Star Trek: Invasion (PlayStation, 2000)

I played it towards the middle of June, but kind of put off reviewing it and posting in general as usual.

The Story

Sometimes you have to tow things to your “mobile outpost”

Starfleet decided to build an aircraft carrier, even though technically a couple of ships they already have could serve as one and probably do a better job. So to up the ante they also made their aircraft carrier “a mobile outpost”, whatever that means. It’s not particularly big- it’s half the size of the average capital ship Starfleet used (it’s about the size of America’s second and third aircraft carriers, commissioned in 1927, though while those could carry 78 contemporary aircraft the Typhon can only carry 26 starfighters. You never see that many in the game though…). Your “mobile outpost” is deployed to a small section of the galaxy that oddly looks like a galaxy of its own and must chase away four foreign powers plus some space creatures trespassing on Federation turf.

It’s ironic that you are here enforcing the Federation’s borders when a mere 22 years after this game came out (and about that many years in-universe after this game takes place) we would learn that the Federation thinks having a border is racist, but there you go (then again, that whole story arc in the 2nd season of Star Trek: Picard started with a fleet of warships being assembled to murder border crossers and the butcherers were supposed to be the GOOD GUYS, so that show’s messaging is all over the place. But it was written by the same people who repeatedly voted for kids to be put in cages, voted for the humanitarian disaster at the southern border, voted against someone who prevented crises like this, then lied about border agents brutalizing illegals and tried to hide that there was a crisis, and now are building the very border wall they said was racist, so I guess really it’d be a surprise if the messaging WAS consistent from these hypocrites.).

Also, if you thought Voyager made the Borg look weak, wait’ll you play this!

The Game

You fly one of several fighters in this space dogfight simulation. For those Star Trek fans out there who watched the new Top Gun this year and were like “I wanna do that with Worf giving me the orders” then this is the game for you. In later stages you begin having a variety of fighters to choose from, each with unique weapons. There are secret weapons you can pickup by doing random things you’d never ever in your life think about doing, and some of these are worth getting. You also have three possible endings, though one of them you won’t see if you beat a certain bonus level early in the game… however, there is a weapon in that level that makes the game easier. You can’t just pickup a weapon and exit a level; you have to beat the level too.

Sometimes you aren’t just shooting stuff. You get to plant mines and tow things too. One particularly frustrating level has you towing a shuttle with a glass keel and paper hull that the enemy shoots lasers at with the striking power of tactical nukes.

Once in a while it shifts from flying your fighter around to manning one of the A.A. batteries on the Typhon. Looks like there’s only two of them on the whole ship, and they never are used when you are flying a fighter, but darn are they powerful! 10 years in-universe before this game took place, a Borg cube went unscratched after 39 starships bigger than yours attacked it. But now your puny little turret singlehandedly scares them away. (I guess they adapted or whatever because in the books a fleet of cubes wipes everyone out, in contemporary video games you need a couple of ships to take out a Borg cube, and in Star Trek: Picard set as I said over 20 years in the future we saw Starfleet send a whole lynch mob to take out just one Borg ship when they stepped on the white-supremacist-ignorant-redneck-Federation’s lawn.)

My Opinion

I played this and Star Wars: Rogue Squadron on the N64 around the same time, so it is of course inevitable that they must be compared. This is like Rogue Squadron on the PlayStation, so you get inferior graphics. Unfortunately your enemies are tougher than TIE Fighters so it takes many hits to knock them out, and they don’t sit around making that easy for you. The Borg are bad with this in particular- they take a lot of hits, have tiny fighters, and one level they show up in has a background so dark it is very hard to find their ships (I had to play it at night, though maybe modern TVs won’t have the issue that my vintage-2001 TV does). Still, it’s not bad or anything, but very violent and the whole “Star Trek” theme is kind of missing as an overarching plot (a minority of the missions sort of go in that direction, but of those most are optional sidequests). You’re not trying to make peace with anyone, you’re not studying anything, you’re not exploring higher moral issues or making social commentary, you’re just shooting anything that moves. If anything, Rogue Squadron had a more Star Trek feel to it because of the Imperial pilot joining you, showing that your enemy isn’t entirely a faceless evil. So I guess this is a good game, but not really a good Star Trek game, just a good game set in that universe. It’s also the only Star Trek game on the PlayStation.

Your missions take place in these trapezoidal sections of space… of what looks like a galaxy with enormous planets orbiting. What the heck is this supposed to be?

The Affirmative Action Court

President Biden announced on January 27 that he did not want the best person for the job of Justice on the Supreme Court. Instead, Biden said he wanted the best person from a specific race/gender combination. Perhaps the most qualified person is indeed a Black Woman, but we’ll never know because Democrats are not looking at anyone else. They consider it “progress” to assign jobs based on race and gender rather than qualifications. (By the way, it’s a bit on the illegal side to hire someone solely for their gender or skin color- it’s called “discrimination”. It would be just as illegal and racist and bigoted if Biden said he wanted a white male (it may even have been illegal when Trump said he would nominate a female Justice and gave us Amy Comey Barrett: while Biden said race and gender were his primary qualification before he even started looking, when Trump announced would nominate a female Justice he not only qualified his remark by saying “most likely” but he might well have already narrowed the list to exclusively female picks for other reasons (by then he had nominated two male Justices so it’s conceivable that he had weeded out many male Justices already), even the most ardent anti-Trump prosecutor would find it to be a legal gray area at that point since we did not know Trump’s whole process and Trump didn’t say it was for sure going to be an act of discrimination whereas Biden announced in advanced that he would discriminate against anyone of any race or gender who wasn’t a Black woman.). Biden put up a sign on SCOTUS that said “whites need not apply”, something the Civil Rights movement was steering us away from. If a Black woman truly is the most qualified, then why are you not allowing her to compete with white or Hispanic or Asian peers? Why are you saying you have to give her special treatment? Why are you saying she can’t succeed without white savior Biden removing other races and genders from consideration? At this point by the way, I’d agree that a certain Black woman would be the most qualified- certainly more qualified than any Biden has in mind- though you liberals probably don’t think that she is Black.)

Of course by “best” Biden means someone that will toe the party line and call everyone else a racist (that is what Democrats mean when they talk like that, just look at their definition of “critical-thinking“: censoring information they disagree with and telling you to only believe sources that repeat the party line. As far as liberals were concerned, Justice Breyer was practicing “critical-thinking” when he stated the COVID-lie mentioned below, and the fact that he repeated it is part of why they considered him qualified for the job.). This won’t do much to change the nature of the court’s rulings- Justice Breyer pretty much just said and wrote what Democrats told him to, he didn’t have a free thought in his head, to the point he outright lied about COVID vaccines because Democrats wanted him to scare people into accepting the hyper-fascist forced vaccinations where you could not be employed unless a useless poisonous chemical cocktail from a pharmaceutical corporation was injected into you. Any judge Biden appointed would do similar, regardless of race or gender.

ALL liberal justices are the same, they all just do what the DNC orders them to, so I guess really as far as Biden is concerned the only choice is what shell the DNC puppet comes in. It’s picking the paint job for the new car- it has no effect on the performance, it’s purely an aesthetic thing. That’s why liberals don’t see a problem with picking this job based solely on gender and race- they know all liberal judges have the same qualifications and all liberal judges would perform the same, that’s why they think any objection must be based on skin color and gender alone. Liberals know that skin color and gender are literally the only two things that make one liberal judge different from another, so if conservatives object to the idea of nominating a judge solely on those two attributes then liberals think it is an objection to those two attributes, instead of the reality that it is an objection to the idea that one race or gender is better than another.

Conservatives need to understand this and frame their arguments properly. You can’t say “I object because this is not an affirmative action position”, you can’t say “I object because Biden just said that he thinks skin color and gender are qualifications rather than judicial work”, because none of that enters into it with liberal judges. Each one is as incompetent as the other. They are interchangeable; they function the same; they only look different.

Thus, the Left gets it’s justification for calling the Right racist- the Right knows that a liberal justice will be nominated, all liberal justices are the same, the only difference is gender and skin color, therefore the only reason you’d object to that being Biden’s primary qualification is if you were a racist and sexist. A black female liberal judge would do the same work as a white male liberal judge.

Another thing you’re fighting is the Left’s propaganda effort. They get to say they put the first Black woman on the Supreme Court, and they are saying it now as if the Right only ever put on white supremacists (just look at the beginning of this CSPAN clip, where the Black female caller says “after 400 years, white people have had their…boot on our neck, now it’s a problem because they pick a woman of color”, this is the Democratic Party’s attitude and education at work- that Critical Race Theory stuff- which tells everyone that no progress whatsoever has been made except what Democrats promise today; it actually attacks the Civil Rights Movement), when in fact the Right put on the first Black justice in 1967 while Democrats fought tooth and nail- Biden’s mentors included- to stop it. Obviously it is a myth that the parties switched positions because years later when Republicans wanted a second Black Supreme Court Justice, the Democrats- Biden included- fought tooth and nail to stop that!

I also want to counter Joy Reid’s racist argument here, that appointing a Black woman would make the Supreme Court reflect the country’s demographics better. It wouldn’t, this is a Black Supremacist assumption. Reid is assuming the country follows her race, unless liberals want to admit that they are not intelligent and are unaware of America’s demographic make-up, in which case we can forgive Reid for assuming Blacks are more numerous than they really are. To reflect our demographics better they should appoint a Hispanic female, not a Black female (granted, liberals believe that Clarence Thomas is not Black because he does not behave the way liberals order Blacks to behave. A further point of data against the party switch- Democrats insist that you aren’t Black unless you act according to their stereotypes.). Blacks in total are 14% of the population, and because the Supreme Court has only 9 Justices we’ll need to round to the nearest fraction of 9, in this case 1/9 which is 11%. So already Black people have the best equal representation that can be achieved in a 9-person group. There are currently 3 women on the bench, so we need to get 1 or 2 more on there since women and men are only a rounding error away from being the majority gender, and since the Hispanic population is closer to 2/9 of the country than it is to 1/9 we need one more Hispanic Justice (and if you count the non-citizens that Democrats are so kind to let in, by the end of Biden’s first term Hispanics will be even closer to 2/9 while Blacks will descend closer to 1/9. You want these non-citizens to vote despite Hispaniphobic lies from the Washington Post that you want the opposite, so surely you want the Supreme Court to represent them too, right? Don’t their lives matter?). The proper composition of the Supreme Court by race- to match Joy Reid’s alleged ideal that the Supreme Court should match the country’s demographics (rather than reflect Reid’s race and political leanings, which appear to be her definition of America’s demographics)– would be 1 Black Justice, 2 Hispanic Justices, and 6 White Justices because the white population is 61.6% of the country which is closer to 6/9 than 5/9, with 4 male and 5 female justices because the American population is 50.8% female and 49.2% male. If you wanted to future-proof this against the declining white population, then you’d still have 5 White judges with the 6th position being given to someone from East Asia as they are the largest minority not already covered (and what a powerful message that would send, the first East Asian-American on the Supreme Court, at a time when liberal cities are increasing hate crimes against their Asian American communities while liberal prosecutors don’t care, at a time when discrimination against Asian Americans is practiced by liberals.). So in summary- adding another Black to the court skews the court in favor of Blacks, something which liberals should be vehemently opposed to, afterall they say the Senate needs to be liquidated because it doesn’t represent the demographics so why would you encourage a Supreme Court that favors one group over another when the population doesn’t reflect that?

So in a nutshell: no matter how you look at it, they are picking someone based on their gender and skin color so that they can go for the low-hanging fruit of diversity achievement. Virtue signaling and progressive points, nothing else.

Yes I know, this assumes that the party of concentration camps for the unvaccinated, the party that cries “racism” at anyone who opposes anything they do, is actually thinking about these matters and open to arguments. You know I know better. I suppose since we are talking about Leftist ruthlessness it’s as good a time as any to mention the pressure that Justice Breyer was facing from the Left- they wanted him to quit (or die) while a Democrat was President, and are mad at Justice Ginsburg for having died under Trump. Also, Breyer is miffed that his plan to retire was leaked months before he was ready to reveal it, and what a great day to leak it as Biden’s polls keep plummeting and his Administration can’t seem to do anything right, a great distraction.

Headline Roundup 5

Part I
Part II
Part III

Part IV

All of these were supposed to go in the last one, but I didn’t think I’d ever get to them.

Liberals love using fear to control people. Remember how they accused Republicans of doing that, then smugly said they never would, then they used fear of COVID to try and legalize fascist vaccine mandates as mentioned in Headline Roundup 3? Well, now this writer here puts the pieces together on what liberals have been doing with domestic terrorism. They’re trying to say that their political enemies want a bloody civil war, the same ones they said wouldn’t stand a chance against the government, and the FBI and DOJ are helping to deliver with their false flag operations. How long before the FBI’s Patriot Front group decides to start something, and then have the Right blamed for it, and then the government uses that as justification to clamp down on the Right? Already, the DOJ has an outfit dedicated to persecuting people who disagree with the Biden Administration. It would not surprised me if this unit was the one that targeted a Democrat Congressman who opposed Biden. When 45% of Democrats want their political opponents in concentration camps and over 50% want them fined or in prison, is it really so hard to believe that the Democrat-ran Federal Government would do stuff like this? Just look at the January 6 Committee, it’s been invested with totally unconstitutional powers, it’s illegal, but Democrats are power-hungry and don’t care.

Ray Epps, the apparent FBI plant who ginned up a riot for his bosses to use as justification for political persecutions, has been acknowledged kinda sorta in that he’s the only “insurrectionist” the government defends and protects.

