyone on the planes? They STOPPED Americans with papers from boarding the planes. They stopped women and orphans from boarding the planes in favor of fighting-age males who might be tied to terror cells. I hope at least the Americans left behind were all Democrats, because that would be the only bit of justice we’ll see in this world for the Democratic Party.

What We See In Ukraine

I predict the same thing in Ukraine. Democrats started this conflict in 2014, and they’ll abandon their allies there too. I promised an explanation so here it is.

Democrat God-King Barack Obama who had a flawless, scandal-free Presidency that represents the golden era of America (because creating ISIS, saying that America will never again have a good economy, and creating racial strife made him a deity for Democrats) decided to overthrow Ukraine’s government. No real reason for it, he just didn’t like how a foreign election went so he overthrew that government and installed one that he did like. This adds a layer of irony to the Democrats’ complaints about Russia interfering in our elections, as if Democrats would never do such a thing despite doing it to our allies- and it wasn’t a practice confined just to Ukraine. Democrats attempted it in Israel by using taxpayer money to fund the Prime Minister’s opponent in an election, and (while still President) Obama campaigned in England to oppose Brexit as if it was his personal business what a foreign country did with its own internal affairs. As if any of these incidents weren’t foreign interference, as if what Obama did in Ukraine wasn’t an “attempt to overthrow Democracy” as Democrats like to say these days, as if what Obama did in Ukraine wasn’t the same regime toppling that Democrats (repeating here that Democrat/Leftist/Liberal are being treated as synonyms) condemned Republicans like Reagan and Bush for doing.

Naturally, when you “overthrow democracy” like Democrats did, that leads to instability and factions. Some factions would want to reunite with Russia. Ukraine was part of Russia for a couple of centuries, so the broad-minded among you might understand how some Ukrainians would want to help Russia regain power over their country, or at least understand how heavily Russian some parts were. At the same time that Obama was destabilizing the Ukrainian government and helping some Neo Nazis gain power (every member of their party who is now saying Republicans are fascist, that has been lying about Trump saying Neo Nazis were fine people just to smear him as a sympathizer, are silent about their scandal-free Democrat President ensuring Neo Nazis ran a country), he was showing weakness to Russia while creating a fascist puppet state on their border so they decided to seize Crimea. While ethically not the right thing to do, strategically it totally was the right thing at the right time.

Look at it from Russia’s perspective- for centuries, they have been invaded over and over again by European powers. That is why they want buffer states. Centuries of valid paranoia led to this attitude of mistrust that the Russians have. Yes, NATO never wanted Ukraine, but how is Russia supposed to believe that when you topple Ukraine’s government and install a NATO-friendly one full of Neo-Nazis (y’know, the heirs to the most recent guys who invaded Russia)? So they took Crimea, which wasn’t much because a lot of folks there were friendly towards Russia anyway because of that centuries-long relation I mentioned.

Russia did want more, but a ceasefire that no one adhered to was reached and a very violent peace ensued up until February 2022. During this time, Russia took advantage of the big open border and friendly ethnic Russians to arm separatists. See Democrats, this is one of the downfalls of an open border policy… then again, you hate America so I guess you’d be happy if any power- including Russia- took advantage of your open borders policy to do the same thing to America. Strangely, under the anti-Russian Democrat rule, there’s been a nearly 2000% increase in Russians coming illegally into the U.S. over the border as compared to the election year for the alleged Pro-Russia-Putin-Puppet-President where you Democrats warned that the Putin Puppet might win if Russia was able to interfere. Kinda weird then that Russians didn’t start crossing until after the Putin Puppet lost, unless the current President and his political party had strong ties to Russia and would be seen begging Russia for oil… nah, how likely is any of that, Democrat?

Back to the history lesson- put aside the 6 years of being told Russia is the enemy and consider Russia’s point of view. Suddenly, as I talked about in 2018, this world power with nuclear missiles who was your best friend after you invaded a sovereign nation (Hillary Clinton wanted to make Russia a technological competitor to the U.S. and Obama wanted to be their friend while the bodies of their victims in Georgia were still warm), and still a friend after you seized part of another sovereign nation, is saying they hate you and want a war with you. Worse, they’re lying about you in order to get their citizens to support this war. Reread the 2018 War Games posts- Democrats openly said they wanted war with Russia! And this power that wants war with Russia had just “overthrown Democracy” in a country on Russia’s border to install confirmed Neo Nazis. And like I said, Russia has been invaded many times in its past, including by Nazis.

Now we come to the end of 2021. The Biden Administration is begging Russia for oil to lower our gas prices. Democrats lied to the world that we invaded Iraq for oil, and now those same Democrats who voted for that oil invasion are in charge and want Russia’s oil- the same Democrats who overthrew a government on Russia’s border and suddenly love George W. Bush whom they previously accused of invading Iraq for oil. The same Democrats who are now saying Russia will invade Ukraine, which is at this time a lie as I mentioned earlier, as much of a lie as Democrats say the WMD pretext for invading Iraq for its oil was- Democrats even admitted after the Ukraine war started that they were just lying about Russia invading, that they really had no idea it was going to happen. Oh, and suddenly those folks who were accused of lying about WMDs in Iraq are saying Russia is a threat (and lying about things being Russian efforts to interfere in elections) and are treated with love by the Democrats. Hmmmmm…

At this point, Russia has several options on the table, the worst of which is invading Ukraine. But their government is horribly corrupt and ran by a monster so they choose invasion. Since Russia has hardly changed in anything except labels (ie. monarchy, communist, democracy, oligarchy, but all still just as corrupt and imperialist as the other) it used its 19th century mentality to conclude invasion is what should be done. In today’s world with today’s morals it’s awful, but Russia isn’t from today’s world. So while it’s horrible and brutal, it shouldn’t have been unexpected that Russia would do the (morally) exact worst possible thing they could do in their situation.

Throwing Away Ukraine

Democrats had a lot of money tied-up in crooked Ukraine. Some biowarfare labs too, I guess getting around our various treaties on such things by outsourcing the work. That may be why Obama overthrew Ukraine’s government in the first place, “overthrew democracy” to use a Democrat phrase in vogue now- to ensure the Biden family and other such families could profit from the place (and use their puppets there to interfere in future elections), much as what America did to Cuba in the leadup to its communist revolution (ironic how those kids in the Che Guevara shirts and the Castro-loving media created the same corruption in Ukraine that led to their rise, but instead call you a traitor if you have a problem with it. I guess it’s ok to “overthrow democracy” everywhere else, and it’s not “overthrowing democracy” to assassinate their political opponents according to them). It shouldn’t be unexpected they’d do stuff like this- remember that Nancy Pelosi risked World War III just to help the family business in Taiwan, and saw an immediate profit from it. So with Democrats and their globalist friends financially tied to Ukraine it’s no wonder they’d play up this invasion the way they did.

Even if the conflict in Ukraine was not capping off 6 years of anti-Russian histrionics and lies, they’d still have overplayed Ukraine’s importance. Look at what they have tied-up.

  • Neo Nazis that Obama supported. They lost a bit of power since Obama was in charge, but they’re still a force. The Democrat-owned media in the U.S. even ran fluff pieces talking about how awesome these Neo Nazis are, and the Democrat-owned fact checkers and mobs of Democrat liars on the internet try to deny that these Neo Nazis exist.
  • Money.
  • Biowarfare labs. The Biden Administration admitted these places existed in Ukraine. Really, Russia should’ve used them as a pretext for invading, because bioweapons are considered WMDs. It wouldn’t justify Russia’s brutality, but it would justify invading, as all the Democrats who voted for invading Iraq would tell you.

But now that it looks like Ukraine is losing while we send them billions of dollars (that disappear with the weapons we send) at a time when we are facing Democratinduced destruction of our economy (once again), the Democrats’ media friends are starting to admit the truth that Ukraine could lose. This is very significant. You were a traitor if you even thought such a thing, the media/Democrat narrative had been Russia will lose if we just keep sending money to Ukraine. Now the truth that this never was true is being allowed to be expressed. Too late for the people the Democrats tried to cancel for saying this months ago. It won’t be long before support for Ukraine collapses, and they become just another cause Democrats tossed aside.

Ukraine’s offenses are few, far between, and failed moves for the sake of political optics rather than winning a battle. Russian planes fly free over the country. Ukraine’s benevolent, uncorrupt leadership just voted to give themselves a pay raise that’s funded by YOUR taxpayer dollars. Their military is quitting. They warned US citizens to evacuate.

Unfortunately, like with South Vietnam, Democrats made this situation much worse than it needed to be. How much of the barbarism would’ve been ended sooner had the Democrats not promised Ukrainian leadership support (and who knows what else) in their struggle? Russia has offered Ukraine terms. Would they have been taken more seriously, indeed would negotiations towards a favorable outcome for both sides, have happened already if Democrats weren’t encouraging the Ukrainian people to keep up the fight? By the way, guess which politicians the people manufacturing the weapons we send to Ukraine are donating to. The Republicans aren’t the only ones in the military-industrial complex. Consider this- days before Russia invaded, CBS’ 60 Minutes reported on February 20 that in response to Russia hurting Ukraine economically the U.S. was shipping WEAPONS to Ukraine. Not economic aid, WEAPONS. At the same time the Biden Administration was lying (as cited earlier) about Russia being aggressive.

Speaking of weapons, I noticed that the Russian Collussionists try to say Trump is a Putin puppet and delayed aid to Ukraine for political reasons that he needed to be impeached over (he actually delayed it because 1. he noticed the corruption that has now led to aid disappearing during a war and wanted something done about it BEFORE people would die from it and 2. he was hoping his refusal would pressure other European countries to do something instead of making us do all the work). He was actually the first to ship them- after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, and for the next 2 years, Obama sent money and a few items that couldn’t be used as weapons. Trump sent actual weapons. Biden was the one who cut out the weapon shipments in 2021, right after Biden was paid by Russia to allow them to finish their pipeline (between this and Biden’s aforementioned quid pro quo with the Afghan President that cost lives, how has HE not been impeached?).

Think about that- in 2015 Democrats refused to provide weapons to Ukraine and threatened to withhold a billion dollars in non-lethal aid a year after Russia invaded, threatening to withhold the aid unless they fired a prosecutor investigating businesses tied to Democrat Joe Biden’s son. They had just praised that prosecutor too, but then Democrats threw him under the bus. Some friends they are! They overthrow Democracy in Ukraine and then when Russia invades they refuse to provide weapons and threaten to withhold all aid unless they let the Democrat Vice President’s son’s friends get away with corruption, and they demand the head of a friendly prosecutor they praised because he dared investigate a Biden. Then they accuse TRUMP of trying to bribe Ukraine with aid and impeach him over allegedly doing what Joe Biden actually did.

What a tale of hypocrisy and total disregard for lives, ethics, and Democracy that the Democratic Party has created here. As I opened this section with- are you really surprised Pelosi risked a war just for money? And again- they don’t seem to care about the Ukrainians who could’ve been saved if peace had been declared, nor about the Europeans facing an economic and humanitarian disaster with their own citizens because liberals over there obeyed green-groups backed by Russia and became dependent on Russia’s energy (in other words, they pulled a California. And just like with California you can bet the elites in society and lawmakers who advocated for this misery won’t be impacted by it. They’ll just pretend they care about the damage they did, win an election by hook or by crook, and go on doing what they’ve always done).

What Do You Think?

Looks like such a fun game, vote Democrat and make it happen! Oh wait- you already did, because this is what you wanted! And now Putin has threatened nuclear war and your vaunted Democrat leader of Congress almost started a war with China so that she could make a quick buck, except we don’t have any defenses against nuclear weapons like what were shown in the video game this post covered. As mentioned in the original post about this game- Democrats mocked the very notion and instead focused on making sure America could never launch a nuke, while allowing Russia and China (and even helping them) to build their arsenals. Democrats actually reduced our nuclear defenses in exchange for nothing from Russia. The same Russia they said we should hate.

Like say for example when the Biden Administration lied about having evidence Russia was about to invade Ukraine- the Biden Administration said it, the journalists and think tanks and intellectuals said it was true and cited their friends in the Biden Administration, then it turned out to be a lie and their response was “so what? It made the public do what we wanted them to do so it was a good thing”, as if following a blind path of propaganda towards nuclear Armageddon was good for humanity. But these lies are what those in power say to each other and to you, so it must be true! And if you look back, this is how World War I started, how we got “the lost generation”, millions dead, because the societal elites who thought war would be fun on paper aren’t, as with Ukraine today and nuclear war in the future, the ones doing the fighting and dying.

Headline Roundup 5

Part I
Part II
Part III

Part IV

All of these were supposed to go in the last one, but I didn’t think I’d ever get to them.

Liberals love using fear to control people. Remember how they accused Republicans of doing that, then smugly said they never would, then they used fear of COVID to try and legalize fascist vaccine mandates as mentioned in Headline Roundup 3? Well, now this writer here puts the pieces together on what liberals have been doing with domestic terrorism. They’re trying to say that their political enemies want a bloody civil war, the same ones they said wouldn’t stand a chance against the government, and the FBI and DOJ are helping to deliver with their false flag operations. How long before the FBI’s Patriot Front group decides to start something, and then have the Right blamed for it, and then the government uses that as justification to clamp down on the Right? Already, the DOJ has an outfit dedicated to persecuting people who disagree with the Biden Administration. It would not surprised me if this unit was the one that targeted a Democrat Congressman who opposed Biden. When 45% of Democrats want their political opponents in concentration camps and over 50% want them fined or in prison, is it really so hard to believe that the Democrat-ran Federal Government would do stuff like this? Just look at the January 6 Committee, it’s been invested with totally unconstitutional powers, it’s illegal, but Democrats are power-hungry and don’t care.

Ray Epps, the apparent FBI plant who ginned up a riot for his bosses to use as justification for political persecutions, has been acknowledged kinda sorta in that he’s the only “insurrectionist” the government defends and protects.

The Biden Administration continues to cover for the FBI’s role in January 6.

The DC Gitmo people are preventing January 6 inmates from contacting their lawyers. This is what justice looks like to liberals- in their hearts they believe you are guilty, so you need to suffer. Why bother with a trial or legal system when their lynch mob knows what justice looks like?

While unarmed protesters were shot dead and locked in solitary confinement for peacefully walking through the Capitol like many liberal protesters did in the past, the government allowed an Antifa bomber to go on bond. Because the FBI (who does not monitor Antifa) believes a bomber and violent rioting Democrats are less of a threat than a peaceful demonstrator. Meanwhile, a rapist was released after less than 6 months while January 6 folks have been imprisoned much longer for peacefully walking through a building. This is liberal justice at work.

A business owner who was robbed complained about policing in Democrat cities. His Democrat mayor paid him a visit, insulted him, and then her staff fined him. Like I said in the last Headline Roundup, the worst thing you could do to a Democrat is point out that they are wrong. They become Democrats just so they have a club to act smug and self-assured around and reinforce their fragile little snowflake egos.

