Madden NFL 10 (PlayStation 2, 2009)

Kinda looks like the Mortal Kombat 3 versus screen, except pressing buttons doesn’t change the letters in Madden so you can’t enter cheats here.

Just in time for the 2009-2010 football season, here is Madden 10! As with this year, I did not watch the Super Bowl. In fact I don’t recall watching or going to any games that year. At least this year I caught a game or two on TV. But I kept procrastinating on making my pick for who I thought would be at the Super Bowl. I figured the Chiefs again, but I couldn’t even tell you which 16 teams would’ve been contenders to be their opponent.

So as an FU to political correctness and in solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples that white liberals tried to erase, I picked the Washington Redskins even though I know that neither now nor 14 years ago nor any time in between were the Redskins/Commanders ever capable of making it to the Super Ball.

Since I brought up white liberals and am talking about football, I have to bring up (sigh) Taylor Swift. Some poll showed that she could sway up to 18% of voters because her shallow lifestyle that’s written by a PR staff- and her songs passing the blame onto the male half of the relation- appeal to lonely/idiot women, ie: Democrat voters. So my take is that it’s not so much that she’d sway 18% of the population, rather it’s that 18% of the population happens to vote the way she’d tell them to on their own. If that 18% didn’t think Swift would tell them to vote Democrat, they would never have been her fans, probably have cancelled her by now, and she’d die a penniless pauper instead of being a billionaire feeding off the insecurities and mental illnesses of white liberal women (and someone who, between her concerts and jet-setting lifestyle, pollutes more than some countries, something liberals seem ok with these days as long as you say the right thing after).

But as to the NFL plastering her face all over the place to try and bring those women who previously boycotted them and tried to disband them into the fold? Genius. It’s annoying to keep seeing SwiftCam (TM) but at the same time it’s hilarious that all these women that listen to her music and hated football because it was toxically masculine/only for rightwingers/kills people and needs to be replaced by soccer now changed their minds. Leftists used the term “hypermasculinity” to describe football, but now millions of liberal women are flocking to watch the game with Super Bowl advertisers catering more to women, courtesy of leftist Taylor Swift. Liberals are now celebrating the toxic masculinity they tried to war with 10 years ago, and all it took was one of their thought leaders to herd them that way with a relationship as phony as a 3 dollar bill. Well played, NFL, well played. Although, this totally undermines arguments in favor of the 19th Amendment. Oh well.

Instant replays let you watch the toxic masculinity from different angles. Or just watch yourself miss both your field goal attempts by hitting the left and then right sides of the goal post like I did.

And coming back full circle- these same white liberal women patting themselves on the back for cancelling the Redskins name to the chagrin of Native American tribes are now celebrating/contributing millions in merchandise sales to a football team called the “Chiefs” at a time when they are trying to not only ban that team name but ban that very word! And the kicker? It’s to celebrate the relationship between a white billionaire and a (mostly) white millionaire! This is just beautiful to me on every level. Maybe I will watch the Super Bowl.

Anyway, onto the game.

The Game

You can pick your teams from established NFL teams, fake teams the game has pre-loaded, or make up your own dream team. You can play at any stadium that existed at that time (since they are playing in real life at the LA Raiders stadium, I set it to the Oakland Raiders stadium) as far as I know, and even pick which time of day your game runs (you can make it start at one of the usual football game starting times, or make it start at whatever time your system says it is). I’m assuming you still can pick the weather because that feature was like 15 years old by the time this game came out. You can also customize the control scheme. There are a lot of ways to tailor this experience to you. One thing missing though is a closeup of the coin toss. One team picks heads or tails and which direction they are going/if they are doing offense or defense, and that’s it. No toss is shown.

Helpfully, shortly after booting up the game, before even the title screen, you get a helpful video telling you what new features you have for this game.

It plays enough like most every other football game made sense controllers had more than two action buttons that you can pick it up easily enough, though you’ll lose a bunch of yards at first trying to figure out the differences. I myself racked up 15 yards worth of “delay of game” penalties trying to figure out how to make the snap happen. Once I ironed it out though I played about as well as on any other football game I’ve tried- it just felt like all of them with the exception of the additional bells and whistles that didn’t do much to impact my playing experience.

This comment didn’t fit anywhere, but one last note is that they use actual songs instead of generic in-game ditties. I don’t really know when this feature started, but since it was not in any football game I tried yet I figured it worth mentioning. Heavy rock and roll stuff seemed to be the playlist.

My Opinion

Most of the crowd looks like the left pic, but sometimes they will superimpose these eager fan models over the generic crowd. I know that’s what they do because the game made their animations disappear before the camera changed where it was focused.

It’s ok, pretty much the same as any other football game. It was released on the Wii, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, and even iOS and Blackberry somehow, so it’s not like there aren’t/weren’t other options for playing the game. I’d bet the Wii/PS3/360 versions look better too. So… I guess what I’m saying is there’s no real reason to buy this particular port unless you only have a PS2 (this isn’t even the last Madden game on the PS2), and really no reason to buy the game unless you forever exist inside the 2009-2010 football season.

My Prediction

Since I always use these as a basis to predict how the real Super Bowl will go, I will say that the 49ers will struggle with the controller until the Chiefs get a safety, then as they gradually get competent with the slightly different layout the Chiefs will be sure to keep throwing interceptions (three total) until in the second half when the 49ers lose their lead (and finally throw an interception of their own after MANY close calls) to tie at the end of the 4th quarter 27-27 despite the Chiefs only having a safety and a field goal compared to the 49ers’ two touchdowns at halftime. The Chiefs will win the coin toss at the start of the game and the start of overtime, but the 49ers will win by a touchdown.

Andrew Callaghan – A Tale Of Two Rapes

Just to get this out of the way first- I don’t even know the guy, though apparently I’ve watched some of his work. I just saw a cutoff headline about Tim Heidecker having no plans to work with someone, and clicked to find out who.

One of the claims against Andrew Callaghan is total garbage. The other is legitimate. The fact that BOTH are being treated the same is unconscionable.

I’m not defending him, except in the “innocent until proven guilty” sense and the “women really fake rape stories so wait for proof” sense.

Apparently he is one of those super-woke types, so while I’m sort of defending him, frankly it’s good that he’s being hoisted by his own petard. These are the standards he wants us to live by, so now he gets to live by them.

Anyway, let’s get down to cases.

Case 1

He’s in a car, and allegedly gets very aggressive. He allegedly tries to force himself onto someone he once had sex with. He allegedly grabs her hand and forces it down to his genitals.

If true, this is awful and he deserves to be prosecuted and jailed.

Case 2

Some woman he’s staying with regrets having sex with him. That’s it. She let him into her residence, he asked her several times for sex but never in an aggressive way, eventually she relented. Now she says this was “traumatic”. So she didn’t kick the guy out and eventually consented with the only pressure being that he asked her. We’re supposed to see this as rape and feel sorry for her. She made a choice she regrets, but it’s not HER fault, it’s someone else’s, someoen she allowed to stay at her house despite allegedly unwanted advances, to which she eventually agreed. That’s consent. She could’ve kicked him out, called the police to get him out if he refused, but she did nothing of the kind.


If you see no difference between being raped and consensual sex that in no way has any sign of being forced, then you’re a liberal.

What can I say? All sex is rape I guess. Rewrite the laws!

But you know what this does to people who REALLY are raped? It trivializes what happened. If rape is just sex as you regret, as liberals want us to believe, then how do we know someone who really was raped isn’t just misusing the word and lying about the rest to make their story more believable? Ok, we get it, sometimes you have sex and it’s lousy, but that IS NOT rape if you consent to it! And how much more consent can you give than letting the guy live with you and saying “yes let’s have sex”?! If they meet in court, the person in the first case has every right to slap the smug off the face of the person in the second case. The person in the second case doesn’t know what trauma is. Her ONLY excuse is if she is mentally ill to the point where the mundane is traumatic, where she hasn’t left the house in years because terror keeps her in bed. Only then could she use that word “trauma”. Does someone need to mansplain what rape is to her? What trauma is? Or are women just THAT fragile and pathetic that one night of bad sex THEY AGREED TO WITH SOMEONE THEY VOLUNTARILY ALLOWED INTO THEIR HOUSE FOR MANY NIGHTS must be treated as rape?


Virtue signallers are sick in the head and total narcissists. This woman has the gall to think that regretting consensual sex with someone she lived with put her in the same category as a woman who was raped, and dared to say she feels “trauma”.

And for those of you saying I don’t understand her plight, by HER OWN definition, I’VE been raped, multiple times by different people!

She is clearly pretending to be a victim here, but in her circle of Lefties they have their heads so far in the clouds that she actually thinks consensual sex with a housemate she allowed to stay with her would be viewed as rape if she said she regretted it. You know, maybe it’s good that liberals defunded police to the point where they can’t enforce calls on rapes anymore, because if THIS is what qualifies as rape then there’s a lot of fuss over nothing.

The Affirmative Action Court

President Biden announced on January 27 that he did not want the best person for the job of Justice on the Supreme Court. Instead, Biden said he wanted the best person from a specific race/gender combination. Perhaps the most qualified person is indeed a Black Woman, but we’ll never know because Democrats are not looking at anyone else. They consider it “progress” to assign jobs based on race and gender rather than qualifications. (By the way, it’s a bit on the illegal side to hire someone solely for their gender or skin color- it’s called “discrimination”. It would be just as illegal and racist and bigoted if Biden said he wanted a white male (it may even have been illegal when Trump said he would nominate a female Justice and gave us Amy Comey Barrett: while Biden said race and gender were his primary qualification before he even started looking, when Trump announced would nominate a female Justice he not only qualified his remark by saying “most likely” but he might well have already narrowed the list to exclusively female picks for other reasons (by then he had nominated two male Justices so it’s conceivable that he had weeded out many male Justices already), even the most ardent anti-Trump prosecutor would find it to be a legal gray area at that point since we did not know Trump’s whole process and Trump didn’t say it was for sure going to be an act of discrimination whereas Biden announced in advanced that he would discriminate against anyone of any race or gender who wasn’t a Black woman.). Biden put up a sign on SCOTUS that said “whites need not apply”, something the Civil Rights movement was steering us away from. If a Black woman truly is the most qualified, then why are you not allowing her to compete with white or Hispanic or Asian peers? Why are you saying you have to give her special treatment? Why are you saying she can’t succeed without white savior Biden removing other races and genders from consideration? At this point by the way, I’d agree that a certain Black woman would be the most qualified- certainly more qualified than any Biden has in mind- though you liberals probably don’t think that she is Black.)

Of course by “best” Biden means someone that will toe the party line and call everyone else a racist (that is what Democrats mean when they talk like that, just look at their definition of “critical-thinking“: censoring information they disagree with and telling you to only believe sources that repeat the party line. As far as liberals were concerned, Justice Breyer was practicing “critical-thinking” when he stated the COVID-lie mentioned below, and the fact that he repeated it is part of why they considered him qualified for the job.). This won’t do much to change the nature of the court’s rulings- Justice Breyer pretty much just said and wrote what Democrats told him to, he didn’t have a free thought in his head, to the point he outright lied about COVID vaccines because Democrats wanted him to scare people into accepting the hyper-fascist forced vaccinations where you could not be employed unless a useless poisonous chemical cocktail from a pharmaceutical corporation was injected into you. Any judge Biden appointed would do similar, regardless of race or gender.

ALL liberal justices are the same, they all just do what the DNC orders them to, so I guess really as far as Biden is concerned the only choice is what shell the DNC puppet comes in. It’s picking the paint job for the new car- it has no effect on the performance, it’s purely an aesthetic thing. That’s why liberals don’t see a problem with picking this job based solely on gender and race- they know all liberal judges have the same qualifications and all liberal judges would perform the same, that’s why they think any objection must be based on skin color and gender alone. Liberals know that skin color and gender are literally the only two things that make one liberal judge different from another, so if conservatives object to the idea of nominating a judge solely on those two attributes then liberals think it is an objection to those two attributes, instead of the reality that it is an objection to the idea that one race or gender is better than another.

Conservatives need to understand this and frame their arguments properly. You can’t say “I object because this is not an affirmative action position”, you can’t say “I object because Biden just said that he thinks skin color and gender are qualifications rather than judicial work”, because none of that enters into it with liberal judges. Each one is as incompetent as the other. They are interchangeable; they function the same; they only look different.

Thus, the Left gets it’s justification for calling the Right racist- the Right knows that a liberal justice will be nominated, all liberal justices are the same, the only difference is gender and skin color, therefore the only reason you’d object to that being Biden’s primary qualification is if you were a racist and sexist. A black female liberal judge would do the same work as a white male liberal judge.

Another thing you’re fighting is the Left’s propaganda effort. They get to say they put the first Black woman on the Supreme Court, and they are saying it now as if the Right only ever put on white supremacists (just look at the beginning of this CSPAN clip, where the Black female caller says “after 400 years, white people have had their…boot on our neck, now it’s a problem because they pick a woman of color”, this is the Democratic Party’s attitude and education at work- that Critical Race Theory stuff- which tells everyone that no progress whatsoever has been made except what Democrats promise today; it actually attacks the Civil Rights Movement), when in fact the Right put on the first Black justice in 1967 while Democrats fought tooth and nail- Biden’s mentors included- to stop it. Obviously it is a myth that the parties switched positions because years later when Republicans wanted a second Black Supreme Court Justice, the Democrats- Biden included- fought tooth and nail to stop that!

