Why The Election Results Will Be Questioned, Part 9

Alrighty, so if you listen to the below interview you’ll hear all about how they tried to steal Virginia and failed basically because there was just way too many votes they would’ve had to fabricate. So in other words: fraud can be stopped if enough people get out and vote. Fox News also appears to be implicated in having knowledge of the steal, what with their editing numbers on election night and saying the election would continue, similar to how last year they called Virginia for Biden only 15 minutes after polls closed when it takes hours for enough votes to be counted to have any meaning.

Or at least, there were more people this year voting Republican than they expected. It looked like they only halfheartedly did one county in Virginia, not anticipating that McAuliffe would underperform so greatly. I think they may have had a similar reaction to CNN’s Jake Tapper. It also looks like, at this time, they didn’t outright reset the count like they did last year so they may not have deployed every tool they had.

Now then, onto New Jersey. At the time the interview was taped, some details were still dribbling out about that race. As you heard in the interview though, it was much easier to rig. I suppose the margin was slimmer, but in New Jersey they allowed illegal aliens to vote, 56 districts in Essex County didn’t bother counting their results, and after the Republican candidate looks like a winner after all the votes are counted random ballot drops keep pushing the Democrat over the finish line (a familiar pattern).

And as a consequence of last year’s steal, the FEC is allowing foreign countries to fund local ballot initiatives and Congressional redistricting (what led to this ruling was a situation with an Australian mining company trying to dictate what happens in Montana). So China can put something on the ballot and gerrymander our Congress to its liking, meanwhile Democrats were so intent on war with Russia over allegedly making some mean Facebook posts in 2016 and helping Trump in other non-vote-altering ways. Where are they on this? Why did the Democrat FEC chair side go for this? The same party that alleged Trump was a puppet of Russia and says that is bad is now letting Russia and China fund interference in the structure of our government. Also, why did the Republican members, appointed by Trump, allow this (I guess they did so because of strict legal interpretation, which sucks but that’s what the Republicans are known for)?

Why The Election Results Will Be Questioned, Part 7

The Numbers

It’s 11:16p est as I type this. I’m looking at Fox News and Newsmax as the votes come in. Virginia reports 94% of the votes counted. The candidates are 60,000 apart. There’s over 5.4 million adults in the state of Virginia, but barely 3 million have voted. The much maligned Fairfax County has about 885,000 adults to work with. More than enough for this margin, and they already indicated it could be up until Friday before the final numbers come in. Last year, despite having only 885,000 people in Fairfax County, this is where 990,000+ votes manifested themselves under suspicious circumstances, with 900,000+ going to Joe Biden (for more on what happened nationwide last year, here are some old posts). Clearly, 60,000 is nothing to them. Further, in the current election Fairfax County is not requiring you to verify your identity, and a legal challenge against this very illegal act was thrown out. And just like last year, they say they need to pause the process, during which time as we saw last year boxes of ballots came out from under tables and were illegally counted in absence of poll watchers, who in some cases were lied to in order to get them to clear the building.

Oh yeah, New Jersey is having an election too, 62% reporting in with the Republican winning by 75,000. It’s still too close to call… I guess exemplified by how at 11:33p they were only 28,000 apart.

We’ll see where this is going, but I’m hoping that what you heard in the last post turns out to have been an exercise in worst-case speculation. However, if Youngkin wins I’m predicting that McAuliffe’s hired hand for challenging elections, Marc Elias, will do just that. Otherwise, why the heck was he retained and why were Democrats desperate to bury that story?

The Why (for the election being rigged)

Oh hey, listen to the segment here recorded earlier today. I talk a little on the fraud mentioned above, and mention several reasons for the why’s. Well, “reiterate” is the better word really since I mentioned it in the recordings in the previous post. I also label the Virginia Democratic Gubernatorial candidate as a fascist and explain why.

But I’d like to add a different reason that I thought of for why the election might be played straight, or that the suspected riggers decided to throw their Democrat friend to the wolves (which would explain why they picked an old white corrupt dude instead of a younger person with a future in the party, the Democrats did hold primaries and chose McAuliffe, so who better to sacrifice than some old ballast?)– the politicians needed it for their greed. Republicans and Trump himself had to get on out there and tell people to vote, excitement was underwhelming since people were suspicious their vote would not count, and I bet donations to the RNC that refused to investigate election integrity dropped. So to have a legit-looking election is good for their pocketbooks, but also for Democrats. Consider: if the Republican Party is bankrupt and turnout is negligible all because the base realizes that the elections are a rigged joke and their party is just a bunch of do-nothing grifters, why the heck would you bother donating to the Democrats if their victory was assured? If Republicans don’t even show up or are guaranteed to lose, what’s the point of continuing this farce that many folks across both sides of the aisle make bank off of? There isn’t, money is lost- the election-industrial complex let’s call it, that’s defeated. Lots of liberals, rightists, and their friends in this industry are destitute because the public no longer donates to their causes, seeing the process for the façade it is. So, the Democrats have a STRONG reason to make this election look honest and save their rigging for another day.

