The Affirmative Action Court

President Biden announced on January 27 that he did not want the best person for the job of Justice on the Supreme Court. Instead, Biden said he wanted the best person from a specific race/gender combination. Perhaps the most qualified person is indeed a Black Woman, but we’ll never know because Democrats are not looking at anyone else. They consider it “progress” to assign jobs based on race and gender rather than qualifications. (By the way, it’s a bit on the illegal side to hire someone solely for their gender or skin color- it’s called “discrimination”. It would be just as illegal and racist and bigoted if Biden said he wanted a white male (it may even have been illegal when Trump said he would nominate a female Justice and gave us Amy Comey Barrett: while Biden said race and gender were his primary qualification before he even started looking, when Trump announced would nominate a female Justice he not only qualified his remark by saying “most likely” but he might well have already narrowed the list to exclusively female picks for other reasons (by then he had nominated two male Justices so it’s conceivable that he had weeded out many male Justices already), even the most ardent anti-Trump prosecutor would find it to be a legal gray area at that point since we did not know Trump’s whole process and Trump didn’t say it was for sure going to be an act of discrimination whereas Biden announced in advanced that he would discriminate against anyone of any race or gender who wasn’t a Black woman.). Biden put up a sign on SCOTUS that said “whites need not apply”, something the Civil Rights movement was steering us away from. If a Black woman truly is the most qualified, then why are you not allowing her to compete with white or Hispanic or Asian peers? Why are you saying you have to give her special treatment? Why are you saying she can’t succeed without white savior Biden removing other races and genders from consideration? At this point by the way, I’d agree that a certain Black woman would be the most qualified- certainly more qualified than any Biden has in mind- though you liberals probably don’t think that she is Black.)

Of course by “best” Biden means someone that will toe the party line and call everyone else a racist (that is what Democrats mean when they talk like that, just look at their definition of “critical-thinking“: censoring information they disagree with and telling you to only believe sources that repeat the party line. As far as liberals were concerned, Justice Breyer was practicing “critical-thinking” when he stated the COVID-lie mentioned below, and the fact that he repeated it is part of why they considered him qualified for the job.). This won’t do much to change the nature of the court’s rulings- Justice Breyer pretty much just said and wrote what Democrats told him to, he didn’t have a free thought in his head, to the point he outright lied about COVID vaccines because Democrats wanted him to scare people into accepting the hyper-fascist forced vaccinations where you could not be employed unless a useless poisonous chemical cocktail from a pharmaceutical corporation was injected into you. Any judge Biden appointed would do similar, regardless of race or gender.

ALL liberal justices are the same, they all just do what the DNC orders them to, so I guess really as far as Biden is concerned the only choice is what shell the DNC puppet comes in. It’s picking the paint job for the new car- it has no effect on the performance, it’s purely an aesthetic thing. That’s why liberals don’t see a problem with picking this job based solely on gender and race- they know all liberal judges have the same qualifications and all liberal judges would perform the same, that’s why they think any objection must be based on skin color and gender alone. Liberals know that skin color and gender are literally the only two things that make one liberal judge different from another, so if conservatives object to the idea of nominating a judge solely on those two attributes then liberals think it is an objection to those two attributes, instead of the reality that it is an objection to the idea that one race or gender is better than another.

Conservatives need to understand this and frame their arguments properly. You can’t say “I object because this is not an affirmative action position”, you can’t say “I object because Biden just said that he thinks skin color and gender are qualifications rather than judicial work”, because none of that enters into it with liberal judges. Each one is as incompetent as the other. They are interchangeable; they function the same; they only look different.

Thus, the Left gets it’s justification for calling the Right racist- the Right knows that a liberal justice will be nominated, all liberal justices are the same, the only difference is gender and skin color, therefore the only reason you’d object to that being Biden’s primary qualification is if you were a racist and sexist. A black female liberal judge would do the same work as a white male liberal judge.