The Biden Administration continues to cover for the FBI’s role in January 6.

The DC Gitmo people are preventing January 6 inmates from contacting their lawyers. This is what justice looks like to liberals- in their hearts they believe you are guilty, so you need to suffer. Why bother with a trial or legal system when their lynch mob knows what justice looks like?

While unarmed protesters were shot dead and locked in solitary confinement for peacefully walking through the Capitol like many liberal protesters did in the past, the government allowed an Antifa bomber to go on bond. Because the FBI (who does not monitor Antifa) believes a bomber and violent rioting Democrats are less of a threat than a peaceful demonstrator. Meanwhile, a rapist was released after less than 6 months while January 6 folks have been imprisoned much longer for peacefully walking through a building. This is liberal justice at work.

A business owner who was robbed complained about policing in Democrat cities. His Democrat mayor paid him a visit, insulted him, and then her staff fined him. Like I said in the last Headline Roundup, the worst thing you could do to a Democrat is point out that they are wrong. They become Democrats just so they have a club to act smug and self-assured around and reinforce their fragile little snowflake egos.

At the Synagogue terror attack (Facebook’s Muslim community mourned his death after the attack by the way, more tolerance from the religion of peace as mentioned in Headline Roundup 3), the FBI violated its own protocol in an action that led to the death of the terrorist (and the FBI lied about their role, taking credit for freeing hostages even though they had nothing to do with that). As mentioned in the last Headline Roundup, since the FBI sees everyone the Democrats hate as terrorists and they’ve sent armed raiders to go after people who committed the misdemeanor of trespassing, how long before they kill someone who isn’t a terrorist because they decided to act unprofessionally? And wasn’t the whole George Floyd thing all about making sure law enforcement acted professionally? I guess Democrats are ok with them being disorganized thugs if they aren’t affected by it.

As expected, the January 6 committee is just to release hit jobs on Republicans as the midterms approach. Democrats are very open about wanting to use it and the legal system to prevent their opponents from running, I guess especially now that their voter fraud legislation was beaten multiple times.

While trying to say that January 6 was an attempt to overthrow the government by overturning elections, Democrats are still saying (I mentioned it in Headline Roundup 4 where none other than Joe Biden agreed) that the Midterms will not be legitimate if their pro-fraud voting reforms are not passed.

Very few have actually been indicted for sedition with the Capitol Riot, certainly none of the people still locked in prison merely for trespassing who have been denied their right to a trial (even the terrorist who ran over people in Waukesha was given a trial faster, but then again he didn’t make Democrats feel scared, in fact he is a Democrat according to his rantings). Further, the indictments for sedition came the day after the Associated Press pointed out that no one had been indicted yet, thus implying there was no evidence for it.

The FBI removed a January 6 rioter who had a gun and an earpiece from their most wanted list. I’m disappointed, I was hoping the FBI would arrest a fellow false flagging government agent again.

The governor of Michigan, a Democrat who the FBI created a fake kidnap plot around in order to discredit the Democrats’ political enemies, was an insurrectionist. One of the Democrat-approved insurrections though, I mentioned that there’s been a few.

A January 6 protester who peacefully entered the Capitol after police let him in is being tortured by the prison guards, because this is what liberal justice looks like. What do you expect from the party of concentration camps?

The FBI insisted that an Islamic terrorist seizing hostages at a synagogue had unclear motives. Maybe they had focused too much on parents opposed to the Democratic Party rather than terrorists.

In a city with a Soros-funded Democrat prosecutor who themselves is a criminal- the ideal liberal setup and you are racist if you disagree- it turns out that the leading cause of “unexpected” death of kids was murder. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice saw these numbers and decided there should be more of it, so they gave grant money to billionaire Soros’ anti-police groups in the name of stopping crime. I thought you anti-billionaire folks would’ve steered the money towards a grassroots organization, not a billionaire’s plaything.

Another Soros-funded prosecutor is racked with criminal charges after a political persecution of a Republican governor. The average citizen does not have the same power to withstand this that a governor does.

Like I said in Headline Roundup 4- DOJ setup an anti-extremist group, the military wants to root out extremists, and those in power defined “extremistto mean their political opponents. The same people who want prison and concentration camps for the unvaccinated, with no science backing their idea, say that anyone who disagrees is the extremist.

A Democrat congressman was arrested for protesting outside the Capitol, but he is not an insurrectionist unlike other protesters we mentioned here. Because Democrats are allowed to do these things, that’s why.

Democrats are so soft on crime that they apologize to criminals for using words that might have the wrong connotation.

Biden’s energy secretary violated a stock disclosure law 9 times, but no one cares, whereas anyone out of power would be arrested by now.

It looks like Deep Staters told Trump some stuff, Trump readied an executive order based on that stuff but never issued it, and now those same Deep Staters are using his order based on their info as grounds to smear him. Much like the origins of the Mueller Probe, where the Deep State told Trump to fire somebody, and then they used that firing as grounds to start an investigation. Oh, and the Deep State’s favorite way to leak stuff seems to be a British Leftist at the Washington Post.

Democrats are sending a purple-heart decorated veteran who peacefully walked through the Capitol to a gulag where he will be tortured. Why? Because he asked about bail, something which Antifa bombers get, something which armed robbers and rapists in New York City don’t even have to worry about thanks to Democrat reforms (it also seems that child rapists get pardoned if their victim marries them, another precedent from the religion of peace). The legal system is only to punish their political enemies, not even criminals. In fact, they fabricated charges against at least one January 6 rioter… but it’s not the first time the Leftist Feds fabricated charges and made a very public statement about what they’d do to their political enemies.

Illegal aliens can use their arrest warrant as ID when boarding airplanes. The government is endangering the lives of passengers by allowing criminals who show proof they are fugitives to board a flight.

The DOJ decided not to prosecute a corrupt FBI agent who abused their position and power. I guess because they all do that, because they are all fascists it seems.

While the corrupt FBI ignores Antifa, Antifa threatened to blow up an event focused on describing Antifa terrorism.

A January 6 protester who did not enter the Capitol was charged with two felonies and Liberal judges and prosecutors tried to force him to turn against Trump in exchange for lesser charges.

Democrats arrested a woman in a wheelchair for not presenting her identification papers to enter a restaurant, yet it’s racist to expect people to show ID to vote.

Ashli Babbitt was actually trying to stop protesters from entering Pelosi’s office, and seemed to have been cornered by these folks when she was shot. Interesting how we have the people she tried to stop on camera, yet the FBI doesn’t want any of them, and it was Babbit who was shot, not any of the people she tried to stop… and this was the group that the liberal John Sullivan was with.

More evidence of fascism from the FBI- they are working with a corporation to target a news outlet. And yet the socialist, Anti-Fascist Left wants concentration camps for people who really are anti-fascist. I have been pointing out for years about how fascist liberals are.

January 6 “protesters” were flashing their badges to local police, who also appear to have killed one of their own members.

Democrats outright say that if they lose in the midterms, then it is time for an armed insurrection because the results would not be legitimate unless Democrats win. But no, the unarmed January 6 folks who thought 2020 was stolen were the real threat, according to the Democrats who believe in concentration camps. Liberals seem to be taking up the call, at least that group who wants concentration camps is.

The White House Press Secretary finally admitted that defunding police led to a crime surge.

Pelosi is using Capitol police to gather data on fellow lawmakers and citizens who meet with them. She is using police a her personal surveillance arm/dirt-gathering force. She politicized the police, turned them into the Democrats’ tool.

Democrats insist the Right is the terrorist group to the point the DOJ created a division to investigate them, yet how many times has the Left had to cancel a rally or event (including genuine anti-fascist events) because of threats of violence from the Right? Seems that the only extremists out there with any teeth are the liberal ones, and despite what the January 6 committee wants you to believe the only politicians who wanted uprisings were liberal ones. And at this point we can count the FBI-sponsored conservative extremists as liberals.

By the way, liberals are ok with this. See, the imaginary threat of rightwing violence (they have only two instances they can point at: Charlottesville where a mentally ill dude ran over someone and the January 6 riot that was orchestrated by the FBI and didn’t cause any fatalities except among the Right, whereas by the time of Charlottesville already in addition to the above Antifa violence, a liberal with no mental illness had shot at multiple Republican Congressmen just weeks prior while liberals and their leaders had issued death threats against Republicans and the ACLU even justified killing Republicans.) is enough to justify any method they choose to employ to counter it. Their imaginary fears about Trump justified stopping him by any means, meanwhile Biden has been way worse for everything than Trump turned out to be (particularly with regards to Russia, something Democrats made a big deal about to the point they wanted war, but I’ll get to Biden’s pro-Russia stance later).

Should you be surprised? This is the group where their anti-science COVID fears lead them to want concentration camps for no scientific reason, just pure fear and hatred of their political opponents. These are the “smart” ones remember? If they’re so smart as they say, then they know that being unvaccinated is only a political thing and not a real health threat to them, which means the only reason they want concentration camps for the unvaccinated is to get rid of their political opponents. Now, if they want to admit stupidity then that means those in charge of the stupid herd that thinks the unvaccinated are a threat are the ones who want to be rid of their political opponents. Up and down the intelligence spectrum, they don’t see this as a simple disagreement over what’s best for people, they see you as the enemy, you are the devil, you are a NAZI to them, you must be EXTERMINATED in their worldview. There’s no cooperation or mercy, they want you GONE. You committed the crime of saying they were wrong about something, you must be terminated for their worldview to continue! Theirs is a worldview where they are in the absolute right at all times. They genuinely believe that anyone who claims they are wrong MUST be evil and MUST be eliminated. Their fragile little egos and need to feel right are more important than whether they truly are right, more important than your right to live. I’ve watched these nuts on TV news, watched the Hollywood propaganda they spew about themselves, and saw them as the dominant voice on the internet anywhere from social media to forums for over a decade now, this is their true form. This poll I keep mentioning reflects exactly what I’ve seen for years.

While Democrats investigate imaginary white supremacist threats, criminals are hunting police officers across the country at historically high rates. Democrats said police are evil so I guess that made it ok (my tenant has even triggered Democrats by saying “Blue Lives Matter”), and makes the soaring murder rates ok, Democrats hate the police except when they’re killing Rightwing protesters. It’s funny too when liberals say crime overall decreases, because A. the most important crime is increasing and B. crime is decreasing because you stopped prosecuting it. People are still committing what are considered crimes elsewhere such as theft and assault, it’s just that Democrats stopped caring so they consider their apathy as meaning a decrease in crime.

COVID and Health

The world’s nobility who gave us a pandemic, who say they trust each other and the genocidal Chinese regime when China lied about the pandemic (and then lied to us about China’s role, and just about everything really, and then complain not about their misinformation but about the truth getting out despite their lies), are upset people don’t trust them. These are also the ones who say they want to take away all of your property (YOUR property, no one will touch theirs of course).

A warning about the COVID vaccines and how they will lead to chronic disease, though you’ll see plenty more later, and maybe even learn how. The World Health Organization has made similar warnings, as discussed below.

Should it really be surprising in the wake of the poll reported on in Headline Roundup 4 showing that liberals want their opponents in concentration camps that the Democrat-ran FDA would stop Republican Florida from getting lifesaving treatments for patients in that state? For liberals who think they deserve it because of their lax protocols, I will note 1. your liberal leaders vacationed maskless in Florida because it was open, 2. a country with one of the most vaccinated population on the planet still has a COVID surge and still is locking down their vaccinated population because the vaccines did nothing, 3. the average mask is worthless at stopping COVID, 4. vaccinated and unvaccinated alike carry and transmit COVID (as reported in Headline Roundup 4, half of Democrats polled want fines or prison for people who say that the vaccinated can spread COVID, with Twitter even blocking that scientifically accurate fact from being shared), 5. lockdowns don’t work as reported by your scientists, so why do Floridians need to suffer and die if the science says fascism doesn’t work anyway?

This is one of two things: either it’s Leftists killing their political opponents (spoiler alert: I discuss this later, but here’s two examples I keep bringing up), or Leftists denying treatment in order to manufacture a crisis, like how they fired their healthcare workers so that the crisis of overflowing hospitals would finally happen simply from staff reductions.

Too many COVID boosters too often will destroy your immune system, according to government regulators in Europe and the World Health Organization.

Liberals not only want to put people into concentration camps for anti-science reasons, they also believe that actual adherents to science are insane- they removed a doctor’s license and demanded he receive psychiatric help for recommending Ivermectin (a drug deployed successfully elsewhere) to his patients (a physician’s assistant is facing a similar issue, and he came out saying that basically the CDC-sponsored treatment of COVID patients was to drug ’em up with one drug that doesn’t do much, tube ’em up with a procedure that kills most people it’s done to, isolate them and let them die. The fact that he tried to treat the patients instead of kill them was what led to his medical license being removed), the same drug that over 100 Congressmen got, the same drug that DC elites had evidence was effective but worked to hide that from the public because Big Pharma is the biggest lobbying group. Get that? The elite get the real working treatments and aren’t hospitalized, while for the rest of us you are labelled insane and kicked out of the workforce if you disagree with the pharmaceutical companies. And how chilling is this- you are forced to see a psychiatrist because you disagree with a corporation and its fascist supporters? This is the start of every totalitarian nightmare, except for liberals and Democrats this is a wet dream. Oh, and Republicans are happy to help in the tyranny.

You’d think I’d be opposed to schools only letting kids eat and take their masks off outside in below freezing temperatures for limited periods, but actually I’m all for it. Those kids need to learn what living under a Democrat government feels like.