At the Synagogue terror attack (Facebook’s Muslim community mourned his death after the attack by the way, more tolerance from the religion of peace as mentioned in Headline Roundup 3), the FBI violated its own protocol in an action that led to the death of the terrorist (and the FBI lied about their role, taking credit for freeing hostages even though they had nothing to do with that). As mentioned in the last Headline Roundup, since the FBI sees everyone the Democrats hate as terrorists and they’ve sent armed raiders to go after people who committed the misdemeanor of trespassing, how long before they kill someone who isn’t a terrorist because they decided to act unprofessionally? And wasn’t the whole George Floyd thing all about making sure law enforcement acted professionally? I guess Democrats are ok with them being disorganized thugs if they aren’t affected by it.

As expected, the January 6 committee is just to release hit jobs on Republicans as the midterms approach. Democrats are very open about wanting to use it and the legal system to prevent their opponents from running, I guess especially now that their voter fraud legislation was beaten multiple times.

While trying to say that January 6 was an attempt to overthrow the government by overturning elections, Democrats are still saying (I mentioned it in Headline Roundup 4 where none other than Joe Biden agreed) that the Midterms will not be legitimate if their pro-fraud voting reforms are not passed.

Very few have actually been indicted for sedition with the Capitol Riot, certainly none of the people still locked in prison merely for trespassing who have been denied their right to a trial (even the terrorist who ran over people in Waukesha was given a trial faster, but then again he didn’t make Democrats feel scared, in fact he is a Democrat according to his rantings). Further, the indictments for sedition came the day after the Associated Press pointed out that no one had been indicted yet, thus implying there was no evidence for it.

The FBI removed a January 6 rioter who had a gun and an earpiece from their most wanted list. I’m disappointed, I was hoping the FBI would arrest a fellow false flagging government agent again.

The governor of Michigan, a Democrat who the FBI created a fake kidnap plot around in order to discredit the Democrats’ political enemies, was an insurrectionist. One of the Democrat-approved insurrections though, I mentioned that there’s been a few.

A January 6 protester who peacefully entered the Capitol after police let him in is being tortured by the prison guards, because this is what liberal justice looks like. What do you expect from the party of concentration camps?

The FBI insisted that an Islamic terrorist seizing hostages at a synagogue had unclear motives. Maybe they had focused too much on parents opposed to the Democratic Party rather than terrorists.

In a city with a Soros-funded Democrat prosecutor who themselves is a criminal- the ideal liberal setup and you are racist if you disagree- it turns out that the leading cause of “unexpected” death of kids was murder. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice saw these numbers and decided there should be more of it, so they gave grant money to billionaire Soros’ anti-police groups in the name of stopping crime. I thought you anti-billionaire folks would’ve steered the money towards a grassroots organization, not a billionaire’s plaything.

Another Soros-funded prosecutor is racked with criminal charges after a political persecution of a Republican governor. The average citizen does not have the same power to withstand this that a governor does.

Like I said in Headline Roundup 4- DOJ setup an anti-extremist group, the military wants to root out extremists, and those in power defined “extremistto mean their political opponents. The same people who want prison and concentration camps for the unvaccinated, with no science backing their idea, say that anyone who disagrees is the extremist.

A Democrat congressman was arrested for protesting outside the Capitol, but he is not an insurrectionist unlike other protesters we mentioned here. Because Democrats are allowed to do these things, that’s why.

Democrats are so soft on crime that they apologize to criminals for using words that might have the wrong connotation.

Biden’s energy secretary violated a stock disclosure law 9 times, but no one cares, whereas anyone out of power would be arrested by now.

It looks like Deep Staters told Trump some stuff, Trump readied an executive order based on that stuff but never issued it, and now those same Deep Staters are using his order based on their info as grounds to smear him. Much like the origins of the Mueller Probe, where the Deep State told Trump to fire somebody, and then they used that firing as grounds to start an investigation. Oh, and the Deep State’s favorite way to leak stuff seems to be a British Leftist at the Washington Post.

Democrats are sending a purple-heart decorated veteran who peacefully walked through the Capitol to a gulag where he will be tortured. Why? Because he asked about bail, something which Antifa bombers get, something which armed robbers and rapists in New York City don’t even have to worry about thanks to Democrat reforms (it also seems that child rapists get pardoned if their victim marries them, another precedent from the religion of peace). The legal system is only to punish their political enemies, not even criminals. In fact, they fabricated charges against at least one January 6 rioter… but it’s not the first time the Leftist Feds fabricated charges and made a very public statement about what they’d do to their political enemies.

Illegal aliens can use their arrest warrant as ID when boarding airplanes. The government is endangering the lives of passengers by allowing criminals who show proof they are fugitives to board a flight.

The DOJ decided not to prosecute a corrupt FBI agent who abused their position and power. I guess because they all do that, because they are all fascists it seems.

While the corrupt FBI ignores Antifa, Antifa threatened to blow up an event focused on describing Antifa terrorism.

A January 6 protester who did not enter the Capitol was charged with two felonies and Liberal judges and prosecutors tried to force him to turn against Trump in exchange for lesser charges.

Democrats arrested a woman in a wheelchair for not presenting her identification papers to enter a restaurant, yet it’s racist to expect people to show ID to vote.

Ashli Babbitt was actually trying to stop protesters from entering Pelosi’s office, and seemed to have been cornered by these folks when she was shot. Interesting how we have the people she tried to stop on camera, yet the FBI doesn’t want any of them, and it was Babbit who was shot, not any of the people she tried to stop… and this was the group that the liberal John Sullivan was with.

More evidence of fascism from the FBI- they are working with a corporation to target a news outlet. And yet the socialist, Anti-Fascist Left wants concentration camps for people who really are anti-fascist. I have been pointing out for years about how fascist liberals are.

January 6 “protesters” were flashing their badges to local police, who also appear to have killed one of their own members.

Democrats outright say that if they lose in the midterms, then it is time for an armed insurrection because the results would not be legitimate unless Democrats win. But no, the unarmed January 6 folks who thought 2020 was stolen were the real threat, according to the Democrats who believe in concentration camps. Liberals seem to be taking up the call, at least that group who wants concentration camps is.

The White House Press Secretary finally admitted that defunding police led to a crime surge.

Pelosi is using Capitol police to gather data on fellow lawmakers and citizens who meet with them. She is using police a her personal surveillance arm/dirt-gathering force. She politicized the police, turned them into the Democrats’ tool.

Democrats insist the Right is the terrorist group to the point the DOJ created a division to investigate them, yet how many times has the Left had to cancel a rally or event (including genuine anti-fascist events) because of threats of violence from the Right? Seems that the only extremists out there with any teeth are the liberal ones, and despite what the January 6 committee wants you to believe the only politicians who wanted uprisings were liberal ones. And at this point we can count the FBI-sponsored conservative extremists as liberals.

By the way, liberals are ok with this. See, the imaginary threat of rightwing violence (they have only two instances they can point at: Charlottesville where a mentally ill dude ran over someone and the January 6 riot that was orchestrated by the FBI and didn’t cause any fatalities except among the Right, whereas by the time of Charlottesville already in addition to the above Antifa violence, a liberal with no mental illness had shot at multiple Republican Congressmen just weeks prior while liberals and their leaders had issued death threats against Republicans and the ACLU even justified killing Republicans.) is enough to justify any method they choose to employ to counter it. Their imaginary fears about Trump justified stopping him by any means, meanwhile Biden has been way worse for everything than Trump turned out to be (particularly with regards to Russia, something Democrats made a big deal about to the point they wanted war, but I’ll get to Biden’s pro-Russia stance later).

Should you be surprised? This is the group where their anti-science COVID fears lead them to want concentration camps for no scientific reason, just pure fear and hatred of their political opponents. These are the “smart” ones remember? If they’re so smart as they say, then they know that being unvaccinated is only a political thing and not a real health threat to them, which means the only reason they want concentration camps for the unvaccinated is to get rid of their political opponents. Now, if they want to admit stupidity then that means those in charge of the stupid herd that thinks the unvaccinated are a threat are the ones who want to be rid of their political opponents. Up and down the intelligence spectrum, they don’t see this as a simple disagreement over what’s best for people, they see you as the enemy, you are the devil, you are a NAZI to them, you must be EXTERMINATED in their worldview. There’s no cooperation or mercy, they want you GONE. You committed the crime of saying they were wrong about something, you must be terminated for their worldview to continue! Theirs is a worldview where they are in the absolute right at all times. They genuinely believe that anyone who claims they are wrong MUST be evil and MUST be eliminated. Their fragile little egos and need to feel right are more important than whether they truly are right, more important than your right to live. I’ve watched these nuts on TV news, watched the Hollywood propaganda they spew about themselves, and saw them as the dominant voice on the internet anywhere from social media to forums for over a decade now, this is their true form. This poll I keep mentioning reflects exactly what I’ve seen for years.

While Democrats investigate imaginary white supremacist threats, criminals are hunting police officers across the country at historically high rates. Democrats said police are evil so I guess that made it ok (my tenant has even triggered Democrats by saying “Blue Lives Matter”), and makes the soaring murder rates ok, Democrats hate the police except when they’re killing Rightwing protesters. It’s funny too when liberals say crime overall decreases, because A. the most important crime is increasing and B. crime is decreasing because you stopped prosecuting it. People are still committing what are considered crimes elsewhere such as theft and assault, it’s just that Democrats stopped caring so they consider their apathy as meaning a decrease in crime.

COVID and Health

The world’s nobility who gave us a pandemic, who say they trust each other and the genocidal Chinese regime when China lied about the pandemic (and then lied to us about China’s role, and just about everything really, and then complain not about their misinformation but about the truth getting out despite their lies), are upset people don’t trust them. These are also the ones who say they want to take away all of your property (YOUR property, no one will touch theirs of course).

A warning about the COVID vaccines and how they will lead to chronic disease, though you’ll see plenty more later, and maybe even learn how. The World Health Organization has made similar warnings, as discussed below.

Should it really be surprising in the wake of the poll reported on in Headline Roundup 4 showing that liberals want their opponents in concentration camps that the Democrat-ran FDA would stop Republican Florida from getting lifesaving treatments for patients in that state? For liberals who think they deserve it because of their lax protocols, I will note 1. your liberal leaders vacationed maskless in Florida because it was open, 2. a country with one of the most vaccinated population on the planet still has a COVID surge and still is locking down their vaccinated population because the vaccines did nothing, 3. the average mask is worthless at stopping COVID, 4. vaccinated and unvaccinated alike carry and transmit COVID (as reported in Headline Roundup 4, half of Democrats polled want fines or prison for people who say that the vaccinated can spread COVID, with Twitter even blocking that scientifically accurate fact from being shared), 5. lockdowns don’t work as reported by your scientists, so why do Floridians need to suffer and die if the science says fascism doesn’t work anyway?

This is one of two things: either it’s Leftists killing their political opponents (spoiler alert: I discuss this later, but here’s two examples I keep bringing up), or Leftists denying treatment in order to manufacture a crisis, like how they fired their healthcare workers so that the crisis of overflowing hospitals would finally happen simply from staff reductions.

Too many COVID boosters too often will destroy your immune system, according to government regulators in Europe and the World Health Organization.

Liberals not only want to put people into concentration camps for anti-science reasons, they also believe that actual adherents to science are insane- they removed a doctor’s license and demanded he receive psychiatric help for recommending Ivermectin (a drug deployed successfully elsewhere) to his patients (a physician’s assistant is facing a similar issue, and he came out saying that basically the CDC-sponsored treatment of COVID patients was to drug ’em up with one drug that doesn’t do much, tube ’em up with a procedure that kills most people it’s done to, isolate them and let them die. The fact that he tried to treat the patients instead of kill them was what led to his medical license being removed), the same drug that over 100 Congressmen got, the same drug that DC elites had evidence was effective but worked to hide that from the public because Big Pharma is the biggest lobbying group. Get that? The elite get the real working treatments and aren’t hospitalized, while for the rest of us you are labelled insane and kicked out of the workforce if you disagree with the pharmaceutical companies. And how chilling is this- you are forced to see a psychiatrist because you disagree with a corporation and its fascist supporters? This is the start of every totalitarian nightmare, except for liberals and Democrats this is a wet dream. Oh, and Republicans are happy to help in the tyranny.

You’d think I’d be opposed to schools only letting kids eat and take their masks off outside in below freezing temperatures for limited periods, but actually I’m all for it. Those kids need to learn what living under a Democrat government feels like.

People in our vaccinated world keep developing severe and fatal problems.

Democrat politicians that favor masks and lockdowns for their own voters are happy to vacation to maskless destinations (and violate their rules in general, because COVID only affects the little people I guess, is it science that says COVID does not attack the rich and famous and powerful?). Their voters of course are happy that the government is oppressing them.

The party that wants prison and concentration camps for the unvaccinated also says you need to mock their deaths.

EcoHealth Alliance, who funded COVID research that led to the pandemic, who tried to suppress knowledge about it, and who “officially” lied to the government about all this and “officially” abused its grants, is now receiving more money from the government. Oh, and the folks who work at the Wuhan Lab we’ve been funding are required to be working to advance the Chinese government.

The government-owned CDC is lying about the side effects of catching COVID in order to scare you into helping pharmaceutical companies profit. In other words, pure fascism. Oh, and the survival rate for COVID for those under 20 is 99.978%, while for those over 70 not in nursing homes it’s 97.1%.

It’s ok to parade your kid on the web for internet clout after lying to them about biology (spoiler: it matters very much what’s in your pants, because A. some people like certain parts more than others and B. some people actually want to make a kid with you and if you lied your entire relationship about whether you could or not, that is a BIG deal because you just wasted a significant hunk of someone’s life because of your own selfish need for affirmation, and C. people who might want a safe space from the other gender in their locker rooms are going to see that you are the other gender but again your selfishness trumps their feelings), except why does an 8 year old need to worry about gender? Is the parent letting the kid be sexually active? Does the parent intend to turn the kid over to someone who is? Does the parent want to the internet to know their kid is sexually active? Our school systems produce kids that can’t read or do math, but they’re able to define at an adult level what their gender is? And while this 8yo gets to lie to the world to win their dad woke points (if it’s no one’s business why is your dad making you tell the world?), people are being banned for giving life-saving information on COVID because the pharmaceutical companies might not profit as much… which is why we have 8 year olds talking about gender, they are the sales team for Big Pharma’s hormone pills. Hey kid, you want to be popular like me right? Look at all the likes on the video, look at all my friends, look at everyone saying I’m awesome, you want this right? Well just take Moderna or Pfizer’s latest hormone blocker.

Lliberals say the reason we should ignore this is that it might make someone sad. Ignore that two people were raped because they didn’t want a trans person to feel “sad”. Sorry women, but Big Pharma has a lifelong customer in that trans person and you guys are nothing to its bottom line.

Liberals, who want to put the unvaccinated into concentration camps and deny medical treatment to the unvaccinated out of fear they can spread COVID as mentioned in the last Headline Roundup, want COVID-positive healthcare workers to keep working because there is a shortage. Why is there a shortage? Because they fired the unvaccinated ones, worried that they might spread COVID. Now liberal, to understand the problem here, you need to understand what I’ve been reporting all along and what the CDC and Fauci acknowledge- vaccines do not stop you from spreading or receiving COVID.

One of the downsides to mask mandates- filthy masks that make you sick and leave you vulnerable to COVID, hence why Biden’s 400 million masks mentioned in Headline Roundup 4 would be so worthless in the longterm, except as pollutants.