I also want to counter Joy Reid’s racist argument here, that appointing a Black woman would make the Supreme Court reflect the country’s demographics better. It wouldn’t, this is a Black Supremacist assumption. Reid is assuming the country follows her race, unless liberals want to admit that they are not intelligent and are unaware of America’s demographic make-up, in which case we can forgive Reid for assuming Blacks are more numerous than they really are. To reflect our demographics better they should appoint a Hispanic female, not a Black female (granted, liberals believe that Clarence Thomas is not Black because he does not behave the way liberals order Blacks to behave. A further point of data against the party switch- Democrats insist that you aren’t Black unless you act according to their stereotypes.). Blacks in total are 14% of the population, and because the Supreme Court has only 9 Justices we’ll need to round to the nearest fraction of 9, in this case 1/9 which is 11%. So already Black people have the best equal representation that can be achieved in a 9-person group. There are currently 3 women on the bench, so we need to get 1 or 2 more on there since women and men are only a rounding error away from being the majority gender, and since the Hispanic population is closer to 2/9 of the country than it is to 1/9 we need one more Hispanic Justice (and if you count the non-citizens that Democrats are so kind to let in, by the end of Biden’s first term Hispanics will be even closer to 2/9 while Blacks will descend closer to 1/9. You want these non-citizens to vote despite Hispaniphobic lies from the Washington Post that you want the opposite, so surely you want the Supreme Court to represent them too, right? Don’t their lives matter?). The proper composition of the Supreme Court by race- to match Joy Reid’s alleged ideal that the Supreme Court should match the country’s demographics (rather than reflect Reid’s race and political leanings, which appear to be her definition of America’s demographics)– would be 1 Black Justice, 2 Hispanic Justices, and 6 White Justices because the white population is 61.6% of the country which is closer to 6/9 than 5/9, with 4 male and 5 female justices because the American population is 50.8% female and 49.2% male. If you wanted to future-proof this against the declining white population, then you’d still have 5 White judges with the 6th position being given to someone from East Asia as they are the largest minority not already covered (and what a powerful message that would send, the first East Asian-American on the Supreme Court, at a time when liberal cities are increasing hate crimes against their Asian American communities while liberal prosecutors don’t care, at a time when discrimination against Asian Americans is practiced by liberals.). So in summary- adding another Black to the court skews the court in favor of Blacks, something which liberals should be vehemently opposed to, afterall they say the Senate needs to be liquidated because it doesn’t represent the demographics so why would you encourage a Supreme Court that favors one group over another when the population doesn’t reflect that?

So in a nutshell: no matter how you look at it, they are picking someone based on their gender and skin color so that they can go for the low-hanging fruit of diversity achievement. Virtue signaling and progressive points, nothing else.

Yes I know, this assumes that the party of concentration camps for the unvaccinated, the party that cries “racism” at anyone who opposes anything they do, is actually thinking about these matters and open to arguments. You know I know better. I suppose since we are talking about Leftist ruthlessness it’s as good a time as any to mention the pressure that Justice Breyer was facing from the Left- they wanted him to quit (or die) while a Democrat was President, and are mad at Justice Ginsburg for having died under Trump. Also, Breyer is miffed that his plan to retire was leaked months before he was ready to reveal it, and what a great day to leak it as Biden’s polls keep plummeting and his Administration can’t seem to do anything right, a great distraction.

January 6 (1/6) – 1 Year Later

So let me get this straight…

  • Barack Obama’s mentor founded an organization of savages (look in that piece at what Obama’s mentor’s girlfriend had to say about the Mansons, and remember that she, Ayers, and presumably their disciple Obama (though I think Obama is just in it for the wealth and power) would want to do the same to you and your family (and remember that 3,000 of the people who teach your kids are also ok with this, ok with Ayers’ message “kill your parents”), which it seems is agreed upon by just about any liberal you see these days based on the posts you read from them and the savages at MSNBC, CNN, NYT, etc) that bombed the Capitol (plus other points of interest) with the intent to murder many people, and that’s so ok that he’s a hero to the Leftists from almost every sitting Democrat to the entire liberal media. He must be a hero, otherwise he and anyone associated with him would be as toxic as Bin Laden. So ok in fact that Ayers is still working with domestic terrorists.
  • Liberal protesters break through police barricades and storm and occupy the Capitol in 2018, after death threats were issued (and other threats, tangential but Kavanaugh’s family wasn’t left out- yet we’re supposed to only feel sorry for his (lying) accuser), with the intent of terrorizing Senators into voting the way they want them to… in other words, terrorism. And the media and Democrat Party see them as heroes, and the liberal FBI doesn’t bother investigating, and the “insurrectionists” aren’t being held as political prisoners in Stalin-level conditions.
  • Liberal protesters breach the Capitol again in 2018, occupying the offices of three Democrats. Again, this was acceptable.
  • In cities across the country, liberals maim and murder, and chase officials from government buildings while attacking other government buildings. Federal property factors into this, yet the Democrats and the media find this to be perfectly acceptable behavior and the liberal FBI doesn’t bother investigating, and none of the Leftists instigating it- even those in office- are investigated, let alone impeached.
  • Liberals commit true prosecutable insurrection by seizing land and seceding from the United States and then raping and murdering people in their seceded communities, while these Leftwing protesters tried to stop police from investigating the murders the Black Lives Matter secessionist insurrectionists committed. This is dismissed by Democrats and the media as the second “summer of love”.
  • Liberals who were eager to watch an unarmed protester murdered for being a Republican in a federal building once believed that it was wrong to use any kind of force to defend a federal building from protesters.

Now comes January 6 (which apparently lasted until April according to Pelosi and her defense team, when she tried to blame the January 6 rioters for a Democrat Farrakhanite killing someone) where suddenly trespassing on federal property like Biden once did is now insurrection (except your vaunted FBI says it wasn’t), treason, and all of them deserved to be shot, according to the Democrats and liberal media. A “mostly peaceful protest” where the only fatalities are protesters, where the damage is 1/1000th what liberals did for 6 months, where the protesters didn’t kill anyone unlike in your protests, is worse than September 11th and Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust. Oh and Trump is to blame even though he asked for peace before, during, and after the riot.

Yes, riots are wrong, but when liberals try to incite riots and refuse to condemn their riots (including riots designed to be acts of insurrection and terrorism by intimidating the government into doing the Left’s bidding. In case you need it spelled out because you are a Democrat: until 2016, a “peaceful protest” meant that you assemble, maybe with some signs, chant, yell a bit, then go home. “Peaceful Protests” do not involve showing how violent and aggressive you will be if your demands are not met. Violent and aggressive protestors are using fear of further violence to force a political goal (a goal that apparently means more murders in their cities, as opposed to simply disputing an election), which is terrorism. And besides, even by liberal standards January 6 was a “mostly peaceful” protest. You keep saying that protests where communities are destroyed and people are killed are mostly peaceful because you allege that the majority of the attendees were peaceful, well guess what: out of the official 126,000 who showed up on January 6, only an alleged 1,200 (not even 1%) of the protesters entered the Capitol. And when they did get inside, they just walked around a bit except for the dozen or two that Ashli Babbit was with. Isn’t that “mostly peaceful” too? It would be, by your definition.) and rioters who cause billions in damage, destroy Black communities, rape, and murder, then why should the Right condemn its own rioters? When the Left decides to torch everything they dislike, why shouldn’t the Right do the same? If the argument is “we’re better than them morally so let’s not fight like them”, keep in mind that same moderate thinking led to Nazi Germany (the moderates and sane people had the hands-off business-as-usual approach that Republicans are using, which led to the National Socialists and the Communists being the parties people flocked to because they were actually doing something, but also they gained supporters who were just plane scared of the other side and wanted to feel protected, with the weak moderates left behind.). You can’t take the “let’s stick to policy and be the nice guys” approach when people are scared of the other side and see you as unable to protect them.

Besides, it is perfectly possible for the Right to riot and still have the moral high ground, just don’t rape and murder people like Democrats did.

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Capitol Riot

It’s been slowly coming out, though I’ve been on it from pretty early on, that January 6 was a bit of an inside job. Planned and executed by Democrats, hence why Pelosi didn’t bother defending the Capitol and now has a smokescreen committee out to accuse others of her own alleged dereliction of duty. Granted, at the time I didn’t think (and maybe wouldn’t have believed) that the FBI had as big or a bigger part to play than Antifa infiltrators (at the Stop The Steal rally I attended, we were warned in advanced to look out for troublemakers, and I even saw social media posts from Antifa folks talking about infiltrating the protest and how they’d identify each other), but I guess I was red-pilled about the government.

As early as March 2020, Democrats were claiming there would be a riot if Trump lost (probably thinking about the riots when Hillary lost in 2016). Allegedly this was to impugn Trump, saying he’d radicalize his supporters into thinking the election was stolen… much like Democrats spent 4 years doing in regards to both 2016 and 2018. Prominent Democrats in 2020 even were saying that if Trump won, that means the election would have been stolen again (I get more specific in a later paragraph, you liberal denier you).

So with this March 2020 warning it seems more like Democrats used “Trump” as a “dog whistle” for their own candidate, thus they could distribute instructions to their own Democrat politicians who went on later to say that the election would be fake if Trump won (the very thing that the March 2020 report said that Trump would do, the very thing Democrats were warned would start a riot), planning for yet another Democrat riot, but also if Trump lost then they could go ahead and do a Trump riot to discredit him and his followers. Which they did.

As you saw in the first source cited in the paragraph before the previous paragraph, Democrats knew that there would be a riot. House Speaker Pelosi herself is cited as interfering in security measures, refusing more security on the grounds of “optics”. It gets worse than this though- during the riot, Pelosi turned down the National Guard’s aid, meanwhile President Trump actually demanded an additional 10,000 National Guardsmen be in DC, but his order was ignored. The same Army brass that is now weeding out Trump supporters from the military and are more worried about teaching soldiers to hate America than about the Chinese developing superweapons were the ones who delayed the reaction time, whereas Trump actually wanted to have enough people ready to stop a riot before it happened.

Hmmmm… a bunch of folks who turn out to be hardcore antiAmerican (when the DOJ/FBI (to the point that they fabricate grounds for harassing and intimidating parents concerned about their ideology, and lie to Congress about sending the FBI to school board meetings… and let’s not forget the head of the DOJ’s family profits from this toxic anti-American ideology that he ordered the FBI to support) and military leaders support this anti-Americanism and want it drilled into their subordinates’ heads that this country and all its institutions are racist, thus the self-proclaimed anti-racist Democratic Party is the only legitimate institution, so that the military fights to protect the party rather than the country just as China’s military does, what else can you call it?) Leftists drag their feet and allow a riot to happen that undermines the credibility of the people who actually want to protect this country? Politicians who would just love it if the other side rioted for once deliberately loosen security when they are warned one might happen?

And let’s not forget- one of the government organizations who lied to create investigations into Trump sends people to stir up trouble just before the riot. The FBI had a few faces in the crowd, tried to recruit people to storm the Capitol, and even apparently stormed it themselves (a tried and true tactic, and in September 2021 they accidentally arrested their own agent because the Right caught on to the gimmick) as you’ll see below.

A Look Inside The Riot

The timing is incredibly suspicious. Right as the Senate began hearing election disputes, the riot was started. At the exact moment when on public record instead of in the rightwing media we’d see voter fraud and Democrats would have to deal with it to proceed, that’s when the riots started. Not one point of data was entered into the record, because the GOP was scared of the bad PR from the riots. Democrats of course were never scared of the bad PR from their riots, because no matter how many burnt corpses and dead communities were found in their wake the Democrats always are depicted as the good guys, assuming they even acknowledge their riots happened (it is promising that more people want BLM riots probed than January 6, but this’ll blow over like Afghanistan where Biden left 14,000 people to die (and lied about it), destroyed trust our allies had for us (Democrats even told our allies to stop evacuating their people because it made us look bad), and brought in countless unvetted refugees (possibly in violation of the law) that we never promised to get out of the country just so Biden could have a good PR moment by telling us to focus on the number of people withdrawn who we did not promise relief to rather than his abandonment of the people we promised to help (while the folks we promised to get out are executed and the Biden Admin blocks private attempts to evacuate people, presumably for the same reason they tried to stop our allies from evacuating people that you read earlier- it looked bad for Biden). Where we killed a family just because Biden wanted a good PR moment, where we let a suicide bomber blow up members of our military while arming terrorists because liberals love them and hate our military, as much as they love preventing their political opponents from receiving medical care (and for those provax folks that think you have the intellectual and moral high ground because you think you aren’t spreading (or catching) COVIDwell Big Pharma salesman, just read these links about why people might not get COVID vaxxed, and why those vaccines and masks and lockdowns do nothing for public health as more people died from COVID under Biden than under Trump in the same time span despite your vaccines and mandates. No wonder your Democrat leaders who order us to wear masks refuse to wear them, who order us to isolate but refuse to, violate the orders without concern for their own health. They know it’s all garbage, and know their followers are too stupid to do anything but threaten to kill their opponents, to the point now doctors are scared to report vaccine side effects. Meanwhile the best preventative measures such as maintaining a healthy weight and various drugs not profitable to Big Pharma are ignored or attacked in favor of highly profitable vaccines (talk about killing grandma (and just to sell books too)! Look at all the treatments your side is attacking because they’d make your side look bad, like how Biden tried to stop our allies and private citizens from saving lives in Afghanistan because it would make him look bad) and other new treatments that are equally as profitable for Big Pharma. The public health advice- and mandate if you want to stay employed- is to stay locked down and get fat and take the pills and vaccines from Big Pharma. Ironically, this is bringing about the overrun hospitals liberals lie about (while liberals ignored the steps he took to help, and killed the elderly instead)– but now it’s because liberals are firing thousands of healthcare workers so our medical system can no longer support our population, firing them for not taking a vaccine that doesn’t stop them from spreading COVID anyway.)).