People in our vaccinated world keep developing severe and fatal problems.

Democrat politicians that favor masks and lockdowns for their own voters are happy to vacation to maskless destinations (and violate their rules in general, because COVID only affects the little people I guess, is it science that says COVID does not attack the rich and famous and powerful?). Their voters of course are happy that the government is oppressing them.

The party that wants prison and concentration camps for the unvaccinated also says you need to mock their deaths.

EcoHealth Alliance, who funded COVID research that led to the pandemic, who tried to suppress knowledge about it, and who “officially” lied to the government about all this and “officially” abused its grants, is now receiving more money from the government. Oh, and the folks who work at the Wuhan Lab we’ve been funding are required to be working to advance the Chinese government.

The government-owned CDC is lying about the side effects of catching COVID in order to scare you into helping pharmaceutical companies profit. In other words, pure fascism. Oh, and the survival rate for COVID for those under 20 is 99.978%, while for those over 70 not in nursing homes it’s 97.1%.

It’s ok to parade your kid on the web for internet clout after lying to them about biology (spoiler: it matters very much what’s in your pants, because A. some people like certain parts more than others and B. some people actually want to make a kid with you and if you lied your entire relationship about whether you could or not, that is a BIG deal because you just wasted a significant hunk of someone’s life because of your own selfish need for affirmation, and C. people who might want a safe space from the other gender in their locker rooms are going to see that you are the other gender but again your selfishness trumps their feelings), except why does an 8 year old need to worry about gender? Is the parent letting the kid be sexually active? Does the parent intend to turn the kid over to someone who is? Does the parent want to the internet to know their kid is sexually active? Our school systems produce kids that can’t read or do math, but they’re able to define at an adult level what their gender is? And while this 8yo gets to lie to the world to win their dad woke points (if it’s no one’s business why is your dad making you tell the world?), people are being banned for giving life-saving information on COVID because the pharmaceutical companies might not profit as much… which is why we have 8 year olds talking about gender, they are the sales team for Big Pharma’s hormone pills. Hey kid, you want to be popular like me right? Look at all the likes on the video, look at all my friends, look at everyone saying I’m awesome, you want this right? Well just take Moderna or Pfizer’s latest hormone blocker.

Lliberals say the reason we should ignore this is that it might make someone sad. Ignore that two people were raped because they didn’t want a trans person to feel “sad”. Sorry women, but Big Pharma has a lifelong customer in that trans person and you guys are nothing to its bottom line.

Liberals, who want to put the unvaccinated into concentration camps and deny medical treatment to the unvaccinated out of fear they can spread COVID as mentioned in the last Headline Roundup, want COVID-positive healthcare workers to keep working because there is a shortage. Why is there a shortage? Because they fired the unvaccinated ones, worried that they might spread COVID. Now liberal, to understand the problem here, you need to understand what I’ve been reporting all along and what the CDC and Fauci acknowledge- vaccines do not stop you from spreading or receiving COVID.

One of the downsides to mask mandates- filthy masks that make you sick and leave you vulnerable to COVID, hence why Biden’s 400 million masks mentioned in Headline Roundup 4 would be so worthless in the longterm, except as pollutants.

COVID vaccines can cause brain damage in kids, not that it matters because liberals would ensure they graduated high school anyway.

The Federal Government is keeping a database on people who, for religious reasons, object to using a corporation’s product.

Democrats say that Florida, where all schools are open, has done nothing to open schools.

How can you say it’s about the science when you demand that employees working from home get vaccinated or lose their jobs? Do you liberals believe COVID is a computer virus too?

While 45% of Democrats want concentration camps and over 50% want imprisonment for the unvaccinated, Washington State has a bill for creating a Gestapo to send the unvaccinated to concentration camps.

The U.K. repeatedly shows that the vaccinated are worse off, dying more, than the unvaccinated.

Schools ran by Democrats who think the unvaccinated should be in concentration camps are denying the use of their chairs and restrooms to unvaccinated students. And teachers tape masks to faces.

Make no mistake- this is how all liberals see you (and they think you enjoy being a disease vector), hence the concentration camps they want for you.

Even though the vaccine has been banned for kids in several countries because it hurts them, in Canada a Ronald McDonald house kicked out kids with cancer because they were unvaccinated. Remember- liberals in America think you should be locked in prison for even mentioning that other countries, our NATO allies, banned the vaccine for kids. Liberals in America think you should be put into a concentration camp if you are unvaccinated. I broke these numbers down in the last Headline Roundup. So, liberals are supremely anti-science, want to arrest you if you speak against their propaganda (against any of their propaganda, because it’s ok for liberals to lie about elections but they want their opponents to be arrested when liberals decide they are lying), and want to put people in concentration camps, so it’s no wonder they’d pursue this anti-science policy that will hurt children. This is the abortion crowd though, literally the only times they care about kids is when they need to do an anti-gun statement or some pro-pedophilia trans thing like I talked about earlier.

Democrats want the CDC director removed because she keeps telling the truth. Not surprising, since they want anyone who tells the truth fined or imprisoned as mentioned in the last Headline Roundup.

As mentioned in Headline Roundup 3, liberals are saying it’s great to be fat in the middle of a pandemic where the leading risk factor is being fat.

Fauci says we still have plenty of pandemic left to go, that after two years we are only in the first stage.

The CDC admits that natural immunity is better than the vaccine. But they still demand you get vaccinated, and natural immunity does not allow you to bypass vaccine mandates.

Laughably, the same liberals where 45% want concentration camps for the unvaccinated and over 50% want prison for the unvaccinated and have legislation in Washington State for this are claiming that it’s a conspiracy theory that they want those things.

A doctor with the U.K. government’s NHS warns patients not to take the vaccine, saying it will be pulled soon for being dangerous.

Triple-vaxxed does not protect you from COVID and its symptoms.

New papers show that the government knows COVID was a bioweapon that our scientists paid for and covered-up.

A mother stuffed her child into her car’s trunk to prevent herself from being exposed to COVID. These are the people who want concentration camps for the unvaccinated. It’s no wonder that a study found those who wear masks to be meaner than normal people.

Democrats keep inflating COVID numbers by conflating people hospitalized with COVID with people hospitalized for COVID. It’s not just liberals domestically doing this. About the only COVID death numbers they downplay are the ones they cause.

Democrat policies have destroyed our hospitals, plus just about any other service you can think of. This Leftist stupidity is not confined to the U.S., and as they destroy themselves they blame the unvaccinated, scapegoating them, and demand they be put in concentration camps and denied medical services because Leftists left the system unable to support even the average day’s worth of medical problems in pre-pandemic times. Liberals destroyed our healthcare, and then demand that non-liberals be put in concentration camps because like I said in Headline Roundup 4 you become a liberal to avoid taking responsibility for your own actions, you become a liberal to deny reality. Science said as early as August that the unvaccinated transmit COVID the same as the vaccinated, there is no scientific reason for the concentration camps, the only reason is hatred and the need to scapegoat somebody for the Left’s failures.

It would not surprise me if these allegations of depopulation were true, just look at how evil the Left is, but I just don’t get why their own people were targeted.

So that poll that I mentioned in Headline Roundup 4 that said Democrats wanted people to be imprisoned for spreading misinformation about the COVID vaccine, well those same Democrats don’t mind it when their own people spread COVID and vaccine misinformation (when researching earlier posts, I found liberals praising them for spreading that misinformation). Like I said- this is not about truth or science, this is about persecuting their political opponents and protecting their worldview that they are always right (their spokespeople are scared to debate intelligent opponents). This public health thing is just an effort to bypass our Constitutional safeguards, a farce to get around the law.

Liberals want concentration camps for the unvaccinated for fear that the unvaccinated are public health hazards, yet the CEO of Pfizer said that most of those liberals are public health hazards themselves (though he once said that they were 100% safe, and like good liberals they cling to whatever talking point makes them feel the most comfortable).

Your risk of contracting a heart condition from the COVID vaccine doubles after each jab, and you now need three jabs to be considered vaccinated, with room for more jabs in the future. How many can your heart take?

Death from the COVID vaccine is many times higher than that from all other vaccines combined.

Democrats seem to be fond of letters signed by “experts” who don’t know jack about the topic. There were the 500 “experts” who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop, and then there’s the “270 doctors” who said Joe Rogan should be banned for not toeing Big Pharma’s line on COVID. The trouble is that even though the mainstream liberal media says those people were doctors, in reality a majority had no medical degrees, and of the ones who did a lot of them did not practice medicine. But liberals want you in prison or a concentration camp if you point out their lies.

After the vaccine rolled out, a mysterious 40%-average spike in deaths among 18-49 year olds happened.

Democrats are working on databases of people who are unvaccinated that violate several federal laws.

The CDC has been very quiet about what disease its monkeys were carrying that ended up spread across the Pennsylvania countryside, with one person already sick.

Democrats are vaccinating kids without parents’ consent, and lying about the practice. Keep in mind all that you read about problems the vaccines cause, and keep in mind that the kids may be allergic to the ingredients yet you have school officials with no knowledge of this providing medical treatments without even asking people who would know. But it’s not really about health otherwise you wouldn’t have school officials doing this, it’s really about selling more of Big Pharma’s product.


Schools are teaching kids that they should judge each other by race alone, and that white people are superior (that’s the “privilege” thing).

Liberals from the concentration camp party screamed “Black Lives Matter” while attacking a Black man (they demanded that he leave the elevator even though he was there first because he was unmasked, and then one of the white Democrats briefly removed her mask while demanding that the Black man put his on. No wonder Democrats talk about white privilege, that’s what the whites in their party are full of.). Do liberals believe that saying that is some kind of incantation that rids their actions of racism? That would explain a few things…

Liberals are acting very racist and abusive towards a Hispanic January 6 prisoner, while the press insists only whites participated in the alleged white supremacist event. If a Hispanic Democrat reported receiving racist treatment in a prison, do you think the anti-cop Left would hesitate to start a riot? But this Hispanic is not a Democrat, so they hesitate to care.

Democrats believe that race should determine whether you receive medical treatment. It’s ironic too- these same people they wish to prioritize for medical treatment are part of the group they wish would not receive medical treatment at all- the unvaccinated, as discussed in the last Headline Roundup.

Democrats, and Joe Biden particularly, keep saying that anyone who opposes their voter fraud enabling legislation is a racist, and specifically compare them to segregationist George Wallace. Joe Biden once praised Wallace and touted Wallace’s compliments of him. But Democrats totally aren’t racist, just look at what I noted in the last Headline Roundup about the stricter voting laws Democrat states have and the COVID policies that ban most Blacks from public spaces. I wonder if Democrats will demand sanctions on our racist European allies (that liberals say are progressive leaders) for their voting laws?

The BLM liberals don’t actually care about civil rights, either that or they think genocide is ok as long as someone pays them to think that.

Dovetailing with the above, this is why they’re declaring racism to be a public health crisis. As mentioned in Headline Roundup 4, they label everyone who disagrees with them as a racist, and now in the name of public health they get to shut up their opponents. Democrats want concentration camps in the name of public health, so why not to fight the health crisis of racism too? And look, at a time when Democrats want prison and concentration camps for their opponents, their media is telling them their opponents want the same thing. They have no evidence, they are aren’t citing polls, they just made it up, whereas we have hard evidence on the Left’s intentions. Look at this– they say that Republicans will become violent if they lose the midterms this year, and that the January 6 committee will somehow stop Republicans from winning. They don’t even have to have their statements make sense (well… unless the committee plans to arrest Republican candidates), and liberal voters just gulp it down and believe. No wonder they want to murder their opponents.

Liberals want to wipe Israel off the map.

Democrats believe you are racist if you want non-white judges to actually respect the law, ie pay their fines and not have their driver’s license suspended for refusing to comply with the law.

Democrats say this is a racist country as white men who killed a black man are sentenced to life in prison.

Denver schools (they weren’t the first) are teaching kids to hate their families, teaching them that it’s wrong to have parents, teaching them that the Democratic Party (who else would they want in charge of their “village” concept?) is who should be raising them. Teachers are “excited” about this. Also, they commit racism by saying that the nuclear family is a white concept and stereotyping Blacks as naturally not being part of families. Science on the other hand says something way different. In fact, the lack of a nuclear family has kept Blacks oppressed and dependent on the government… so I guess it’s no wonder Leftwing fascists want to teach kids this, and enforce it by saying they are racist if they disagree. Ironically enough, the idea to abolish the nuclear family originated from some white Eurotrash. In fact, liberals see it as an ADVANTAGE, see it as part of your white privilege, if you come from a nuclear family.

So on the one hand they admit it’s an advantage, but on the other hand they want to destroy it. Why? The explanation is in the replacement- as mentioned above, the government ran by Democrats replaces the parents. These are not teachers or educators, they are power-mad psychopaths trying to turn your children against you, and it’s no wonder they campaigned on keeping parents out of the classroom, making sure parents stayed ignorant and helpless as liberals stole their kids. Probably to rape them, judging by where liberals get their news from and who liberals elected… and judging by how the same Federal government that acted instantly on January 6 waited 17 months to arrest a known child predator who worked for their liberal media benefactors. This is the same FBI that routinely ignores child sex crimes while persecuting parents and political opponents.

Police are persecuting a Black man under the KKK act, accusing a man who raises money for fatherless Blacks of being a white supremacist, but Democrats are fine with it because it’s not one of theirs.

Democrat policies led to police trying to kick a black woman out of a restaurant because she did not present her identification papers, something which Democrats insist that it is racist to expect Blacks to have.

White supremacy is why a Pakistani terrorist targeted Jews, according to Democrats.


