What Will The Biden/Harris Presidency Bring?

All hail the overlord. Image from foreignpolicy.com

I fear disappointment, so I just assume the polls are right, but if they’re this wrong then we can’t really rely on any poll ever again, because either side could manipulate them. So when a Democrat or Republican says that a poll shows they’re in the mainstream on an issue… who knows anymore.

We already know Biden voters will engage in terrorism (violent action intended to cause political change) if they lose the election, Michelle Obama outright admitted it when she said the riots that Biden’s supporters are inciting won’t stop unless Biden’s President. And as you saw in the third link in the first sentence, this is just a rerun of the tactics Democrats employed when Trump was elected, except much more violent. Democrats such as their intended Vice President endorse this violence by their voters.

It’ll be a miracle if Trump wins. The media is hiding Joe Biden and broadcasting 24/7 lies about Trump (and Biden was allowed an earpiece while Kamala was given the questions and on a first-name basis with the moderator, then we got to contrast in real-time the media’s treatment of Trump vs. Biden at dueling townhalls) while Big Tech is censoring information that could hurt Biden. There’s no way to beat that, the public isn’t smart enough. As for what chaos Biden and Kamala and Democrats will bring, all we have to go on are their words.

  • Massive economic destruction when they impose a 6 week national lockdown on day one (the elitist-supported lockdowns in some liberal places never really ended, even after W.H.O. said no to them lasting for so long because of all the other deaths they cause, with some places just now reopening on the 6 month anniversary of the government promising only a two week lockdown to “flatten the curve”- liberals like Biden who “follow the science” believed it should be much longer, and they got their wish of economic destruction from it) and increase in taxes (ultimately, you end up paying when corporations pay more in taxes, whether because it drains your retirement account, cuts your wages, kills your job and leaves you with no freelance jobs like Lyft as an alternative, kills the GDP, raises taxes by imposing his healthcare or green agenda, or the economy plummets. Ironic since voters say it’s the most important issue… so naturally they vote for the Party that advocated for economic destruction for 7 months, STILL wants it destroyed, is doing poorly in the areas it controls, and has a candidate who even without Corona would’ve tanked the economy)
  • Economic destruction independent of lockdowns
  • Endless COVID mandates and forced tracking of every citizen
  • Ceasing all COVID testing if the results reflect poorly on the government.
  • Skin color decides whether or not you get a COVID vaccine
  • Murdering the elderly ensures promotion in the party
  • One set of COVID rules for Democrats, one set of rules for you.
  • One set of sexual assault and harassment rules for them, one for you (while their prosecutors refuse to charge rapists, and rape rises in their areas of influence, and they tell you that nothing is wrong and you are ignorant for thinking otherwise). I never believed that liberals cared about #MeToo anyway. You #MeToo acolytes right now are saying it’s ok that a man masturbated in front of women (and possibly masturbating TOO those women) at a conference call for work (and some idiots are saying it’s white male privilege that kept him from being fired. No, it’s liberals that keep him from being fired. My CONSERVATIVE WHITE bosses would’ve fired my WHITE MALE ass on the spot if I did something like that, then had me arrested for indecent exposure, and exposing your willy is supposed to be WORSE than breast-feeding in public. ANY workplace with a functioning HR department should’ve fired that guy on the spot. But he’s one of your favorite liberal pundits, and they stood by him when he tried to coerce his mistress into aborting his bastard because it would look bad for him that he cheated on his wife. You woke-ass libbies complaining that this is white male privilege should never have hired this sexist pig in the first place. Can it really be white male privilege when conservatives never would’ve hired him, and certainly would fire anyone who did this kind of thing, whereas liberals are DEFENDING ALL OF his behaviors?). You #MeToo folks are perfectly fine with a man using his position of power as a father’s friend to seduce a daughter and then order her to abort the child that was produced- I thought it was a woman’s right to choose, or is that only when it means an abortion happens? You #MeToo liberals are perfectly fine with your President of choice’s son fathering an illegitimate child and abandoning the mother to raise the kid on her own, while your President of choice covered this up. You #MeToo liberals are perfectly fine with Planned Parenthood hiding rapes. You #MeToo liberals are perfectly fine with pedo Hunter Biden exposing himself to children 1/3rd his age while his dad covered up the scandal, and you cover it up too. You #MeToo liberals are fine with voting for someone who enabled a rapist and shamed his victims. You #MeToo liberals are fine with voting for a creepy molester. You #MeToo liberals are perfectly fine with rape enablers in general (note that your attorneys happily refuse conservative clients, then go on to defend rapists as long as they are Democrats).
  • Speaking of health, say goodbye to your insurance! You remember what happened last time a Democrat President assured people that if they like their plan they would be able to keep it (Biden lied about that during the Presidential debate- he said no one lost their plans).
  • Tax the bejeezus out of investors and people with retirement savings in stocks and people making less than $400k- remember it’s not the corporations and the wealthy that pay taxes when folks like Biden say they’ll raise their taxes, it’s the people investing in them like the average American with a 401k that pay.