Uniformed law enforcement folks let protesters into the Capitol, protesters that were later arrested for trespassing and held/tortured in a political prison (as liberals cheer their arrests, liberals want this for anyone that stands in their way) after law enforcement invited them in. Then on the other hand, uniformed law enforcement folks fired on actual peaceful protesters and murdered SEVERAL unarmed protesters, going so far as to attack and arrest people trying to save one of their victims. We see this on video, there’s plenty of it. People breaching the Capitol with force (who appear to be FBI agents or Antifa, or both since there’s hardly any daylight between their ideologies. Also, the government admits it had infiltrators.), people peacefully walking inside, and police randomly opening fire on unarmed crowds of people with no reason or justification and in violation of many safety protocols and rules of engagement and for no reason according to internal police documents (these must be the only police officers Democrats are fine with shooting blindly and for no reason at unarmed protesters, or the only unarmed protesters Democrats are fine with being arbitrarily executed).

Oh, and anyone on Capitol grounds– not just in the building, but anyone anywhere near the building including places where I and liberals and conservatives legally walked at a peaceful protest just a few weeks prior- was retroactively declared a trespasser and the DOJ wants to prosecute them in violation of ex post facto. This illegal move comes out as Pelosi pursued her January 6 committee, as Democrats plummeted in the polls due to repeatedly botching everything. Gee, I wonder if the January 6 committee will say something just in time for the 2022 midterms? Not that this really matters, the Democrats are going to overturn the filibuster rule so they can ram through legislation making it legal to cheat in elections. Just in time too- the computer systems they allegedly hacked 2020 (and 2021 and 2016 and 2012 according to a reliable source I know) with must be getting out of date by now since it allegedly originated in the Bush Administration.

I guess overall it’s not really that hypocritical if you think about it. Before January 6th, liberals hailed their rioters and Capitol breachers as heroes and the few that were arrested were out the next day. Well, look what happened January 6- their Leftwing rioters and Capitol breachers (with guns) still are ignored by the Leftist FBI.

Do These Revelations Matter To The Public?

It’s obvious that Democrats planned all this, and figured their election theft would agitate Trump supporters, and they with their FBI chums (who already proved willing to break the law to help Democrats) could create this trap to discredit the GOP. This was not the only attempt either- the FBI pulled this with an attempt to kidnap a Democrat governor, where the FBI planned and plotted her kidnapping but then used some citizens they radicalized to execute it. Fortunately, Republicans learned from this and left the FBI to arrest themselves at their latest trap, but who knows what they’ll try next. Meanwhile, well-meaning conservative protesters are locked in prison, tortured by guards, starving after being held months without bail or trial (one who was arrested for seeking help from the police during the riot died while waiting for the “speedy trial” our laws promised us) for misdemeanor offenses (held by liberals who meanwhile say that people should not be prosecuted at all for the charges the January 6 folks are being held on, liberals who think people should face no jail time for armed robbery. Criminals don’t stand between them and their power, you do, that’s why they want you in prison and want everyone from illegal alien child predators to citizen domestic abusers and Democrat child predators out on the streets… turns out rape is ok if it helps your agenda), forcing them to get vaccines to see a lawyer and weigh that against being tortured longer, and the only way out is a Soviet-style confession where they change their political views under penalty of more torture at the hands of liberal sadists (notice that the liberal judge let out someone who actually committed violence because he changed his political views, but is still holding peaceful protesters). Or the activist judges impose sentences harsher than what prosecutors ask for and describe the crimes far worse than how the prosecutors describe them. And Democrats are happy with this. They love it. this is the kind of system they want. Hadn’t you noticed? Their bombs and riots listed above are good, they cheer when they murder Trump supporters, but the other side shouldn’t even be allowed to express an idea.

As an added bonus- they get to smear their opponents. Call them paranoid and ignorant for believing Trump. Let’s see now… if you believe 2016 was stolen you are Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who is known for encouraging uprisings, like January 6), and Fmr. Democratic President Jimmy Carter. If you believe 2018 was stolen you are Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, Fmr. Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe, and Fmr. Democratic Presidential candidate/Senator Corey Booker. If you believed in January 2020 that 2020 would be stolen so you must impeach Trump to steal it first, you are Adam Schiff. But if you believe 2020 was stolen now, you are an insurrectionist and a terrorist (despite no one being charged for these under the Democrats’ Attorney General, I guess they know that they only have misdemeanors and opposing Democrats isn’t a crime yet so that’s why they’re holding them without trial indefinitely like a third world dictatorship or Nazi Germany would)… and one of the 51% of Americans who believe it. The threat to Democracy wasn’t 4 years of Democrats trying to stop Trump from doing anything at all (you started trying to impeach him before he was sworn in) with Hillary Clinton herself basically declaring herself the real President-in-exile and ordering her minions in government to act like it, the threat to Democracy wasn’t you saying Trump was illegitimate, and saying you have to oust him before the next election, saying you have to overturn the results of an election, getting so desperate that you threatened riots (ie made terroristic threats) if Trump won. Nope, the real threat was when Republicans did what you had been doing for years.

And come on, this is the world where the liberal media says voter fraud doesn’t happen but then reports on Democrats shredding voter registrations. The world where Fauci is considered the final word on science, so that even when the CDC says something that contradicts him it’s not true. The world where AOC says that she is for equality and removing your mask is killing people right before she goes to parties where she and the elite are maskless while the peasants must bow and cover themselves, displaying “tax the rich” on a $10,000 dress at a $30,000 per head event like some kind of sick joke as she makes $170,000 per year and demands that you pay her college debt. In other words- truth doesn’t matter, hypocrisy just means you’re right, and no matter how wrong the Democrats are shown to be, how evil they are, they will still enjoy broad support because people are too scared of COVID and too ignorant- and too ideologically invested- to ever let facts shake their beliefs.

So what if liberals created purely political persecutions and may even have framed people and staged the event? They’re the good guys so not only must anything they do be for a noble goal (like say altering elections to make their theft easier), but how they do it is above reproach too (look at the Steele Dossier- the whole “Russian collusion” narrative started from here, there would be no such narrative without them, so naturally liberals try to say there really was collusion even if the Dossier was false, to the point that less than a week after the biggest source for it is indicted for lying to the government about it, liberals are out saying that the Dossier was never really important nor believed after that being their only evidence for collusion because their 2-year political hitman for hire Mueller himself admitted there was none.)! Liberals and Democrats take this a step further though- they believe that even if they are in the wrong, so what, totalitarian control is better anyway because they want other people making their choices for them, and they want to force that on you too. Frankly, given how many humans today and in the past support this, I can’t say I blame the corrupt ones in power from taking advantage of it, I would be sorely tempted to do the same because I’m sure they know better than me that their supporters deserve to be taken advantage of.

Oh yeah, why are you “Bush lied, people died” folks welcoming Dick Cheney and his daughter into your ranks? I thought he was the root of all evil and anything he liked must be bad and sinister, and now he and his daughter like you. I thought you guys didn’t want the eeeeeeevil government deep state folks who got us into Iraq and put in the Nazi-esque Patriot Act running your media after you claim they conned you into wars and scared you into giving up your rights by lying (which as you read earlier you’re ok with for COVID), and certainly you would not want racist law enforcement folks running your media, yet you happily listen to them and believe whatever they say.

Duty To Retreat Vs. Stand Your Ground

As you can see, I’m ready for the “Stand Your Ground” plan. Windows are taped up in that manner to help mitigate fragmenting when people try to bust them. Aside from riots, it’s also useful for when severe storms come rolling through.

It’s 4:23pm EST on election night and already we’re hearing about Republican poll watchers being turned away, Democrat campaign signs remaining up at polling places and handing out Democrat voting guides inside polling places despite those things being illegal, a Texas voter being told someone voted in her name already, and failures of voting machines in a key Trump district in Georgia. And by pure coincidence I’m sure, Trump supporters are the ones that would be overwhelmingly impacted by election-day shenanigans.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s go to the topic of voter intimidation. Namely: how liberals enable it.

“Stand your ground” means you are able to use lethal force to stop someone if you believe they are a threat to your life. “Duty to retreat” means you need to run. Allegedly it provides for defending yourself with non-lethal means and even lethal means as a last resort, like if you ran into a corner and could not run anymore. But as you’ll see when put in practice, states with “Duty to Retreat” laws have a bunch of other laws that make resistance impossible whether it’s lethal or non-lethal, whether you’re cornered or not.

Democrats prefer “Duty to Retreat“. You want an answer to why? Look in the streets of their cities, where mobs of their voters are free to attack anyone the Party disapproves of. As I’ve mentioned before, they want it to be illegal for you to live when they and/or their mobs condemn you to death. They even have laws against you wearing body armor and laws banning non-lethal stuff for protection from their mobs.

And look at how well-armed Democrats want their mobs. While they work on laws gradually banning guns by brand, laws that require you to pay impossibly high registration fees that basically mean poor people are denied their 2nd Amendment Rights (that only wealthy billionaires, celebrities, and politicians can), laws that make it difficult or impossible to transport guns even from the store or shooting range to your home, and laws making ammo impossible to obtain, they look the other way when their mobs of criminals illegally draw loaded guns on innocent victims (the liberal media even hires people to shoot Trump supporters).

Democrats ban you from using a gun (and getting one for many people, all while saying you don’t nee a gun), order you to run away from criminals, leave you with calling the police as your only way of getting help (Democrats outright told rape victims they don’t need to protect themselves); then they do some combination of ordering the police to stand down, defunding the police, ceding territory to rapists and murderers while telling you they are peaceful, or disbanding the police so that you have no help. And liberals LOVE this.

Now that you’ve voted, are you happy being defenseless with no police around to help?

I’m a little skeptical myself. This image of liberal safe space Portland where you don’t need a gun was from from KPTV

What Will The Biden/Harris Presidency Bring?

All hail the overlord. Image from

I fear disappointment, so I just assume the polls are right, but if they’re this wrong then we can’t really rely on any poll ever again, because either side could manipulate them. So when a Democrat or Republican says that a poll shows they’re in the mainstream on an issue… who knows anymore.

We already know Biden voters will engage in terrorism (violent action intended to cause political change) if they lose the election, Michelle Obama outright admitted it when she said the riots that Biden’s supporters are inciting won’t stop unless Biden’s President. And as you saw in the third link in the first sentence, this is just a rerun of the tactics Democrats employed when Trump was elected, except much more violent. Democrats such as their intended Vice President endorse this violence by their voters.

It’ll be a miracle if Trump wins. The media is hiding Joe Biden and broadcasting 24/7 lies about Trump (and Biden was allowed an earpiece while Kamala was given the questions and on a first-name basis with the moderator, then we got to contrast in real-time the media’s treatment of Trump vs. Biden at dueling townhalls) while Big Tech is censoring information that could hurt Biden. There’s no way to beat that, the public isn’t smart enough. As for what chaos Biden and Kamala and Democrats will bring, all we have to go on are their words.