Democrats want it to be legal to stuff ballot dropboxes, that’s what their voting rights legislation does.

Democrats actually are arguing that equipment for voting should NOT be tested before use.

The Associated Press, who was happy to smear Trump with COVID case counts, will not be providing one as the 2022 midterms approach because this allegedly unbiased news organ wants Democrats to win and doesn’t care who their policies kill.

As mentioned in Headline Roundup 4, not only did Biden say that Blacks would vote no matter how hard, but polls show most Americans- most Blacks- think it is TOO easy to vote, and most Blacks are in favor of measures that the Democrats’ voter laws would remove. Yet you have the liberal media bringing forth wealthy and privileged Blacks who insist that not only can they not vote easily, but it’s by a racist design that they can’t vote easily. They are inventing a problem and saying it’s a racist problem. Whereas Biden actually contradicted them, saying that this battle has nothing at all to do with whether people are stopped from voting.

Meanwhile, as liberals seek to criminalize anyone presenting evidence that they stole elections, more evidence emerges that they did. The public may be catching on.

Democrats admit their voting bill is inspired by a dictator who rigged his elections (where even after his death, elections are rigged for his successors). I’ll also take the time to point out some misinformation I saw from USA Today, The Daily Beast, and other liberal outlets. Trump’s legal team did not allege that Venezuela rigged the election or that Hugo Chavez rigged it, what they said was that the kind of voting machines designed specifically to rig elections for Chavez were deployed in the U.S. Of course liberals aren’t even capable of thinking about a story truthfully, let alone reporting the truth, so it’s no surprise they screwed the details up. Even if Trump’s people were wrong, you could still have reported the truth about what they said, liberal. Instead you keep lying, you keep being terrible people, and justify being worse than anything you say your opponents are by saying that you’re just trying to stop them so that makes becoming worse than what you accuse them of ok.


Democrats, who say you are a conspiracy theorist if you believe Biden is unfit and his Administration is being ran by someone else, say that the entire Supreme Court is ran by Clarence Thomas’ wife. Is she a reptilian in disguise too?

The military had to lower its standards so that a woman could keep trying to enter the Air Force’s special forces program. While the military might be inclusive by lowering standards, the enemy will still hold her to the same high standard everyone else is held to. But it’s better to score a woke point now and lose lives later than it is to keep everyone alive, right?

As the liberal media lies about it, the economy is in really terrible shape.

Democrats continue to insist that they know better than parents what their kids should be taught. These are the same Democrats that send their kids to private schools and say Blacks are too ignorant to learn math so don’t bother teaching it.

House Speaker Pelosi thinks that the best person to head their transportation committee is someone who can’t drive and doesn’t leave notes or notify police of accidents. This is hit and run by the way- she left the scene.

NPR goes so far as to accuse liberal Supreme Court Justices of lying after NPR’s story about conservative Justice Gorsuch turns out to be false.

One of Hillary Clinton’s cronies earned a million dollars from China to lobby the White House to allow Chinese infiltration of our infrastructure.

DirecTV cancelled a news network because Democrats told them to. Much like with cancelling people’s bank accounts for political reasons mentioned in Headline Roundup 4 and Headline Roundup 3, Democrats don’t care about the chilling effect this has on free speech because they want their enemies destroyed. They don’t believe, or care, that this could be used against them later if they don’t stay woke enough. This is the group that wants prison and concentration camps for its opponents, they are way beyond thinking rationally. They’re exactly where the corporate elite and politicians want them- unthinking followers begging their rulers to destroy the rulers’ enemies.

It’s no wonder Fauci wanted to hide is financial records and lie about how accessible they are- he is a very, very rich man.

Remember when a Democrat Congressman wanted to impeach Trump for calling someone a “son of a bitch”? Well, guess what Biden just referred to a reporter as such (remember when insulting the press was an attack on the First Amendment and Democracy?) while that Congressman remains a strong Biden supporter.

Biden backers have buyer’s remorse… but still want to put you into a concentration camp if you vote different from them.

One of the members of the party that wants prison and concentration camps for its opponents accused Republicans of being Nazis at a rally held by his party’s Brown Shirts.

One of the judges in a 2020-related case donated to Trump’s opponents, but did not recuse themselves, and further they ordered a company to release private information to a Leftist newspaper under penalty of exorbitant fines.

YouTube removed a video that criticized Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan that left thousands trapped plus millions of dollars of advanced equipment- including communications tools still logged into our networks. YouTube is of course fine with all of this, come on these people support genocidal regimes so of course they’d support Biden no matter what he did. And how many folks at YouTube’s HQ do you think would support concentration camps for their political opponents? At least 45%!

Like I mentioned before, the Swamp is very deep. Trump’s CIA Director was part of it, and obviously his FBI was too (no one has been fired yet, it’s still the same FBI guys as under Trump who are targeting parents and doing false flag operations).

Democrats’ solution to their policies that cause higher energy costs is an inflation-inducing handout that’ll just drive prices higher (and then raise taxes on the poor who can’t afford any of this). But, their solutions to their self-generated problems usually only make things worse.

The just-an-idea Antifa is pretty well organized.

One of the Biden family’s corrupt business partners is a traitor. Do I really need to say how big a storm the media would create if this were a Trump business associate? At what point do liberals stop saying “anyone is better than Trump, even if the person is worse”?

Microsoft introduced a new woke spell-checking apparatus into its software suites. If you don’t use woke language (presumably it will be updated every day, much as woke language is) then it will tell you that there is a typo.

A piece pointing out the absurdity in trying to make your company or government look exactly like the demographics it represents. Of course the Left’s wokeness isn’t about that, it’s about pushing white males out of the workforce by any means necessary. They don’t really care about equal representation, just look at the goals they lay out- they want minority-owned businesses to outnumber white owned, they want minorities to outnumber whites on corporate boards, they see a “diverse” workforce as one that has a majority-minority. Yet that oxymoronic phrase “majority-minority” shows the problem- what happens to the rest of the “majority”? Whites make up 60% of the population, so how do you get a “diverse” workplace without 10% of whites being permanently unemployed? Worse, given how many non-whites are not in the workforce or can’t be competitive in it because Democrats decided they are too stupid to learn and all they’re good for is crime and welfare and voting Democrat, does that mean that 25% or more of the white population should be banned from the workforce to achieve your “equity”? Obviously they have white privilege so you wouldn’t pay them welfare, that’s already happening in Democrat-controlled areas. Then again, this is the party of concentration camps so maybe you’ll send the excess whites there?

I hate to say it, but in all my experience browsing forums and comments sections, I think the numbers are way off, that way more Democrats want concentration camps for their enemies, for white people in particular from what I’ve read from them.

A nice little piece where to get liberals to practice empathy, what they are doing to Conservatives is put in terms liberals can understand. The problem is that this is the concentration camp party, they are way beyond wanting to understand their political foes, or science hence why they use anti-science reasons to support their camps.

The star witness that liberals dug up against Trump to support their lies about him colluding with Russia is in prison for child sex crimes and illegally moved money between the United Arab Emirates and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential campaign- REAL foreign interference in the election, which liberals are ok with. The party that insisted Trump was a traitor because he said something sorta nice about Putin, the party who insists Russia needs to be punished for altering the outcome of the 2016 election, the party that says the filibuster is a tool for oppressing Blacks and is white supremacist and a relic of Jim Crow, the party that said Trump weakened NATO because he is a Russian asset, the party that says pipelines will destroy the environment, that same party just used the filibuster to protect Putin’s pipeline that will give him control of the energy sectors of our NATO allies while that party’s leader imports oil from Putin at historic levels, effectively giving him control of our energy sector after attacking our energy indepedence. So which party is the real Russian asset?

Democrats openly state they are concerned that the Supreme Court is being used to stop one branch of government from becoming too powerful and violate the law. I mean they actually said that was the reason.

House Speaker Pelosi’s son is as corrupt as Democrats wished that Trump’s kids were so that they could arrest them.

57% of Democrats favor social media giants censoring posts that someone might find offensive. Of course, the only people defining “offensive” are the Democrats, 45% of whom want concentration camps for their political opponents.

Remember in Headline Roundup 4 how I wondered if you’d ever be woke enough to not fear for your bank account? Well, according to Democrat elites, even right now you are not woke enough. If you aren’t out there mobbing your political opponents then you are a terrible Democrat voter, according to the leadership. They are blaming you for their failure to get their agenda done. You sent them to work on your behalf, and they blame you for their lack of success. How long before your fellow Democrat voters agree that you haven’t been putting in enough effort to help the team and should be penalized?

The Democrats in charge keep saying that Biden is really working for Obama.

American colleges want the Chinese government to have control of our campuses, and the FBI does not track Chinese spies. The FBI doesn’t track Antifa either (you know, the folks who seized part of a city and seceded from the United States after attacking police and National Guard members). In fact, the FBI and DOJ only go after opponents to the Democratic Party, with the DOJ creating a new division dedicated to attacking their political opponents. But not the Chinese, or terrorists who take hostages at synagogues.

Democrats are sweeping their supply chain crisis under the rug by having ships wait somewhere out of sight, and then claiming they solved the problem.

Leftists in Canada are using anti-science ideas to outlaw Christianity. Got news for you- I know as mentioned in Headline Roundup 4 you think evolution is white supremacist, but you still based your theology on it and it definitely shows heterosexuality is the norm and anything else is the deviation. Now, if you want to be a science denier then go ahead, being anti-science sure doesn’t stop your concentration camp policies. And just look at the hypocrisy here- if someone wants to be a Christian they are banned from converting, but there is no ban on becoming part of what science says is the deviation, this coming from the people who say they stand for science and tolerance.

Another reason why someone might plead the 5th: they don’t know the answer or aren’t confident in their knowledge and want to avoid perjury charges. So instead of saying “not to my knowledge” (which can always be disproven later, even if just by saying you must have seen a news report even though you may not have) they just don’t answer.

The Biden Administration keeps talking about Ukraine’s right to secure borders while destroying our own. We are obligated by treaty to protect Ukraine, but the Democrats keep insisting that it’s because a foreign country deserves borders but we don’t. Our soldiers should die to protect another country’s borders while our own should be left wide open, that is what Democrats believe.

While Vice President, Biden received $31 million from Chinese intelligence assets.

Headline Roundup 3

It’s been 11 months since the last one; I think we were overdue. I have no idea how long it’s been since I last published one on a Wednesday at noon, the time I originally was supposed to be posting once per week. While I was working on the previous posts, my browser tabs in two different web browsing programs got back into the hundreds again… though they may have been on their way before that. Anyway, here is what I had been looking at, just an average example of a week’s worth of tabs, so you understand why I might be a little irate and my blood pressure should be high enough to create a blood saw. Some of these entries may have been intended for the previous post. I should mention that other entries involve new links I had to put in to support the points I was using the other links to make.

I have to say that Bing is super annoying. Not only does it limit results for the COVID stuff much like Google, but it also has annoying tendency of repeating search results, to the point where I can go through two or three pages of results and half of them are the same stories, in the same order, at the same points on the page.

I’ve divided these into loose categories.

January 6 Pickup

According to the federal government, it is ok to try to permanently blind police officers, but if you peacefully roam the Capitol Building after police let you in and you are not a Democrat (or are not a Democrat storming the Capitol, I’m assuming you read my most recent post linked earlier), then you will be arrested and held without trial for at least a year. This is what liberal justice looks like- Democrats do what they like, while even the most peaceful of their opponents are jailed forever without trial.

The FBI Director lied to Congress under oath about what he knew about January 6. Will the January 6th committee recommend perjury charges? Well, if the FBI Director isn’t one of them they would, just to use that to tie Trump to January 6. But they won’t, because the FBI Director is a Leftist stooge and useful idiot.

Yet another prominent liberal says it is a conspiracy theory that 2020 was stolen but believes 2016 was stolen from Democrats, and the other prominent liberal thinkers on the show agree with her. Also, Democrats apparently will not believe a GOP win in the midterms in 2022 is legitimate. Only Democrat wins are legitimate in their eyes, and you’re a conspiracy theorist or insurrectionist or Russian agent or whatever if you think any differently.

Ted Cruz seems now to be a mealy-mouth liar.

Democrats are going all-in on making January 6 part of their midterm strategy, and apparently their general PR strategy as their own poll numbers sink. Boy, as you saw in my last post, it sure was a gift to them wasn’t it! A gift they bought and wrapped…

The Attorney General pledged more action against January 6 prisoners. I guess this is because they keep saying “terrorist” and “insurrection” but the charges say “trespassing”. He’ll probably keep them in prison even longer without trial. By delaying the trial which would lead to a quick release on misdemeanor charges, liberals get to imprison political dissidents indefinitely.

Whereas we get write-ups on how sexual assaulters are heroes (like Jacob Blake and one of Rittenhouse’s attackers), an unarmed protestor murdered by an incompetent police officer is spat on by the Associated Press.

Democrats are still lying about the police officers who died on January 6. There were none, but not according to the media, even after retractions had been issued.

Documents show that A- the officer who shot Ashli Babbitt seemed to have no reason to as she was unarmed and several fellow officers claim he did not order her to stop and B- someone in the government emailed Babbitt’s fingerprints to an apparently Chinese contact and C- the officer who shot her did not have any non-lethal equipment (in other words, unlike other officers, he only had a gun).