COVID vaccines can cause brain damage in kids, not that it matters because liberals would ensure they graduated high school anyway.

The Federal Government is keeping a database on people who, for religious reasons, object to using a corporation’s product.

Democrats say that Florida, where all schools are open, has done nothing to open schools.

How can you say it’s about the science when you demand that employees working from home get vaccinated or lose their jobs? Do you liberals believe COVID is a computer virus too?

While 45% of Democrats want concentration camps and over 50% want imprisonment for the unvaccinated, Washington State has a bill for creating a Gestapo to send the unvaccinated to concentration camps.

The U.K. repeatedly shows that the vaccinated are worse off, dying more, than the unvaccinated.

Schools ran by Democrats who think the unvaccinated should be in concentration camps are denying the use of their chairs and restrooms to unvaccinated students. And teachers tape masks to faces.

Make no mistake- this is how all liberals see you (and they think you enjoy being a disease vector), hence the concentration camps they want for you.

Even though the vaccine has been banned for kids in several countries because it hurts them, in Canada a Ronald McDonald house kicked out kids with cancer because they were unvaccinated. Remember- liberals in America think you should be locked in prison for even mentioning that other countries, our NATO allies, banned the vaccine for kids. Liberals in America think you should be put into a concentration camp if you are unvaccinated. I broke these numbers down in the last Headline Roundup. So, liberals are supremely anti-science, want to arrest you if you speak against their propaganda (against any of their propaganda, because it’s ok for liberals to lie about elections but they want their opponents to be arrested when liberals decide they are lying), and want to put people in concentration camps, so it’s no wonder they’d pursue this anti-science policy that will hurt children. This is the abortion crowd though, literally the only times they care about kids is when they need to do an anti-gun statement or some pro-pedophilia trans thing like I talked about earlier.

Democrats want the CDC director removed because she keeps telling the truth. Not surprising, since they want anyone who tells the truth fined or imprisoned as mentioned in the last Headline Roundup.

As mentioned in Headline Roundup 3, liberals are saying it’s great to be fat in the middle of a pandemic where the leading risk factor is being fat.

Fauci says we still have plenty of pandemic left to go, that after two years we are only in the first stage.

The CDC admits that natural immunity is better than the vaccine. But they still demand you get vaccinated, and natural immunity does not allow you to bypass vaccine mandates.

Laughably, the same liberals where 45% want concentration camps for the unvaccinated and over 50% want prison for the unvaccinated and have legislation in Washington State for this are claiming that it’s a conspiracy theory that they want those things.

A doctor with the U.K. government’s NHS warns patients not to take the vaccine, saying it will be pulled soon for being dangerous.

Triple-vaxxed does not protect you from COVID and its symptoms.

New papers show that the government knows COVID was a bioweapon that our scientists paid for and covered-up.

A mother stuffed her child into her car’s trunk to prevent herself from being exposed to COVID. These are the people who want concentration camps for the unvaccinated. It’s no wonder that a study found those who wear masks to be meaner than normal people.

Democrats keep inflating COVID numbers by conflating people hospitalized with COVID with people hospitalized for COVID. It’s not just liberals domestically doing this. About the only COVID death numbers they downplay are the ones they cause.

Democrat policies have destroyed our hospitals, plus just about any other service you can think of. This Leftist stupidity is not confined to the U.S., and as they destroy themselves they blame the unvaccinated, scapegoating them, and demand they be put in concentration camps and denied medical services because Leftists left the system unable to support even the average day’s worth of medical problems in pre-pandemic times. Liberals destroyed our healthcare, and then demand that non-liberals be put in concentration camps because like I said in Headline Roundup 4 you become a liberal to avoid taking responsibility for your own actions, you become a liberal to deny reality. Science said as early as August that the unvaccinated transmit COVID the same as the vaccinated, there is no scientific reason for the concentration camps, the only reason is hatred and the need to scapegoat somebody for the Left’s failures.

It would not surprise me if these allegations of depopulation were true, just look at how evil the Left is, but I just don’t get why their own people were targeted.

So that poll that I mentioned in Headline Roundup 4 that said Democrats wanted people to be imprisoned for spreading misinformation about the COVID vaccine, well those same Democrats don’t mind it when their own people spread COVID and vaccine misinformation (when researching earlier posts, I found liberals praising them for spreading that misinformation). Like I said- this is not about truth or science, this is about persecuting their political opponents and protecting their worldview that they are always right (their spokespeople are scared to debate intelligent opponents). This public health thing is just an effort to bypass our Constitutional safeguards, a farce to get around the law.

Liberals want concentration camps for the unvaccinated for fear that the unvaccinated are public health hazards, yet the CEO of Pfizer said that most of those liberals are public health hazards themselves (though he once said that they were 100% safe, and like good liberals they cling to whatever talking point makes them feel the most comfortable).

Your risk of contracting a heart condition from the COVID vaccine doubles after each jab, and you now need three jabs to be considered vaccinated, with room for more jabs in the future. How many can your heart take?

Death from the COVID vaccine is many times higher than that from all other vaccines combined.

Democrats seem to be fond of letters signed by “experts” who don’t know jack about the topic. There were the 500 “experts” who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop, and then there’s the “270 doctors” who said Joe Rogan should be banned for not toeing Big Pharma’s line on COVID. The trouble is that even though the mainstream liberal media says those people were doctors, in reality a majority had no medical degrees, and of the ones who did a lot of them did not practice medicine. But liberals want you in prison or a concentration camp if you point out their lies.

After the vaccine rolled out, a mysterious 40%-average spike in deaths among 18-49 year olds happened.

Democrats are working on databases of people who are unvaccinated that violate several federal laws.

The CDC has been very quiet about what disease its monkeys were carrying that ended up spread across the Pennsylvania countryside, with one person already sick.

Democrats are vaccinating kids without parents’ consent, and lying about the practice. Keep in mind all that you read about problems the vaccines cause, and keep in mind that the kids may be allergic to the ingredients yet you have school officials with no knowledge of this providing medical treatments without even asking people who would know. But it’s not really about health otherwise you wouldn’t have school officials doing this, it’s really about selling more of Big Pharma’s product.


Schools are teaching kids that they should judge each other by race alone, and that white people are superior (that’s the “privilege” thing).

Liberals from the concentration camp party screamed “Black Lives Matter” while attacking a Black man (they demanded that he leave the elevator even though he was there first because he was unmasked, and then one of the white Democrats briefly removed her mask while demanding that the Black man put his on. No wonder Democrats talk about white privilege, that’s what the whites in their party are full of.). Do liberals believe that saying that is some kind of incantation that rids their actions of racism? That would explain a few things…

Liberals are acting very racist and abusive towards a Hispanic January 6 prisoner, while the press insists only whites participated in the alleged white supremacist event. If a Hispanic Democrat reported receiving racist treatment in a prison, do you think the anti-cop Left would hesitate to start a riot? But this Hispanic is not a Democrat, so they hesitate to care.

Democrats believe that race should determine whether you receive medical treatment. It’s ironic too- these same people they wish to prioritize for medical treatment are part of the group they wish would not receive medical treatment at all- the unvaccinated, as discussed in the last Headline Roundup.

Democrats, and Joe Biden particularly, keep saying that anyone who opposes their voter fraud enabling legislation is a racist, and specifically compare them to segregationist George Wallace. Joe Biden once praised Wallace and touted Wallace’s compliments of him. But Democrats totally aren’t racist, just look at what I noted in the last Headline Roundup about the stricter voting laws Democrat states have and the COVID policies that ban most Blacks from public spaces. I wonder if Democrats will demand sanctions on our racist European allies (that liberals say are progressive leaders) for their voting laws?

The BLM liberals don’t actually care about civil rights, either that or they think genocide is ok as long as someone pays them to think that.

Dovetailing with the above, this is why they’re declaring racism to be a public health crisis. As mentioned in Headline Roundup 4, they label everyone who disagrees with them as a racist, and now in the name of public health they get to shut up their opponents. Democrats want concentration camps in the name of public health, so why not to fight the health crisis of racism too? And look, at a time when Democrats want prison and concentration camps for their opponents, their media is telling them their opponents want the same thing. They have no evidence, they are aren’t citing polls, they just made it up, whereas we have hard evidence on the Left’s intentions. Look at this– they say that Republicans will become violent if they lose the midterms this year, and that the January 6 committee will somehow stop Republicans from winning. They don’t even have to have their statements make sense (well… unless the committee plans to arrest Republican candidates), and liberal voters just gulp it down and believe. No wonder they want to murder their opponents.

Liberals want to wipe Israel off the map.

Democrats believe you are racist if you want non-white judges to actually respect the law, ie pay their fines and not have their driver’s license suspended for refusing to comply with the law.

Democrats say this is a racist country as white men who killed a black man are sentenced to life in prison.

Denver schools (they weren’t the first) are teaching kids to hate their families, teaching them that it’s wrong to have parents, teaching them that the Democratic Party (who else would they want in charge of their “village” concept?) is who should be raising them. Teachers are “excited” about this. Also, they commit racism by saying that the nuclear family is a white concept and stereotyping Blacks as naturally not being part of families. Science on the other hand says something way different. In fact, the lack of a nuclear family has kept Blacks oppressed and dependent on the government… so I guess it’s no wonder Leftwing fascists want to teach kids this, and enforce it by saying they are racist if they disagree. Ironically enough, the idea to abolish the nuclear family originated from some white Eurotrash. In fact, liberals see it as an ADVANTAGE, see it as part of your white privilege, if you come from a nuclear family.

So on the one hand they admit it’s an advantage, but on the other hand they want to destroy it. Why? The explanation is in the replacement- as mentioned above, the government ran by Democrats replaces the parents. These are not teachers or educators, they are power-mad psychopaths trying to turn your children against you, and it’s no wonder they campaigned on keeping parents out of the classroom, making sure parents stayed ignorant and helpless as liberals stole their kids. Probably to rape them, judging by where liberals get their news from and who liberals elected… and judging by how the same Federal government that acted instantly on January 6 waited 17 months to arrest a known child predator who worked for their liberal media benefactors. This is the same FBI that routinely ignores child sex crimes while persecuting parents and political opponents.

Police are persecuting a Black man under the KKK act, accusing a man who raises money for fatherless Blacks of being a white supremacist, but Democrats are fine with it because it’s not one of theirs.

Democrat policies led to police trying to kick a black woman out of a restaurant because she did not present her identification papers, something which Democrats insist that it is racist to expect Blacks to have.

White supremacy is why a Pakistani terrorist targeted Jews, according to Democrats.


Democrats want it to be legal to stuff ballot dropboxes, that’s what their voting rights legislation does.

Democrats actually are arguing that equipment for voting should NOT be tested before use.

The Associated Press, who was happy to smear Trump with COVID case counts, will not be providing one as the 2022 midterms approach because this allegedly unbiased news organ wants Democrats to win and doesn’t care who their policies kill.

As mentioned in Headline Roundup 4, not only did Biden say that Blacks would vote no matter how hard, but polls show most Americans- most Blacks- think it is TOO easy to vote, and most Blacks are in favor of measures that the Democrats’ voter laws would remove. Yet you have the liberal media bringing forth wealthy and privileged Blacks who insist that not only can they not vote easily, but it’s by a racist design that they can’t vote easily. They are inventing a problem and saying it’s a racist problem. Whereas Biden actually contradicted them, saying that this battle has nothing at all to do with whether people are stopped from voting.

Meanwhile, as liberals seek to criminalize anyone presenting evidence that they stole elections, more evidence emerges that they did. The public may be catching on.

Democrats admit their voting bill is inspired by a dictator who rigged his elections (where even after his death, elections are rigged for his successors). I’ll also take the time to point out some misinformation I saw from USA Today, The Daily Beast, and other liberal outlets. Trump’s legal team did not allege that Venezuela rigged the election or that Hugo Chavez rigged it, what they said was that the kind of voting machines designed specifically to rig elections for Chavez were deployed in the U.S. Of course liberals aren’t even capable of thinking about a story truthfully, let alone reporting the truth, so it’s no surprise they screwed the details up. Even if Trump’s people were wrong, you could still have reported the truth about what they said, liberal. Instead you keep lying, you keep being terrible people, and justify being worse than anything you say your opponents are by saying that you’re just trying to stop them so that makes becoming worse than what you accuse them of ok.


Democrats, who say you are a conspiracy theorist if you believe Biden is unfit and his Administration is being ran by someone else, say that the entire Supreme Court is ran by Clarence Thomas’ wife. Is she a reptilian in disguise too?

The military had to lower its standards so that a woman could keep trying to enter the Air Force’s special forces program. While the military might be inclusive by lowering standards, the enemy will still hold her to the same high standard everyone else is held to. But it’s better to score a woke point now and lose lives later than it is to keep everyone alive, right?

As the liberal media lies about it, the economy is in really terrible shape.

Democrats continue to insist that they know better than parents what their kids should be taught. These are the same Democrats that send their kids to private schools and say Blacks are too ignorant to learn math so don’t bother teaching it.

House Speaker Pelosi thinks that the best person to head their transportation committee is someone who can’t drive and doesn’t leave notes or notify police of accidents. This is hit and run by the way- she left the scene.

NPR goes so far as to accuse liberal Supreme Court Justices of lying after NPR’s story about conservative Justice Gorsuch turns out to be false.

One of Hillary Clinton’s cronies earned a million dollars from China to lobby the White House to allow Chinese infiltration of our infrastructure.

DirecTV cancelled a news network because Democrats told them to. Much like with cancelling people’s bank accounts for political reasons mentioned in Headline Roundup 4 and Headline Roundup 3, Democrats don’t care about the chilling effect this has on free speech because they want their enemies destroyed. They don’t believe, or care, that this could be used against them later if they don’t stay woke enough. This is the group that wants prison and concentration camps for its opponents, they are way beyond thinking rationally. They’re exactly where the corporate elite and politicians want them- unthinking followers begging their rulers to destroy the rulers’ enemies.

It’s no wonder Fauci wanted to hide is financial records and lie about how accessible they are- he is a very, very rich man.

Remember when a Democrat Congressman wanted to impeach Trump for calling someone a “son of a bitch”? Well, guess what Biden just referred to a reporter as such (remember when insulting the press was an attack on the First Amendment and Democracy?) while that Congressman remains a strong Biden supporter.

Biden backers have buyer’s remorse… but still want to put you into a concentration camp if you vote different from them.

One of the members of the party that wants prison and concentration camps for its opponents accused Republicans of being Nazis at a rally held by his party’s Brown Shirts.

One of the judges in a 2020-related case donated to Trump’s opponents, but did not recuse themselves, and further they ordered a company to release private information to a Leftist newspaper under penalty of exorbitant fines.

YouTube removed a video that criticized Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan that left thousands trapped plus millions of dollars of advanced equipment- including communications tools still logged into our networks. YouTube is of course fine with all of this, come on these people support genocidal regimes so of course they’d support Biden no matter what he did. And how many folks at YouTube’s HQ do you think would support concentration camps for their political opponents? At least 45%!

Like I mentioned before, the Swamp is very deep. Trump’s CIA Director was part of it, and obviously his FBI was too (no one has been fired yet, it’s still the same FBI guys as under Trump who are targeting parents and doing false flag operations).

