Pounded Paul Pelosi

I’ll get right to the point: what happened was either a freaky sex thing gone sideways, or it’s because Nancy felt sending Paul to the doghouse just wasn’t enough after he embarrassed her earlier this year.

What Happened?

Police are refusing to release bodycam footage, and any requests for information won’t be answered until well after the Midterms. Conveniently, Democrats are using this as a campaign issue, claiming it was an average Republican that stormed the Pelosi Capitol.

Here are the events:

  • A homeless-nudist-illegal-immigrant-Black Lives Matter-supporter was found naked except for underwear in Paul Pelosi’s house, and so was Paul (of course that story changed)
  • Paul’s house and neighborhood are protected by private security, and surrounded by cameras, yet there is no footage of the assailant entering (allegedly Capitol Police weren’t watching, like Epstein’s jail guards) and there was no security guarding the house
  • The alleged entry point into the house is so small that the assailant couldn’t get in without tearing himself apart on the glass, and apparently couldn’t enter without setting off an alarm. In fact, originally it was reported that he entered the back door, and the only visible glass was OUTSIDE the house in a pattern indicating the window was broken out, not broken in.
  • When police arrived, they reported THREE people in the house, with no one injured at that time, and Paul Pelosi was the one with the hammer. But over time the story changed (much like the FBI’s tales after their bosses told them to lie)
  • Somehow, Paul and the assailant ended up injured. In fact, the government alleges that Paul was brutally beaten after police arrived.
  • The assailant is an insane drug addict, there is no footage of him espousing conservative views, and he lives in a school bus, yet it is alleged he was sane enough to start and run a website.
  • There is no record of the assailant’s website until some time after the incident took place, and it was erased from the internet shortly afterwards.
  • Federal charges were filed, ensuring the case would be treated like the Mar-A-Lago raid in that the public will only receive selective details leaked by Democrat-affiliated DOJ officials disguised as “anonymous sources”.

As you can see, there are a few questions here. In fact, taken altogether, only two conclusions are reasonable.

  1. Paul knew his attacker (as indicated in the first link, that’s what police said) and invited him in for purposes unknown, though based on them both being in their underwear and a third person present, it was probably not anything platonic. The attempt to paint a homeless Canadian illegal immigrant nudist as a Republican happened after the fact to hide yet another Pelosi embarrassment.
  2. Nancy wanted an October Surprise because no one cared about the January 6 stuff and the Mar-A-Lago raid, so she told her husband to take a dive and found some crazy guy no one would remember. Her husband owed her after she bailed him out of his DUI earlier this year.

It clearly didn’t happen the way we are told. What happened defies logic. Somehow the archetypical San Francisco liberal (illegal immigrant nudist living in a school bus) radicalized overnight (based on the only known record of his website it could not have been around long) and immediately went to attack Nancy Pelosi at her house that somehow he had the address of and somehow bypassed security to get into by I guess imploding the window so it scattered backwards and somehow entered through the resultant hole that was too small for him?

I will add- look at how quick and ready Democrats are to blame this on Republicans. They’re even trying to get Republicans to stop running ads against their Democrat opponents, in the name of some fake “civility”. This was obviously not a random Trump supporter, it was either a politically-motivated quick fix for another Paul screwup or it was a hoax from start to finish, one that Paul had to get a little bruised for.

Where Is The Real Violence?