If vaccines work, why do you want segregation? Why do you need to hide from the unvaccinated? Why is your President telling you to teach your kids that the unvaccinated are Lebensunwertes Leben? Why are you teaching discrimination and hate? If you are vaccinated, and if the vaccines worked, what do you have to hide from? In fact, how can the pandemic and isolation ever end in your eyes if the vaccines don’t protect you from catching COVID? Your vaccines won’t protect you from other vaccinated people (anywhere from 75%95% of people with Omicron are vaccinated, it’s the unvaccinated who are safer from it), so why aren’t you teaching to discriminate against them too? Since everyone transmits COVID equally (Ireland declared during its October COVID spike despite a 91% vaccinated population that there will continue to be spikes until a vaccine that stops COVID from being transmitted is developed), why are the unvaccinated somehow a threat to be put into camps and exterminated? And if you believe that children should be taught to discriminate against people with different beliefs that pose no harm to you, then you must believe that anyone who can spread COVID is a threat, which means you must believe that EVERYONE is a threat. But, you are addicted to the lifestyle that comes with assuming that- fed by hate and government checks and the narcissism that comes from isolation (because you’re always right when you’re in your own world, though this study about why the unvaccinated are safer from COVID than the vaccinated sheds some light on why you vaccinated folks are so fearful).

Actually, it turns out the unvaccinated have more to fear from the vaccinated as far as health problems go, as Pfizer admitted that “vaccine shedding” is a real thing.

Democrats who love to lecture Republicans on shaming people and pushing people into the closet and all that, themselves realize they are guilty of it on COVID. Well, at least some do. A CNN guy reported that his liberal friends were in the closet about having COVID, given how liberals were using COVID as a way to feel morally superior to others.

I love this story- a prominent liberal finally has to live in the world that they want, and he hates it. By the way liberal, Dr. Fauci says your 4 year old should be vaccinated. You’re not anti-science, are you?

Germany is taking the lead– only folks with 3 jabs are considered vaccinated now. So even if you just got your first or just got your second dose, when medical science says they might still be effective, the Leftists over there say you’re still not allowed inside restaurants without taking a test.

Liberals are celebrating (read the whole post) weight gain during a pandemic where the leading comorbidity (the leading thing that makes the virus hurt you more than it should if you were healthy) is obesity. The Leftwing Hawaii Department of Health decided that exercise and eating healthy don’t matter at all. Didn’t I mention in the last post something about the government’s “fat and jab” strategy?

It takes only 2-3 months for the vaccine to stop working.

Dr. Fauci lied– producers of non-mRNA vaccine COVID treatments have tried to get their products approved, but the government won’t even look at their applications, while Fauci says none have applied. These aren’t what you liberals would consider treatments from the Far Right, these include treatments that the World Health Organization already approved. I thought you liberal globalist socialists loved them, how come you’re not using a treatment they approve and instead forcing everyone to use the treatments most profitable to Big Pharma?

COVID-obsessed people (not even a medical professional here) are giving minors vaccines without the consent of their parents, in the parents’ house no less.

The Biden Administration decided that we do not need testing, we need to instead invest the money allocated for more COVID testing to inviting unvaccinated COVID-carrying superspreaders into the U.S.

Twitter thinks it knows more about mRNA vaccines than the guy who invented them does. Liberals all apparently believe this, given how they react to real science.

The CDC has announced that you don’t need to test at the end of the quarantine period. Not because of science, but because their tests suck. If the tests can stay positive for 12 weeks, then why bother quarantining when you might be getting a positive result from 12 weeks ago?

Guess it’s academic at this point because the CDC has removed PCR tests altogether. They say it can’t tell the difference between COVID and the flu. Which means that the reason we had a low flu season wasn’t the masking and all that, it was because people with the flu were treated as having COVID because of these failed tests.

I don’t really know why they removed the tests. Not only have they known for over a year that the tests are inaccurate, but they’ve been perfectly happy all along to inflate the numbers.

While liberals say that the anti-vax crowd are just white conservative bigots who want to kill everyone, it turns out that 70% of the Black community refuses to take the jab. (Just Google “republicans vaccine kill” if you don’t believe me, and don’t believe them either because COVID is actually ripping up Blue States now worse than Red States, because it has a seasonal pattern and does not care about politics. By the way- if Democrats are the majority, if it is true that 91% of that 81 million majority is vaccinated (which already seems unlikely– 70% of Blacks refuse to be vaccinated, and Blacks made up 18% of the Democrat vote in 2020 with 85% of the Black community voting Democrat, so if Blacks are 18% of the Democratic Party and a full 12% are unvaccinated then how come we didn’t see 89% of Democrats as being vaccinated? And that’s assuming literally every other Democrat regardless of race was vaccinated, which is not true.) if even 60% of the minority conservatives is vaccinated (meaning that 75% of the people who voted are vaccinated, with 75% of the population having at least one dose as of January 10 2022. Dr. Fauci said that to stop surges we needed only 70% to take just one dose, and now we’ve been at more than 70% since November 20 2021- 2 months- but nothing’s stopped), then how come we now have more COVID cases than ever, by four times, at a time when the Blue States are being hit the hardest?)

Democrats like to tout how Republicans are allegedly dying from COVID at a greater rate than Democrats, but Democrats are also withholding treatments from Republican states, and now from white people in general. Except if their reasoning is that people who don’t vaccinate don’t deserve treatments, why are you giving it to the largest populations of unvaxxed people? Is it just because you assume their skin color means they think like you?

This follows the trend of medicine becoming radicalized and racializied. It’s already ok for psychiatrists to say they want to murder white people. How long before doctors are told to deny treatments to white- oh wait, that’s already happening!

Contrary to media histrionics, Omicron isn’t all that bad, according to the guy who invented those mRNA vaccines you want all of us to inject.

The White House didn’t deny the pandemic of the vaccinated in their ranks.

The Left’s effort to bury anything contrary to their push for more power over your life and more profit for their Big Pharma friends has a side effect of damaging your health. Go figure.

The Biden Administration said that with Delta and Omicron they failed to predict that a variant would exist. They failed with Delta, then failed again with Omicron. So to save face Fauci lies to bail out the Vice President.

Dr. Fauci, who’s done quite a few evil things outside COVID, can’t stand the thought of unfriendly questions. He wants people to be fired for suggesting that someone should ask him a question. Also, he thinks that he is so powerful that he just demands someone’s head and it’s delivered to him. He believes that he is above the law, your Constitutional rights cease when he says, and he is very patronizing about it while his advice kills people (he is arguing that you should not have the freedom to reject getting a vaccine because you would be endangering others, except the science shows that the vaccinated are as dangerous as the unvaccinated so forced vaccinations wouldn’t even stop the spread).

Oh, and at a time when someone funding the Wuhan Lab would know about COVID, Dr. Fauci was out saying he wanted to scare people into universal vaccination, using untested vaccines. He wanted the vaccines to be untested, he wanted you and your family to be the test subjects for his sick experiments, he said this! And so does the FDA, they want your children to be their medical experiments.

And the definition of “fully vaccinated” is changing.

The government and media are finally admittingagain… that masks don’t work. Oh, and vaccines apparently do nothing to protect you either otherwise why do you have to live your life like you did before the vaccines if they were protecting you?

500 Canadian doctors determined that Pfizer’s vaccine did more harm than good. In fact, they say it made people sicker.

The Australian government is reminding its citizens of their origins as a penal colony by treating the country like a prison. Meanwhile, Dr. Fauci and Democrats are taking notes.

The FDA (who have not approved any of the vaccines you are taking yet, except for emergency use only) seems to have a lot to hide (ok, we all know they have a lot to hide) about the COVID vaccines. They want the records to be slow-walked into the public over the next 55 years, during which time they’ll have plenty of new smokescreen documents to release (at least that’s how I’d do it).

The VAERS database reports over 1 million bad reactions to the vaccine and over 21,000 deaths from it. Meanwhile, leftwing Columbia University found that VAERS is underreporting deaths by 20 times.

Hospitals are shutting down services because of their anti-science idea that somehow a vaccine stops COVID transmission. Their mandate means healthcare workers who are unvaccinated (imagine that- these “heroes” you talked about last year, these healthcare professionals, don’t want to take the vaccine so you call them ignorant radicals and fire them). Meanwhile, hospital ER’s are overflowing with COVID patients… who have no symptoms and appear to be in good health.

I think they sent the wrong message by doing this to encourage people to blindly follow their propaganda and get vaccinated.

It’s already known that Dr. Fauci and others conspired to shutdown any discussion of their policies (because obviously science works via top-down dictates), yet they have faced no consequences from the media or their colleagues or the millions in the public that trust them.

Also, Pfizer already has a criminal record including bribing physicians and pursue a profit-based enterprise, so why do communists and socialists find it so impossible to believe that this corporation can be evil? Ironically, as is pointed out in the link all this came from, it is these very communists and socialists who are following in the footsteps of the 1930s fascists.

And Pfizer even admitted that natural immunity is better than their vaccines, yet no Democrat is pushing for it. Pfizer also was caught falsifying its data on the safety of its COVID vaccine, which isn’t really safe at all. So that I’m not just picking on Pfizer, the J&J vaccine is also not very safe, but the government has been tougher on them. I guess J&J doesn’t have the same influence, or maybe theirs was just too obviously dangerous to cover-up. Speaking of vaccine injuries, one of the reasons your Democrat leadership who wants to send us to camps for being unvaccinated will not even question illegals not being vaccinated (who deny that illegal immigrants even can get COVID, I guess only legal citizens get it?) is that your socialist, equity-loving leaders don’t want Big Pharma to lose any money in lawsuits.

One doctor comes out with details like 85% of COVID deaths were preventable with some of the early treatments that you liberals dismiss and actively suppress at the cost of people’s lives. . You accuse the Right of killing its own, but you fight tooth and nail against treatments solely because Big Pharma doesn’t profit off them (they are the biggest lobbying group, which means your elected leaders get the most money from them, and these policies that enrich the companies mean more money to your politicians. is that really socialism? Even pre-pandemic, they got millions from Big Pharma.) and then you turn a governor who killed a bunch of old people with COVID into a sexual fetish.

Democrat SCOTUS Justices spread misinformation on COVID. It seems that wise Latina Justice Sotomayor who can make better decisions than a white man has no grasp on how many people actually have been hurt by COVID (she also said that she does not understand the difference between State and Federal power, something which any lawyer or judge is supposed to know. And she claimed that the vaccines stop you from transmitting COVID even though that is a lie (she probably gets her news from Biden, who made that same claim right as a COVID outbreak among his vaccinated staff was beginning), but she’s in good company– one of her fellow liberal justices asserts that 750,000,000 people out of America’s 330,000,000 caught COVID in one day while he and another liberal justice still insist that masks and vaccines are 100% effective at stopping COVID, saying this right as mainstream media finally admits most masks don’t work and triple-vaxxed Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) catches COVID. Fellow liberal Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan said that if you get vaccinated you do not transmit COVID (while looking for Kagan’s remarks, Bing brought up plenty of liberal outlets praising these dumbass Democrat judges for their charm, wit, and intelligence and saying the Right was trying to murder people. Which is ironic because if you actually listen to their advice on the vaccines you probably WILL end up killing someone with COVID). Seems Democrats valued politics over intelligence when picking their judges, and that’s the party that says they want to add more judges (not by waiting for judges to leave, but by creating new positions) so you can guess the quality of their new hires. Mentally unfit partisan rubberstamps, but if they actually had a thought in their heads they’d be a threat to the Left’s agenda so that’s why they don’t want a thinking person on the court.), how many hospitals are actually overwhelmed and why, and Sotomayor believes humans are just as inhuman as machines so the government should be able to “repair” them as it sees fit (her meaning was that the moment you get sick your rights end and you stop being a human in the eyes of the law and society, so folks like Fauci who get off on torturing dogs, monkeys, and AIDS orphans can come for you if they want to. Liberals in general believe that anyone not a liberal is fair game for this kind of thing, and Sotomayor provided evidence she’s in with that group since she does not believe that the vaccinated can get sick and transmit it, and does not believe that the unvaccinated (the only people who would get sick in her mind, who must be opposed to the Democrats pushing for universal vaccination) have rights.).

We can at least understand her COVID hysteria, New York’s health chief said they deliberately lied about COVID to scare parents into vaccinating their kids. If the facts and virus are scary enough to require a vaccine, why lie about it?

The Rest

All you liberals out there who say Republicans are the party of the rich and corrupt, look at what your socialist leader Pelosi is doing. She wants it to be ok for Congress to make policies that will make themselves richer and profit from insider knowledge. How is this “equity” when politicians ordering companies around are allowed to profit from knowledge that no one else has, allowed to profit from their ability to create policies that will impact the markets? How is that not corruption?

Democrats were quick to blame Virginia’s upcoming Republican governor for an interstate being shut down for 11 hours before traffic started moving again, with Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) being stuck for over 19 hours. The problem: the Republican governor isn’t governor yet, the state is still ran by a Democratic Administration, so every criticism lobbed at the Republican is really of the Democrat. Some Lefties who criticized Youngkin for not doing something he legally could not do because he’s not governor began spewing compliments when they learned that it was a Democrat in charge.

In defense of the Democrat, I will say two things. 1- I can say from experience that section of I-95 always has at least a 1hr delay in perfect weather in the mornings and afternoons, and sometimes early morning and late evening. 2- the roads could not be salted or sanded before the blizzard because the rains that preceded it would’ve cleaned the roads off. Now the Governor could have mobilized the National Guard or something to get supplies to the people stuck, or done other stuff, so there was failure after the storm.

Adherents to the religion of peace are firebombing people (and attacking with baseball bats) that try to expose their child rapist ways, in the UK where grooming gangs are tolerated if they are Islamic, because the authorities fear their own people calling them bigots and fear violence from the Islamists.