Democrats’ solution to their policies that cause higher energy costs is an inflation-inducing handout that’ll just drive prices higher (and then raise taxes on the poor who can’t afford any of this). But, their solutions to their self-generated problems usually only make things worse.

The just-an-idea Antifa is pretty well organized.

One of the Biden family’s corrupt business partners is a traitor. Do I really need to say how big a storm the media would create if this were a Trump business associate? At what point do liberals stop saying “anyone is better than Trump, even if the person is worse”?

Microsoft introduced a new woke spell-checking apparatus into its software suites. If you don’t use woke language (presumably it will be updated every day, much as woke language is) then it will tell you that there is a typo.

A piece pointing out the absurdity in trying to make your company or government look exactly like the demographics it represents. Of course the Left’s wokeness isn’t about that, it’s about pushing white males out of the workforce by any means necessary. They don’t really care about equal representation, just look at the goals they lay out- they want minority-owned businesses to outnumber white owned, they want minorities to outnumber whites on corporate boards, they see a “diverse” workforce as one that has a majority-minority. Yet that oxymoronic phrase “majority-minority” shows the problem- what happens to the rest of the “majority”? Whites make up 60% of the population, so how do you get a “diverse” workplace without 10% of whites being permanently unemployed? Worse, given how many non-whites are not in the workforce or can’t be competitive in it because Democrats decided they are too stupid to learn and all they’re good for is crime and welfare and voting Democrat, does that mean that 25% or more of the white population should be banned from the workforce to achieve your “equity”? Obviously they have white privilege so you wouldn’t pay them welfare, that’s already happening in Democrat-controlled areas. Then again, this is the party of concentration camps so maybe you’ll send the excess whites there?

I hate to say it, but in all my experience browsing forums and comments sections, I think the numbers are way off, that way more Democrats want concentration camps for their enemies, for white people in particular from what I’ve read from them.

A nice little piece where to get liberals to practice empathy, what they are doing to Conservatives is put in terms liberals can understand. The problem is that this is the concentration camp party, they are way beyond wanting to understand their political foes, or science hence why they use anti-science reasons to support their camps.

The star witness that liberals dug up against Trump to support their lies about him colluding with Russia is in prison for child sex crimes and illegally moved money between the United Arab Emirates and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential campaign- REAL foreign interference in the election, which liberals are ok with. The party that insisted Trump was a traitor because he said something sorta nice about Putin, the party who insists Russia needs to be punished for altering the outcome of the 2016 election, the party that says the filibuster is a tool for oppressing Blacks and is white supremacist and a relic of Jim Crow, the party that said Trump weakened NATO because he is a Russian asset, the party that says pipelines will destroy the environment, that same party just used the filibuster to protect Putin’s pipeline that will give him control of the energy sectors of our NATO allies while that party’s leader imports oil from Putin at historic levels, effectively giving him control of our energy sector after attacking our energy indepedence. So which party is the real Russian asset?

Democrats openly state they are concerned that the Supreme Court is being used to stop one branch of government from becoming too powerful and violate the law. I mean they actually said that was the reason.

House Speaker Pelosi’s son is as corrupt as Democrats wished that Trump’s kids were so that they could arrest them.

57% of Democrats favor social media giants censoring posts that someone might find offensive. Of course, the only people defining “offensive” are the Democrats, 45% of whom want concentration camps for their political opponents.

Remember in Headline Roundup 4 how I wondered if you’d ever be woke enough to not fear for your bank account? Well, according to Democrat elites, even right now you are not woke enough. If you aren’t out there mobbing your political opponents then you are a terrible Democrat voter, according to the leadership. They are blaming you for their failure to get their agenda done. You sent them to work on your behalf, and they blame you for their lack of success. How long before your fellow Democrat voters agree that you haven’t been putting in enough effort to help the team and should be penalized?

The Democrats in charge keep saying that Biden is really working for Obama.

American colleges want the Chinese government to have control of our campuses, and the FBI does not track Chinese spies. The FBI doesn’t track Antifa either (you know, the folks who seized part of a city and seceded from the United States after attacking police and National Guard members). In fact, the FBI and DOJ only go after opponents to the Democratic Party, with the DOJ creating a new division dedicated to attacking their political opponents. But not the Chinese, or terrorists who take hostages at synagogues.

Democrats are sweeping their supply chain crisis under the rug by having ships wait somewhere out of sight, and then claiming they solved the problem.

Leftists in Canada are using anti-science ideas to outlaw Christianity. Got news for you- I know as mentioned in Headline Roundup 4 you think evolution is white supremacist, but you still based your theology on it and it definitely shows heterosexuality is the norm and anything else is the deviation. Now, if you want to be a science denier then go ahead, being anti-science sure doesn’t stop your concentration camp policies. And just look at the hypocrisy here- if someone wants to be a Christian they are banned from converting, but there is no ban on becoming part of what science says is the deviation, this coming from the people who say they stand for science and tolerance.

Another reason why someone might plead the 5th: they don’t know the answer or aren’t confident in their knowledge and want to avoid perjury charges. So instead of saying “not to my knowledge” (which can always be disproven later, even if just by saying you must have seen a news report even though you may not have) they just don’t answer.

The Biden Administration keeps talking about Ukraine’s right to secure borders while destroying our own. We are obligated by treaty to protect Ukraine, but the Democrats keep insisting that it’s because a foreign country deserves borders but we don’t. Our soldiers should die to protect another country’s borders while our own should be left wide open, that is what Democrats believe.

While Vice President, Biden received $31 million from Chinese intelligence assets.

Headline Roundup 4 – Democrats Want A New Holocaust

Here we have all the headlines I ended up looking at while developing the last couple of posts that did were totally not relevant to them, plus since it’s been so long we have some other junk I saw in the interim. Will there be a fifth installment? Well, I did two already this year and only did two around this time last year, so what do you think?


Liberals keep saying they want to deny all forms of healthcare to the unvaccinated, and doctors have been doing that, to the point their anti-science partisanship (their reason is they don’t want other patients to get COVID, but the vaccine does not stop transmission) will kill people. It’s the vaccinated suffering through Omicron, getting the vaccine apparently makes you more likely to get Omicron, so why don’t we deny healthcare to the vaccinated? They want to deny it to the unvaccinated, but here we have a disease that only attacks the vaccinated, and some knew what they were getting into when getting vaccinated, so why not?

The answer is simple: liberals believe that only their political enemies are unvaccinated, so they want them to die. Liberals do not care about the reality, which is that they want millions of minorities to die (but not before paying a 99% tax rate), not to mention many of their own people. Then again, liberals are also perfectly happy to willfully and knowingly block a majority of Blacks from being out in public where liberals might see them, so I guess maybe they do want them dead.

At the beginning of 2022, total worldwide COVID deaths were 5.5 million after 2 years of tracking. Meanwhile, USA Today and various liberal outlets are saying COVID is worse than the Spanish Flu Pandemic, which killed 10 times that amount in a similar time. Keep in mind how much worse that makes the Spanish Flu, given that the world’s population was only about 25% what it was now, yet the Spanish Flu managed to spread to and kill a greater percentage than COVID did. The Spanish Flu wiped out 2.5% of the world’s population, whereas COVID only removed 0.006962025% of the world’s population. Now, counting repeat offenders, there have been 310,000,000 total COVID cases as of this time- 3.9% of the world’s population. The Spanish Flu managed to reach 500,000,000 people, which was close to 25% of the population at that time. Looking at that number, that means if you had the Spanish Flu you had about a 10% chance of dying, and again remember the era this was in when you consider the marvel that it managed to hit that many people in only 2 years- it took weeks just to cross the ocean, days to cross a country, most people hardly left their local communities anyway. So no, it is dangerous fearmongering on par with crying fire in a crowded theater to say that COVID is as bad as the Spanish Flu. It’s no wonder the Leftist Supreme Court Justices told blatant lies about it- as liberals, their only news sources are people trying to terrify the public with outright lies!

Nearly a third of Democrats want you to lose your kids if you are unvaccinated. 48% of Democrats support fines or imprisonment for people that dare to question the vaccine, 55% support fines for the unvaccinated, 59% support house arrest for the unvaccinated, and 45% support concentration camps for the unvaccinated. 47% support the government tracking the unvaccinated.

So…. fines, house arrest, prison, and concentration camps because you aren’t supporting a private corporation? That is fascism, but Democrats are so anti-science they can’t believe that. Science repeatedly tells us that vaccines do not stop COVID from being received or transmitted by an individual, so there is no public health reason for isolating the unvaccinated. The only reason is that Democrats are fascists at heart, but we already knew this. Remember- they tell us they’re the smarter ones, so they must know the real science, and their new Naziism must simply be because they hate you. Like with what the Nazis did to the Jews, they’re scapegoating all their failures on their political enemies, since 2015 they went from mild dislike to active hatred of their political opponents, and now it’s at the logical conclusion where they see the unvaccinated as political opponents and are using the “public health” excuse to bypass the Constitution and put them in concentration camps. Liberal news outlets even say that the National Guard should be deployed to shoot anyone unvaccinated trying to leave their homes, saying that is “civilized”. Oh, and don’t forget that if you point out that the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread of COVID, Democrats polled said that they want you put in prison. Put in prison for questioning the effectiveness of a corporation’s product? Fascism.

Right as Biden Administration was bragging that he’d give us 400 million masks, our ally Britain was admitting they don’t work. CNN and the CDC had already admitted that. Even if these are the right kind of N95 mask (yes there are N95 masks that somehow don’t work, the CDC said so), it’s still nothing to brag about since you were only supposed to wear them for one day. Plus, it has to be tight-fitting and cover the nose/mouth. Even Democrats wear masks the wrong way or not at all when they think the cameras aren’t on, and Biden himself was seen on camera a week prior taking his mask off while talking to the press, after being caught maskless inside places that require them. So do you really see this 400 million set of single-use masks that no one wears properly being more than medical waste that will pollute our oceans?

Dr. Fauci (and the Virginia Association of Pediatrics) even said to ABC that we should never remove the masks. I find it funny because I still see a lot of Democrats holed-up willingly in their houses because they only want to come out when COVID is over, which it never will be as Fauci admitted.

There is an underlying psychology to the masking part though- Democrats know they don’t work, they also know what is needed for a unified society. see faces, not numbers, masked enemies, news turns you against, etc. It’s also a sort of uniform- vax passport and mask.

Some non-rightists are bringing up how the Leftists in charge are creating a two-tiered system where the Leftists with power and influence get to flaunt it because of their COVID rules while those without are forced to mask and shut up.


Why is there a need for a federal voting law when 2020 was the most secure election ever (so secure that the FBI made a video long before the election saying in the past tense that it was secure), the most perfect election ever, when no fraud happened at all, and when no suppression happened? More people voted then than ever before, Biden beat Obama’s performance by 12 million, a 15% increase, even though the whole population only increased by 8.5% between 2008 and 2021. And the only voting laws being floated are ones that Democrat states have had for years, and we know Democrat states are perfect models of election integrity because Democrats are not racists. So what’s the need for a voting law push, where’s all this voter suppression, if the only things being done are what Democrats already do?

Colbert is an insurrectionist. He believes that because one political party can’t get its agenda through, the entire government should be reconstructed so that it can.

The Democrats are setting up the midterms to be called into question. If they don’t pass their cheat bill that legalizes election fraud, then they’ll say that the elections were stolen. Biden himself said this already, his Vice President refused to say the elections would be legitimate, and his statement was echoed by fellow Democrats. This, despite Biden saying in that same press conference that people would vote no matter how suppressed they are and saying 2020 was so easy to vote in, Democrats having stricter voter laws than some of the measures they say are suppressive, and polls showing Americans think it’s too easy to vote already.

Oh, and there’s also one minor point- you’re a domestic terrorist if you believe elections are stolen, according to Democrats (to the point they ordered the military to stand-down, to cease all functions, for two months in order to tell its members that believing 2020 was stolen makes you a domestic extremist). The FBI even raided the homes of people who weren’t even at the Capitol because they challenged the election results, so will the FBI raid Biden’s Delaware mansion, or at least raid the CBS and PBS folks cited? Nope.

This makes sense to Democrats though, they see any election they lose as illegitimate. This is the party where almost half want concentration camps for their political opponents. There’s people who were only released from prison on the grounds that they denied an election was stolen, and now the President says that yes elections will be stolen. If the elections are rigged in the system we have now, how did Obama win? How did Democrats win in 2018? How did Democrats win bigger in 2020? How did Democrats win New Jersey in 2021? How did a Democrat lose a Democrat-ran election system in the Democrat state of Virginia in 2021?

Democrats decided to use some sort of legislative trick where you can retroactively add pork to legislation that already passed. In this case, they added their failed voting rights stuff to a NASA funding bill that already passed. Given how the lead scientist at NASA said that instead of space exploration they will focus on the antiscience Climate Change agenda that sees proponents buying properties they say will soon be submerged while spewing carbon dioxide needlessly, I’m all for NASA not getting its money. Merge them with the EPA if they want to do climate change, we don’t need more redundancy and waste in government.


NPR, CNN, MSNBC, and Washington Post spread a lie about the Supreme Court Justices. NPR even continued with the lie after it was denied by the Justices involved, liberal and conservative justices. NPR is hoping that if they keep yelling hard enough it will become true. Even though a liberal Justice denied the report was true, NPR insists that it’s only being challenged by people on the Right.

Glenn Youngkin fired the civil rights folks because they were horrible people. They released a murderer-rapist without telling the family of his victim, which is in violation of the law.

So… one President takes a tough on Russia stand, kills 200 Russian soldiers, and stops Russia from getting control of the energy sectors of our NATO allies, while another President gives Russia control of the energy sectors of our NATO allies while saying that they would allow a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Democrats said the first President mentioned was a Russian asset/traitor and insist that the second President mentioned is tough on Russia.

This is alarming- banks are dumping people for having the wrong politics. Not just average folks, but people who put lots of money into those banks. And, the bank dumped charities that they ran, charities they do not profit off of, charities that help a lot of people save their lives. These banks do not care about lives, they just cared about the liberals who don’t even bank with them telling them to murder people. Liberals might cackle with glee right now, but how confident are you that you can keep ahead of the cancellation storm? Right now, your cancellation storm says that evolution, that idea you use to debunk religions, is in fact white supremacist thinking. Your cancel mobs tore down a statue of African American Civil Rights Hero Frederick Douglas, a statue of Abraham Lincoln, a statue paid for by freed slaves, and your mobs defaced a statue dedicated to African American soldiers fighting to end slavery. You’ll never be as good as any of them were, so what makes you think you can keep up with the latest Leftist ideology enough to keep your bank account? (And seriously, with the FBI raiding the home of a Democrat Congressman who was critical of BIden, what chance do you think you have?)