  • Massive economic destruction when they impose a 6 week national lockdown on day one (the elitist-supported lockdowns in some liberal places never really ended, even after W.H.O. said no to them lasting for so long because of all the other deaths they cause, with some places just now reopening on the 6 month anniversary of the government promising only a two week lockdown to “flatten the curve”- liberals like Biden who “follow the science” believed it should be much longer, and they got their wish of economic destruction from it) and increase in taxes (ultimately, you end up paying when corporations pay more in taxes, whether because it drains your retirement account, cuts your wages, kills your job and leaves you with no freelance jobs like Lyft as an alternative, kills the GDP, raises taxes by imposing his healthcare or green agenda, or the economy plummets. Ironic since voters say it’s the most important issue… so naturally they vote for the Party that advocated for economic destruction for 7 months, STILL wants it destroyed, is doing poorly in the areas it controls, and has a candidate who even without Corona would’ve tanked the economy)
  • Economic destruction independent of lockdowns
  • Endless COVID mandates and forced tracking of every citizen
  • Ceasing all COVID testing if the results reflect poorly on the government.
  • Skin color decides whether or not you get a COVID vaccine
  • Murdering the elderly ensures promotion in the party
  • One set of COVID rules for Democrats, one set of rules for you.
  • One set of sexual assault and harassment rules for them, one for you (while their prosecutors refuse to charge rapists, and rape rises in their areas of influence, and they tell you that nothing is wrong and you are ignorant for thinking otherwise). I never believed that liberals cared about #MeToo anyway. You #MeToo acolytes right now are saying it’s ok that a man masturbated in front of women (and possibly masturbating TOO those women) at a conference call for work (and some idiots are saying it’s white male privilege that kept him from being fired. No, it’s liberals that keep him from being fired. My CONSERVATIVE WHITE bosses would’ve fired my WHITE MALE ass on the spot if I did something like that, then had me arrested for indecent exposure, and exposing your willy is supposed to be WORSE than breast-feeding in public. ANY workplace with a functioning HR department should’ve fired that guy on the spot. But he’s one of your favorite liberal pundits, and they stood by him when he tried to coerce his mistress into aborting his bastard because it would look bad for him that he cheated on his wife. You woke-ass libbies complaining that this is white male privilege should never have hired this sexist pig in the first place. Can it really be white male privilege when conservatives never would’ve hired him, and certainly would fire anyone who did this kind of thing, whereas liberals are DEFENDING ALL OF his behaviors?). You #MeToo folks are perfectly fine with a man using his position of power as a father’s friend to seduce a daughter and then order her to abort the child that was produced- I thought it was a woman’s right to choose, or is that only when it means an abortion happens? You #MeToo liberals are perfectly fine with your President of choice’s son fathering an illegitimate child and abandoning the mother to raise the kid on her own, while your President of choice covered this up. You #MeToo liberals are perfectly fine with Planned Parenthood hiding rapes. You #MeToo liberals are perfectly fine with pedo Hunter Biden exposing himself to children 1/3rd his age while his dad covered up the scandal, and you cover it up too. You #MeToo liberals are fine with voting for someone who enabled a rapist and shamed his victims. You #MeToo liberals are fine with voting for a creepy molester. You #MeToo liberals are perfectly fine with rape enablers in general (note that your attorneys happily refuse conservative clients, then go on to defend rapists as long as they are Democrats).
  • Speaking of health, say goodbye to your insurance! You remember what happened last time a Democrat President assured people that if they like their plan they would be able to keep it (Biden lied about that during the Presidential debate- he said no one lost their plans).
  • Tax the bejeezus out of investors and people with retirement savings in stocks and people making less than $400k- remember it’s not the corporations and the wealthy that pay taxes when folks like Biden say they’ll raise their taxes, it’s the people investing in them like the average American with a 401k that pay.
  • Making sure you have no job by imposing a mandatory minimum wage hike at a time when businesses are too poor to stay open because of the lockdowns Biden threatens to have more of.
  • Bankruptcy of the country because we don’t have enough money for stuff like ordering taxpayers to pay almost everyone over $28,000 per year until 3 months after whenever the Democrats say the lockdowns should end, which they want to go on for another year at least (this might at best cost $6 Trillion per year, more than all federal programs put together, and Kamala does not say how she’ll pay for it). Democrats whine that Trump raised the debt by $10 Trillion over 4 years (yes I talked with someone who asserted that prediction was reality even though without COVID it’d probably be at $5 trillion or so- COVID jacked things up, and Democrats are on record saying they would’ve spent even crazier than Trump did on it), so naturally in their first year they want to raise it $6 Trillion for just ONE policy. China, by the way, owns a lot of this debt. No wonder Biden picked Harris (aside from the fact she’s been in on his corrupt dealings with China). And what a great strategy by China- release a deadly plague then force other countries to pay them. Ownership of the United States only cost China a few million dollars to Biden’s son and the lives of a couple of thousand Chinese citizens they didn’t really care about anyway.
  • Endless lockdowns (Democrats want it to save the environment and control your life, their buddies in Big Tech and the Media want it because it means more money for them as you now rely on them much more than when you’re allowed outdoors). People are easily hooked by a shred of optimism. 14 days to flatten the curve, then we reopen… the “experts” said 6 months ago. Parts of the country are still locked down, and others require masks and social distancing and have low limits on how many folks can be in a building. Areas have even cancelled religious services by government mandate (while allowing unmasked protesters to not socially distance- I mention later that there will be no equal application of the law. And oh look, they openly won’t prosecute their approved rioters for breaking COVID restrictions while they WILL arrest anyone attending religious services (they don’t even treat funerals equally), and will prosecute the protesters they disapprove of… just like they won’t prosecute people for armed trespassing and threatening residents, but WILL prosecute residents for defending themselves- in fact they’ll even tamper with evidence to help convict you if you defend yourself, and then charge YOU for tampering). All for a virus that lockdowns do nothing to contain, a virus where the “experts” tell you it won’t spread when it’s politically convenient for Democrats. Now we’re told wait just one more holiday and we’ll be ok after. That’s an old tactic, provide false optimism in the short-term to gain compliance with your oppressive demands. (I guess this means all your past concerns about the drugs, alcohol, suicides, and mental health issues were lies and that at heart you’re really a Darwinist, hence why you want lockdowns that didn’t stop the spread to be permanent so that you can destroy the mentally feeble and the poor who can’t afford to stay in their homes forever unlike you elitist liberal in your mansions.)
  • Forced medical procedures. Why stop with the COVID vaccine if it’s all in the name of saving lives? Since liberals think that Republicans are literally mass murderers and childabusingsociopaths, how about forced sterilization (it’s still legal, thanks to a previous Progressive Supreme Court. Also. liberal, if Republicans are child-abusing rapists, you’re no different at all you craven pedo lover, especially with these lockdowns you want because they allow pedos and child abuse to go undetected while you deny that there’s a problem.)?
  • Statues for rapists and pedos whom you liberals believe are civil rights icons
  • Deciding who lives or dies, with the government saying your death is in your “best interests“- that is the system you want, you have said so liberal.
  • Take away your health coverage so we can give it to illegal immigrants, which would only incentivize more to come here (and vote Democrat- when we have folks like your friend in Colorado running things, am I really supposed to believe that noncitizens are given special ballots that don’t let them vote beyond your city limits or that you don’t count their votes beyond what your local laws allow?)
  • They’d probably want it to be illegal for you to complain that Big Tech is giving Democrat campaigns your personal data. You certainly couldn’t challenge them giving your data away with a stacked Supreme Court.
  • A healthy portion of your paycheck going to Democrats, because you will either be unemployed or in a union, no side gigs (hear that you liberal struggling actors and artists, and the rest of you folks that Democrat-loved lockdowns are crushing?), no earning on your own.
  • Expanding China’s role in censoring your speech
  • You’ll disappear if you come out with damaging info on Joe
  • Legalized rioting
  • Legalized theft, destruction of property, and trespassing. Meaning if a lberal broke into your home and smashed the place up and stole your valuables because you are a conservative, liberals would not prosecute the criminal, that is ALREADY possible in parts of this country.
  • Meanwhile, bail will be outlawed so rapists and domestic abusers will be free to beat women, because that’s feminism I guess. Or maybe you got tired of people pointing out you were lying about the rape epidemic so you decided to make one. Already, rapists who target drunk women can’t be charged with rape thanks to your feminist woke reforms that you want to spread to the country. (Also, your “President” during corona released rapists and pedophiles to protect them from the virus, and one of your new civil rights icons is a rapist who attacked police officers trying to stop him from harassing his victim- you love the rapist so much you censor the fact that he raped someone. So I guess, liberal, you really would not care about this. I remember with Kavanaugh you said Republicans should die for confirming him because he allegedly raped someone, here you have enough evidence of rape for an arrest warrant and you make the man a civil rights icon! And you voted for Biden who seems to have covered up his son exposing himself to a 14 year old girl, just like how in 2016 you voted for Hillary who says women survivors of her husband’s sexual assaults don’t matter.)
  • I guess they’re making it harder to lockup rapists because they plan to expand what the definition of rape is, so they don’t want their prisons too full.
  • Massive global censorship so that you never know this is happeningit’s already so bad that media pundits deliberately censor themselves from gaining knowledge of basic terms for their topic because those terms describe things contrary to their narrative (the new Dem Administration probably won’t have to make censorship a law, the liberal media happily does it for them. The same liberal media that lectured Pence about the media asking questions on behalf of the public like he was a child and said Trump should be impeached for corruption and claimed voters wanted Trump impeached for corruption and had to answer questions on it now say that voters don’t care about corruption at all and it’s a waste of time and these news people pledge to suppress the story. Just like how liberals coveredup everything Obama did wrong and even blamed Trump for what Obama did, liberals happily went after Trump over lies from anonymous sources or Clinton campaign shills or Adam Schiff but ignore and out of hand dismiss HARD EVIDENCE- the Biden campaign doesn’t deny these are legit emails and Hunter even asked for the laptop to be returned to him (but your “former intel officials” say that the signed receipt, emails the campaign says are legit, and laptop Hunter wanted returned are Russian disinformation)– of Biden corruption, liberals covered up the many murder threats against Republicans by prominent liberals, liberals downplayed or ignored actual murders and attempted murders of Republicans by liberals while lying about Republicans killing liberals, liberals even covered up the USSR’s murder of over 40 million people and want you to think the USSR was paradise– and they ignored the Holocaust– so it’s no surprise you’d never hear of failures in a Biden/Harris government, remember this is the media that told you that economic growth too small to give you a job was the new norm, and Trump could not fix it, and when he did the media denied it. For those concerned on the economy, your media wants you to believe that Obama/Biden who said that growth could never happen, said that Trump’s policies would destroy their progress, were responsible for the growth that happened after Trump’s policies took effect.)
  • Corruption. Lots, lots, and lots of it.
  • More scandals where the Intel Community directs its assets against Americans of the opposite political party. Remember- they fabricated the Steele Dossier and passed it off as fact in order to take down Trump, and then invented charges against General Flynn (and forced the confession by theatening his family, then refused to let the prosecutors drop the case against Flynn when its corrupt origins came to light).
  • Many, many, many political prosecutions. See what I said about Flynn above where Democrat Biden told the FBI to persecute Flynn, the Democrat FBI made a political show of it, the Democrat Mueller team forced Flynn to sign a confession by threatening his family and withheld evidence showing he was innocent, a Democrat Liberal Activist Judge ordered a prosecutor to continue with the case, and then the 7-Democrat vs 4 Republican court of appeals decided that deliberate bias and violating the oath of impartiality is perfectly fine if you’re a liberal (and by the way liberal, if you care about poor people and poor minorities then you’ll take note that the precedents YOU ARE TRYING TO SET are that now a judge can ensure endless prosecution of a Black and that if a Black is forced to plead guilty because they can’t fight the case any longer or are threatened into confessing but then exculpatory evidence comes out you can convict that Black of perjury too, leading to an increase in that minority prison population you allegedly want to decrease… or will you only do this to your political opponents?)? That’ll happen to you; they will fill the Supreme Court with people like that. Even under Trump they managed to setup Stalinesque tactics; once they have more power it’s only going to get worse (not that liberals care, they WANT this kind of thing because to a liberal you really are a criminal for having a different worldview, they think it is ACTUAL VIOLENCE to have a different belief system than theirs)
  • More U.S. troops in foreign locations, unlike Trump who beat the foes Obama/Biden encouraged (to ensure that when Hillary brought us to war it’d be very costly, no doubt, obviously the quick killing and destabilization of Libya didn’t give them as much a thrill as they liked, so they stood swaggering about Syria and lying about it to make us look weak, dithering on killing Bin Laden, and then did nothing about ISIS and screwed up anything Bush accomplished in Iraq. Oh, and there was that whole Democrat thing about supplying weapons to Al Qaeda and proto-ISIS). Remember- Democrats talked about war with nuclear superpower Russia only two years ago. Only 4 years ago they voted for someone who bragged about wanting to start World War III with Russia. Meanwhile Trump kicked the war hawks out of his cabinet and was criticized by Democrats for withdrawing troops, the same Democrats who praised Obama for it.
  • Liberals believe that being ready to stop a nuclear attack with a missile defense system is “belligerent”, and Obama/Biden helped other nuclear powers catch up with us, so expect more of that while Democrats want war with Russia, much to China’s delight.
  • Biden’s historically slow pandemic responses (look at how Democrats say Biden had nothing to do with the terrible response. How is he able to run on his record as Vice President if he didn’t actually do anything?), Democrats in general botching it, and then proudly standing by their lethal response and misinformation (disguised as “science” from “experts”) while blaming Republicans. Remember- he (and the Left) says Trump should’ve done all his actions earlier, but Biden himself admitted he would not have instituted masks and social distancing until two weeks AFTER Trump told people to social distance, until at least three weeks after the CDC recommended everyone wear masks. So if Trump delaying action made him responsible for every single COVID death, what does Biden’s admission that he would’ve waited EVEN LONGER mean? (and for you Biden lovers out there, let me reiterate: Biden had as much info as Trump on the virus, all anyone had to do was look at what other countries were doing and how the virus was tearing through them, people were wearing masks and social distancing in Europe well before U.S. officials recommended we do it, so Biden absolutely had enough information March 1 and earlier to form a plan, but he admits not planning key things like masking and social distancing until almost a month later)
  • Probably botch the Corona response because Biden will pull a Solyndra with vaccine production, since his son is investing in them. (He met with executives from a Ukraine company, the U.S. government pressured the prosecutor, suddenly everyone hated the prosecutor that was chasing after that company, and Biden pledged (calling it a “quid pro quo” deal, remember how you said that was impeachable liberal?) to withhold a billion dollars from an ally we are obligated by treaty to defend unless that prosecutor going after that company he’s working with is fired, the prosecutor is fired, then we learned all the reasons we were given for firing the prosecutor were fabricated. Then you have Biden’s China-friendly stance despite the Obama Admin’s “Asia pivot”, coincidentally his son made millions from China. Now his son is investing in COVID companies.)
  • Hey liberals, did you know that the company your new God-King helped is an oil company? A corrupt one? Guess we can’t really predict what a Harris-Biden Administration’s climate approach is since it will go to the highest bidder.
  • China’s domination of the world (they love China, and China knows, and they know China knows… and Russia knows Biden will be a friend- Biden and Obama gave half of Ukraine to Russia if you’ll recall, and refused to give Ukraine any kind of military support in violation of our treaty with them)
  • Speaking of China and Russia, Biden’s ban on oil and plan for net zero emissions by 2025 will empower both of these nations that you keep insisting are threats while crippling our own. You are ensuring they will turn a huge profit when they make up for the oil internationally that we’re no longer selling, while we lose jobs and GDP and no longer can compete as a global power. But liberals WANT China to run the world so this works out perfectly for them.
  • School curriculums will be radically altered to lie about America, to make the students hate it (and love the Democratic Party as saviors– I’m sure you remember the steps Obama took).
  • Hijack the education system to teach kids that this is acceptable, that they should hate who Democrats hate, that they are evil if they don’t, that white people are evil simply for their skin color, that whatever suffering and slavery Americans endure at the hands of the Liberal Despots they deserve
  • Democratsponsored chaos to suppress opponents
  • Baby organ harvesting, and prosecuting anyone against it
  • More doctored polls to pressure you into thinking you’re alone and should just give up when you are disgusted by what Democrats are doing
  • Let’s not kid ourselves- do you really think they’re “color revolution” plot will end once they run the country? They’ve been threatening for a year now to purge or imprison political enemies, and that generally follows one of their “color revolutions” because the population is so divided at the end of it.
  • Freeze social security benefits (Biden has wanted to do this for decades, and his medical advisor says you should’ve died at age 75 anyway, and Biden’s voters celebrate when COVID kills elderly people)
  • Bankrupting medicare and social security, in part to pay for illegal immigrants (which would encourage illegals to come here, and that’d be super easy when Biden opens the border). Oh, and stopping you from buying a gun if you are on social security.
  • Legalized destruction of anything or anyone a mob of Democrats decides is racist, whether or not it actually is
  • Continued and legal mob intimidation of you (but you won’t be allowed to protect yourself or do the same to them)
  • Illegal for YOU to own firearms, but their mobs who’ve already murdered several people and attempted to murder others and are composed of felons that should not legally be allowed to have firearms under current laws will be allowed to have them
  • This is liberal justice folks.
  • Illegal for you to live when Democrat mobs demand that you die (their voters already riot when a police officer survives attempted murder, and Democrats do what these voters tell them.). They’re already working on that in Wisconsin, Omaha, and Minnesota.
  • Censor their political enemies on all platforms, and get the FCC involved in censoring the stuff their Big Tech allies can’t control
  • Make it illegal to speak against them- remember, liberals love how “enlightened” Europe is and try to follow their example.
  • Prevent campaign rallies from even happening for their opponents
  • Destroy your ability to independently move about the country (remember when Biden gave you $5 per gallon gas prices? Now he wants to not only raise gas prices beyond that, he wants to take away your car. You’d have to be very rich to afford an electric model, and the price to power it would be absurd- look at your electric bill already, now imagine what charging your car would cost, especially after the Green New Deal raises the cost of electricity. But that’s ok, you’ll be locked down so you won’t have anywhere to go anyway)
  • Government-ordered electric blackouts because they think you are spoiled by having too much electricity… which means you won’t even be able to charge that electric car.
  • Unequal application of the law- to the point liberals charge (and blame) conservatives for exactly what liberals did
  • Packed Supreme Court so that every move they make to oppress you is legal
  • Pack the Senate and House with more Democrats from places that don’t want to be a state like Puerto Rico or places that should never be a state because they’re supposed to not have a stake in what happens like DC, and then pass laws that let them remove a President (and probably any politician) they don’t like without even needing Congress’ approval. They also want to let Democrat Congressmen vote multiple times on bills, voting in the name of districts they do not represent.
  • Voting reforms guaranteed to allow Democrats to steal your ballots (ballot harvesting, and no they won’t let Republicans do it as we see in California where Republicans are obeying the law Democrats passed and Democrats are legally challenging them anyway), give illegals the right to vote- allowing any of the billion or so people in China to vote Democrat-, and people to vote multiple times.
  • Allow unlimited immigration from places that vote Democrat while stopping it from traditionally conservative places, even if it means death to the ones who are forced to stay behind (doesn’t matter that murderers and rapists will come in, because they’ll make it legal for criminals to vote too, and probably hire them to run the elections like how they hired criminals to run Obamacare and
  • Unequal application of the law- to the point liberals charge conservatives for exactly what liberals did (they hired a PIMP as an alternative to police in Seattle (the liberals you voted with think you’re a prude for believing it’s wrong to exploit underage girls like Seattle’s new Democrat Pimp Policeman did). Of course they’ll run out of criminals if they continue the trend of legalizing various crimes, in San Francisco where it is legal to attack police and they no longer prosecute people for burglary, so I guess this is what Americans want now. And remember- Kamala said she was proud of a rapist who fought police officers while trying to kidnap some children, that’s the Left’s hero, and people like him and the rioters/murderers who support him will be the ones with the guns while it will be ILLEGAL for YOU to resist them. On the bright side liberal, at least that rape epidemic you’ve been complaining about will finally be a real thing, that also means lotsa money for Planned Parenthood which they’ll give to your candidates after they give their CEO another raise, so all-in-all everybody on your side of the aisle who matters to you wins from it)
  • Banning guns (when you make it impossible to buy one, and then make it possible to sue the manufacturers if their gun is misused, it will kill the 2nd Amendment without having to alter the Constitution), except those owned by criminals because they’re even now deliberately not prosecuting them for it.
  • You’ll be labelled a terrorist for opposing them.
  • Make it a crime to support anyone who isn’t a Democrat
  • Freezing your bank account if they don’t like your politics, or even if you withdraw more money than they approve of.
  • Tell you that their partisan predictions are reality and call you sexist if you resist (and don’t forget- women want equality until someone challenges them, then they run crying that equality is misogyny.).
  • Change the election rules so that only Democrats can even run for office, and campaigns can barely talk about their politicians.
  • Foreign interference in elections– right now we have illegal immigrants voting. The Democrats and media only want more of this.
  • Legalized pedophilia, and a new cultural norm that having sex with the children you don’t “abort” once they’re out of the womb is ok (remember that Biden will be appointing a lot of judges, including judges whose positions don’t even exist right now, and we already have Democrat prosecutors that believe you deserve to die if liberal mobs order you to so this kind of depravity is hardly inconceivable, especially from a political party that believes they should have elected a pedophile enabler in the name of feminism, and who worshipped a “feminist icon” that argued for pedophilia).
  • An end to the basic family structure (in the name of fighting COVID most likely)
  • Hate speech and tolerance laws that make it illegal for women to refuse sexual advances from someone with male anatomy.
  • highly conditional compassion
  • For you radical Lefties, it seems the capitalists are onboard with your socialism and that’s never good (these capitalists just want free money from the government, that’s why they love your allegedly socialist Democrats, who act like socialist authoritarians towards the citizens while secretly bowing to the billionaires)
  • We all know your Russia talk is garbage, or are you going to be like Trump and criticize the U.N. for putting Russia (and Biden’s slave-holding friend China) on the Human Rights Commission? Nope, didn’t think you would. So with a Biden-Harris presidency you can expect MORE Russia dominance.
  • Your political leaders will be elitists beyond what they are now, and will care even less about you than ever now that they know how easy it is to win your vote.
  • You’re voting for a candidate who admitted he’s never made America equal, even with 8 years as Vice President of an Administration that owned Congress for two of those years, able to pass any legislation they wanted, he never made America equal. Meanwhile Trump did criminal justice reform with a Republican Congress, the same Congress that Biden said somehow stopped him from doing it. His Administration had the power to make illegal Hispanic immigrants into citizens without Congress, yet it did nothing for criminal justice reform that would save Black lives, according to Biden.
  • 8 years of Obama/Biden only led to a “peace” deal that made it certain Iran would have a nuclear weapon, 4 years of Trump led to a peace deal with Israel and its enemies. Biden wants to go back to giving Iran a nuclear weapon and lotsa money to build it and fund terrorism with, and Biden’s Party believed that A: Trump’s deal was impossible, B: he somehow did it by accident, and C: it was just a minor political distraction; achieving what Democrats believed impossible was just a pointless political distraction according to them.
  • Frankly, even the Left’s hero Osama Bin Laden (they loved his friend too, and his ideology, support itor at least the fact that like liberals, he didn’t like America, and even before the rubble of the Twin Towers had been cleared (reference is dated March 2002) liberal teachers were teaching kids to hate America) thought Biden would destroy America

