Why The Election Results Will Be Questioned, Part 3

What’s left after the Left had their fun, image from AP.

Headline from the American Independent- “‘It’s not fair’: Trump kids having a hard time accepting their dad hasn’t won”.

Ok liberal, let me pose a hypothetical. Let’s say it’s 3 days after the election. Major liberal cities, entire states, have already counted their votes. All their mail-in ballots too. Tens of millions of votes. We find that Joe Biden is up 200,000 in Texas. But then you hear from Frisco, TX that they’re still counting their mail-in ballots. You hear postal workers being told to lie about the date a ballot was received so that it’d be counted. You hear about and see mystery boxes being brought into polling places when no poll watchers are around, immediately followed by a jump in the vote count for Trump. In fact, every update the polling places give show that they increase Trump’s total, but Biden doesn’t get one vote. You hear from Democrat poll watchers that they’re not allowed to observe the counting process. You hear other Democrat poll watchers saying they saw shady activities. You see a video of Republican ballot counters cheering as a Democrat poll watcher is tossed out. A Republican poll watcher even blows the whistle and says he sees garbage bags laying around that no one will tell him the contents of, and he was kicked out when he tried to film it. He also says poll watchers weren’t allowed within 30 feet of ballot counting, even though BY LAW they were supposed to be only 6 feet away. The Republican sheriff’s department refuses to let poll watchers any closer. And the Republican Texas Attorney General overseeing all this said before the election that once all the votes were counted Trump would win. You hear that Republican districts are returning more ballots than they were issued (with a partisan Republican member of the government assuring you nothing is wrong with this). After only 6 hours on the third day of this, 150,000 votes were counted in favor of Trump, narrowing the gap from 200,000 to 50,000. Worse still, on election night they stopped counting votes until other states had their totals, and then resumed counting at 5am or so when suddenly only Trump got hundreds of thousands of votes, enough to win once the number needed to beat the votes from other districts was known. In one state Trump even gets a MILLION more votes over the 4 days after election night, while Biden only gets 300,000!

Then you find out that other Republican-controlled states are doing the same thing: denying access to poll watchers, sudden surges for Trump with no votes to Biden, local GOP-owned attorney generals, judges, and law enforcement stopping Democrats from seeing what was going on. By now you’re definitely crying “if they have nothing to hide why are they fighting to hide it?”.

And it gets even better- you’re called a conspiracy theorist and sore loser for thinking there is a problem, your attempts to spread the word are censored. They threaten to imprison Biden if he sends in poll watchers. They threaten to arrest Biden for trespassing and escort him out of the White House if he’s there in January. They threaten to arrest Biden for treason if he questions the results. They threaten to arrest anyone in the media that supports Biden.

What would you do, liberal? What would you think, liberal? Would you trust this election, liberal?

Without any evidence, with the Obama Administration telling you otherwise, you actually think Russia hacked into the election data and altered the vote counts to make Trump the winner in 2016. So what would you think, what would you do, liberal, if allllllllllll of the above was happening in plane sight?

Here’s the reality- that’s exactly what LIBERALS are doing to Republicans. It’s Democrats voting illegally, it’s Democrats still collecting ballots after election day, it’s Democrat polling places operating in secret, it’s Democrat polling places that have sudden surges for Biden with not one vote for Trump, it’s Democrat polling places dropping ballots into garbage bags, it’s Democrat polling places that break the law and refuse to allow poll watchers within 30 feet of their staff (because they’d see fraud like this), it’s Democrat postal workers putting the wrong date on ballots, it’s Democrat officials disenfranchising voters by telling them to use the wrong writing utensil while Democrat media says you’re stupid if you think this is very real problem means anything, it’s Democrat attorneys challenging orders to let poll watchers see what is happening, it’s Democrat prosecutors threatening to jail Trump if he tries to stop their fraud, it’s Democrats threatening to throw Trump out of the White House by force, it’s Democrats saying Trump should be arrested for treason because he dares question Democrat fraud, it’s Democrats that want to arrest members of the media who cover voter fraud, it’s Democrat “law enforcement” that refuse to enforce the law, it’s Democrats violating election law and suppressing voters, it was a Democrat attorney general that said Biden would win once Democrats finished counting the votes in this way, it was that same Democrat-ran government who tells us we should just accept that Democrat districts are returning more ballots than they received. And it was Democrat states with similar cheating going on where Biden started making leaps and bounds once those Democrats knew how many votes Biden needed to beat Trump by (this is discussed and cited later). It was Democrat districts that couldn’t count a million votes in the time it took the rest of the country to count almost 140 million, in the time it took Republican cities to count millions of votes.