The military does not teach people about the Constitution that it makes them swear an oath to defend, but it does teach people that anyone who defends the Constitution is a dangerous extremist. Now that Democrats control the military, they are turning into their personal protection force (the Democrats in charge also want to kick anyone out who voted Republican- they say they want to rid the military of “racists” and “extremists”, then call Republicansracists(seriously, just Google “republicans” and “racist” to see) and “extremists” who will violently overthrow the government, meaning only loyal Democrats are allowed. Liberals of course have no problem with this, they are fundamentalists. They believe their way is the only truth in the universe, they are never wrong, the only right answer is theirs, they don’t care what reality shows, they just care about their own feelings, the most important of which is their feeling that they are superior. So in order to never feel bad again by being told their ideology is wrong, they’re perfectly happy to load the military up with people that think like them and send them after their domestic enemies. They already did that with the FBI (who never raided the homes of Leftists that trespassed on the Capitol to threaten the Senate and House into doing what their mob wanted), who raided a reporter that had damaging evidence on Biden. Come on liberal, do I need to say it? Do I need to say that if Trump’s FBI had raided a liberal journalist with damaging info on him, you’d be up in arms?). This is how the Chinese military works too- they swear loyalty to the party, not the people. Here you have our military being taught that the people are the enemy- see their own mothers as the enemy, that America is the enemy, and that Democrats are the only good in this world. This, right as Democrats advocate using the National Guard to target their political opponents.

Thanks to the soft-on-crime approach by liberals in Los Angeles that’s led to two murders in the lest-crime ridden parts of town and a comparable increase in the rest of the city, we now have our packages and goods that are loaded onto trains being stolen. As bad as the supply chain crisis is, liberal soft-on-crime policies made it worse. And it’s not just the liberals who voted for it that are suffering and dying, now the rest of us are being inconvenienced because those are our goods being moved by those trains that were robbed. Liberals tried to blame the train company, but the company pointed out how any thieves they report are back out on the street right away with no consequences. Or what, is the argument that the train company should start shooting looters, take the law into their own hands?

Impeachment In The Air


I was going to have an image of Pelosi to start this post since it starts off talking about her, but the first word below is “hot” and I don’t want to sicken any readers by associating that word with her image. So instead, here is an image of some literal hot air as liberals burn things down because they were “sad“. Images from AP, RWC, Fox News, Quora

Hot air anyway. Amazing how times change, only 19 years ago did the Lefties at The Simpsons have Lisa say that “it’s… irresponsible to present rumors as facts”.

Of all the things to impeach over, why did Pelosi pick the whistleblower complaint? They have Mueller give them 10 points of alleged obstruction of justice they could impeach over, complete with research and all. Instead, Pelosi chooses to impeach over something Trump is alleged to have said, alleged by some guy who didn’t even hear it, alleged by some guy with a political bias against Trump according to the Inspector General, an allegation not backed by the transcript. Heck, the media has to lie about what the transcript said and selectively edit quotes from it to make it look bad! Further showing that she doesn’t know up from down on the issue, Pelosi said that the acting DNI broke the law by not referring the matter to Congress, even though the matter does not involve bad actions by intelligence officials, and might not even have been WITNESSED by an intelligence official unless that’s who the whistleblower got his second-hand information from.

In a real court the whistleblower would not be allowed to testify, anyone who went to law school would have it thrown out as hearsay, assuming the case even went to trial since both the victim (Ukraine) and accused deny that it happened, the transcript of the call shows nothing happened, and there is no other evidence contradicting this, to the point that the Washington Post even said the call “had nothing to do with a quid pro quo”. But impeachment isn’t about “facts” or even “laws”, otherwise as I’ll get into later Democrats would’ve had to impeach Obama and Biden would be polling at 0. Instead, Democrats feel impeachment is about letting a partisan rumor overturn an election you don’t like. Because the riots I started this post with pictures of failed.

You’ll also notice that once the transcript came out, the goal posts were immediately moved (or in some basket cases, the Left and NeverTrumpers just went with the tried and true “dog whistles” idea, saying that “see, we were right, but you just have to believe that these words that clearly mean something else mean what we tell you they mean, but you have to be smart like me to see it. And you’re smart, right?” Other basket cases like the New York Times wrote misleading headlines like “Trump Asks Ukraine’s Leader to ‘Do Us a Favor’ and Also Urges Inquiry of Biden” making it look at first glance like the quid pro quo was about Biden, when really the favor was about something from the foreign interference in the 2016 election that Democrats had in the past wanted investigated. They also make it sound like Trump was pressuring Ukraine on the Biden matter when the Ukrainian President was the one who brought it up in the first place. Then NPR went and outright LIED about what was said- they directly connect Trump’s “do us a favor” remark with Biden’s son, when the remark as I just said HAD NOTHING TO DO with Biden. NPR ironically says their edited remarks, the same editors behind the Charlottesville lie no doubt, provide a “kernel of truth” about the whistleblower story. I don’t know why NPR linked to the transcript right there, it DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS their reporting.). It went from being “Trump should be impeached for threatening to withhold aid unless a foreign leader interfered in the election” to “Trump should be impeached for asking a foreign leader to investigate corruption in their country involving a Democrat”. As I’ll get into shortly, their new goal post would make Joe Biden unfit for office by the Left’s standards because he did more than just ask about an investigation in that same foreign country; he outright got their prosecutor- who was going after his son’s company- fired!

Is This Their Best Shot?

Democrats have been saying since day one that Trump needs to be impeached. They tell you he obstructed justice, they tell you that despite what Mueller found he colluded with Russia, they tell you that he is violating the emoluments clause. So what do they proceed to impeachment with? Some guy says he heard through the grapevine some stuff happened, and those with direct knowledge of the event who spoke about it say what that guy said was not true and are backed by the transcript. Basically, this is the Left’s attitude on the matter (except it was not absurdly found to be true for the sake of humor and story).

For those thinking “of course Ukraine would lie since Trump was blackmailing them”, the best I can say because I’m not a mind reader is read the phone call’s transcript and that his present stated rationale matches his moves for NATO and the UN and what he was talking with the Ukrainian President about in the transcript. And kinda represents one of the reasons people like me voted for him. Ukraine hasn’t come out swinging against Biden, yet they got paid anyway a week before this whistleblower complaint hit the news. And if you think Trump faked the transcript (it sure reads like it’s verbatim as this author notes) then there’s not much I can do for you.

This story also has more potential backblast than a M72 LAW. If Democrats are asserting that Trump asking a foreign leader to provide dirt on Biden is an impeachable offense, then Obama should have been impeached when he did the same thing with the British and Italians (even if you claim the intel communities were helping Hillary not necessarily under Obama’s orders- which shows Obama’s incompetence if that’s your argument- Obama would’ve known), and Hillary should have been thrown out as a candidate once she did the same thing with the Ukrainians, Russians, and Australians. Biden shouldn’t even be showing his face in this race.

And Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) should be impeached too, because he threatened to hurt Ukraine if they helped Trump’s 2020 campaign, meaning he threatened a foreign country if they helped his party’s political opponent, which is kinda what his party wants to impeach Trump for doing. Also, Democrat Senators Menendez, Durbin, and Leahy.

Rep. Maxine Waters gets her own sentences for her statement that “when you talk about Russia, you have to bring in Ukraine”. Because if those two are so inextricably linked then how could Clinton working with Ukrainian officials not tie her in with Russia (as if she needed help being connected to them)?


Batting a thousand with the Left these days, ain’t ya? Image from Techcrunch

Aside from attacks for hypocrisy, Democrats risk calling attention to Biden’s possible misdeeds. That is what Trump was allegedly blackmailing the Ukrainians into doing, so people would be asking what it was Trump wanted the Ukrainians to look into, right? Unless you’re a Democrat in which case you feel betrayed when the New York Times mentions Biden’s potential bad conduct. You can hear and read more about the allegations elsewhere, but the story basically goes that Biden’s son was with some corrupt people and the Ukrainian government was set to prosecute until Vice President Biden stepped in and threatened to withhold aid money unless the Ukrainians fired the prosecutor. Biden admits to threatening the Ukraine over the prosecutor, but didn’t mention that his son was involved.


Anyway, if you’re saying that it warrants an impeachment inquiry that Trump merely talked about his political opponents to another foreign leader, not necessarily acknowledging that the quid pro quo part happened, I have to ask: why? He’s chewing the fat with someone who just won an election, so what? And he tells the guy he should investigate Biden’s dirty ties in his country, after that person mentions his willingness to cooperate. Ok, what’s wrong with that? Obama funded Netanyahu’s political opponent and Obama campaigned against Brexit, at rallies in the UK. Obama allowed UN poll watchers to make sure he won in 2012 or whatever (I’m intentionally hyperbolizing here) and Obama allowed our government to help Hillary by using foreigners and Obama allowed the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election because he thought Hillary would win. So… what’s your problem with what Trump did? Is it just because you don’t like him?

Forget Impeachment, Execute Him!

Excecute Trump for treason, because he chatted with a foreign leader? Or execute for treason because he asked a foreign leader to look at a potential 2020 rival? Because if that is the case, then Obama and Biden and Hillary will be next in line for the firing squad because in 2016 they had the British, Ukrainians, Italians, and Australians helping them against Trump. And Bill Clinton will be in line too, because of all that money the Chinese gave him and his delivery of our missile secrets to them. And if  Democrat hero Ted Kennedy were still alive, HE’D be in line for the firing squad.

So… how many Democrats do you want to kill just to get rid of Trump? Oh wait, I see the flaw in my assumption. You’re not going to apply the laws equally. Hillary Clinton (jokingly I hope) in 2016 promised to sell off Republican districts to China; if she had actually done that you would back her 100%. When your Democratic leaders reached out to foreign countries to spy on their 2016 Republican rival, you celebrated and later buried the move. But when Trump is only RUMORED to have pressured a foreign leader to investigate some very shady Biden things that even the New York Times felt it worth mentioning, that’s worth sending Trump to the gas chamber over!

I know, I know, Weld is a Republican, but what he said was pretty welcome on the MSNBC set. Also, to those NeverTrumpers like him who think Trump should be executed, you’d have to do Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao next because China has them wrapped around its finger.

So go ahead Weld, kill everyone who disagrees with you. Go ahead Dems, kill everyone who disagrees with you. Kill everyone who’s BETTER than you. You’ll be sending hundreds of millions to their death, but that IS what socialism’s biggest accomplishment has been so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I thought liberals were pretty vicious, but these NeverTrumpers are just as much the psychopath. After hearing Bill Weld, I’m not sure if I should say “I’m no longer a Republican, just a Trump fan” or if I should say “NeverTrumpers are not Republicans”.

I think the former, since NeverTrumpers are just Abe Lincoln Republicans- “do what I say or I will hurt you”. I’m not talking about the Emancipation Proclamation so don’t get started on your fake outrage about racism Democrat (your website claims that protecting slavery was a civil rights cause), I’m talking about Lincoln’s and his subordinates’ liberal attacks on people/journalists who spoke fondly of the Confederates, because remember: the nation was only split for a few years. If you had family in the Confederacy that you loved, or even if you thought it ironic that the man saying he’s fighting to save the Constitution was suspending its provisions, you could be imprisoned for expressing these views under Lincoln’s laws. Of course modern liberals don’t really understand the family ties part, how could they if they want to be able to murder their own kids months after they’re born? So I don’t think they’d quite get the problem with what Lincoln did. Maybe this analogy will help: it’s like if a President Ocasio-Cortez wanted you executed for saying you still love your spouse even though they voted for white nationalist Obama with his xenophobic bigoted border policies and homophobic bigotry in 2008.


From their own website, they said (as of I think 2017 when I first saw this, or maybe 2016) that “[f]or more than 200 years” they have “led the fight for civil rights”. Included in that 200 years is the time that Democrats formed their own country to protect the institution of slavery, claiming that was protecting the civil right to own property, soooo… here they are celebrating their own racism.

What’s This Impeachment Outbreak Really About?

On Trump’s end, I think he kept the mystery going until the Democrats were ready to impeach, just to pull the rug out from under them and make them look crazy. CNN tried to do a little damage control the night before the transcript’s release, saying that it was a victory and the Trump Administration was finally crumbling to Democrat pressures. NPR flat out lied about what the transcript said, as referenced in a parenthetical in the first section of this post. NeverTrumper Mitt Romney probably got away with saying what he said simply because of all the “if trues” he put into it, but NeverTrumper Bill Kristol went farther out on the limb so hopefully he plummeted.

As for the Democrats, Trump struck too close to home. Biden is the candidate that establishment Dems like Nancy Pelosi want. If Ukraine reveals that the corruption there is true, that Biden really did force out a prosecutor in a foreign country by threatening to withhold aid because that prosecutor was going after his corrupt son, then his already tenuous lead will slip and establishment Democrats will be left with a candidate they’ve decided is unelectable. So naturally Democrats themselves are threatening the Ukraine if they do reveal any info about the Biden allegations, thus becoming guilty of the very thing they accuse Trump of doing. It’s about, in a word, “desperation”. That’s why this bit of hot air was enough to set off their impeachment dynamite, rather than the possibly lit matches from the other stuff.

This explains some other things too. Why are NeverTrump “Democrats in disguise” like Romney and Kristol talking impeachment? Why is Trump’s NeverTrump GOP challenger saying Trump needs to be executed? Because they want Biden, like they wanted Hillary in 2016. And they’re terrified too that this will put an extremist in who’ll lose the election and give us four more years of Trump.

The hope is that by hitting Trump with impeachment and having all the media talking heads stuck yabbering about that, then Biden can quietly win the Democratic Primaries since no one is talking about his corruption, with the bonus that anyone who does hear about it will merely assume it’s part of the collusion between Trump and Ukraine. Normally it’d be a problem that the closest thing to evidence they have is “this guy says these guys said Trump said it”, but as you saw in Pelosi’s statement she’s talking like it’s a fact that Trump did say this stuff, so maybe they’re hoping that if they say it happened many times people will forget that it’s a lie.

Like, what if I told you that some guy told me some guys told him that Biden is a serial rapist and Pelosi acts as a pimp to make sure he gets a lot of underage girls? I now have as much evidence as Democrats have for impeachment, more in fact because there’s nothing like a transcript refuting my allegations,  and I have a slight edge since the victims are women and we’re supposed to believe all such accusations according to Democrats. See the problem here? If not, I can guess your IQ has as many digits as “IQ” has letters, and speaking of letters I can authoritatively say you only vote for people with the letter “D” appended after their names.


There are of course… other reasons why my accusation might be more believable than the High School gossip Democrats are using to impeach Trump. Image from PJ Media

Grinches Stealing Christmas And Elections

Grinch-animation-magazineA.O.B. First

I’ll open with an update for last week’s post: the day after it went up, probably later the same day, I learned that the same Democrats who were all for invading Libya and running away while anarchy filled the vacuum of power are attacking President Trump for leaving Syria. Moreover, they can’t get their message straight with hardened Lefty anti-Trump ideologue Chris Matthews actually taking Trump’s side. It’s weird to see Matthews side with Trump against Republicans and the Democratic establishment, but there you go.

Onward And Backward

Russian Bots! Russian Bots! Russian Bots! The whole thing is rigged, except when Democrats win. But Russia and as you’ll read soon are apparently the only groups that have now or ever tried to rig elections in this country.

No one will believe some of the midterm races anymore than Democrats believe Trump won fair and square. Even Democrats are now admitting voter fraud is possible, when before we had an ironclad foolproof supersystem that was impossible for anyone to abuse (except Russian hackers) according to them. They told us that all attempts at Voter ID laws, purging dead people and people who don’t vote from voter rolls, and attempts to curb voter fraud were unnecessary. Worse still, Democrats invented nefarious motives for voter laws- racism. The claim from Democrats was that since minorities have no form of I.D. and are so ignorant that they were incapable of obtaining them, stronger voting protections would oppress these groups.