Liberals hate their political enemies (just look at ABC’s headline saying Jews deserved to be attacked for supporting Trump, ABC believes that it’s the fault of those Jews that the rioters attacked them, blaming the victim, like how the Nazis blamed the Jews for Kristallnacht. Liberals think Trump’s tweets are worse than Iran demanding a second Holocaust against Jews, so maybe I should’ve judged this story based on how liberals see the world.) so much that they don’t even believe they’re capable of loving their kids, and they believe white people are not capable of loving non-white children. They do not view the other side of the aisle as humans. They will have no mercy. They WANT to hurt you, you are not only less than human but absolute evil to them. They see you like a Nazi sees a Jew. What will these people inflict on you once they’re in power?

I already know liberals don’t really care about any of this. By your own standards (and even in your own words), Joe Biden is homophobic, racist, sexist, sexual predator, capitalist, worlddestroyer who’s committed crimes against humanity and wouldve brought COVID death to millions of Americans, yet you rally behind him and threaten anyone opposed. You are willing to kill to get Biden in office. You could have voted for someone more in-line with your views, but you voted for him instead in the primaries because “morality” and “beliefs” are punchlines to you, “power” is all you care about.

Liberals used their ownership of Congress to crash the economy in 2008 to win an election (and then bailed out their billionaire friends while you got nothing but increasing wealth inequality and the promise from Democrats that this was the new normal). They stalled the recovery and told you we’d never recover in order to win elections. They lied about the deaths of Americans in order to win an election. They begged for a recession to win an election, and got one by playing on our fears of COVID. “They” being YOU, liberal. This is what your party stands for. Your own words indicate the above.

Speaking of wanton disregard for people’s lives, liberals firmly believe that it’s a gift to the Left because you’ll let them do all this if they say it’s to protect you from the scary virus they keep lying about. Every death is a gift to the Left, that’s why they celebrate people dying from the virus, made sure people died from it (even before the nursing home stuff, at a time when all you had to do was look at Europe to see how bad the virus was), and want MORE to die.

Now I understand that the liberals in the audience love ALL of this. They ESPECIALLY love China dominating the world, because you liberals love slave labor (you must otherwise you would not be voting to support China and would not support Colin Kaepernick who’s funded by Nike, who is supported by slave labor in China). You also love China’s high-tech oppression– their move to a cashless society where the government easily controls who can buy/sell stuff (it’s hard to stop people from getting paper money, super easy to stop them from getting and using digital money- Obama dabbled in some of these controls while President and you think he was the best President ever), where there is a “social creditsystem that mandates everyone oppress who the government orders them to, where political dissidents disappear instead of getting into office like they can do here.

Image from USA Today

That is your ideal system of government, you’re voting to support it, so you have a kindred spirit with Chinese oppressors. Your own henchmen admit to wanting gulags and mass murder. So it’s no surprise you’d vote for the political party that wants to bring that oppression here (now with the perfect excuse- just say it’s in the name of fighting COVID, you’ve already started massive censorship campaigns and you already support police brutality in the name of fighting COVID).

Convincing you this is bad is like convincing you it’s not racist for a white person to adopt a non-white or convincing oil tycoons that oil is bad. It’s just not going to happen. You don’t care anyway, you assume this government you’re bringing in will never oppress you, and you see the rest of us as Nazis. You think you’re fighting for justice. Somehow murdering babies outside the womb, segregating Blacks, passing massive crime bills that mostly put Blacks in prison, making Black inmates into slaves, burning down Black neighborhoods, ignorantly silencing all voices opposed to you as if any human is capable of being right on everything, and declaring all Blacks are inferior while all political opponents should be murdered is what you consider to be just and righteous. Your sense of morality is warped, you are insane. There is no sense trying to talk sense into a crazy person, your brain’s too screwed up to process it unless you dose up on some pretty strong meds.

Unfortunately most of the country backs you, because your propaganda machine and terrorists have scared them into compliance, and managed to make Biden look as if he’s the moderate voice in the room (by hiding him and burying his record, and calling anyone a liar who dares to play old clips of Biden being a Lefty) when really he listens to the radicals of the party (like his dismissal of antifa terrorists, but then again you liberals LOVE them and LOVE when your enemies are murdered by your allies so you support that move). I’m sickened by having to endure the lies that make the average person think I am scum (because they won’t sit down long enough for me to deprogram the lies you push into them, such as your continual lies about Trump not disavowing white supremacists, BTW remind me again who the KKK is backing this election- DEMOCRATS) will lead to horrible laws, mass imprisonments of political dissidents, mass legal murder by your street terrorists, and America essentially ceasing to exist as a world power, or even a first-world country, after this election. But at least when this ship sinks it’ll take you rats with it. Too bad you’re not smart enough to realize it, you’ll just make like the Nazis and keep scapegoating powerless groups of people for all your failures. You already do this in Democrat- ran states, so why not keep it up once you put the whole country in the toilet? This country that you hate, that you see as racist, that you want to destroy.

Image from Politico

Honestly, I don’t know if this election was an argument for or against the Founders’ original idea about only educated people being allowed to vote. The “educated” people are the ones who are now saying Blacks are inferior and apologizing for scientific progress ever being made, the “educated” people are the ones who believe the Left’s lies about everything and believe that Communism can work. But on the other hand, enough Americans are stupid sheep to follow along with what these “educated” want them to do, which right now means surrendering your rights in the name of protecting you from an illness you probably don’t need protection from, protecting you in ways that fatten Democrats’ pocketbooks and gives them more control over your lives. But if all we are left is a nation of sheep, then maybe slavers like China deserve to rule the world, and maybe you deserve to be part of their forced labor camps, you certainly want that (and note how SILENT your self-righteous politicians and media who are quick to hate police and white people are, the same ones who say you’re racist to criticize China, the same ones who are protecting China despite China being responsible for the pandemic that they’re using as an excuse to take your rights away. Hey liberals, remember when the Nazis told Jews they couldn’t worship, but they told their Nazi mobs they could go into the streets and destroy businesses, and then forced the business owners to pay for it? Your liberals here are doing EXACTLY THAT right now, and yet you and the rest of your party say Republicans are the Nazis).

It’s Miller Time!


Stephen Miller- he looks like a weenie. Image from Washington Post

The Atlantic is publishing articles about how to talk to Trump supporters on Thanksgiving. Not one article on how Trump supporters can talk to insane liars like the people on the Left who report lies about stuff they see with their own eyes, rather it’s how the insane liars on the Left can talk to Trump supporters as if supporting the President is the problem, as if Trump supporters are the ones living in a different reality despite how the hard evidence proves otherwise. We don’t believe their spin, so we’re evil and ignorant. Nazis and terrorists.