Domestically, Biden is contemplating banning soldiers from viewing websites that talk about issues like this.

T-Mobile is blocking personal texts based on political content, joining YouTube. And YouTube, who will suspend you for saying a Democrat should apologize to a Republican for lying about the Republican’s wife who suffers from cancer. Do you really want your cell service censoring your texts?

100% sure Hillary Clinton plans to run for 2024.

I mentioned in the last post how the Biden Administration is actively stopping rescue efforts in Afghanistan. That wasn’t just in August/September, it was still going on 3 months later.

I stopped doing the Google search skewed things because now everyone knows about it, but it is now even more ridiculous than it ever was. I had to use Bing for any story I wanted to search for that I wasn’t quoting lefty orthodoxy on, otherwise I wouldn’t get the results I was looking for. For example, you would think that the first result for “tucker ted cruz” or “tucker ted cruz fox news” would be the video from Fox News of Ted Cruz and Tucker Carlson, and on Bing it indeed was. For Google on the other hand, the first two pages were liberal outlets talking about it, some outlets even repeating.

That’s not entirely an endorsement for Bing, lately I’ve noticed a little skewing on their part too (especially when COVID is the topic), but they’re still better than Google.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin confirms that the Biden Administration isn’t ran by senile Joe, rather it’s his staff. Also, Joe Manchin representing the people he was elected to represent is “obstructing the people’s agenda” according to Democrats like Rep. Ayanna Pressley. Hey Ayanna, if he was obstructing his voters’ agendas then he wouldn’t still be Senator. It’s also a ridiculously narcissistic view that Democrats take to reach this conclusion, basically saying that they are all there is in Congress. It wasn’t just Manchin on his own; it was him and 50 GOP Senators. And if the people wanted radical nuttiness like this, how come Democrats had to run as moderates in 2020 (and a radical is rebranding as a moderate for 2024), and how come they still barely got a majority in both houses despite running as moderates? Pressley did the usual stupid bait-and-switch, where Democrats lie that they are moderates and then once you vote for them they use your vote for their moderate ideas as support for everything they want no matter how radical.

Also, they made the argument that Manchin opposing their agenda meant he is racist. It’s not that there might be flaws in their agenda, it’s not that we don’t have trillions to spend like this and already have a big money problem, it’s that he hates Black people. You don’t have to have an argument, you just have to say that the other person hates all these groups. That’s how liberals think: they have a pathological psychosis where they believe they are right on everything, so they NEVER have a moment of introspection where they consider “maybe we were wrong”. To them, the fact that their opinion is right is just as much a fact and part of reality as the grass or the trees. So from this, they infer that you must have some ulterior motive opposing them. Their way is always right, so if you oppose it then it’s not because you have a better way- because there is no better way- rather, their if you oppose them then it must be because you have some strong bit of hate in you or must be supremely unintelligent. If you appear intelligent, they will say you oppose them not because their ideas are garbage, but because you hate them. That, in their worldview, is the only possible explanation because any other would imply flaw with them, and that is something they just cannot except.

Also, apparently Manchin is actually not corrupt. Unlike Ayanna Pressley who raked in the cash as a landlord while demanding that everyone else’s tenants stop paying rent.

On a related note- Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that what he wants to do now would end Democracy. And no, liberal, this is not a “completely different” situation. Republicans and a handful of Democrats representing the folks who elected them, and keep electing them, are voting the way their citizens keep re-electing them to vote, and eliminating the filibuster deprives them of that ability. Much like how your overuse of the filibuster (a ratio of 327-1 in 2020, with Democrats using it 327 times) in the Trump years was an attempt to thwart the will of the majority of the people who elected Trump/Republicans, but then you probably think that’s somehow different too because in reality you don’t believe in majorities or democracy or our form of government, all you believe in is absolute power.

These are the people teaching your kids. Oh, and these are your kids’ fellow students.

Democrats want to control who is allowed to run for an elected office. Not just control candidates in their own party, control every candidate. For you Leftists- that means no more folks like AOC or Bernie Sanders challenging the corrupt establishment unless the corrupt establishment secretly has them on their side. Not that you care, you guys were always astroturf anyway from what it looks like.

Democrats are realizing the fun of their soft on crime approach.

The National Guard is participating in illegal activity by helping noncitizens illegally invade this country. The Biden Admin has opened our borders, as he promised.

Not being a Democrat disqualifies you from getting a mortgage. Democrats also want to run your bank.

Making sure someone isn’t a Russian agent illegitimately voting for a Republican is “voter suppression” according to Democrats.

Dominion’s voting machines should not have been used; they had inadequate security measures. Duh.

Footage has been released of fishy elections activity in Arizona. Liberals keep dismissing all this stuff (with some exceptions), but they’re the ones who insist that 2000 was stolen over some trivialities so we know how they’d react if Trump won and video of Republicans doing this stuff I’ve covered in the election posts came out.

One of the election stealers in Georgia is talking.

Biden’s jobs numbers are still looking dismal.

After using the National Guard to help import illegal immigrants, Biden deports Cubans. I guess because he is racist against Cubans but loves the other Hispanics.

It’s greedy corporations, not Democrats’ terrible policies and excessive spending, that are leading to inflation and prices rising. So they claim, and so their voters believe.

While the woke accuse J.K. Rowling for being anti-Semitic because she called out Leftists for being anti-Semitic, Jon Stewart who attacked her for that refused to attack his replacement Trevor Noah for his very real anti-Semitism. Jon Stewart plus however many millions of other wokesters there are.

Joe Biden groped a little girl and pinched her nipple, but Democrats are ok with this.

Meanwhile, the Democrats over at New York Magazine note that women have a pretty high sex drive and blame conservative cultural attitudes and sexism for why women aren’t expected to initiate sexual contacts, as well as dates and relationships. They also say that right now both sides have issues, with men who traditionally initiate such contacts not actually doing it while women feel culturally bound to not initiate, blaming it on a shift in workplace culture without noting that it’s liberals like them who are responsible.

These are the folks who say that when a woman rapes an unconscious man, the man is the rapist. These are the same folks who say that (unless it’s a Democrat – to the point they try to lie about what they meant earlier by “Believe All Women” in order to protect Democrats) all accusations of rape should be believed, and that regretting sex later retroactively makes it prosecutable rape. These are the folks who say that even an awkward date is sexual assault. And yet, these are also the same folks who protected Andrew Cuomo. Any wonder men aren’t initiating, are scared of even private professional interactions with women, when we’re told by the Left that every woman should act like this? Of course, these Lefties say it’s just sexism over MeToo that leads to men avoiding them, not outright terror at being the next falsely accused (I breakdown the Kavanaugh accusation later in this post). This, feminist, also leads to men being scared to perform CPR on women, so you are literally killing women. Great job.

Congratulations! You’ve reached the bottom!

Getting In The Spirit (Of The Gun)


Picture from Pinterest of what former Democratic Presidential Candidate Eric Swalwell wants to do to people who own guns.

I want to point out that if any of the shooters were illegal immigrants, this would not be a news story. How do I know? Kate Steinle was shot by an illegal immigrant. The illegal lied to police multiple times about what happened. The jury of the sanctuary city found him innocent of all charges except illegally possessing a gun, which was later thrown out by an appeals court. The media did not see this as worth a mention, in the middle of a public conversation about gun control and how people SHOULD be facing penalties for such things as illegally having a gun. So… an illegal immigrant blows off the face of a probable Democrat voter with a gun he illegally has, and Democrats cheer that he has NO consequences over it. Whereas, a liberal Leftwinger shoots multiple people in El Paso, and now all Republicans are white nationalist Nazis because of it, and all white people are terrorists too, and the Left demands more legislation to stop people from getting guns.

This brings us to today. Another shooting over the weekend, again in Texas. There are few details about the shooter as of yet, other than he had a criminal record of some kind and was white and previously failed a background check for owning a gun so legally he probably shouldn’t have had one, so I can’t really talk much about motivations, and the media has kept it down to just pushing gun control. Hurricane Dorian seems to be blowing away much of the coverage.

Taken As A Whole

As I mentioned before, for those keeping score that means 2 mass shootings and 1 attempted mass shooting in Texas since July. While this statistic would actually be considered a miracle if it were applied to liberal utopia Chicago, it’s a bit odd seeing it from Texas. (For those who say the U.S. has more mass shootings than any other nation that Obama and Hillary didn’t ruin for no reason, a shady study by one liberal professor isn’t enough for evidence of that, and the real numbers available indicate that you are more likely to die of a mass shooting in Norway and Switzerland than the U.S. Since I’m on a roll with this, I’ll also mention that the idea the Assault Weapons Ban is some catch-all solution is nonsense, as proven in a study, plus only 7% of the weapons used in these incidents are obtained from a licensed gun dealer. Also, other Leftists ironically including the guy who did a study comparing the U.S. to other countries re: mass shootings have said that such comparisons are hard or impossible due to differing definitions of what a mass shooting is. In fact, even in the U.S. you’ll see headlines just a day apart telling you we’ve had 251 and 292 mass shootings. No, liberal, we did NOT have 41 mass shootings on August 3… well, maybe in Chicago…)

Statistically the thwarted mass shooter was probably a Democrat (I explained before how easy it is to predict a person’s voting habits by their race in some cases) and the El Paso mass shooter was a 2008-style Democrat with a bit of Ocasio-Cortez in the mix. All that’s known about the third shooter is he’s a criminal who probably legally should not have had a firearm, but since Democrats believe making it legal for felons to vote will boost their chances in the election (and 70% of convicts DO register to vote Democrat if they can) it’s safe to say that the ex-con killer was likely a Democrat.


Chicago, Chicago   Image from ABC7 in Chicago

Plus you have the Dayton shooter who was (as anyone reading my posts for the last four weeks would know) a Liz Warren/Bernie Sanders Democrat, and there is a 61.9% chance that the person behind the shooting in California was a Democrat, and there is an 80% probability that the Virginia Beach mass shooter earlier this year voted Democrat for the last three Presidential cycles as I discussed in a post referenced in the above paragraph. It is a near-certainty that if the Chicago shooters did vote, they’d vote Democrat, as that party has a stranglehold on the city, and in particular the areas the shootings happened in. (And no, liberal, gun violence in Chicago is NOT the fault of Republicans. 1. You believe blacks are too stupid to get an ID to vote, so clearly you must also believe they’re too stupid to get a gun from a Republican state. 2. It’s your voters that are pulling the trigger, the gun is merely a tool, a dedicated person with a knife killed 8 in China, and another killed 4 in California, all within the last month. Oh, and like many of the Chicago shootings, the California stabbing was gang-related. 3. If it’s the fault of Republicans, how come Dallas does not look like Chicago? If the fault lies solely with access to guns, then Dallas should be covered in blood by now, Chicago should look as safe as a hospital in comparison. 4. You don’t want the police to enforce the laws on the books, you HATE them, so even if you had effective gun control laws how would they be implemented?)

With it being a known fact or high probability that the newsmaking mass shooters of the past 3 months were Democrats, what does that say about the party? Perhaps that explains why their focus has been on banning guns and blaming Republicans and attacking Christians (for their thoughts and prayers). They don’t want to admit the darkness their ideology brings.

And isn’t it interesting how in Virginia, the Democrats in charge wanted to make it EASIER for convicted criminals to obtain guns? 63.8% of violent criminals released from prison will be arrested again, on average within 18 months of their release. These are the people that Democrats want to have easy access to guns. Yet their number one rallying call after every shooting is to make it HARDER for law-abiding citizens to obtain firearms.


They even want a convicted criminal for President, one who fantasized about murdering children. Image from CBS Dallas

Are you noticing a pattern here? They want violent people to get guns, but they don’t want you to have one (violent felons are “justice-involved individuals” while gun owners are “domestic terrorists”, unlike Antifa evidently). They want an illegal immigrant to go free after he murdered a woman (because I guess it’s a woman’s right to die by the hands of an illegal immigrant, just as it’s a woman’s right to be raped by illegal immigrants… #MeToo I guess) but they talk about how great violent acts against millions of Americans would be, just because those Americans don’t believe in open borders (because the Left says anyone who agrees with having border security after El Paso is a white nationalist). They think it is ok for an illegal immigrant to possess a gun illegally, they want to make it easier for violent felons to get a gun, but want to prevent non-criminal American citizens from legally obtaining guns.

So if you think violent ex-criminals should be allowed the temptation of a gun, if you think illegal immigrant rapists and murderers should be in this country and shouldn’t be punished for their crimes (remember: Montgomery County, where the 7 rapes in 6 weeks by illegal immigrants mentioned above took place, lets rapists go free rather than turning them over to ICE, the liberals in Montgomery County think you are a TERRORIST if you believe illegal immigrant rapists should be jailed or deported), but you think the average non-criminal American citizen should lose their rights to own a weapon and their right to speak freely about illegal immigrant crimes, then you are a Democrat. That’s what the party has made itself about. They serve lawbreakers, rapists, and citizens of foreign countries before they serve the people who voted for them.

Now ask yourself- given how that is the demographic that Democrats have been catering to, is it any wonder that from California to Chicago to Texas to Ohio we see Democrats murdering people? And is it any wonder that the media hides this by blaming Republicans and the NRA?