But Democrats have changed their tune, once they found an incident they could pin on Republicans. Apparently someone in North Carolina for an utterly irrelevant Congressional seat decided to screw around (no offense to folks in that area, it’s just that I don’t understand why Republicans would participate in fraud for such a small gain given the losses they had, better to lose but keep your dignity right? It’s not like a major Congressional leader was going to be ousted or this was the district that’d determine control of the House). An outside contractor decided to collect absentee ballots, and a few of them went missing. It just happens that collecting them was illegal and this contractor was tied pretty well to the Republicans. There were also fraudulent activity that the Democratic candidate himself reported. Well, silver lining, at least Democrats now acknowledge voter fraud happens. They might re-do the election, but that won’t be decided until January.

Down 95 A Ways

Failed liberal Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is trying to say that their must be fraud because she lost.


Stacey Abrams, image from the Weekly Standard

She made an interesting point, yet Democrats fought tooth and claw against any reform efforts. As established above, these are all racist and evil. She also mentions the “handwriting police”. So I guess if someone made an X voting in my name, Abrams wants there to be nothing stopping that vote for counting. Speaking of which, my vote was not counted. Oh I mailed it in plenty of time, but they claim they received it 3 days too late. Maybe Democrats in my home state suppressed my vote? Abrams certainly would agree if my vote had been for Democrats, and I’m sure the liberal gubernatorial candidate in Florida who says every vote must count would have said the same thing for my vote had it been for a Democrat.

Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown said it best- if Democrats lose then Republicans stole the election, meaning there is no legitimate way Republicans win any elections.

At The Bottom Of 95

I’m sure you’ve heard by now about Florida, mostly since I wrote about it. In summary: an election board member with a court-ruling against her about her inability to handle voting in a situation where her alleged incompetence helped an establishment Democrat win is found to have messed up again. Ballots mishandled, probably illegally, and of course magically appearing like an early Christmas miracle with the results pushing the Democrat closer to victory. We have a witness saying Democrats were altering ballots. Nothing suspicious there, but the Left went nuts over North Carolina while being dismissive of Florida.


While searching for data on this topic, I found a point I’d like to address. Let me just point out that the “Intelligencer” is lacking in its titular boast, chiding Republicans for spinning a poor election showing when that’s everything NYMag has ever done for Democratic races. I assure you, reading gossip columns like New York Magazine does NOT lead to more intelligence, except perhaps better reading skills and a broadened vocabulary.


I believe everything New York Magazine says.

At the link above you’ll notice that liberal NYMag is accusing Republicans of inventing fake voter fraud to cover election losses in California. Republicans already have a snowball’s chance in South Town of winning an election in California outside a handful of bizarre districts, so why the NYMag turns keeping California into a boast about how great Democrats did is a little beyond my intelligence. NYMag attacks in particular a line from a Republican party official about it being fishy that their candidate lost despite a 14-point lead (according to polling on election day). Democrats believe that Russia literally changed the vote count to let Trump win and absolutely believe his win was not above-board, in part because Hillary was always up in the polls, so surely NYMag can understand the shoe being on the other foot, if their “Intelligencer” section were to live up to the title.

As to suspicions of voter fraud in California and the characterization that Republicans just want to make voting as hard a possible for people, there’s a good reason for that. They’re letting illegal immigrants vote in elections, legitimately, brazenly and openly. As opposed to their methods of letting illegals vote wherein they simply issue them driver’s licenses and pretend that those aren’t used to obtain ballots. There’s a 46% chance that anyone who professes that the system is safe is someone who already believes illegals should be allowed to vote (and a 100% chance that someone in that other 54% would believe the people professing it to be safe), so you can’t really believe it anymore than you could believe a wolf with bloody feathers covering it when it says all your chickens are safe

Historical Context

Stealing elections is nothing new for Democrats. Because variety is the spice of life, let’s go to bullet points:

  • Boss Tweed. Democrat notorious for voter fraud in the 19th century.
  • Democrat Lyndon Johnson won in Texas, in alphabetical order even!
  • And no, the alleged migration of the 60s where the Left alleges all the racists and presumably vote-riggers left the party didn’t purge the Democrats’ pure ranks of this disease: disgraced sexual harasser Al Franken won his Senate seat in the first place because of 312 fraudulent votes (over a thousand felons voted when they should not have, and thanks to Minnesota law they could just claim they didn’t know any better and avoid prosecution, much like I’d imagine San Francisco’s standards for illegals voting would be).

Sure seems to me like voter fraud happens. Let’s look at suppression and intimidation now, since they allege that is what Republicans want to do.

  • Democrats passed laws banning interracial marriages and creating segregation in the late 1800s, and also not an insignificant number of laws stopping blacks from voting. This was after Democrats fought a war to keep slavery intact (among other things, a bone for those who have read Jefferson Davis’ book “A Short History of the Confederate States of America” and think Lincoln/the Union were jerks) which as you can imagine suppressed the democratic process among the African-American population.
  • The 1900s weren’t any better in the Democrat-controlled Deep South.
  • The Ku Klux Klan gets its own mention here- it was a group of Democrats (née Confederates) created to stop blacks from having rights, such as the right to vote. It came back in the 1910s in-part to do the same, with a highly praised (allegedly from Democrat, segregationist, and MODERN Progressive Icon Woodrow Wilson) pro-KKK propaganda film inspiring the resurgence’s founder.

A bit more contemporary, after the alleged party switch I like mentioning never happened (also, why would it not have happened earlier, since even though Democrats were suppressing black voters we saw the black community voting heavily Democrat for 20 years before the alleged switch), we have:

  • Huffington Post talks about Democrats suppressing their own voters in 2016
  • CNN admits that Democrats are more than happy to engage in voter suppression, right now as you read this, two years after the alleged “Russian hacking”, wherein we are told Russia essentially did the job of a journalist in lieu of the “real” journalists (who were and are basically unpaid advertisers for the DNC, something else the emails showed) by exposing to the public how the Democrats rigged the system.
  • Black Panthers intimidating voters (DOJ dropped it because they didn’t want to sue black people, as they phrased it, Federal Court found Obama appointees messed with it, Obama himself knew the defendants’ leadership and probably had one in the White House). And the Black Panthers did not stop.

So they went from oppressing physical minorities to oppressing ideological minorities… and any physical/sexual minorities that disagree with them.

From The Other Side


He looks creepy. Image from wikimedia commons

Ever read what Democratic Representative John Yarmuth (KY) proposed? He wanted the government to be able to pick the candidates. His proposition was that the only funding for any federal-level campaigns (House, Senate, President) would come from the government. That means the government would pick who gets to run, and who doesn’t. If you can’t steal the votes, steal the candidate. In Khrushchev Remembers, we learned from him that the Soviets had a system very much like this, where the NKVD (the secret police who had a sloped basement so they could easily hose off the blood from the people they shot) always had pre-approved the candidates running for leadership positions.

And if you can’t steal the candidate, steal the district. I of course mean gerrymandering. Democrats routinely badger Republicans over doing this, but in Maryland we have Democrats going to the Supreme Court to defend THEIR gerrymandering practices.

What Else Do These Election-Stealing Grinches Want?

Christmas. Duh. Our sticky-bandit friends on the Left aren’t content with taking elections for themselves, it seems they want to take holidays from the Christian community.  We can’t even say “Merry Christmas”, because that is a “racist dog whistle”. Obviously the only things they want celebrated are Democratic victories. Don’t worry, they’re not going to touch other religions… yet.

Merry Melodies

Baby It’s Cold Outsideit’s just some guy saying he likes the girl and wants her to stay. Based on the backlash that allegedly represents the feelings of all women, women don’t want men to express any kind of positive emotion towards them, so here’s what the lyrics should read: “Lady just go outside!”. I won’t lend you a coat, and it’s freezing out there. Sorry, but if I gave you a coat you might accuse me of trying to put a straight-jacket over you so that I could rape you.

So I guess the moral of this uproar is: if you like a girl and want to convince her to stay at your house longer because you’re both having a good time, don’t. Because that’s rape. I assume if women don’t want to hear anything positive about them, don’t want to hear that a man likes there company, don’t want to hear a man beg them to stay, then women must either want to hear nothing, want nothing to do with men, or want to hear only something negative.

I think the negative, because they are doing everything they can to anger men. It’s no wonder homosexuality is on the rise– women don’t want to even see a man let alone talk with one.


An aging feminist showing support on World Hijab Day. CNN thinks it’s good to encourage women to cover up. Image from wikimedia commons

What I like is this: these #MeToo women who think it’s rape when a man accidentally glances in their direction, they grow up to be alone and unfulfilled, and are miserable later in life unless they happen to be lesbians, trans, or find one of the increasing numbers of woke emasculated Pajama Boys. There aren’t that many men like that… yet, but with schools weakening male students and neutralizing male kids with drugs this seems to be the wave of the future (which isn’t much of a future, because sciencey things like space exploration are signs of toxic masculinity, and science is sexist.).

But the present lonely old spinsters blame the patriarchy for their bitter golden years, and so start organizing younger activists to start the same sad cycle all over again. I guess it’s good that such women don’t have kids- keeps their genes from passing on, so less people will be genetically programmed to be receptive to their hate-based ideology.

On The Chopping Block

  • White Christmas. You can probably guess why this one is a problem. Sorry folks, no snow days for you. Snow is racist.
  • Jingle Bells.
  • Do They Know It’s Christmas? Not exactly a traditional one, but I like how some Lefty celebs decided to do something charitable, and now end up on the wrong side of the PC Police’s nightstick for raising money to help. And let’s face it- despite the BBC’s spin, there isn’t a part of Africa that isn’t going under.

Broadcasting Their Hate

Charlie Brown is on the chopping block over his Thanksgiving debacle, so I can imagine that his Christmas special isn’t that far off from being banned. Then we come to the most famous reindeer of them all. Only liberals (except The View for once) could take an anti-bullying Christmas PSA and decide that it’s actually telling you to bully. Huffington Post was ground zero for this PC bomb. The point of the story is that bigots learn their lessons not to be bigoted. So maybe


Farrakhan was totally a cool guy, but Rudolph is a little punk! Image from talkingpointsmemo.

HuffPost’s problem is that it shows bigots aren’t beyond redemption. If bigots could learn their lesson, doesn’t that mean they’re not all deplorable and not beyond redemption as Hillary Clinton opined and the Left agreed? Once a bigot, always a bigot, stained for life. But only if the Left dislikes you. Folks like Sen. Robert Byrd (Democrat, Hillary’s mentor) get a free pass of course. And people like Louis Farrakhan, while bigoted, are bigoted against the right kind of people.

Personally, I think it has more to do with their egos. They have to be the civil rights leaders, they want to be the ones in the history books. Thus nothing good could have come before them. Those nice words about equality for the founding of the country, followed by various amendments to ensure it? Forget about them. Racist sexist slaveholders. Martin Luther King jr? LGBTQ/Feminist-exclusive, so strike his name from your buildings.

Your Candy Too

Candy canes look like the letter “J”, “J” stands for “Jesus”, therefore Candy Canes should be banned. And they were. The logic is incredible.

Crumbs Too Small For A Mouse

Remember that tax reform bill that gave us on average $1000? Our incoming House Majority Leader said these dollars were crumbs, and much like the Grinch she and her colleagues are coming to take them away. Maybe her reasoning is that no one will miss them because they’re so small. Just look at her district- no one there would miss $1000. She’s spent decades representing them, rubbing elbows with people who don’t blink when they drop $1000 for fancy meals with portions so small that we’d describe them as “crumbs”.

So Happy New Year, happy misc Holidays, and enjoy your crumbs before the Democrats America put in charge of the House come for them.


$1000 just for dessert? Merry Christmas indeed! Image from howtocookthat

Midterms: Some Runoff and Fallout

Well… we still have undecided races a week out. Neat.  Democrats have gained in the House, while Republicans… so far have the exact same amount of seats in the Senate as before, at best maybe gaining two seats once all is settled later this month.

It still looks like Democrats will have the House, Nancy Pelosi will be the next House Speaker, and Republicans will keep the Senate.

How far off were my predictions from election night as to what Democrats will do? Why are you asking me now, they haven’t done anything yet!

  • I said to expect impeachment hearings. They already have 85 subpoenas ready to go (and though you’d never have heard when watching the news, Democrats were funded by a large political machine dedicated to impeaching Trump).
  • I mentioned Democrats attacking people based on race and gender. Well, guess what. It seems white women, who by a slim majority voted for Republicans overall, are gender-traitors and racists. Also, because they did not vote as Democrats commanded them to, they don’t think for themselves.
  • I went over Democrats wanting to restructure the system to remove the Senate. Still going at it, they are.

Now, what else do we have on them for policy that I can pick on? Not much really that I’ve seen, aside from vague unfundable promises of medicare-for-all from certain candidates that only won because of intense partisanship and identity politics (her district was always Democrat so no Republican would win, and the district largely matches her ethnicity so out goes the old white guy in an ironic Frankenstein’s monster fashion given the identity politics games that establishment Democrats like him played- and note that in that USA Today article, they tout a district that is over 50% Hispanic as being “diverse”, because “diverse” only means “non-white”. 99% Hispanic would be “diverse”.).


Total pushovers. We’ll have the boys home by Christmas!

Well, here’s something. Congressman Adam Smith (D-WA) pledges to reduce our nuclear weapons arsenal and push green energy on the military as House Armed Services Committee chairman. So… solar-powered electric military vehicles with no way to recharge on the battlefield because our logistical structure is gas-based, no nuclear weapons, and by the way we’re at war with Russia now.


Speaking of military matters, an irony here is that the socialist left does not truly believe in everyone paying their fair share, at least in foreign military agreements. They believe in welfare and handouts from the rich, hence their NATO policy: America must pay for it all and get ripped off by the deadbeats. Irony two is that the Left complained Trump would start a war with North Korea if public opinion turned against him, meanwhile the Left was frantic for a war with Russia after losing an election.

Liberals never change. In Khrushchev Remembers, we’re told how liberal Stalin (I’ve outlined the modern Left’s Stalinism already in earlier posts linked earlier here, thus I am justified in retroactively callin’ Stalin a liberal, because by today’s standards that is what he was) purged the military, and then went to war with Finland, and then the Nazis declared war on the still-unprepared Soviets. The Soviets had a totally incompetent force after the purges. Obama had a similar political purging going on (and similarly ignored the advice of the military), and now Democrats want to purge weapons from our arsenal, and then declare war against a resurgent nuclear-armed Russia of all people.

A swift and sure way to destroy a country is to disarm it and then declare war on a superior. As Jimmy Kimmel said, Democrats are smarter, thus they MUST know this to be the case. Which means it can only be a deliberate act to destroy the country, if they are as intelligent as they claim. Or maybe they just want soldiers to die, afterall, Democrats believe soldiers are terrorists based on how much support they gave to the Senator who made that remark.



Nationalism and ethnic pride is perfectly ok for Mexicans living the U.S. and Mexican-Americans, it’s just the whites who are evil when they do it. Pay no attention to the “Make America Mexico Again” signs. Image from The Yucan Times.