Frankly, I don’t see his appeal. Image from PJ Media.

Why is it that liberal cities with illegal and shady polling practices that initially stopped counting the votes until tallies from the rest of the country were in, then suddenly started counting again with huge gains for Biden?

If the opposite were true you’d be livid, but it’s your side that’s cheating and YOU DON’T CARE. It’s YOUR liberal allies in Big Tech and media dismiss and even CENSOR any discussion of your cheating (the irony of it all, that you believe the Russian fairy tale that these people told you, but don’t believe something that really is happening… or DO you believe and just don’t care?). You don’t want an honest fight, you want power. That’s the only answer otherwise you’d join in demanding transparency and accountability. Funny how you only use those words with Republicans, but when Democrats are in the wrong YOU DON’T CARE.

It’s ironic that you keep saying Donald Trump made a mockery of this country. Your voter fraud, refusal to acknowledge it after being caught red-handed, and for that matter your refusal to believe the Hunter Biden scandal makes America a laughingstock internationally. The leaders of Democracy can’t even have an honest election because the self-proclaimed protectors of the voter are frauding their way to victory, nice job liberals! If you had an ounce of integrity, if anything you ever said about elections had meaning, then you’d be horrified at what your side is doing. But for you it’s about power, so you don’t care what your side does, as long as you win. Am I wrong? I don’t see you protesting this; I see you trying to convince everyone it’s not real.

Also ironic: you said Trump was a traitor after you claimed he had a foreign power interfere in our elections in 2016, which turned out to be a lie. Now you say Trump is a traitor because he caught your party interfering in our elections. Ok, maybe that’s less ironic and more a sign of what kind of people you are.

If Trump was #NotYourPresident because of that fantasy the Clinton Campaign fabricated, then Biden will be #NotMyPresident because we have real evidence of Democrats fabricating votes. Surely you’d grant me that, fair is fair right? Oh wait, I forget who I’m dealing with.

Speaking of Russia, where are they? Surely they would’ve stepped in to get Trump re-elected. Or is it your belief that they prefer Joe Biden? In which case that means Biden is their guy, just like Trump was, so why is that ok?

Now that my screed against liberals is done, what else have we learned since the last post?