Former Marine Sgt. Andrew Paul Tahmooressi entered Mexico illegally BY ACCIDENT, was detained for 7 months, abused (until he slashed his neck in a suicide attempt and was moved to a better facility). The media reported on it pretty neutrally in some articles and brief news segments since it was on Obama’s watch, even smearing Fox News as an “echo chamber” for its reporting on the events, and even blamed him (as snopes did, and snopes called him a liar over his claims of abuse) for illegally entering (but you shouldn’t blame illegal immigrants for coming here deliberately and permanently loaded with drugs and kidnapped children and a record of rape a thousand miles long, snopes will come after you for that even if it is true). But the media DOES care if a non-citizen illegally entering the country is detained, that’s TERRORISM according to liberals. All we did is what Mexico did, better in fact since the illegals were detained at special facilities, not thrown in with the prison population.


Liberals tell you that this is paradise and the people that liberals help love to live here, and you are a bad person if you don’t want to live here too. Does that sound like what a friend would say? Image from Google Maps.

Liberals HATE you. They don’t care if you’re raped or killed by an illegal, they don’t care if you’re arrested and battered by one of the countries these illegals come from, they believe these other people are SUPERIOR to you. The Left serves the interests of these other countries and supports them, but does NOT support the Americans they are elected to represent, the Americans they deliver news to every day, the Americans whose money keeps their media conglomerates afloat.

I’ll just wrap it up with CNN. As I said before, they supported a terrorist group that went on to commit an act of terrorism. Well, CNN also supported an illegal immigrant who went on to butcher a father. And CNN supported Pelosi when she said MS-13 consisted of divine beings.


It’s Solely and Singularly About Stopping Border Security


Their performance was so rigid and stoic that they might’ve been auditioning for Star Wars: Episode I. Or they’re planning on being in a Bee Gees music video. Image from NBC

Democrats have made it clear- the shutdown has nothing to do with federal workers. Even though Schumer and Pelosi based their response to President Trump’s warnings about rape and murder on telling us how bad off federal workers are (before Pelosi and Schumer’s  buddies went on vacation with lobbyists), their actions made it quite clear that they just don’t want border security. This goes beyond not wanting a wall, they don’t want border security period.

Let’s start by looking at the speech Schumer and Pelosi gave- it did not address Trump’s concerns about murder and rape except to dismiss them as part of a “manufactured crisis”. And they said all we need in the way of border security is money for future innovations. Trump’s idea is to build a wall right now that will do something, solid and tangible. Pelosi’s idea is: “give us money and we’ll give you something in the future assuming the government’s priorities don’t change”. Plus, she doesn’t tell us what future innovations she is talking about or when they’d be available, just that there will be some.


If this is what the gate around Schumer or Pelosi’s neighborhoods/homes looked like, you can bet there’d be hell to pay. Image from CNN

She talked about women and children at the border not being a threat, and the crisis being manufactured, yet Trump cited some very real murders and rapes, and the humanitarian crisis faced by the women and children who live long enough to reach the border. Pelosi says that’s all manufactured though, we just have a few thousand women and children at the border, no one is killed by the angels of MS-13, no one apparently dies trying to get to and across our wide open border. Pelosi also seemed more concerned about government workers than murder victims or even the women and children at the border. Schumer came off as a patronizing parent.

Let’s parse what Pelosi was talking about though. Funding for innovation that will solve the problem in the future. She does NOT want it to be solved right now with the border wall that her own party was demanding as recently as 2013. She is willing to keep the government closed because she does not want a solution right now (and Republicans in the Senate are happy to help).

As anyone who pays attention to government knows, when they say “just throw money at it” like Pelosi did, it’s because they want to pass some funds off to some friends while pretending they care about what’s happening. Look at Benghazi- Hillary Clinton said that if they had thrown money at the problem it wouldn’t have happened, only we later learn that money had nothing to do with it. Look at the VA scandal- it was the result of incompetent and probably sadistic employees, yet the Democrat response was that it just needed more money (Sen. Sanders’ first statement at this link, and the Pelosi and Obama clips previous are relevant because they boast of the money bundled by Democrats for the VA as if that mattered) and everything would be alright (VA usually had millions of unspent dollars at the end of each year). Not really, no. Look what happened after the IRS was caught wasting billions of dollars- the Democrats said just give them more money to waste and everything will be alright. Now look at Pelosi on the border- just give them more money for some vague objective with no solid delivery date and everything will be alright.


The Left’s immigration policy: anyone from an area that’s not light blue is allowed in. Image from

Now look at another Democrat talking point: they’ve wanted amnesty without a border, to the point where they wanted amnesty for illegals and limits only on LEGAL immigration… so basically, anyone who wants to be an American citizen and wants welfare, any of the 7 billion people on this planet that wants it, is entitled to it and should just walk across the border instead of trying to become a citizen. Democrats will need a lot more of your money than the mere bread crumbs that the tax cut gave, as Pelosi characterized them. Seriously, they tell you they want border security, they tell you that what they want is more money for some vague undefined future objective, and then they tell you that we should give amnesty to everyone coming in while half their party says a border is immoral. Is this too hard to follow? Do you need a neon sign pointing out what they’re really after? Obviously not, Democrats are smarter than the rest of the country, they tell us that, therefore by their own words and own boasts of intelligence we can solidly state that every Democrat is for open borders. The destruction of the United States. We’d just be a mass of land for anyone who wants welfare to come to that exists between Canada and Mexico, welfare at the expense of working-class slaves of all races (if anyone can come in, but only the natives are forced to work so that the others can live off welfare, and only the natives are bound by citizenship, what does citizenship become in that scenario other than the chains of slavery?).

And As For Federal Workers

Honestly, I have zero sympathy for most of them. ICE, Coast Guard, groups like that of course I feel sorry for and am horrified that they’re impacted so badly and think the shutdown is wrong to have done that, but I don’t give a damn about the rest of the federal workforce. For one thing- it’s bloated and corrupt, these are jobs that should not exist so why should I feel bad if people can’t work them? Another point- this federal workforce also happens to be heavily Democrat and thus also wants open borders, so I say let ’em suffer. Think about it: the federal workforce resides around DC. The areas around DC are the wealthiest parts of the country. All of the wealth ended up in the hands of the federal workforce (extending out to the contractors too). And you’ll notice that they routinely vote Democrat, so much so that the concentration of federal workers in the northern parts transformed Virginia from Republican to Democrat. Wealthy Democrat federal workers feeding off the taxpayers with jobs that are superfluous; wealthy Democrats who want open borders and don’t care about the carnage that results from that and devastation to the lower classes; why should I care what happens to them?

Democrats apparently are on the same page as me; they don’t really care about these workers except when it comes time to write more laws for us (a job they leave to this army of unelected bureaucrats). Republicans have tried to get some funding passed just to keep federal workers afloat during the shutdown, but Democrats shot down that measure (and I assume will shoot down the one coming up after this is published). Democrats told us to pity the poor workers, but refused to allow money to go to them. Democrats care more about stopping the wall, stopping border security as I established above, than they do about helping the poor helpless millionaire federal employees living in mansions that Pelosi in her speech told us we should pity.


So… much… wealth… Image from

Oh, by the way, as you’ll read here it’s not like Democrats aren’t perfectly happy to hold federal workers hostage to get what they want. That’s coming from Politico, a usually left-leaning source too! Since we can rule out the moans about federal workers as crocodile tears, what does that leave us with for Democrats’ true intention behind prolonging the shutdown? The wall, and only the wall. Maybe if the shutdown continues until Congress itself stops getting money, something will be done about-HAHAHAHAHA!!! Couldn’t even type that with a straight-face. Congressmen and Senators make 6-digit salaries per year. yet they mostly come out as millionaires. I doubt the shutdown would do much except shut down their summer homes. (An interesting note here is that women in Congress are wealthier than their male counterparts, despite their claims of inequality and the like)

Does Pelosi Speak For The Party?

We can say Nancy Pelosi is considered mainstream in the Democratic Party. She won speakership by a landslide and minority leader by a landslide 8 years ago. She’s routinely trotted out among other Democratic leaders. So her views must be in-line with the party’s thinking. Ok, let’s take a look at her views.

  • Hamas, the terrorist group best known for raining rockets down on Israeli civilians, is a humanitarian organization.
  • No one has been killed by MS-13 gang members. This is a manufactured crisis. That was her response to President Trump’s address to the country in which he outlined the many people hurt or killed by illegal immigrants/MS-13 members among them. Nancy Pelosi said it was a “manufactured crisis”, created in Trump’s head or wherever, and not reality at all.
  • MS-13 members who rape and murder are divine creatures, the highest forms, angels.
  • Republicans are scum worse than MS-13. Meaning half the country, in Pelosi’s eyes, are worse than MS-13. She never once said her opponents had a spark of divinity, she never demanded mercy on them. She defended rapists and murderers before she ever defended the half of the country that disagrees with her.
  • Despite her heartfelt and teary-eyed defense of rapists whom she defined as divine creatures, Pelosi claims to be a feminist, in fact she believes men should be removed from authority.

Do you hear any Democratic voices opposing these views? Nope. Right on down to the rank and file voter on the street, not a one of them has expressed opposition to any of this, at least openly or that I’ve seen, and at least 4 times a week I spend hours looking through this stuff. In fact, they voted for people who voted for her to be House Speaker, so clearly they think she’s right. What really doesn’t help the party’s case is that 74% of Democrats would vote for Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) as President, meaning 74% would vote for someone with views even more radical than Pelosi’s! So anyone saying that Democrats don’t believe the above or that I’m mischaracterizing the whole party based on their silence, just keep in mind that if 74% support someone more radical than Pelosi then it’s not a stretch to at the very least say 100% believe in the views she expresses, or believe those views are just a good starting point.

I have a question though…


I have another question- if Mexico is so bad that we have to accept refugees from there, so bad that we have to help all the poor people who want better lives coming from there, why do Mexicans and Hispanics want parts of the U.S. to be under Mexican control? If Mexico is such a bad place, why would they want this? And why do you keep saying it’s a bad place? Again, the only answer is that you just want their votes. Image from Pinterest

If it’s all about mercy for the illegals, why are we letting them die to come here? Why aren’t we fixing the problems that make them flee their country? Why are we forcing them on a death march, on a Trail of Tears, to reach safety? The only purpose that is served by forcing them to die to come here is to give Democrats votes and big businesses cheap labor to exploit. Even if we had open borders, these illegals would still need to travel through Mexico, with their tough border laws and strict immigration controls. Should we pay the Mexican government to escort any immigrants straight to our border? Well, why stop there? This is very classist of you- only the immigrants who can afford to come here via cartel caravans are welcome? Why aren’t we sending buses down to remove anyone who wants to come here? If it’s all about compassion and equality, why don’t we empty a few cruise ships and start transferring these populations into this country? Do you want women to be raped and children to die? Do you want that just so you can claim to be tough on the border but soft at heart, while gaining votes of those who manage to live long enough to reach this country?

If it’s all about compassion, then instead of death marches to our border just so the survivors can be raped and tortured before being allowed in, wouldn’t you just call up the Navy, have them dock ships in each South American country that has people who want to come here, load them up, then take them back to the U.S. safely? If we can shave $21 Trillion from the Pentagon’s budget as Ocasio-Cortez says, surely some of that can be used to fund the transfer of immigrants into our cities.

And why should our compassion stop there? These people are poor and uneducated, and unhealthy. They need free education, free medical care, free meals, and free housing. As it is, we make them get raped and risk dying just to come here, but then throw them out on the streets or give them some meager slice of welfare when they arrive? How is that compassionate? And so much is in English, these people with such poor uneducated backgrounds can’t be expected to learn our language, so we must learn theirs. We must make them feel welcome, adopt their customs. Afterall, they’re the ones who need help, right? You want to be compassionate and helpful, don’t you?

Or maybe you’d like to help by stopping the cartels. Legalize drugs! That will do it, they will no longer have any reason to smuggle anything, just like how with tobacco being legal Eric Gardner obviously was not illegally selling cigarettes and his life was never in danger and he’s still alive today because legalization totally solves all drug-smuggling-related crimes. And with their cash cow now legal, cartels will become peaceful. Or they’ll find something else to smuggle, like guns into gun-free zones. So should you legalize guns then too? Legalize everything!

Everything like new citizens, for example. The argument made in that link is that countries will send their best, that open borders works in Europe. It’s a false comparison. These countries are deliberately encouraging their worst and worst-off to come here (take it from Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein of liberal California), much like Cuba did in 1980 except with a wink and a nod instead of an order. Seriously, why would they want to be encouraging their BEST to leave? “Oh, you have an idea that will boost the economy? Go ahead and leave and never come back!” Yeah, that’s so believable. And the author of that piece destroys his own argument about improving the economy- he says they’ll send their best and their best will stay and improve this country, but then also says that these very same “best” will only stay a few years before leaving. And, pray tell,  if we’re not getting a country’s best and brightest right now as you imply, why would we expect to suddenly get them later? These people are all refugees anyway, remember Mr. Author? Why would they want to return to crime and poverty and possible death?


And why would we expect a bunch of people waving “brown pride” banners to help white America? Fun fact: Mexico is horribly racist. So doesn’t that mean people who want to Make America Mexico Again are racists too, for wanting to put more people under that racist influence? Why do all these clearly brown people want to return parts of America to their white Mexican overlords? Image From The Yucan Times

Why would we expect the train of their worst and worst-off to suddenly stop? If we have open borders we’ll suddenly get all the Einsteins and all the moochers will stop coming in? They don’t come here for the education; they come here because welfare and even prison are better than what they’re leaving behind! If we open our borders, the only thing we’ll be getting more of are the people too poor to pay off the cartels to smuggle them across. We get  thousands every time the border looks weak, why the hell would that idiot author argue that no border would LESSEN the flow?