These Democrats coming in are riding a wave of anti-nationalism. Right before the election they said love of country (nationalism) was anti-Semitism and white supremacism (notice how it’s wrong when whites say such things, but the Congressional Black Caucus which is practically Farrakhan’s spirit squad gets away with it). Patriotism is evil to these people, which made it bizarre when one pundit (and later the French Prime Minister, making me wonder if there is like a modern ComIntern for liberals spreading this script to its members) tried to say there was a difference in nationalism and patriotism.


To the Left, and to the Democrats they’ve voted for, there is (or used to be until their disjointed responses to Trump) little distinction except in the amount of racism. Nationalists are more racist than patriots because of that “white nationalism” thing which the networks say “nationalism” is synonymous with, but both are ignorant rightwing savages. Anyone wanting to help America is a savage, anyone wanting the world to stomp on America is an enlightened liberal. This philosophy certainly explains Adam Smith’s “let’s go to war with Russia after we disarm the military” attitude.

We Didn’t Know How To Count Right The First Time


Seems legit. Orignal image was from WPEC.

The elections are still ongoing, as I mentioned before. But special attention again goes to Florida. We have a Democrat with a history of corruption and allowing illegal ballots/felons to vote/illegal aliens to vote, who destroyed ballots that were part of a pending court case and may have unseated a Democratic establishment figure, who is now going to determine if a Democrat becomes governor of Florida. Boxes of votes keep turning up in all sorts of weird and illegal places. 5,000 mail-in votes turned up at 7pm on election night out of nowhere, somehow ballooned to 9,000 and flipped several races to keep establishment figures in. Empty ballots are being filled-in by her operatives (as seen in an earlier link). I have no idea what a more clear example of fraud would be, but apparently the Left feels nothing is wrong at all. Guess this is how they like their elections.


Andrew Gillum, a Democrat who stands to gain a lot from this, certainly believes this is a legitimate exercise in Democracy.  Apparently calling out a clearly partisan Democrat with a history of botching things in favor of the party establishment is equal to racism. Also, to Gillum’s point, even IF Republicans were making the accusation that because the Broward County Elections Supervisor is black then she’d support Gillum, they have about a 90% chance of being correct. Also to Gillum’s point, Democracy does not work when a box of votes all for Democrats suddenly appears in the trunk of someone’s car.

Let’s say, hypothetically, that this is accurate. That people have been for days keeping legitimate Democrat votes in the back of their car, all votes 100% are for Democrats. Aside from a question of violating election law, doesn’t that also beg the question- did they remove the Republican votes? Is there a pile of ashes somewhere representing the votes of Republicans? Is THAT perhaps why these ballot boxes were kept out of the


How come no one wants to count the ballots I keep in a box in MY car?

official record for so long?  You hear Gillum talking? He knows these thousands of votes are all for Democrats.


No proof of voter fraud, and everyone’s ballot should count, Gillum says as his lawyers try to allow non-citizen votes to count. And of course, Andrew Gillum’s team last week claimed they were told of at least 20,000 more ballots in Broward that hadn’t been counted at a time when the electoral supervisor in Broward wasn’t revealing how many ballots remained and was illegally refusing to share this data with the Republican campaign. But no, no corruption or fraud here, and Republicans are just trying to suppress blacks or whatever, and voter fraud doesn’t exist. So the Left tells you. And despite a judge saying Snipes broke the law, liberal politicians apparently know better. And you’re racist for challenging Snipes on her admitted incompetence. To be fair, it makes sense that corrupt officials in Broward would be friendly to Gillum, birds of a feather and all that.

Another link between liberals and Stalin materializes here; allegedly he stated (he probably never did though) “it is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” Broward County is embodying that maxim right now.

My Beef With Arizona

I keep referencing Arizona’s Senator who openly despises the state and hid her true feelings when running. I figure I might as well go into detail here, since she won the race and all.

As quoted from Lifezette:

"Sinema... said in her victory speech on Monday, 
“Arizonans had a choice between two very different ways forward: 
One focused on fear and party politics, and one focused on 
Arizona and the issues that matter to everyday families.” 
“Arizona rejected what has become far too common in our country: 
name-calling, petty personal attacks, and doing and saying 
whatever it takes just to get elected,” Sinema added."

Sinema is chiding McSally for something Sinema has made a livelihood out of doing. “Doing and saying whatever it takes just to get elected” is precisely Sinema’s record. And as for representing families? Forget it, she HATES families as much as she hates the military! Comparatively speaking Jeff Flake wasn’t that bad. I guess it takes abusing the electorate to make them vote for you.

Leaked Plans


Fun fact: She is from Baltimore, with her brother and father serving as mayor of Baltimore. Image from wikimedia.

It was overheard in a conversation on a train from a Democratic Congressman that Dems will use fake news to justify impeaching Kavanaugh. Why would it stop at Kavanaugh? They have free rein now to impeach whoever they want, they own the media so can get all the fake justification they want, and they’ve been throwing that word “impeachment” around a lot anyway.

Remember the line of succession- Nancy Pelosi, as House Speaker, is only two impeachments away from becoming the first woman President. I doubt that’s lost upon her. Impeach Trump, something NeverTrump Republicans in the Senate might go along with. Or at least might have before the Kavanaugh incident. That’s the easy part.


Then after that all it takes is one anonymous sexual assault complaint against Mike Pence, which will spark a Kavanaugh-esque frenzy of sexual assault claims (because contrary to Sen. Hirono’s sexist beliefs, women DO sit around making this stuff up, with the INTENT to destroy men they hate) that the Left will say are totally legitimate (and bury evidence opposing). At that point the only thing between Pelosi and the White House will be the backbones of 20 or so Republican Senators.

Yeah, she has a pretty clear path, and I’m certain it must have occurred to her. She’s the one who marched across the House floor and violated their conduct rules to chase a Republican Congressman to tell him he’s “insignificant”. So with an ego like that, with her statement that women are superior to men (“rightful seat… at the head of the table”), with her frequent self-aggrandizing statements about how important her gender is (not women in general, I mean her statements about how important it is that she herself is a woman), that her position can’t be challenged by fellow Democrats because she is a woman, why wouldn’t she have thought of taking advantage of Republican squeamishness to clear a path to the White House? Who are Trump and Pence compared to the mighty Pelosi?

Children Of Battlezone (M1 Abrams Battle Tank, Battle Tank, Super Battletank, T-Mek, 1988-1994. Part 9 of the War Games series)


It’s because they’re obvious Battlezone knockoffs.

.Well, the elections are over so that makes this the last of this particular series, though I’ve got a few more games to review out of all this. A fitting way to end would be to revisit the follow-ups to a game covered in a previous entry, while also discussing a game that covers the last battle of the Cold War

Battle Tank


That enemy tank looks like an American-made M48 or an M60. Which is odd, because the only tanks with anything approaching a 150mm gun like the tank you drive in this game has are the American-made M551 Sheridan and M60A2 Starship, which mount a 152mm gun. The next closest gun on a tank is 128mm. You also fight Apache helicopters. Is this like a second Civil War?

Battle Tank on the NES puts you in the driver’s seat of a tank of some fictional variety. Ostensibly you’re playing as an M1 Abrams affiliated with NATO, but what you drive is not an Abrams and it looks very much like you are fighting NATO, based on the vehicles you encounter.

Battlezone already gave us first-person tank combat, and with its simple interface Battle Tank seems to follow-on in the Battlezone spirit (unlike one of the other games we’ll be getting to). Upgrades from the Battlezone formula include health, multiple weapons, and a better radar screen, as well as more enemies and actual missions to conduct. Rather than flying saucers, tanks, and missiles, in Battle Tank you face tanks, helicopters, random objects to destroy, minefields, and fortifications.


M60A2 “Starship”, the tank I assume you play as because the Abrams just isn’t as well-endowed with its barrel size. Image from the Danville, VA tank museum

It looks alright, and plays good especially compared to a game I will review in a moment. I found the controls awkward because I grew up with the many more buttons on the Super NES controllers, playing Super Battletank 2 (occasionally, but enough to build habits).




M-1 Abrams Battle Tank


A Soviet T-64, with the Soviet’s well-known trapezoidal prism chassis. The bright red feather at the top indicates it is a male. Female T-64s are attracted to the tank with the brightest feather, as they know that a T-64 with such distinct plumage must be a strong warrior to have survived natural predators like the M60.

It might be unfair to say these are all knockoffs of Battlezone just because Battlezone came first and was pretty much the same game. But even if such a statement were fair, Abrams Battle Tank would be an exception. It’s more of a simulator than a game. It was originally released on one of them thar 1980s computers I can’t be bothered to look up the name of. I never played the computer version, but my difficulty with the controls makes a lot of sense if the game originally took advantage of the many more buttons a keyboard offers.


First of all, I hate simulators. They’re dry and unfun because of their focus on realistic controls. One glaring flaw in that notion is when the simulator is of a vehicle that requires more than one person to operate it. 4 people are needed for an Abrams. So you simulate handling 4 positions at once. Could be worse, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy on the PC is a simulator where you simultaneously must manage the jobs of anywhere between 80 and 430 different people.


Is that supposed to be George H.W. Bush in the upper left? It looks like they shrank George W. Bush’s face and pasted it on Richard Nixon’s head.

Second, Abrams Battle Tank does it poorly. They should not have taken the 3D polygon approach. The game did not have a smooth framerate, which only exacerbated frustration caused by odd controls and needing to control so many positions at once. And controlling the tank gets very awkward. While Battle Tank had the turret move with the tank, always facing forward (with limited traverse to target the enemies in front of you), in Abrams Battle Tank the turret (and any point of view you scroll to that is based on it) could be facing whatever direction. So you could be facing front with the commander or driver perspective, but then end up staring in the turret’s direction from the gunner or cupola positions. And re-orienting the turret to the front is a bit difficult.


Third, it might’ve been easier on the computer but is really lousy on the Genesis. The buttons could certainly have been better- instead of scrolling through the different perspectives in the tank with a pop-up menu, you could do it with the number keys. It’s like the pacing was slowed by that, but they either didn’t care to change the rest of the gameplay accordingly or they just assumed the naturally slow nature of polygon graphics on video game systems at the time compensated.

Super Battletank


“…looks so real that you’ll wonder if it’s Super NES or CNN.” If it looks real then there’s no way it’s from CNN.


Back when “VCR-quality video sequences” was a selling point. Also, I think you are fighting T-72 tanks in the game. While Iraq did have T-62 tanks, most of the Iraqi heavy divisions had the T-72. Not like I can tell the difference.

Super Battletank isn’t simulating a fictional war between an M60A2 and the rest of NATO. Instead, it simulates the First Gulf War. It’s basically Battle Tank but with spiffy new graphics… and actual enemies that the U.S. fought. You still meet minefields and fight helicopters, tanks, fortifications, and have to blast various static objects.


From the Game Gear version.

You actually do get to drive an M1 Abrams in this game… I think. I’m pretty sure a real Abrams doesn’t have these big windows immediately under the cannon. Anyway, there are only 10 stages. I managed to get to stage 9, before being defeated by my own ignorance. You do I have a set amount of lives, but I was not counting so I don’t know how many.

You have I guess pretty much the same weapons in Battle Tank on the NES, and the same number of things you can control. You just have more buttons with which to control things.


This is what a Wii-U would’ve looked like in 1995.

This game came out across multiple platforms. No computers, but we did see it on SNES, Sega Genesis, and Game Gear. The Game Gear version looks pretty good, fairly similar to its console counterparts. I tried to get pictures from each, but it didn’t go too well with the Genesis version. First, my original copy simply didn’t work. I tried to find one in a used game store, and went to half a dozen but didn’t find it. Finally I find it and try it on my Sega Nomad (because my Genesis is 200 miles away), and sure enough my Nomad doesn’t work. I probably should have tested that console in the last 5 years, and maybe brought its battery pack too (without it, you can only power it via an outlet.


You’ll notice in the graphics for this game that they went for the best realism the console at the time could offer, achieved by scanning images for sprites rather than 3D polygon work. And it looked great; flowed smoothly, gave a level of realism within technological limits that worked well. Hear that guys behind M-1 Abrams Battle Tank?


that’s totally a T-72

Yes, I understand games like Star Fox on the SNES are meant to push the envelope of what the console can do, and not necessarily go for great artwork, but M-1 Abrams Battle Tank puts too much effort into being a realistic tank simulator for me to let them get away with lousy graphics when superior options were available. In other words- their controls were so bothersome and intricate and distracting to me that I want to complain about everything I can from that game. Hmph!

The Last Major Cold War Conflict

The Cold War still had 10 months left when the Gulf War wrapped in February of 1991. So while the Soviet Union was still around, they were able to see how their equipment faired against the West. While the Soviets had a few valid points in their post-Gulf-War review, sometimes they were just laughable. In comparing the T-62 and the M1 Abrams, a Soviet General said the T-62 was perfectly acceptable because the Abrams kept needing to have sand cleaned out of its filters. Which did nothing to affect how the gun works, and the gun of an Abrams routinely blasted Iraqi tanks before the Iraqi tanks could even get into firing range. However, as the article referenced above states, this was not a battle of Soviet vs American weaponry like the Korean War. Iraq’s military and training were mixtures of Soviet and Western practices, plus whatever they learned from their recent war with Iran. Iraq barely had Soviet advisers to tell them about what weapons they did have, and their technology was far behind what the West and even what the Soviets had (as you’ll see in the NYT article, Soviet leaders did admit to some inferiority).

But the Soviets seemed to have a bout of Multiple Personality Disorder when dealing with the Iraq crisis. Aside from “we have no advisers yes we do” schism, they also started by breaking with Iraq and condemning them both for invading Kuwait and wiping out Iraqi communists over the years. Yet they still kept their advisers and the like in there. Then of course the Soviets were/weren’t sharing their intelligence on Iraq with the U.S. Yeah, it was a mess and this fractured response was symbolic I guess of the Soviet Union’s dissolution.


Moving Right Along

Alrighty… maybe later I’ll cover Super Battletank 2. That had a fun new gameplay mode, but otherwise was fairly identical to Super Battletank.

As for this next section, since there is no way I could possibly write this after knowing how the midterms turned out, I wrote two different sections. One for a Republican victory, one for a Democratic victory. The first covers Republicans, the second Democrats… even though I wrote the second first because that’s what I expected, a Democratic House and another 4 years with Nancy “Hamas Is A Humanitarian Organization, MS-13 Are Divine Beings, and Republicans Are Legislative Arsonists” Pelosi as House Speaker because she is so connected in the Democratic Party that removing her would be like removing the screen from your monitor and expecting it to work. If Democrats sweep the House and Senate, section 2 is still mostly valid, just figure that they’ll have more progress in trying to impeach Trump but will still be wasting everyone’s time. Also, if section 2 is true, where the hell was Russia? Didn’t they hack the election already? Trump will be sending Putin a nasty letter for sure! And I guess the GOP kinda sucks at suppressing voters.