Thus, between the above and the audio clip, we now have two reasons for and two against why the election would be rigged for Democrats to win, and no reason to believe otherwise.

Rather tragic that we’re able to say this, but I find it interesting that neither side believes the other when they say their loss means the election was rigged. Democrats believe Georgia was stolen from Stacey Abrams, Republicans believe 2020 was stolen from Trump, and I believe both because it came out earlier this year that “allegedly” one led to the other, at least so far as Georgia was concerned, and such deals are not unprecedented- recall that in 1981 Republicans reached a settlement in a Democrat lawsuit against their election victory where the Democrats dropped their case if Republicans agreed never to challenge Democrat fraud practices (or at least not challenge them without courts checking into it first, with a severe bias against the RNC because this settlement was an implicit admission of racism), with the accusation this time being that Republicans were the riggers and Democrats caught them. Admittedly, Democrat cheating has quite a history to it too.

So I leave with that bit of knowledge, the audio file to listen to, and the Virginia Republican candidate as of 12:22am est is barely 94,000 ahead and dropping with Fox News’ Bill Hemmer saying that more votes are being found, as Fox News’ Shannon Bream assures us this process will go on for days.

Cheat Post 3 – Why The Election Results Will Be Questioned, Part 6

Hi everybody! October was a busy busy month, what with a hole in my tooth and other stuff going on.

Anyway, below is nearly an hour cut from the radio show I’ve been guest hosting with. Pardon the choppyness, it’s several segments cut together and only separated by brief pauses. I wanted to get my thoughts on the Virginia governor’s race out there before election night, as well as the thoughts of some expert guests. Basically- no matter who wins, the losing side is going to cry election fraud, with Republicans expecting it after 2020/Georgia/California and Democrats hiring an attorney who made his career off of saying elections were stolen by Republicans. Seems like this time last year I was doing post after post after post on voter fraud; you’d think something was going on from the way I keep talking about it! Also in there is a monologue on the vaccines and another on efforts to divide us based on race, those would be the last two segments. There is a 3 second gap between the segments at 8min 50sec, 16min 45sec, 26min,34min 45sec, and 45min 30sec. Enjoy!

C-Gaymer Podcats Episode 7: Democrats are Racists

On today’s episode of the C-Gaymer Podcast, we are going to cover a fact that should be obvious to everybody, Democrats are Racists. Their History, their behaviour, the results of their policies, all of these have been disastrous to the lives of Black Americans. Join us as we explore this pitifully hidden truth.


By the way, we have stopped doing uploads on SoundCloud due to their storage Policy. For the foreseeable Future, all podcast episodes will be uploaded to Vimeo. If you would like a download of our Podcast, please contact us through the Contact Page with your email, age, and the Name/Episode # of the Episode you are Requesting.

C-Gaymer Podcast Episode 6: Illegal Immigration

C-Gaymer Podcast Episode 6: Illegal Immigration from C-Gaymer on Vimeo.

Today we will talk about a huge issue facing the country, Illegal Immigration. Crime, Voter Fraud, Welfare Fraud, why doesn’t Congress act to build the wall? Who benefits from it? Mr. F.L.A.G. and I explore all of this.

C-Gaymer Podcast Episode 5: Comic Crazies

C-Gaymer Podcast Episode 5: Comic Crazies from C-Gaymer on Vimeo.


SJW’s have managed to ruin the news, college campuses, video games, and now comic books!? On today’s Podcast, we discuss how Marvel and DC have ruined mainstream American comics by trying to shove left-wing narratives down their fans throats.

Sorry, this is 2 weeks and 6 hours and 30 minutes late, by the way, have been recovering from surgery.

C-Gaymer Podcast Episode 2: Antifa

Well, now we are 2 Episodes into my disaster Podcast!! I’m so disgusted!! ❤

All jokes aside, this week we are covering the new Militant Wing of the Democratic Party. The retards who have never picked up a history book ironically call themselves Antifa (Anti-Fascists), and they can be found attacking people wherever free speech is being exercised. Well unless they are getting their asses kicked. Or if their moms grounded them.

C-Gaymers New Podcast!! Episode 1: Gamergate

Hey guys, so this has been my secret project months in the making.  Every other Monday you can look forward to a dose of conservative politics thrown at you with my svelte and sexy voice over your morning cup of joe. Two Mondays a month I will be uploading my new C-Gaymer Podcast, with my co-host Mr. F.L.A.G. and we will tackle pressing political issues, gaming, and tech news, or just basically dick around on air and waste 30 minutes of your time leaving you with a euphoric smile. Tune in twice a month, Monday at 7 AM.

Anyway, this week we tackle the hard hitting issues surrounding gamergate and get to the bottom of the movement. Spoiler alert, if you have been told they were right wing extremists you have horribly been lied to.