Welfare is what draws them here; welfare, safety, and the easy-to-get low-paying jobs that are both opportunities much better than any in their countries of origin. If they’re doing fine in their countries, they have no reason to leave even though the best and brightest would be the ones who had the money to pay the cartels to smuggle them here. And how does an open borders policy discourage people from coming here for the above reasons?

Hey workers who think the open borders crowd are protecting your jobs, remember that $15 minimum wage you want? With the open borders crowd that you’re voting for, you’re going to have a bunch of non-citizens taking your job, and more than willing to do it for cheaper than $15. You were warned of wage suppression by Obama himself. Don’t you just love how you’re supposed to have work experience from summer jobs or part-time employment to make yourself competitive when applying to other positions? Well too freakin’ bad, those jobs will be taken by the guys pouring across the border. High Schooler looking for a summer job to pay for your first car? Forget it. College student needing part-time work to help pay for your education? Those jobs are gone too! Low-skill factory worker? Gone. Oh, and don’t think your white collar self will be unaffected- you’ll need to learn Spanish pretty quick to even buy groceries. And if a bunch of Hispanic politicians, fueled by votes from the newcomers, who believe it is immoral for billionaires to exist come into power and decide they want to take your money because welfare just isn’t enough, well… don’t say I didn’t warn you Mr. Open Borders.


Yes Mr. CATO, the people who support the ideals in this sign totally would be a boost to America’s economy and totally help America as a country. I might actually agree- if they solely reclaimed California and the liberals stayed put. Image from Flickr

The psycho behind the opinion piece above turns out to be a libertarian at the CATO Institute. I remember 5 years ago when they used to be a little more attached to reality. Boy, times change! I guess in his little bubble of rich lobbyists and opinion-leaders who’ve never actually seen a border except when looking at a map, he’s never had to contend with logic or common sense. I wonder if he’ll be feeling the same way if he gets his wish and his taxes jump through the roof to pay for the new arrivals? By the way Mr. CATO Psycho- Mexicans in here legally send home hefty amounts of their paychecks. You think they’d stop doing that if we had open borders? You think Mexico wouldn’t incentivize people to come to America and send money back home? Have you even met another human before? Do you not understand how this species works?

Let’s apply common sense here. The open borders crowd tend to be liberals, right? Ok, here’s an example of human nature that everyone agrees on. If it weren’t for laws stopping them, humans would exploit mother earth until it was a barren, smog-covered disaster. Right? Why is that the case for the world, but NOT the case for the U.S.? Immigration laws would be like environmental laws in this situation- they stop people from exploiting the resources past the point of depletion. If you believe we need environmental laws to keep humans from exploiting the planet beyond its ability to handle, why wouldn’t we also need laws to prevent humans from exploiting a country beyond its ability to handle? Why are humans so evil in one situation and yet have a spark of divinity in the other?

It’s About The Latino Vote

This is the reason we are having this garbage, and the shutdown, stuffed down our throats. Importing voters. Didn’t I mention that last time? Well, a leftwinger at The Atlantic agrees with me. Democrats are fighting for the Latino vote, fighting to ensure that the 11 million illegals become 11 million Democrats (they have been saying there are 11 million illegals here since at least 2006, it is impossible that number has not grown). Fighting to ensure that this never-ending spring of new Democrats doesn’t dry up, at least until every election is won by Democrats. Democrats have made it legal for illegals to vote in elections since 2008 at least, and have done much more since then to advance these non-citizen voting rights. Even way back in 2006, estimates of non-citizen voters topped 2 million. With Democrat governors happily restoring voting rights to rapists and murderers (notice in the first one how Democrat McAuliffe said that rapists can actually have paid for raping women, something I’m sure feminists like Sen. Mazie Hirono (D) who believes all men are guilty merely if accused would agree with), why wouldn’t they also let people who entered the country illegally vote as well?

Some Cleanup


According to liberals, these are women and children fleeing a country they hate and are afraid to stay in (I guess they wave the flag as a symbol of what they hate?) Image from Reuters

I have nothing against the illegal immigrants that are just coming here to suck our welfare system dry or suppress wages by providing cheap labor. They see an opportunity and they take it, and it’s on us for letting them do it. It’s also on us for letting their community leaders turn them into anti-White, anti-American pigs that are happy to steal our resources while demanding more and saying that anyone who refuses is racist. They sit there and say Mexico is great, wave the Mexican flag, saying “Make America Mexico Again”, all while profiting off American history and American money. And more come in to be transformed from desperate and destitute to activist. And then there’s the guys whom the Left tells us are helpless women and children refugees, who we see in pictures as being a bunch of men proudly waving the flags of the countries they’re supposedly fleeing in terror. Running with Ocasio-Cortez’s comparison, I wonder how many Jews proudly were waving the Nazi flag when fleeing that country.

Why Democrats hate the Electoral College (Or any system to ensure Electoral Integrity)

Since my piece on the Electoral College has been such a smashing success I have decided to do this fun follow up, expanding upon my criticisms of efforts to undermine our electoral system and specifically targeting the people who try. And those people are of course the members of the Democratic Party. Now it is true that sometimes Republicans screw up the system too, and I will be sure to point out what crimes they are both guilty of, but Democrats are by far the worst offenders. From calling common sense policies racist to outright fraud, Democrats have waged an all-out war on the integrity of elections to keep themselves in power and to maintain their fiefdoms. And of course all the while they deny there is any problem with our electoral system, well except the parts that are actually working. So let’s explore the cheap tricks and assaults on our freedom by the Democrats.

Night of the Living Dead (Voters)


Dead Voting has been a long-standing tradition for the Democratic Party

A time-honored tradition by Democrats has been to practice Necromancy on Election Days. By that, I mean there is a long-standing tradition of a type of Voter Fraud where Democrats cast Votes under the names of dead people who are still on the Voter Rolls. It has lead to the results of elections being overturned in municipalities as big as a whole state or as small as a city. Of course, this is something Democrats vehemently downplay the significance of as usual. This is extremely disgusting, not just because it undermines our democracy but also because it causes pain to the families of the deceased like the families involved in the Colorado investigation into Dead Voting.

Omar Mateen Registration

This is the Voter Registration of deceased terrorist responsible for the Pulse Nightclub Shooting.

Dead Voting even happens in surefire states for Democrats. Investigations began in southern California after a local CBS affiliate uncovered deceased individuals still on the active voting rolls in Los Angeles County. On the other side of the county in Virginia, a more contentious state for Democrats, a bigger scandal unfolded involving a college student working for an organization affiliated with the Democratic Party. A JMU student by the name of Andrew Spieles was found guilty by a Virginia District Court on 18 counts of Fabricating Voter Forms. He is now facing at least 100 days in prison, however, such a short prison term is not an actual deterrent in my opinion and makes me question how serious Virginia is about combatting voter fraud in any form.

Government ID is Racist……

voter-id-things-ID-needed-voter-fraudDemocrats have always fought tooth and nail against laws to require a form of ID be shown at polling places to prevent fraud. Their usual tired out response as repeated here in this piece by longtime political rabble rousers and fake new fabricator Mother Jones, the tired old claim that Black people are too poor and stupid to get an ID. Let’s examine this statement now, shall we? What sounds more racist to you dear reader, asking for a form of ID that every legal citizen has equal access to which proves they have a legal right to vote thus protecting the significance of their vote no matter their skin color or that voter ID laws are wrong because blacks are too poor and stupid to find their local DMV and pay $20 or less to get a form of identification or drivers license? Luckily this 4-minute video by Ami Horowitz shows just how asinine and racist that claim is, of course, if you ask a Democrat they will just tell you that “The sneaky Kike just tricked those Negros into disagreeing with us”.

Illegal Voting isn’t a Problem (For Us Anyway)


Democrats have been caught encouraging Illegal Immigrants to vote in our elections

In 2016 Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote (But Lost the Electoral College) by at least 3 million votes. Coincidentally, studies now show there are nearly 2 million illegal residents also illegally registered to vote in our country. These are not unconnected phenomena either, Democrats have been caught time and time again not only covering up voting by illegal immigrants but even encouraging it. Former Dictator Barack Obama even gave veiled encouragement to illegal immigrants to vote in 2016. Of course, a person could be called ridiculous for implying Democrats call for amnesty for illegal immigrants and open borders specifically because they want these undocumented individuals to vote Democrat. Ridiculous like a Fox.

I Voted……. Twice


Opelousas Mayor Don Cravins Sr. encouraged voters to commit fraud to elect a left-wing senator.

Back in 2014, a shocking video surfaced of Democratic Mayor Don Cravins. In this video, he is shown encouraging voters at an event to vote twice for Senator Landrieu, adding that “tomorrow we’re gonna elect Earl Taylor as D.A. so he won’t prosecute you if you vote twice.” And of course, this isn’t isolated. Fox News reported last year on the voter fraud issue, most shockingly that 194 instances of double voting had been uncovered in 3 counties around the San Fransisco Bay Area. It is apparently so easy, it is as simple for them as requesting an absentee ballot, sending it in, and then going into a physical polling place and voting again. There have also been incidents of double voting where an individual is registered to vote in 2 states. This actually happened in my state with hilarious results in my opinion.

Eat’in Ain’t Cheatin (And Other Bought Votes)


Former State Delegate and current Mayor Catherine Pugh.

Here is a fun/infuriating story. In Baltimore’s 2016 Democratic Party Mayoral primaries, an extremely bizarre incident happened that falls into the category of bought votes. In an effort to recruit campaign workers as well as voters, the Pugh Campaign was apparently giving the workers Chicken Boxes with French Fries and other assorted junk foods. They were then piled onto buses where there were bags of more junk food on the seats, and they were then taken to the early voting locations. This lovely article forgets to mention some key facts, luckily I came across these word of mouth from people working on other campaigns in those primaries. Apparently, on one of the buses used to transport voters to the polls, the potential voters found chicken boxes on their seats and they were told by a Pugh campaign worker, “Now we are going to go vote for Catherine Pugh.” Besides being a criminal act which should have resulted in Catherine Pugh being disqualified under Maryland Election Laws, in a city with a majority African American population this stunt of buying votes with chicken boxes just smacks of Racism.


Hudson Hallum was an Arkansas State rep found guilty of voter fraud in 2012

Usually, these incidents aren’t so bizarre and racially charged though, most often Democrats buy their votes with crisp green bills. Just ask young little Hudson Hallum, who in 2011 cheated his way into a special election win against John Geelan (R) and D’James Rodgers (I). Here is the funny set up, this special election was being held for the seat of Rep Fred Smith (D) who had been removed from office for Theft. Not to be outdone by his predecessor though, little Hudson here decided to undertake a long campaign of voter fraud with the help of his father and 2 campaign workers, including “helping” absentee voters fill out their ballots and buying votes with food and money. Little Hudson only got to benefit from his fraud for a year though as he was forced to plead guilty to voter fraud in 2012 and resign the seat he bought.

Ballot-a Crap


Ballot Fraud is exceedingly common, it has also become easier with the introduction of absentee ballots.

Democrats don’t just commit voter fraud against Republicans, Bernie Sanders supporters learned this the hard way in 2016 when hundreds of thousands of ballots that were suspected to be for Bernie Sanders were destroyed in a covert and Illegal shredding operation at the San Diego Registrars Office. According to some experts, the destroyed could have possibly swayed the California Results in Sanders favor. But that isn’t the only case or type of Ballot Fraud in 2016 that occurred in California, a San Pedro man checked his mail to find 80 Absentee ballots addressed to his 89-Year-Old neighbor, none of which had her name. The Elderly woman who is hard of sight and hearing was clearly a patsy for some voter fraud attempt. Meanwhile on the other side of the country in Florida’s Broward County, Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes and her employees were caught stuffing Ballot Boxes, Destroying Ballots for President Trump, and filling Absentee Ballots for Clinton. Unfortunately, after initially filing a complaint The Florida GOP dropped it after a Judge proposed a compromise where both campaign members would have a representative present to observe the handling of ballots. Despite committing a heinous act of fraud days before the election, Miss Snipes served no jail time and kept her job.

Who Benefits and How Much?



This Map shows instances of voter fraud committed by A.C.O.R.N. between 2007 – 2008

Does anybody remember A.C.O.R.N.? Well besides pimping, they also had their hands wrist deep in voter fraud through their voter registration drives. This interactive map here shows locations where A.C.O.R.N. committed their acts of fraud along with articles covering the details of the crimes. Notice anything relevant here about where these are located? Seattle, Miami, Denver, Detroit, St. Louis, these are all Liberal Strongholds that determined the outcome of governors elections, members of the state legislature, Judges. If we didnt have the Electoral College, they could have even influenced the results of presidential elections, though they may have considering the timing. What should really shock you is every one of those dots is just what is reported. There are probably thousands more unreported or uninvestigated incidents in the strongholds of the party that claims voter fraud is a myth.


So the answer to the question “Who does it benefit?” comes with the obvious answer, it benefits Democrats. Even if there wasn’t all of this evidence, you still have to ask yourself why. Why would they so vehemently deny that it happens? Why do they so aggressively fight investigations into it if they are so sure it doesn’t happen? I think you know the answer. So then we are faced with a bigger question now. How do we stop this criminal enterprise without hurting voters or trust in our Democracy?


C-Gaymer Podcast Episode 6: Illegal Immigration

C-Gaymer Podcast Episode 6: Illegal Immigration from C-Gaymer on Vimeo.

Today we will talk about a huge issue facing the country, Illegal Immigration. Crime, Voter Fraud, Welfare Fraud, why doesn’t Congress act to build the wall? Who benefits from it? Mr. F.L.A.G. and I explore all of this.