Since Democrats are saying that anything anti-Pelosi or anything questioning the 2020 Election’s legitimacy (meanwhile most Democrats still believe Russia hacked into our computer systems to alter the election totals in 2016, and still are saying elections are being stolen) led to this violence (and that not only must people stop saying things Democrats don’t like because anything a Democrat doesn’t like hearing leads to violence against Democrats, but also anyone who DOES say something Democrats don’t like needs to be punished for saying such things), then it would seem Democrats believe that words of public figures and actions of citizens are directly linked. The court ruling against Alex Jones wherein he had to pay $965,000,000 for questioning the official narrative because a handful of his followers decided to non-violently act after hearing information he provided shows what kind of consequences Democrats have in mind. I don’t doubt they will use that precedent to go after anyone else who says things they dislike if someone acts on it (and they know that Republicans can’t do that- Republican judges know such an action is unconstitutional and garbage so they’d throw out any cases like that, while liberal judges would just throw out any case like that which didn’t help the Democratic Party). And what a coincidence it is that this thing with Paul Pelosi and the demands from major news networks and politicians to silence and punish those saying words they disagree with came right after the Alex Jones ruling which provides a precedent for just such a punishment!

If Conservative judges also tore up the Constitution and allowed a case like that to go through, here is a list of violence by Democrats this year alone, all from articles I’ve collected only since August (so I didn’t mention the communist Buffalo shooter, the NYC attempted serial killer who hated white people like the Left told him to, the mass shooter who acted based on CNN last year, and the Bernie Sanders supporter who almost murdered several Congressmen in atmosphere of intense threats by Democrats). By the way, they say violence is uniquely rightwing.

  • 82yo pro-life activist shot
  • 18yo ran over by a Democrat who wanted to kill a Republican
  • 135 pro-life activists were attacked vs 6 pro-abortion activists between May and September
  • A canvasser for Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was beaten for being a Republican
  • A Democrat activist bit a Republican County Chair
  • Leftist man beat a woman for wearing an American flag shirt
  • Democrats are swatting conservatives (essentially using the police to attempt murder)
  • Democrats assembled a violent mob to stop a conservative from speaking at a college
  • Democrat politician murdered a reporter who was giving unfavorable coverage
  • Assassination attempt by a Democrat on a Conservative Supreme Court Justice
  • Crisis pregnancy centers firebombed by Democrats
  • Democrat activist tried to shoot a mayoral candidate
  • Democrat activist tried to stab a Republican Congressman to death
  • Teenage pro-life activist was assaulted
  • Democrats threatened a mass shooting against Republicans (which they actually did even earlier this year, and in 2017)
  • A Democrat threatened to murder a Republican poll worker at a polling place on a primary election day

Here is a list of violent rhetoric, or rhetoric leaving Democrat voters with no logical recourse except to act in violence. Remember, these are through the lenses of Leftists, through which the Left says that merely having a negative opinion of them is inciting violence, say that “fight for your rights” is tantamount to calling for physical violence, say that calling for Pelosi to lose her job or asking “where’s Pelosi” is the same as trying to murder her, and that saying “peacefully” is a dog-whistle for violence.

  • Rep. Tim Ryan (D) said they need to “kill” Trump support. He once said rhetoric like his leads to mass shootings.
  • Leftist puppet Liz Cheney said Trump supporters- 74,000,000 citizens or more- are a “clear and present danger”
  • House Speaker Pelosi was revealed to have said she wanted to physically assault Trump
  • Democrat activists expressed happiness at a Republican protester being shot dead
  • A Democrat Senator issued what she said was “literally” a “call to arms”
  • the Democrat President said anyone who disagrees with the agenda is a violent extremist who is a “clear and present danger”
  • A former FBI official told agreeing Democrats he thought the President’s threats weren’t strong enough
  • The President’s Press Secretary agreed with the President’s remarks labeling anyone disagreeing with him as so strong a threat that you’d be criminally negligent to ignore it.
  • Even rank and file Democrats believe conservatives are domestic terrorists.
  • MSNBC said Democrats are at war against their political opponents
  • All Democrats are saying their opponents are threats to Democracy
  • MSNBC says Republicans are a threat to our way of life
  • A Democrat Congressman said Republicans will engage in violence
  • MSNBC says white conservatives in particular are naturally violent
  • MSNBC says we are in a civil war already
  • CNN says Republicans are the only violent people in the country

Seems like we have a case on our hands too.

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