  • Even before election day, Democrats were throwing out Trump votes.
  • It kinda is illegal to run the election count past voting day like this.
  • The FEC Chair agrees voter fraud is happening.
  • Liberals love censorship
  • Ballots keep appearing, hidden around post offices like Easter Eggs.
  • The down-ballot races don’t match up with the Presidential results
  • Love Trumps Hate overturned, as Trump supporters loved him and lost while Democrats hated him (and didn’t like their candidate) and won.
  • As ballots are being found in the middle of the night and on flash drives days after the election, Democrats say they will escort Trump out of the White House and the media, denying any fraud, says that Biden won.
  • More riots, more liberal unrest. You know liberal, I talked about how you support them and murder in the streets (there is a lesson in Antifa apologist Ted Wheeler winning and Antifa still rioting, a lesson that Antifa will one day turn on you). How you’ve even allowed them to illegally have guns while wanting to take guns away from the rest of us, stopped the rest of us from protesting. The election results only confirm my speculation. You voted for the people enabling Antifa, thus you must support Antifa. You voted for the folks who believe liberal mobs should be free to destroy while the average citizen should be helpless. That’s the country you voted for, that’s the future you voted for. Power going to the mob with the most guns, because as I mentioned before liberal mobs are immune from our laws.
  • You were caught using pictures of your own riots as pictures of Republican election integrity protests.
  • Typos as I mentioned last time led to Biden gaining 130,000 votes in Michigan, now we have a “glitch” that gave him 6,000 in Michigan, enough to win a county there, enough to elect a local Republican. And that isn’t the only part of Michigan using that glitchy software.
  • Liberals are racists
  • Big Tech is censoring the inconvenient truth that illegal immigrants kill people, specifically: your liberal friends at Twitter are censoring families of the victims. Makes sense I guess, you keep saying All Lives Don’t Matter Until Black Lives Matter, which is quite the murder threat.
  • Liberals want to create a list of Republicans and their voters, calling it the “Trump Accountability Project”. Gee, wonder what a name like that means. When you hold someone “accountable” that means you punish them. And we’re Trump supporters are now “domestic enemies” too. And you’re already calling for supporters of Trump to be arrested, so I can’t help but wonder what this list is for. Even before liberals rioted this year we knew what usually happens when Liberals encounter known Republicans, when federal agencies leak lists of them. This will certainly scare people from voting Republican in the future lest a liberal mob suddenly appears at their door. It’s EXACTLY why Hitler got almost every vote in his first election. But you liberal don’t care, you never did, you only care when alleged voter suppression might hurt your chances. Funny too how Biden gets a historic turnout but you still say 4 years of Trump led to historic voter suppression, you still say it’s such a high priority to fight voter suppression when 90% of the vote allegedly turns out in some places that the first thing you’ll do is pass legislation to fight it (to make fraud easier). You’ve already started arresting Republicans for no reason, while releasing actual criminal liberals.
  • Millennial Mailman tried to smuggle ballots into Canada.
  • How very suspicious (you can ignore point #4, that was accidental misinformation because a non-partisan site screwed something up (however SEVEN Milwaukee voting areas reported more votes than people registered, and the unheard of, ridiculous 90% turnout figure is hard to believe… though I did warn of same-day registration which I think explains some of it), likewise you can ignore some of the Michigan votes because they were found to be a typo) the events in 5 states that suddenly flipped for Biden really were. Trump was trending good in these Democrat-ran areas. Then the counting is abruptly ordered to stop. Suddenly, out of nowhere in the wee hours of the morning hundreds of thousands of votes that ONLY went to Biden are found. Meanwhile, GOP poll watchers were being left out of the watching. Fortunately the Trump campaign won’t take this Democratmeddling sitting down. Oh, and around the time of one of Michigan’s voting surges we saw suspicious containers coming in. Second Oh, and it seems you’re trying to censor this story. Trying to stop anyone from seeing what you did.
  • 21,000 dead people are registered in Pennsylvania (didn’t “Night Of The Living Dead” take place in Pennsylvania?). Dead people voted for Biden in Michigan.
  • Democrats believe frauding your way into a barely-earned victory where you lose ground everywhere except in the Presidency is a “mandate” for their agenda; that winning by only 2.8 million votes is a “mandate” (that’s probably about where the tally was when Clyburn made his remark, right now Trump passed Obama’s record-setting vote tally as well).
  • How very suspicious it is that Democrats were pushing mail-in ballots for months as a way to stay safe and not spread COVID, but then very suddenly that there really was no risk at all for COVID if you voted in-person.
  • Democrats kept altering the rules for elections right on up through election day
  • It doesn’t matter what Trump does for the Black community, the majority will still turn on any Blacks supporting him. Luckily that trend is breaking, if Republicans can keep this up then maybe in 50 years Blacks will be split 50/50.
  • Democrats knew vote-by-mail would not work, and one of the architects of the Steele Dossier political smear designed by the Clinton campaign to win or at least take down Trump is behind the Democrats’ push this year for mail-in voting.
  • The media really does decide who wins. Their polls and formulae place a candidate ahead, they declare a winner before all votes are tallied, and expect the other guy to concede before the counting is really done, and tolerate no legal challenges to suspicious activity.
  • Democrats are sending operatives to help voters fix their ballots AFTER election day, but only Democrats.
  • Iran and China both like Biden
  • Even if Biden wins, Democrats aren’t happy about their losses… not that it’ll mean anything. They weren’t happy in 2016 either but there was no change in leadership and they lurched farther Left.Gee whiz they are not happy about how election night went, and want to focus on Center-Left ideas… at least until the Georgia runoff races are over.
  • Biden called for unity, called for not considering the opposite side of the aisle as enemies. Neither he nor his supporters really believe that. Not a single one of them. None of them. (maybe it’s not such a bad thing Biden is in China’s pocket, because China understands America better than liberals and is way more understanding of Trump’s supporters!). They hate this country. They believe that it’s not their psychotic ideals and focus on skin-deep attributes in efforts to divide us that divides us, they believe it’s your belief that we’re all equal that is dividing us. They believe that you not obeying their commands is what divides us. You not being their slaves is dividing us. Exterminating opposing ideologies is not “uniting”; surrendering your ideology is not “uniting”.
  • For those of you who think Democrats weren’t just using Antifa to stir support, look at how they waited until after the election (or earlier look at how they waited until Antifa turned on their leaders) to do something about them.
  • Again like magic we have votes suddenly appearing that are 100% for Joe Biden, 23,000 in Philadelphia. I don’t know how I can make it clear to liberals, but even in that flawed polling that oversampled Democrats and RINOs before the election there was at least 30% going to Trump, and THOSE samples were only a tenth of 23,000. So how is anyone aside from your own party supposed to believe the impossibility that you’d suddenly have a 23,000 vote bump without Trump getting any of them? We’ll call this the “suspension of disbelief” election, because we’re supposed to believe that this happened with ten times as many votes in Wisconsin!
  • Detroit blocked people from watching their operations, then their judge said Republicans had enough access and dismissed a lawsuit.
  • Twitter censored a video that apparently shows someone burning ballots, because Big Tech does not want you questioning their election.
  • Michigan postal worker leaked how he was instructed to lie about when ballots were received.
  • Georgia goes into a runoff election, so we won’t know until January which party has the Senate.
  • Liberals elected a pedo woman-beater. I don’t mean Joe Biden, we still don’t know that race’s outcome yet.
  • In 2016 it was Play Doh and coloring books that universities offered to soothe students disappointed that Trump won. This year it’s racial segregation.
  • Democrats have been pretty quiet on big money in politics… because they spent it all. And failed.
  • The Left’s best friend the U.N. whom they promise so much help to if Biden wins betrayed dissidents to China, whom Biden is in the pocket of and would never hold accountable for anything.
  • The Left’s model for fighting free speech- arresting people who say things liberals dislike (I’ve gone over already their threats on that)– is on full display in Europe with people being arrested for saying stuff the government does not like. An unrestrained Biden/Harris Administration would deliver that here, thanks especially to the millennials who voted 2-1 for them and support losing their rights.
  • Rehash of ways the election is being cheated