Another thing you’re fighting is the Left’s propaganda effort. They get to say they put the first Black woman on the Supreme Court, and they are saying it now as if the Right only ever put on white supremacists (just look at the beginning of this CSPAN clip, where the Black female caller says “after 400 years, white people have had their…boot on our neck, now it’s a problem because they pick a woman of color”, this is the Democratic Party’s attitude and education at work- that Critical Race Theory stuff- which tells everyone that no progress whatsoever has been made except what Democrats promise today; it actually attacks the Civil Rights Movement), when in fact the Right put on the first Black justice in 1967 while Democrats fought tooth and nail- Biden’s mentors included- to stop it. Obviously it is a myth that the parties switched positions because years later when Republicans wanted a second Black Supreme Court Justice, the Democrats- Biden included- fought tooth and nail to stop that!

I also want to counter Joy Reid’s racist argument here, that appointing a Black woman would make the Supreme Court reflect the country’s demographics better. It wouldn’t, this is a Black Supremacist assumption. Reid is assuming the country follows her race, unless liberals want to admit that they are not intelligent and are unaware of America’s demographic make-up, in which case we can forgive Reid for assuming Blacks are more numerous than they really are. To reflect our demographics better they should appoint a Hispanic female, not a Black female (granted, liberals believe that Clarence Thomas is not Black because he does not behave the way liberals order Blacks to behave. A further point of data against the party switch- Democrats insist that you aren’t Black unless you act according to their stereotypes.). Blacks in total are 14% of the population, and because the Supreme Court has only 9 Justices we’ll need to round to the nearest fraction of 9, in this case 1/9 which is 11%. So already Black people have the best equal representation that can be achieved in a 9-person group. There are currently 3 women on the bench, so we need to get 1 or 2 more on there since women and men are only a rounding error away from being the majority gender, and since the Hispanic population is closer to 2/9 of the country than it is to 1/9 we need one more Hispanic Justice (and if you count the non-citizens that Democrats are so kind to let in, by the end of Biden’s first term Hispanics will be even closer to 2/9 while Blacks will descend closer to 1/9. You want these non-citizens to vote despite Hispaniphobic lies from the Washington Post that you want the opposite, so surely you want the Supreme Court to represent them too, right? Don’t their lives matter?). The proper composition of the Supreme Court by race- to match Joy Reid’s alleged ideal that the Supreme Court should match the country’s demographics (rather than reflect Reid’s race and political leanings, which appear to be her definition of America’s demographics)– would be 1 Black Justice, 2 Hispanic Justices, and 6 White Justices because the white population is 61.6% of the country which is closer to 6/9 than 5/9, with 4 male and 5 female justices because the American population is 50.8% female and 49.2% male. If you wanted to future-proof this against the declining white population, then you’d still have 5 White judges with the 6th position being given to someone from East Asia as they are the largest minority not already covered (and what a powerful message that would send, the first East Asian-American on the Supreme Court, at a time when liberal cities are increasing hate crimes against their Asian American communities while liberal prosecutors don’t care, at a time when discrimination against Asian Americans is practiced by liberals.). So in summary- adding another Black to the court skews the court in favor of Blacks, something which liberals should be vehemently opposed to, afterall they say the Senate needs to be liquidated because it doesn’t represent the demographics so why would you encourage a Supreme Court that favors one group over another when the population doesn’t reflect that?

So in a nutshell: no matter how you look at it, they are picking someone based on their gender and skin color so that they can go for the low-hanging fruit of diversity achievement. Virtue signaling and progressive points, nothing else.

Yes I know, this assumes that the party of concentration camps for the unvaccinated, the party that cries “racism” at anyone who opposes anything they do, is actually thinking about these matters and open to arguments. You know I know better. I suppose since we are talking about Leftist ruthlessness it’s as good a time as any to mention the pressure that Justice Breyer was facing from the Left- they wanted him to quit (or die) while a Democrat was President, and are mad at Justice Ginsburg for having died under Trump. Also, Breyer is miffed that his plan to retire was leaked months before he was ready to reveal it, and what a great day to leak it as Biden’s polls keep plummeting and his Administration can’t seem to do anything right, a great distraction.

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