No, the problem is condescending partisan hacks like you who believe so much that anyone opposed to you is an untermensch that must be patronized simply because they find your lies despicable and insulting to their intelligence. Yes I acknowledge Trump has flaws, yes I know there could be problems with Stephen Miller, but they’re nowhere near what you’re making them to be and if you weren’t such an arrogant lying asshole to begin with then we’d never be at this stage of partisanship where Republicans have to defend flawed fighters like that lest they back a limp-wristed ninny like Jeb who’d never win against the Left’s war machine! If it weren’t for your media and your partisanship and your bubbles pushing you away from us (I can verify that it’s YOU who are moving farther from the center- remember in 2008 when you voted for the anti-illegal immigration candidate? Remember how that’s now far-right white nationalist thought, the very thing you voted for only 11 years ago? Barack Obama, whom you voted for, is a white nationalist according to you. Whereas with George W. from 19 years ago the biggest criticisms the Right have is what they always had- not a fighter but tolerable. So who moved, the guys who could get along with themselves 19 years ago, or you who’d be punching your Nazi self from 11 years ago?) we’d have Jeb Bush as President and it’d be civil business as usual, the kind of civility we saw under Eisenhower and Kennedy. Or you guys would’ve picked Jim Webb instead of crooked Hillary, whom you’d have ruled out for covering for her husband’s misdeeds and for the strong whiff of scandal and rigged systems that follows her around.

But nope, that’s not what happened, you want a damn civil war because you think people who don’t believe your propaganda are “Lebensunwertes Leben”, not even the same species, so you create fake studies (and you have fake news purveyors Washington Post saying conservatives that don’t read their lies are more likely to believe fake news than liberals) and write articles like the one that started this rant which all serve to objectify your political enemy as an inferior form of life despite the untruth of that idea, making it easier to hate this “other” and segregate yourselves from them. Because the worst thing a liberal might do is question the liberal orthodoxy. Funny I should mention that, as it turns out that you guys with your authoritarianism and intolerance are actually psychopaths, according to the people behind a study you used to love citing that said conservatives were the psychos.


I ask where your brains are at. Nevermind, I found them. Brains Strauman. Image from WWE

Tell me something smart guy- if you’re so smart how’d Trump win over all the Obama folks? How come your Mueller fellow came up short? How come you have to lie all the time? How come you have to ban people from arguing against you? How come you always resort to insults and even mob violence rather than arguing your point? If you’re so damn smart, why do you act like a savage? How come you’ve had solid evidence of criminal impeachable offenses by Trump for two and a half years according to your geniuses, yet right now two of your own smart guys defected to join Republicans because they think impeachment is a loser and all your smart guys on Mueller’s team put together with millions of dollars couldn’t oust Trump? And if you’re so smart, why do you unconditionally believe everyone who lied to you about blue waves and Mueller impeachment and now Ukraine impeachment? How come you believe the people who can’t even tell the truth about their economic plans? How come you yourself aren’t smart enough to do some rudimentary math and figure out that there’s no way to pay for what the smart people want you to pay for? If you’re so smart, why don’t you like taxing the rich liberal donor class especially if you are rich yourself? Also, if you are so smart, why did you support a (by your standard as linked later) white nationalist named Obama in 2008 and a (by your standards of #BelieveAllWomen) rapist-enabler named Hillary in 2016? Well? Show me your brains!

Maybe it’s your measure of intelligence that’s flawed. You think ivy-league degrees in coloring coloring books or petting puppies mean you’re intelligent. You think being able to parrot the latest talking points from your favorite candidate, uncritically, makes you into a smart person. You think shouting down the opposition, punching them even, and calling them every bad name you can think of makes you smart. You think blind obedience to your own party makes you intelligent. You get lost when people aren’t telling you what/how to think. You also don’t believe minorities are intelligent, you white supremacist. No wonder you voted for xenophobe Obama in 2008.


It’s been over a year now, I really need to finish that book…

See, you view free thought as the enemy. That’s why you write elitist garbage like that piece from The Atlantic that I’ve seen over and over from many other liberal outlets over the years (also want to point out this study, which shows that people who love economic freedom tend to be quite intelligent too, and basically says someone who loves economic freedom and is socially liberal would be the brightest crayon in the box, meaning the socialists aren’t terribly bright). Funny too how they all just brief your readers on the liberal talking points of the day, as if your readers aren’t able to think on their own or able to create their own arguments. Isn’t that a measure of intelligence? Or do you view “intelligent” as “able to memorize liberal talking points” and don’t really care about understanding them? Some socialist you are, socialist leader Khrushchev thought people like that were idiots.

I don’t read rightwing talking points I don’t read rightwing stuff like that if there is any, does that mean I have superior mental agility to the Left since you guys apparently need to be told what to think and how to interpret things and view anyone that doesn’t see reality as you do as an “other” that must be destroyed because you don’t understand and can’t tolerate them?

You might also notice that I don’t directly quote stuff that supports my point from the links, I kind of expect anyone reading this to be intelligent enough to look through it and figure out for themselves how my point is supported. I don’t believe in insulting people’s intelligence, unlike you liberal who think conservatives and minorities alike are idiots as linked above.

You know, this was the original first paragraph here, but then I became annoyed. Anyway what had started this post was how President Trump’s longtime adviser Stephen Miller, a Jew, is being accused of white nationalism by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal group who sees white nationalists under their bed, like their partners in crime the Anti-Defamation League who thinks the “ok” hand gesture is racist and who think The Beatles with their bowl cuts are white supremacists. ADL should be taken seriously, people are getting fired over their partisan garbage. SPLC merely goaded Chik-Fil-A into abandoning the LGBT community in order to support SPLC.

Smearing The Accuser

SPLC spends most of their time drafting charges of hate against Republicans, and then Democrats refer to this arm of the DNC as an independent institute dedicated to fighting racism. Basically, imagine if Donald Trump created a think tank called the Trump Institute and whenever he wanted a policy change he cited studies from the Trump Institute supporting it. That’s the SPLC’s relation to the Democratic Party right now. They have all the credibility of Snopes or CNN– meaning they’re a buncha partisan liars and you should pay as much attention to them as you would to Farrakhan

Actually, there is a certain irony in this story, speaking of Farrakhan. You see, the Congressional Black Caucus is following SPLC’s lead in attacking Stephen Miller. The CBC goes right on along with all of SPLC’s accusations against the Right. The trouble is that back when SPLC was sort of legitimate, they put Farrakhan on their naughty list. The CBC is composed of Farrakhanites as I’ve mentioned before. So, by legitimizing SPLC’s claims against anybody, CBC is making itself look like a bunch of racists. Or at least they would be if Democrats had any sense of decency. But they don’t, as evidenced by their perversion of SPLC into a partisan group whose sole contribution to society today is to call anyone opposed to the Democratic Party a racist, while letting Democrats get away with genuine racism.


Surely you remember the guy in the middle and the guy on the right, they’re two of only four white people I know who are allowed to wear blackface according to the SPLC.

Where is SPLC on Hillary Clinton saying Gandhi worked at a gas station, or Biden working with segregationists (incidentally, liberal, didn’t you say all the Dixiecrats had become Republicans by the time Biden was in the Senate?), or Kamala Harris taking white cash to put blacks in jail, or AOC’s racist Green New Deal that’ll obliterate minority communities and minority voting districts by forcing them out of their homes and businesses, or Ayanna Pressley’s bigoted statement that all people MUST conform to the stereotypes she lays out for them, or Ana Navarro’s racist stereotyping the black community (she’s the one who was filing her nails to make the point that she did not care about Latinos dying, a vile disgusting creature who gets fat off ignoring or encouraging the suffering of others), or Rashida Tlaib’s anti-Semitism, or Ilhan Omar’s antiSemitism, or CAIR’s anti-Semitism, or the racism of New York Times’ Sarah Jeong, or Jimmy Kimmel wearing blackface to mock a black athlete, or Ralph Northam wearing blackface, or Mark Herring wearing blackface? They don’t care when their OWN side does it, if Democrats put blacks back into slavery tomorrow SPLC would label it as a heroic step to solve the problems of housing and unemployment.

I’d say that about wraps up their case, but don’t take my word for it. They had to pay a $3.4 million settlement after wrongfully accusing a Muslim activist of being anti-Islam, because the activist resisted anti-Semitism and resisted terror-linked groups like CAIR. SPLC was supporting anti-American terrorists and anti-Semites and radical Muslims. Yet supporting people who love Female Genital Mutilation and acid attacks against women somehow isn’t bigotry, according to SPLC.

The only reason the Left, like all those people quoted by NPR, decided to start caring about illegal immigration is because they know it means votes, it means flipping districts, it means POWER. That’s why their solution is to force illegal immigrants on a death march to this country, force many of them to leave their loved ones dead in the desert on the way here, leave a trail of bodies stretching to central America, and endure all kinds of abuse and rape just to get here. Do you hear the Left saying “hey, if they need to flee these countries why don’t we cut aid to them or go and fix them ourselves?” No, that is NOT the Left’s solution (well, Julian Castro had an idea like that, but he’s polling so low that you wonder if only his campaign staff support him). The Left’s solution is to drain them of anyone who’d affect change in those countries, and bring such people here to vote Democrat. Revolutions happen when people can’t tolerate the social conditions and have no way out. Democrats are deliberately giving them a way out, to prevent revolution and to ensure they have a never-ending stream of future Democrat voters. The Democratic Party is profiting off human suffering, and works to perpetuate it so that they may continue profiting from it. And the people they force to endure this suffering, the people whose countries they ensure are unstable hellholes, all happen to be nonwhites. Democrats are deliberately making nonwhite people suffer, to profit off them. Isn’t that one of the big problems we had with slavery? Well, historically (and presently) Democrats were the guys who supported that institutionalized human suffering, and as a teacher of mine used to say “a leopard doesn’t change its spots”.

Defending Miller’s Sources

I’ll start by saying that for some of these sources, we don’t really know how Stephen Miller came to be aware of them. Does he regularly Google subjects that these sources support so they keep showing up? I mean, my Google results always include links to the Washington Post but I hate them and don’t actively seek out their lies, unless there’s relevance to what I’m writing. So is it like that, with these results just constantly appearing because they’re the only ones talking about what Miller is looking for? Or does he actually check these sources routinely? Or did some guy he knows forward them to him? That is not made apparent by SPLC, either because they don’t know or because the answer would hurt their narrative.


What do they have on Stephen Miller? According to The Hill, the most scandalous stuff is that he coordinated coverage with Breitbart, and The Hill cites stories from VDare as being examples of white nationalism. (Sigh) I have to defend THEM now? Look, their tone is crude, and they pick on immigrants of all kinds by reporting negative info on them, but you know what? SOMEONE has to. If it were up to the Left, you’d think everyone with white skin was a Nazi trying to kill people and that everyone without white skin had a spark of divinity. You hear them saying MS-13 are angels, but never white people. Always on the attack against white people. So if THAT’S not racist, then surely pointing out legitimate flaws in people coming into this country, whites included since VDare wants ALL immigration to stop, isn’t racist.

Oh wait, the guys saying everything a white person does is racist are the ones who follow SPLC. Nevermind. Remember: the people saying VDare is racist, saying Miller is racist, saying SPLC should be obeyed, they’re the same ones who not only excuse racism in their own party, but also believe that criticizing a non-white lawmaker for ANY reason, legitimate or not, is an act of racism. According to them, if you attacked Kamala Harris’ record on putting blacks in jail, you’re a racist. BUT, according to them, if you attack Dr. Ben Carson and call him an idiot you’re NOT a racist.

Do you understand NOW who these people are saying these things are racist? If they weren’t out silencing facts and silencing dissenting opinions and silencing debate by saying everyone who disagreed with them was a bigot, if they were neutrally reporting facts on non-whites and immigrants of all kinds legal and otherwise, then we wouldn’t NEED a buncha crude people to get together and form sites like VDare that, while delivering hard evidence on these matters, comes off with such a harsh tone and no finesse. If the truth was already being reported, if the truth were not being suppressed, if you weren’t called a racist for believing truths that Barack Obama and the rest of the Democratic Party believed a mere 13 years ago, then people would be way less motivated to come up with sites like VDare, so really it’s a creation borne of the Left’s relentless inquisitions. When you suppress knowledge, people hunger for it, and will listen to anyone telling the truth, even if they have a lousy delivery.


According to The Hill, another problematic organization was the Center for Immigration Studies. I shouldn’t even have to defend them, they’re not far-right and the only reason you’d call them a racist is if you supported open borders and thought that somehow America’s welfare system can sustain 7 Billion people. I know them quite well.


American Renaissance is another group I guess I have to defend (spoiler alert: I can’t. Though sometimes they make legitimate, data-backed points, their framing is often repugnant- they are Don Lemmoning it. So rather than defend them I’m going to wonder at why you aren’t defending them because you’re as much a racist as they are.), so let’s twist it up and use the Left’s own rhetoric to defend it. NPR (I almost laughed when a popup asking me to donate to support NPR’s “independent journalism” came up. It’s funded by the government thus beholden to Democrats that believe in expanding money for it, and most if not all of their reporting seems like a reprint of DNC talking points) says AmRen’s big racist issue is that it acknowledges races are different. That’s how NPR frames it anyway. They could have just quoted the site, they aren’t shy about thinking whites are superior and have a bunch of stats backing it up. But instead, NPR says the idea that having too much testosterone makes you more aggressive has been debunked. So NPR basically said anyone complaining about toxic masculinity is a liar. They also say it’s a problem to think races are different, even though that’s the entire thrust of why the Left says whites can’t comment on black or Latino issues. Oh well.

But if viewing one race as superior is a problem, then why is it that only Black Lives Matter, not Latino Lives or All Lives? Why did Ocasio-Cortez favor Latinos with her Latino Supremacist Green New Deal? Why do Asians face hardship getting into college that others don’t? Why do Latinos get to flout the laws with sanctuary cities that release murderers while American citizen murderers are kept in prison? Also, how can it be wrong to view races as being different when liberals will tell you all the time how evil white people are. White people are a race too, y’know!

So clearly the problem the Left has with AmRen isn’t that they acknowledge races are different, or even that they believe one race is better than another, it’s just that AmRen backed whites over the others. And remember in the opening how I mentioned liberals see their opponents as an inferior “other” that must be exterminated? AmRen might see other races as inferior but they don’t advocate concentration camps. The Left on the other hand

As to my own thoughts on American Renaissance, this one is more problematic as it does openly favor whites. But at the same time they show favoritism towards anybody that wants to be part of American culture, at least as the site defines it. By the way- they support Democratic Presidential Candidate Julian Castro’s plan to help Central American countries fix themselves, which I ranted about earlier since Democrats don’t want that. So… since Julian Castro has the backing of a white nationalist group, does that make him racist too?