By the way, no better place to note it I guess, but Trump has actually been delivering on his promises. So with all the negative coverage, accusations of hatred that have led to no tangible policy measures (I’ll stop you right here- children in cages was Obama’s fault, and the liberal 9th Circuit Court’s ruling made child separation into law, and the travel ban was something Obama considered. Are liberal black Obama and the liberal 9th Circuit Court racists? Oh yeah, and to you folks at Vox, with your 2017 headline “Trump says Obama banned refugees too. He’s wrong.”, I guess since you liberal reporters gloat over having sex with mass murderer Fidel Castro you would not see Cubans as refugees, so you would not believe that the many Cubans who Obama banned from entering the U.S. were refugees.), it’s all aimed at carrying Democrats into power. Proof positive whose side ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, Univision, Telemundo, and Hollywood are on. If any were impartial, this would’ve been reported. If you only had those networks for reality, America would right now be a place where a white male can go out and rape the first woman he comes across and gut the first black or Jew he sees, all while the economy is failing and Trump is sending illegal immigrants to concentration camps. That’s what the Left believes is happening. Depending on how the election went, I guess Americans might believe it too.

1. Communism Fell… Or Did It?


A mighty T-72, symbol of the USSR and communism, late of the Iraqi Army, crushes an unsuspecting car at the Danville tank museum.

The Midterms showed that the American voters were willing to put off communism for one more election cycle. But DNC Chairman Tom Perez noted that there weren’t any moderates left in the party, that socialist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (who believes you have no right to question her, your only role is to obey her commands; who believes that a male challenging her to a debate is sexual harassment, a belief which the Left immediately claimed was true as indicated by Jessica Valentine at Medium with her headline “Yes, demanding women debate you is like catcalling”.) was the future, with her unfunded policies and hatred of the liberal media because even they can’t make her interviews look good (She’s one of those slogan people Khrushchev was critical of in Khrushchev Remembers– the type of person who can spout Communist slogans, would give their life for Communism, but has no clue what they’re fighting for or what their slogans even mean… I like this, I wrote this line BEFORE I knew of how when asked how to pay for medicare her response was “you just pay for it”). So… some future for the party.

And the more they lose, the louder the liberal media screams. Until eventually the public thinks that so many screaming people can’t be wrong, or until the voices of m

oderation are drowned out by the screams. Or until the folks our liberal schools and colleges have been grooming to be good little Stalinists takeover.

So with another election not going the way they planned, what else can we expect from the Left? They still have two largely unassailed bastions of liberalism- the courts and the Deep State. Like with the many 9th Circuit Court cases, and the many Deep State acts of sabotage, we can expect this to be the crutch the Left leans on to get what they want.


The Left is being stubborn as a… as a… did I make this joke already? I’m not a fan of this symbol of communism. Needs less blue, more red, and change white for yellow.

But don’t be fooled by the crutch. The reason the Left isn’t using its left leg to walk is so that when they kick you with it you’ll be all the more surprised. I’m thinking of the mobs here. Like a faked injury, liberals in power and in the media claim that mobs aren’t a working part of their group. But they encourage the mobs, sic them on targets, and then liberal leaders claim that the threat of the very liberal mobs they encourage is enough to stop conservatives from entering their town. Mob rule, in other words, as we see in Portland. As we saw in Baltimore when the mayor told police to stand down.

My prediction, in other words, is the same five tactics the Left has been using since Hillary lost, except much more intense: officially smearing anyone disagreeing with them as being racist/sexist/Nazis/etc because liberals (much like their face of the future Ocasio-Cortez) can’t be bothered to argue their points and instead think you should just believe them merely because they tell you to, and if you don’t believe them then it’s not  because the liberal is wrong, it’s because you’re wrong, ie racist/bigoted/Nazi/or just stupid. Tactic 2 would be liberal courts passing the liberal agenda into law on their own, 3 would be the Deep State doing that as well, 4 would be mob violence, and 5 would be censoring opposing viewpoints while claiming to be a neutral centrist group- like liberal Google censoring Republicans and then claiming they’re not politically biased, with no Democrat talking points regardless of how extreme they are being censored.

And remember- the culture wars are ongoing. Communism has repeatedly failed, but the Left still wants to bring it to you. The idea keeps coming back. American youth now want it, badly. The media is happy with it too- even in 2009, Newsweek proudly declared that under Obama we were all socialists (which is ironic given how one of my college professors insisted that we didn’t have socialism, and given how many times the media claimed calling Obama a socialist was fearmongering). The Cold War ended, but it was not the end of history. We haven’t run out of history quite yet.

2. So… The Soviets Won This Cold War


Kiss it goodbye. Well, not literally unless you want a smear on your monitor, but you get the idea. Image from National Conference of State Legislatures.

Yup, even though Republicans kept the Senate, Democrats gained a majority in the House. We know what to expect- votes to engage impeachment hearings (on Trump and Kavanaugh) that will be just as futile as Republican votes to overturn Obamacare when Obama was still President. You remember- those safe ones that allowed RINOs to hide, until they had to put their money where their mouth was and we learned that fair-weather rightwingers were at best center-right, maybe center-left.

I don’t at all believe that the Democrats will have invited such people into their ranks. The most we could hope for there are 2016 Clinton liberals masquerading as Ocasio-Cortezes. I’ve been watching this circus closely for four years- it always seems like Republicans are the ones trying to hold themselves together and get the party to vote as one organ, while Democrats seem to do that every time it’s not just before an election (at which point those in red states have to pretend they’re just as red to keep their jobs).

I’ve already shared what liberal rule looks like. We all hope I’m wrong and that things will go alright, but as you’ll recall last time we had a Republican President, Democrats in Congress refused to let him stop the Housing Crisis, and Democrats just let the Housing Market burn, and then used that to win the 2008 elections. What will they do to regain the Senate and White House in 2020?


As you can see, white is not present on this flag. Image from wikimedia commons.

We’ve seen them attack people wholesale based on race and religion, we’ve seen them say people are guilty of crimes solely based on party affiliation that had nothing to do with those crimes (both with Kavanaugh and, let’s be honest, that whole Russian Collusion thing), we’ve seen them protecting Deep State swamp creatures (even going so far as to offer to hire them). So in all honesty we now have 4 years of corruption, gridlock, and destructive policies, while anti-White/anti-Capitalism/anti-American rhetoric will fill the airwaves even more since liberals will believe Democrats regaining the House was more than just a pattern as they dismissed it in 2010. They will tell America, as they have every day since Trump was elected, that we need to end our system of government and that anyone supporting Trump or Republicans is in the minority, and that what was a pattern merely 8 years ago is now a referendum.

They want to destroy white people, want white men GONE. They want to destroy males. They want to destroy our economic system. They want to destroy our economy. They want to destroy our position in the world, leaving power vacuums that countries like Russia can fill, much like ISIS filled the void Democrats were warned about. Which means these lines of thought are what Americans voted for. While it fits the pattern that we’ve seen for decades, as the media has conveniently forgotten with their “referendum on Trump” talk, in today’s political climate a very dangerous thing has been unleashed, like with Obama’s Presidency. Bouncing between Republican and Democrat is normal. But Obama came in and left us with a radicalized Democratic Party out to destroy the country. Now the tide is bringing that party back in. The anti-Trump, anti-America, anti-White, anti-Law screeching the media is prone to on every issue from terrorism to the economy will only increase now that they believe the public is listening. They’re not going to shut up, they’re going to rightly believe what they’re doing is working.

An undated picture shows German Nazi Cha

Pictured here is a gathering of America First and MAGA supporters, according to the Left. They had an odd way of showing it. Image from National Post

Democrats think you are a Nazi for supporting America, but Democrats also believe that joining the Taliban to kill American soldiers is perfectly acceptable. You’ll note in that link that the Democratic candidate for Arizona Senate believes Americans are the terrorists, like Don Lemon as you’ll see in a moment. Nicholle Wallace stated in the Nazi clip that to love this country is to be a Nazi, to put the interests of yourself and your home country above those of others like say China or Syria makes you a Nazi, while another Democrat says that it doesn’t matter if you join the Taliban to kill Americans. These are the people that just gained power in Congress. Elected officials sworn to serve America’s interests who think that doing so makes them Nazis.

What do YOU think they’re going to do? Democrat Don Lemon says whites are the largest source of terror, but Democrats have no problem if an American helps foreign Muslim terrorists kill Americans, in fact Lemon says we should not take action to stop Muslim or any other foreign terrorists from entering the country. This is mainstream thought on the Left, coming from candidates and mainstream media outlets. They dehumanize people they disagree with. They hate America (look here- Farrakhan, who Democrats love, is even chanting their party line that Obama‘s team tried to downplay as meaningless), hate Trump, hate white people, so they dehumanize them by equating them to pretty much the only villain’s they acknowledge in history aside from Confederates: Nazis. It’s ok to punch a Nazi, it’s ok to punch anyone who likes America, it’s ok to chase them out of public spaces (coming from the Washington Post no less), it’s ok to censor them, it’s ok to ban them, it’s ok to form mobs to attack them. How long before it’ll be ok to load them into boxcars (it’s already ok to try to assassinate them)? Seems like the Left is the one leaning towards Nazi ideology.


Maybe they made that statement after playing From Russia With Love, where Bond is a mass murdering terrorist who mass murders white terrorists and innocent Soviet soldiers.

So if you think Don Lemon declaring on CNN that white male Republicans are terrorists, that we don’t have to worry about terror threats from around the world and thus should open our borders to the next band of 9/11 hijackers, if you think Don Lemon, a mainstream thought leader listened to by mainstream allegedly centrist Democrats, if you think that rhetoric from him is outlandish, by the time 2020 rolls around you’ll be looking back and thinking he was very tame and controlled. Just like you’ll be looking back at the mobs in Portland, the mob that chased Milo Yiannopolous out of Berkeley and left injury and fire in their wake, and the mobs that chased Republicans out of restaurants and thinking how restrained they were. The mobs saw you vote the way they wanted you to vote, and realized their thus far non-lethal terrorism is working, and so will continue with it, maybe even intensify it. Afterall, with liberals dismissing mob violence, it’s not so crazy an idea that liberals will dismiss any charges against mobs once they’re in power. Like whites in the south not charging lynch mobs.

Liberals in power will not be so merciful or tolerant as conservatives. (Honestly, if they win enough seats to impeach Trump and make it stick, I would not be surprised if they acted on America’s “it’s legal to forcibly sterilize people” rule, and start sterilizing conservatives, probably in the name of fighting global warming. I did mention that some not-very-far-left figures wanted us to stop having babies to save the Earth, and since liberal scientists already view conservatives as inferior, genetically different with liberals having a liberal gene that makes them more open to differences despite the many displays of rancid intolerance you’ve seen presented to you here and in my past posts, it stands to reason that with the entire party radicalized -as party Chairman Tom Perez stated- anything can happen. The ideas and legal groundwork are all there, you can hardly call it paranoid ranting if they keep telling us this is what they want to do and already have the ideological, legal, and scientific infrastructure in place to make it happen. Remember- all rightwinger white males are terrorists, Lemon isn’t the only one who says so. Mainstream thought. If it’s ok to punch a Nazi, isn’t it ok to experiment on one too? 5 years ago you would be shocked to hear mob violence, and punching people, be considered good behavior and condoned by a mainstream political party, so who’s to say in 5 years we won’t be at this point either? It only took 10 years for Jews to go from discrimination to mass extermination, at the hands of the National Socialists. What will Ocasio-Cortez’s breed of Democratic Socialists do?)

Just an aside to debunk Don Lemon’s remark- he cites how jihadists killed more, but white male terrorists had led more attacks. This stat debunks his argument: those jihadists are a very small percent of the population. Just a couple of them in the country.



They launched fewer attacks. Yet more died. Meanwhile, whites are the MAJORITY race in this country. Statistically, if the terror statistics reflected the population, whites should have killed WAAAAY more than those few jihadists. But they didn’t. Whites killed fewer. Jihadists, even at the small fraction of a percent of the population that they’re at vs whites at’ 60%, are clearly more dangerous. Or to put the argument into language the Left understands: guns (whites) are big and scary and so widespread in the country and so prolific that we have a 1 in 315 chance of dying from them every year, while the chance of a car accident (Jihadists) killing you is  1 in 491. But only 38,000 people died from guns in 2016, versus 40,000 dying from cars. You, liberal, want to ban the gun (whites). So at least you’re logically consistent- you want to liquidate the lesser of two evils because it happens more frequently, and claim that you’re saving the world and ushering in a peaceful utopia by doing so. Also, like Don Lemon, you claim it’s a false comparison, that cars are above criticism, like how Don says he tells people not to criticize any ethnicity that isn’t white, according to his own words.

Also, let’s turn the Left’s word association games against them on the Lemon issue. Blacks are the largest bloc of terrorists in the country, exponentially moreso than whites. How? Only 106 deaths, according to Don, came from white terrorist attacks over many years. Blacks killed 7,405 other blacks in just one year, 2016. 17,250 people were killed that year. Blacks are 13% of the population, but responsible for 42.9% of the murders. We have statements along the lines of “most black killings in Baltimore were gang-related”, and if we are to believe Don Lemon and his ilk’s gun control meme then every shooting of a black person is by a gang member who illegally got a gun, or at least a black person who got a gun from a gang member. So what is a black gang? A local political group. What is a political group? People who come together to exert control over a region or a group of people or both, ie a gang. So when gangs use murders to intimidate people, to increase their political power, to destroy the political power of those nominally in charge of the area as evidenced by how black males at 6% of the population are behind 42% of police officer killings, isn’t that terrorism, since terrorism is the use of violence for political ends? Gangs kill to get power and stay in power. Terrorists kill for the exact same reason. So, Don, it seems your own skin color should, as you say, have travel bans placed on it. (Look, if Trump is literally Hitler as various media outlets and panels declared simply because he said he’s a nationalist, then black gangs get to be terrorists.)


What “winning” looks like to the Left. Images from AP, RWC, Fox News, and Quora

Yeah, at least 2 more years of the media thinking Lemon, mobs, screaming, and Stalinism is a successful strategy, with the DNC Chairman telling us it’ll only get worse. I’m not going to say Kristallnacht will happen tomorrow, even though Republicans have already been firebombed, shot, ran off the road, dragged behind cars, mobbed, chased out of restaurants, and the suggestion has been floated of denying Republicans the right to vote and the right to live, all of which I’ve discussed previously. But I will say I’ve heard glass shattering in the distance… probably the local RNC HQ. Or maybe, just maybe, that wasn’t glass shattering, but Fort Sumter taking a hit. Will the Left (who traded plantations for welfare, equality-for-only-the-whites for communism/equality-for-only-the-strong, and whips for peer pressure) rise again?

Bonus Stage!


I’ll end on a high note. T-Mek. It’s like Battlezone, and was made by Atari. Except Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat exclaims things at various points, and you’re fighting for the amusement of an alien warlord or something. It’s easier than Battlezone, and you have more weapons to choose from.


Made by Atari, and even has the crosshairs and radar from Battlezone

It’s a fancy offering for your Sega 32X, one of the less-than-40 games made for it. If you’re collecting-to-collect it’s usually a cheap grab, but if you’re collecting-to-play then you’ll find this is superior to some other games, like BC Racers and that motorbike one. That one was AWFUL. BC Racers just had a bad frame rate and slow controls, not too shabby (except it runs worse than Super Mario Kart which it’s a clear imitation of), but T-Mek came off as faster.

What Do You Think?

Not much to say now. Polling places are closed, voting is done. I’ve said it all above. Try to have a good day (as mentioned before, I’m writing this the night before)?