Some Other Misc Notes

A former Clinton Bigwig said what, if I were faster, I would’ve blogged about in the past few months. This election was a setup. I’d seen other sources suggesting it too, and the RNC knew it because they’d been suing states over their sudden election law changes in the lead-up to election night. Democrats knew their candidate was weak, so that’s why they ran with mail-in voting which hitherto they’d warn was easy to fraud. And notice that we heard from Biden about his massive legal team that was ready to fight for ballots, Democrats wanted this fight. If Biden were the one losing and fighting for ballots it’d be a holy crusade against voter suppression. The other scenario where Trump is fighting voter fraud is playing out, and the strategy here is to make Trump look like a sore loser and censor anything that proves he’s telling the truth. Which they’re doing.

I’ll take it a step further though. See, this works perfectly for Democrats. You know they’ll push for mail-in voting nationwide, because somehow every time election officials send ballots based on their outdated lists of old addresses, people who lost their ability to vote in the time since their name was registered, and dead people it favors Democrats. With mail-in ballots and how corrupt Democrats are, you know your name is going to be leaked to liberal activists if you don’t vote liberally (I mentioned some of this re: their “Trump Accountability Project”).

Guess who your Party leaders will be, despite the in-fighting. You know, their election measures WERE created in part to stop internal challengers too, to stop another Bernie or AOC. As I said, it would be a Democrat council deciding who gets to run. You know they’d go all 2016 on that. Image from NBC

Also, as you saw in a previous post, they have election reform on their minds. Reform that will criminalize political speech (and we see their definitions of political speech- they think Biden signs are not it, they think campaigning there is not it.). They want to uproot the system and replace it with one guaranteed to make Democrats the only winners for the rest of this country’s existence. What better way than to tell people “we just want to prevent another 2020”. People did anything they were told to stop COVID, so if Democrats scare them of another 2020 they’ll agree to any voting reform Democrats impose.

And for those who say I’m being too conspiratorial, for those who doubt what liberals have in mind, for those who doubt that liberals would destroy institutions of this country to suit their own benefit, I refer you to my earlier post where I catalog their plans to do precisely that and where I also explained how they destroyed the economy to win the 2008 elections.

One thought on “Why The Election Results Will Be Questioned, Part 3

  1. Joseph Biden is about to win Pennsylvania and this election is ours. The next election for the legislative branch is two years away and we will be ready.


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