Anyway, AmRen actually is kinda racist (I can say “kinda” because of all the examples of racism I’ve mentioned regarding liberals that liberals have no problem with, which are much more egregious than here, for example unlike Rashida Tlaib and CAIR, AmRen does not advocate or support people who advocate exterminating entire races. AmRen is perfectly willing to co-exist with likeminded races from what I read, but with the idea that whites are better, and from what I’ve heard in black entertainment awards ceremonies about blacks being superior I think we can let AmRen get by with this relatively harmless if not narcissistic variant of white supremacy) though some stuff AmRen publishes might make legitimate points, tainted as they may be by the site’s underlying ideology. Afterall, the Nazis proved that cigarettes kill you, does the fact that they were Nazis mean they were wrong about cigarettes and they’re actually good for you? Consider that- racists actually can make good points. As mentioned in other posts I’ve linked to, liberal, you’d agree on that point because you and David Duke both support Ilhan Omar.

Some French Novel No One Heard Of (not the one that started Planet of the Apes)


A TV show based on a movie series based on a movie based on a book based on a planet where apes evolved from men? Image from

Both NPR and The Hill agree that part of the problem is Miller liking some French fictional story about immigrants destroying civilization or whatever. But isn’t that EXACTLY what the Left says happened? To the Native Americans, by white people? Isn’t that why they want to get rid of Columbus Day and Thanksgiving Day? For the very reason that those days celebrate white immigrants destroying the culture and civilization of the natives? But now that’s RACIST to say?! I’d ask if we needed a playbill to keep up, but there is a very easy formula to the Left’s ideas in case you hadn’t noticed: “white people bad, nonwhite good”. That makes this little fragment of hypocrisy make sense: the French novel is bad because it depicts the destruction of white civilization as a bad thing but it’s actually GOOD and what the Left WANTS, but the destruction of nonwhite civilization by whites is bad so ban Thanksgiving and ban Columbus Day.

Defending Miller

I like how NPR says the reaction on the Right is “muted”. Fake news, from where I sit. I’m on the Right and I’m ready to make the nearest Lefty spit teeth. I’d make this entire post full of caps and exclamation points and swearing, but none of that is conducive to readability. But I’ve also been at this too long, so my nerves are shot and tolerance is at zero- I was paying attention since 2008 when the Left said you were a racist because you did NOT vote for the candidate who said illegal immigrants hurt our country, as I hammered home in previous posts linked previously in this post.

The Hill points out an email from Miller emphasizing the race of a shooter, where Miller wanted that angle played up in reporting, as if that were racist. Well, guess what, if that’s racist then linking all these other shooters to white nationalism and saying white people have a problem with producing mass shooters as the media loves to do is racist too. I covered and debunked that garbage already, at length, somewhere in all these posts (pssssst: by the way, this is where all the “Obama is a white nationalist” arguments are). But somehow, Miller trying to counter the narrative that all white people are mentally unhinged mass shooters is an act of racism.

According to the article in The Hill I cited above, SPLC’s big beef seems to be with rolling back TPS protections. TPS = Temporary Protected Status. Meaning someone can come into the country with that, then get lost somewhere and never leave. Just another way to cheat the system. See, I KNOW a non-white immigrant who has been trying to get into this country the RIGHT way for years now. When Obama was giving amnesty, this person was being denied by Obama’s immigration judges. It’s like liberals want to punish you for trying to come here legally. And oh how they praise those who do come here illegally! How many stories do you see celebrating ILLEGAL immigrants who cheated the system and whose entrance into this country was memorialized by giving our laws, law-abiding citizens, and law-abiding noncitizens the finger? Now how many times does the Left celebrate in their “news’ media people coming here legitimately? Crickets. NOW, how many times has the Left conflated “illegal immigration” with “immigration” to make it look like hating the criminal one was the same as hating the legal one?


I suppose it would be Pelosi of all people to say MS-13 was composed of angels. Her city believes the NRA is a terror group and criminals should be called the “justice-involved”.

There you go. The Left rewards lawbreakers, at the same time they’re trying to impeach Trump for allegedly breaking the law. Why does the immigrant class of lawbreaker get protection while citizen lawbreakers don’t? That is blatantly unconstitutional, as it has something called the “equal protection clause” which says outright the law won’t favor one group over another. But that’s not what the Left is about, but you saw that earlier when I tore into SPLC.

What’s Your Conclusion?

One legitimately racist source, the rest are ok despite the Left’s lies. I really didn’t even want to believe AmRen was racist because statistically it was just the Left crying wolf again, but unlike liberals I actually looked at the problem and found yeah they are. Not in the “exterminate everyone” way, but in the narcissist “we’re just better” way. And that’s it, that’s the best they have on accusing Jewish Stephen Miller of being a Nazi. They don’t even know how he got to that site or if he’s seen the problematic posts by them. Was he just following links sent by a friend? Did Google direct him there? Who knows, but if it’s something you can make a big deal about then do it! Turn this into a Steven Scalise situation.

Whereas on the other side, you have people that think The Beatles and Barack Obama are racists saying Stephen Miller needs to be fired for acknowledging the problems with immigration in general, illegal immigration in particular, our immigration system overall, and challenging the anti-White narratives the media deals in.

At best, neither side is right and neither side is fit to comment on the racism of the other. Maybe they cancel out and that’s how equality happens, though Miller would need to do a heck of a lot more to match the modern Left’s racism.


Veterans Of The Democratic Party


Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA) Image from wikimedia commons

I was reading earlier today about a Congresswoman from Virginia named Luria who supports impeaching Trump. She is a veteran of the Navy, and tried to hide her partisanship behind her Navy uniform. She claims she is serving a higher calling, protecting the Constitution, saying she swore 7 times to protect it. She picked Veterans Day as the day to release this message. Turns out she must have had her fingers crossed all 7 times. We’ll look at this impeachment she is supporting, and the allies that she chose to join because they share her values. And how she basically punched every veteran in the face with her partisanship and support of the America haters.

A Few Words On Impeachment

She’s not the only veteran in Congress and the Democratic Party who supports impeaching Trump. I made a timeline earlier of how the impeachment thing played out so far, at least the current thrust centered on the Ukraine. That was a few weeks ago so let’s look at some updates from that front. Spoiler alert: they don’t support the Democrats unless you’re on the same Trump Derangement Syndrome-induced fever trip that they’re on.

  • The “whistleblower” colluded with Ukraine in 2016 to help Hillary Clinton win.
  • The Obama Administration colluded with Ukraine to help Hillary Clinton win.
  • The “whistleblower” is tied in tight with anti-Trump Intel Community liars like John Brennan and America haters like LTC Vindman, in addition to liars like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) as discussed in the last post.
  • We can finally see some of the transcripts for testimony in the impeachment hearings, and… they say nothing supportive. Overall either the witness says they heard things from other people, or they said “in my anti-American partisan opinion, it might mean this”.
  • The leader of the impeachment committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), told witnesses not to answer questions from Republicans (after trying to stop Republicans from asking questions at all, as I mentioned earlier).

And now we have a veteran say that serving this farce is protecting the Constitution. Maybe she didn’t read it. There’s a bunch of stuff in there related to something she may never have heard of- it’s called “due process”. They’re some weird concepts about being allowed to face your accuser, a bunch of stuff in there about due process, a bunch of stuff about being allowed to cross-examine witnesses. Trump has been denied all of that, and the Democrats threaten to continue denying it to him. Instead of lawyers for the defendant, a few Republican congressmen are allowed to be present at the hearings, but they are NOT allowed to call witnesses and in some cases can’t even ask the questions they want to ask.

Now yes, the President in an impeachment hearing isn’t really entitled to any rights like due process since it’s not really a criminal proceeding, but yes Democrats- the party that Luria chose to join because she agrees with their values- believed Bill Clinton SHOULD have had due process rights applied when he was impeached and with the accusations of sexual assault against him, yet right now Democrats are giving Trump fewer rights than Republicans gave Bill Clinton while claiming this is fairness! But keep in mind that Democrats tried to do this with Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing, and were accusing him of a very serious crime similar to Bill’s. In other words- Democrats only believe their own side should have rights. The old saying goes “you practice how you play”. So how will liberals like Luria play when it comes to real trials?

  • Another practice swing- Democrats worked to deny college students due process rights, though granted they really just worked to make it easier for colleges to circumvent criminal courts where due process and the need for evidence would come into play and attack students baselessly accused of crimes on their own. In light of the following, it makes you wonder if they were training kids for the “new norm” as they’re so fond of saying.
  • Now they’re at bat: the Democrats told the Supreme Court that if they don’t judge cases the way Democrats want them judged, then Democrats will alter the Supreme Court so that it will give results that the Party finds acceptable.
  • There’s the old chestnut where Democrats tried to attack Constitutionally-protected things the 2nd Amendment and due process rights at the same time.
  • Once Obama came into office, the Democrats expanded President Bush’s anti-due-process-anti-terror rules.
  • President Obama’s military commissions for civilians, instead of courts (ostensibly for terrorists in a warzone, but according to San Francisco that means any NRA member)
  • President Obama skipping the military commission and ordering the execution of an American citizen without giving him any form of due process or trial, at least trial as we understand them. Several times.
  • Worth mentioning is Obama’s bailout of Chrysler was in defiance of due process. So first Democrats defied due process to payoff some big business millionaire friends, and then they defy due process to murder someone.
  • Obama’s “rocket docket” idea defied due process.

And due process isn’t the only Constitutional right (under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments) that the present crop of Democrats like Luria have worked to deny you, Democrats who cosplay as members of the military and tell the equally-as-big lie that they are protecting your rights. They’ve gone after the First Amendment, Second Amendment, the sixth amendment, and the recess appointments clause. Is this what veterans like Luria believe they took an oath to protect- the Democratic Party and its agenda instead of the Constitution? Did they take the Chinese oath to serve?

Stolen Valor

So, do the veterans in the Democratic Party like Luria (picking on her because, like I said with AOC a while ago, it helps if you can point to a specific face rather than generalize the evils of a group overall) believe that a citizen is NOT allowed a fair trial and that the prosecutors get to decide what witnesses they can call and what evidence they’re allowed to use and who the defendant is allowed to cross-examine, if the prosecutors even allow the defendant to be present at the trial? Well, they backed it for Obama and for Schiff’s impeachment and they back Democrats demanding the Supreme Court tailor its decisions to Democrat Party values so…

Does Luria believe that she fought to protect the right of the government to have a partisan who works with liars come forward and make an unsupportable accusation in secret followed by secret hearings to in order to convict someone of a crime? Because that’s what Democrats support. They don’t just support ending due process for Trumps or Kavanaughs either, we see this going on with liberals at the local level. And THIS is the totalitarian system of government, the unconstitutional system of government, about which people like Luria say “I’m a Navy veteran and I support this evil, so you should too.” Maybe I just didn’t do my research on her- maybe she was a zampolit in the Soviet Navy. Or not, because some of them actually were honorable.


Image of liberal Jane Fonda mocking American soldiers  to entertain North Vietnamese butchers. She is still a favored liberal/Democrat personality. The veterans in the Democratic Party know this is who they are supporting. Image from Patriotpost

As you saw from the reference to Lt. Col. Vindman, just because someone wears a uniform it does not make them pure and good. Why, even you liberal would agree with that, remember Lt. Col. Oliver North? Besides, liberal, the rest of your party hates the military anyway, hated them for a while, thinks they’re the same as terrorists or worse. So even YOU don’t believe it. And note that THESE anti-military people who hate America are the ones that Rep. Luria and other Democrat veterans side with. They weren’t forced, they VOLUNTARILY became Democrats because these Democrats who hate this country SHARE their values. These dishonorable veterans BELIEVE in the same cause that the anti-American crowd who spits on veterans believes in. And how do these anti-veteran anti-military anti-American veterans sell themselves to the public? They don the uniforms that their party hates, and claim it makes them credible somehow.

Liberals are supposed to be smarter, studies have been done to show that, so I don’t believe for one second, and neither should you, that these liberals somehow aren’t aware of the beliefs they’re promoting, somehow not aware of the despicable anti-veteran causes they now serve.



Getting In The Spirit (Of The Gun)


Picture from Pinterest of what former Democratic Presidential Candidate Eric Swalwell wants to do to people who own guns.

I want to point out that if any of the shooters were illegal immigrants, this would not be a news story. How do I know? Kate Steinle was shot by an illegal immigrant. The illegal lied to police multiple times about what happened. The jury of the sanctuary city found him innocent of all charges except illegally possessing a gun, which was later thrown out by an appeals court. The media did not see this as worth a mention, in the middle of a public conversation about gun control and how people SHOULD be facing penalties for such things as illegally having a gun. So… an illegal immigrant blows off the face of a probable Democrat voter with a gun he illegally has, and Democrats cheer that he has NO consequences over it. Whereas, a liberal Leftwinger shoots multiple people in El Paso, and now all Republicans are white nationalist Nazis because of it, and all white people are terrorists too, and the Left demands more legislation to stop people from getting guns.

This brings us to today. Another shooting over the weekend, again in Texas. There are few details about the shooter as of yet, other than he had a criminal record of some kind and was white and previously failed a background check for owning a gun so legally he probably shouldn’t have had one, so I can’t really talk much about motivations, and the media has kept it down to just pushing gun control. Hurricane Dorian seems to be blowing away much of the coverage.

Taken As A Whole

As I mentioned before, for those keeping score that means 2 mass shootings and 1 attempted mass shooting in Texas since July. While this statistic would actually be considered a miracle if it were applied to liberal utopia Chicago, it’s a bit odd seeing it from Texas. (For those who say the U.S. has more mass shootings than any other nation that Obama and Hillary didn’t ruin for no reason, a shady study by one liberal professor isn’t enough for evidence of that, and the real numbers available indicate that you are more likely to die of a mass shooting in Norway and Switzerland than the U.S. Since I’m on a roll with this, I’ll also mention that the idea the Assault Weapons Ban is some catch-all solution is nonsense, as proven in a study, plus only 7% of the weapons used in these incidents are obtained from a licensed gun dealer. Also, other Leftists ironically including the guy who did a study comparing the U.S. to other countries re: mass shootings have said that such comparisons are hard or impossible due to differing definitions of what a mass shooting is. In fact, even in the U.S. you’ll see headlines just a day apart telling you we’ve had 251 and 292 mass shootings. No, liberal, we did NOT have 41 mass shootings on August 3… well, maybe in Chicago…)

Statistically the thwarted mass shooter was probably a Democrat (I explained before how easy it is to predict a person’s voting habits by their race in some cases) and the El Paso mass shooter was a 2008-style Democrat with a bit of Ocasio-Cortez in the mix. All that’s known about the third shooter is he’s a criminal who probably legally should not have had a firearm, but since Democrats believe making it legal for felons to vote will boost their chances in the election (and 70% of convicts DO register to vote Democrat if they can) it’s safe to say that the ex-con killer was likely a Democrat.


Chicago, Chicago   Image from ABC7 in Chicago

Plus you have the Dayton shooter who was (as anyone reading my posts for the last four weeks would know) a Liz Warren/Bernie Sanders Democrat, and there is a 61.9% chance that the person behind the shooting in California was a Democrat, and there is an 80% probability that the Virginia Beach mass shooter earlier this year voted Democrat for the last three Presidential cycles as I discussed in a post referenced in the above paragraph. It is a near-certainty that if the Chicago shooters did vote, they’d vote Democrat, as that party has a stranglehold on the city, and in particular the areas the shootings happened in. (And no, liberal, gun violence in Chicago is NOT the fault of Republicans. 1. You believe blacks are too stupid to get an ID to vote, so clearly you must also believe they’re too stupid to get a gun from a Republican state. 2. It’s your voters that are pulling the trigger, the gun is merely a tool, a dedicated person with a knife killed 8 in China, and another killed 4 in California, all within the last month. Oh, and like many of the Chicago shootings, the California stabbing was gang-related. 3. If it’s the fault of Republicans, how come Dallas does not look like Chicago? If the fault lies solely with access to guns, then Dallas should be covered in blood by now, Chicago should look as safe as a hospital in comparison. 4. You don’t want the police to enforce the laws on the books, you HATE them, so even if you had effective gun control laws how would they be implemented?)

With it being a known fact or high probability that the newsmaking mass shooters of the past 3 months were Democrats, what does that say about the party? Perhaps that explains why their focus has been on banning guns and blaming Republicans and attacking Christians (for their thoughts and prayers). They don’t want to admit the darkness their ideology brings.

And isn’t it interesting how in Virginia, the Democrats in charge wanted to make it EASIER for convicted criminals to obtain guns? 63.8% of violent criminals released from prison will be arrested again, on average within 18 months of their release. These are the people that Democrats want to have easy access to guns. Yet their number one rallying call after every shooting is to make it HARDER for law-abiding citizens to obtain firearms.


They even want a convicted criminal for President, one who fantasized about murdering children. Image from CBS Dallas

Are you noticing a pattern here? They want violent people to get guns, but they don’t want you to have one (violent felons are “justice-involved individuals” while gun owners are “domestic terrorists”, unlike Antifa evidently). They want an illegal immigrant to go free after he murdered a woman (because I guess it’s a woman’s right to die by the hands of an illegal immigrant, just as it’s a woman’s right to be raped by illegal immigrants… #MeToo I guess) but they talk about how great violent acts against millions of Americans would be, just because those Americans don’t believe in open borders (because the Left says anyone who agrees with having border security after El Paso is a white nationalist). They think it is ok for an illegal immigrant to possess a gun illegally, they want to make it easier for violent felons to get a gun, but want to prevent non-criminal American citizens from legally obtaining guns.

So if you think violent ex-criminals should be allowed the temptation of a gun, if you think illegal immigrant rapists and murderers should be in this country and shouldn’t be punished for their crimes (remember: Montgomery County, where the 7 rapes in 6 weeks by illegal immigrants mentioned above took place, lets rapists go free rather than turning them over to ICE, the liberals in Montgomery County think you are a TERRORIST if you believe illegal immigrant rapists should be jailed or deported), but you think the average non-criminal American citizen should lose their rights to own a weapon and their right to speak freely about illegal immigrant crimes, then you are a Democrat. That’s what the party has made itself about. They serve lawbreakers, rapists, and citizens of foreign countries before they serve the people who voted for them.

Now ask yourself- given how that is the demographic that Democrats have been catering to, is it any wonder that from California to Chicago to Texas to Ohio we see Democrats murdering people? And is it any wonder that the media hides this by blaming Republicans and the NRA?

Former Marine Sgt. Andrew Paul Tahmooressi entered Mexico illegally BY ACCIDENT, was detained for 7 months, abused (until he slashed his neck in a suicide attempt and was moved to a better facility). The media reported on it pretty neutrally in some articles and brief news segments since it was on Obama’s watch, even smearing Fox News as an “echo chamber” for its reporting on the events, and even blamed him (as snopes did, and snopes called him a liar over his claims of abuse) for illegally entering (but you shouldn’t blame illegal immigrants for coming here deliberately and permanently loaded with drugs and kidnapped children and a record of rape a thousand miles long, snopes will come after you for that even if it is true). But the media DOES care if a non-citizen illegally entering the country is detained, that’s TERRORISM according to liberals. All we did is what Mexico did, better in fact since the illegals were detained at special facilities, not thrown in with the prison population.


Liberals tell you that this is paradise and the people that liberals help love to live here, and you are a bad person if you don’t want to live here too. Does that sound like what a friend would say? Image from Google Maps.

Liberals HATE you. They don’t care if you’re raped or killed by an illegal, they don’t care if you’re arrested and battered by one of the countries these illegals come from, they believe these other people are SUPERIOR to you. The Left serves the interests of these other countries and supports them, but does NOT support the Americans they are elected to represent, the Americans they deliver news to every day, the Americans whose money keeps their media conglomerates afloat.

I’ll just wrap it up with CNN. As I said before, they supported a terrorist group that went on to commit an act of terrorism. Well, CNN also supported an illegal immigrant who went on to butcher a father. And CNN supported Pelosi when she said MS-13 consisted of divine beings.


Computer Companies Cripple Constitution


image from

If you have Windows 10, Microsoft is monitoring everything you type. It’s already bad enough that the NSA immediately flags you if you start doing a web search for certain terms, terms that don’t even have anything to do with classified info or national security risks or crimes in general. Now we have to worry that anything we type at all will flag us for censorship. Even liberals have to worry, particularly if they aren’t Left enough or their stock-in-trade is quoting conservatives and then attacking them. “Correction” AI makes no distinction between friend or foe, if you type it you’re wrong. We’re not at the AI stage yet except on social media, but if you think Microsoft will continue to employ censors when it can simply program them then you’ve got another thing coming.

And to up the ante, Microsoft has released a new user agreement effective May 1 2018 that makes it a violation of their terms to use their software for “hate speech“. In violating the terms, they can suspend your account and remove your ability to use Microsoft products. Microsoft, being a liberal company like all of Silicon Valley, has a definition of what hate speech is that’s doubtlessly at odds with half the country and the President of the United States. In fact, liberals like those at Microsoft are of a mind to ban free speech altogether, claiming it leads to violence (which is true, what the Left defines as “hate speech” usually leads to liberals trying to murder conservatives, or demanding it and just beating people or using threats to silence dissent, knowing full well that their position is so indefensible that it would never withstand intellectual scrutiny, so they have to physically or verbally attack anyone with a different view). Keep in mind that government offiicials use Microsoft products- how long will it be before Microsoft decides to disable the Trump Administration over some hate speech issue?

Oh, and for you angry liberals out there, you also can’t swear. And Microsoft says it can examine your personal files if someone complains to them about you. Granted, you liberals might get a pass because of the “selective enforcement” thing I mentioned in my piece “California Attacks Islam” (I’d link it, but I’m writing this while that one still hasn’t been posted).

What Does This Mean?


The kindly, dignified group of young people expressing grievances against President Trump in a civilized manner pictured above will be the ones deciding if what a Conservative says constitutes “hate speech”. Well… if you want to know what something is, you go to the experts. Images from AP, Fox News, Quora, and RWC News

If you’re a liberal, it means nothing at all. Just like with Facebook, the folks at Microsoft are hardcore liberals. Just like with Facebook, they will use their power only against their political opponents, never a liberal (that’s far enough Left). Remember: liberals are the biggest purveyors of the notion that “hate speech” should be banned to begin with; by the very act of putting that into their service agreement Microsoft is showing its political bias and anti-First Amendment attitude. Their new terms of service for some of their products, taken with their proclivity for recording everything you type, hits a new level of scary because basically anything you’ve typed can be leaked to the public. The only thing stopping it is just how merciful a liberal will feel towards you after they lost an election.

It’s already bad enough what accusations of “hate speech” can do. Mobs are formed, people are threatened, Democrat officials demand free speech not happen because of the risk to the public from liberal mobs (a nice little cycle: liberals threaten violence against a conservative, so a liberal in authority silences the conservative in the name of public safety, thus encouraging liberal protesters to threaten even more speakers that the liberal in authority doesn’t think should have voices anyway), and now Microsoft will go through (and doubtlessly leak) your personal information. You don’t have to worry about anonymous trolls or CNN doxxing you, now it’s Microsoft itself that’s coming after you for having opposing political views.

The Left figured it out. They failed in election after election, so now instead of repealing the First Amendment legally they’re just using their power to get the same effect. I doubt they remember when they kept telling us to respect the “law of the land“, just like how they forgot about Obama delegitimizing the Democrats’ current #resistance/riots/obstructionism/First Amendment fight when he said “You don’t like a particular policy or a particular president? Then argue for your position. Go out there and win an election… but don’t break it”.

What Can We Do?


30 years ago there was a visionary who tried to raise venture capital to save us from this Silicon Valley scourge. Sadly, the surveillance-state loving British Government stopped him. Yes, given how many death threats (and what best can be described as death porn and calls for genocide) the Left has made, including one using another Christopher Walken movie, I’m totally comfortable making this joke. Image from Squiggly’s

Do all of your work on a Linux system. Use different word processors. Good luck boycotting Microsoft. If anything this latest move will encourage the Chinese government and strongmen worldwide (that liberals like those at Microsoft who complain Trump’s attacks on the press enable) to invest in Microsoft because Microsoft just vowed to fight free speech. Never judge a liberal’s intent by their words; only judge by their actions.

You’ll notice that I DIDN’T say Apple was an alternative. They’ve done their share of fighting the first amendment, as has Google (so don’t bother with Google docs and gmail, they have your browser history, your emails, and even your movements tracked via your phone). Oh yeah, and like Microsoft the liberals at Apple are more than happy to complain about Trump enabling oppressive governments with his attacks on the press while Apple itself works with the Chinese government to censor the views of the population, thus enabling the very strongmen that they attack Trump for enabling.

Taken As A Whole

  • Liberals reacted violently to Trump winning, to the point of committing acts that legally should be considered domestic terrorism (ie violent acts designed to intimidate or coerce the government and civilian population, with former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and current Senator Tim Kaine having encouraged such terrorism)
  • Liberals committed acts of violence against Trump supporters
  • Liberals believe the above violence is justified, that any violence against speech they dislike is justified
  • Liberals believe speech is equal to physical violence
  • Liberals believe speech must be censored (and that the First Amendment plus other Constitutional protections should be abolished)
  • Microsoft records everything you type
  • Microsoft will come after you if you offend their liberal sensibilities

Does anyone else find it ironic that liberals whine about corporations taking over society, but then liberal companies with liberal values do just that as liberals cheer them on?

As for the rest of us- only use your Microsoft stuff for games, use Linux, use every bit of anonymity you can on the internet (Tor browser, proxy servers, etc), and grab a gun for the day you’re eventually doxxed and physically attacked for your beliefs. No, censorship is not that bad in America yet, Microsoft hasn’t started banning people and leaking their personal info (like say social security numbers and bank account info, in addition to addresses and names) for having the wrong political views yet, but the instrumentality to do it all is in place. The Left loves to ask gun owners why they’d have a gun if not to kill someone, well I ask them why would the Left take the above steps if they had no intention of being oppressors?

Of course, as I mentioned in the article “California Attacks Islam” (still not posted, even several paragraphs in, though I wrote this citation prior to the one above. Welcome to editing), the Left and liberals reading this don’t see themselves as oppressors, and in fact don’t even understand how this could be seen as oppressive. It’s a startlingly common mantra by the Left when it comes to leaking private info of someone on the right- if you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide (sometimes in those words, so I guess the Left hates the Fifth Amendment too, but also by demanding transparency and dismissing privacy concerns, but only when it’s related to the opposition). Why worry about liberals having this much power over you?

Yes, I’m painting the Left with a broad brush. As I said, judge them by their actions. Who on the Left is calling Microsoft/Apple/Facebook/Google out on their censorship? How many on the Left have said this is an issue? How many on the Left have signed petitions against or boycotted these liberal tech giants? They’re happy to boycott Fox News hosts for insulting liberal cheerleaders, or Breitbart for reporting actual news that liberal journalists refuse to touch (and because their guy helped Trump win, literally starting a boycott because their side lost an election), but they don’t dare touch tech giants that are waging war on the First Amendment? Think about it.