  • Making sure you have no job by imposing a mandatory minimum wage hike at a time when businesses are too poor to stay open because of the lockdowns Biden threatens to have more of.
  • Bankruptcy of the country because we don’t have enough money for stuff like ordering taxpayers to pay almost everyone over $28,000 per year until 3 months after whenever the Democrats say the lockdowns should end, which they want to go on for another year at least (this might at best cost $6 Trillion per year, more than all federal programs put together, and Kamala does not say how she’ll pay for it). Democrats whine that Trump raised the debt by $10 Trillion over 4 years (yes I talked with someone who asserted that prediction was reality even though without COVID it’d probably be at $5 trillion or so- COVID jacked things up, and Democrats are on record saying they would’ve spent even crazier than Trump did on it), so naturally in their first year they want to raise it $6 Trillion for just ONE policy. China, by the way, owns a lot of this debt. No wonder Biden picked Harris (aside from the fact she’s been in on his corrupt dealings with China). And what a great strategy by China- release a deadly plague then force other countries to pay them. Ownership of the United States only cost China a few million dollars to Biden’s son and the lives of a couple of thousand Chinese citizens they didn’t really care about anyway.
  • Endless lockdowns (Democrats want it to save the environment and control your life, their buddies in Big Tech and the Media want it because it means more money for them as you now rely on them much more than when you’re allowed outdoors). People are easily hooked by a shred of optimism. 14 days to flatten the curve, then we reopen… the “experts” said 6 months ago. Parts of the country are still locked down, and others require masks and social distancing and have low limits on how many folks can be in a building. Areas have even cancelled religious services by government mandate (while allowing unmasked protesters to not socially distance- I mention later that there will be no equal application of the law. And oh look, they openly won’t prosecute their approved rioters for breaking COVID restrictions while they WILL arrest anyone attending religious services (they don’t even treat funerals equally), and will prosecute the protesters they disapprove of… just like they won’t prosecute people for armed trespassing and threatening residents, but WILL prosecute residents for defending themselves- in fact they’ll even tamper with evidence to help convict you if you defend yourself, and then charge YOU for tampering). All for a virus that lockdowns do nothing to contain, a virus where the “experts” tell you it won’t spread when it’s politically convenient for Democrats. Now we’re told wait just one more holiday and we’ll be ok after. That’s an old tactic, provide false optimism in the short-term to gain compliance with your oppressive demands. (I guess this means all your past concerns about the drugs, alcohol, suicides, and mental health issues were lies and that at heart you’re really a Darwinist, hence why you want lockdowns that didn’t stop the spread to be permanent so that you can destroy the mentally feeble and the poor who can’t afford to stay in their homes forever unlike you elitist liberal in your mansions.)
  • Forced medical procedures. Why stop with the COVID vaccine if it’s all in the name of saving lives? Since liberals think that Republicans are literally mass murderers and childabusingsociopaths, how about forced sterilization (it’s still legal, thanks to a previous Progressive Supreme Court. Also. liberal, if Republicans are child-abusing rapists, you’re no different at all you craven pedo lover, especially with these lockdowns you want because they allow pedos and child abuse to go undetected while you deny that there’s a problem.)?
  • Statues for rapists and pedos whom you liberals believe are civil rights icons
  • Deciding who lives or dies, with the government saying your death is in your “best interests“- that is the system you want, you have said so liberal.
  • Take away your health coverage so we can give it to illegal immigrants, which would only incentivize more to come here (and vote Democrat- when we have folks like your friend in Colorado running things, am I really supposed to believe that noncitizens are given special ballots that don’t let them vote beyond your city limits or that you don’t count their votes beyond what your local laws allow?)
  • They’d probably want it to be illegal for you to complain that Big Tech is giving Democrat campaigns your personal data. You certainly couldn’t challenge them giving your data away with a stacked Supreme Court.
  • A healthy portion of your paycheck going to Democrats, because you will either be unemployed or in a union, no side gigs (hear that you liberal struggling actors and artists, and the rest of you folks that Democrat-loved lockdowns are crushing?), no earning on your own.
  • Expanding China’s role in censoring your speech
  • You’ll disappear if you come out with damaging info on Joe
  • Legalized rioting
  • Legalized theft, destruction of property, and trespassing. Meaning if a lberal broke into your home and smashed the place up and stole your valuables because you are a conservative, liberals would not prosecute the criminal, that is ALREADY possible in parts of this country.
  • Meanwhile, bail will be outlawed so rapists and domestic abusers will be free to beat women, because that’s feminism I guess. Or maybe you got tired of people pointing out you were lying about the rape epidemic so you decided to make one. Already, rapists who target drunk women can’t be charged with rape thanks to your feminist woke reforms that you want to spread to the country. (Also, your “President” during corona released rapists and pedophiles to protect them from the virus, and one of your new civil rights icons is a rapist who attacked police officers trying to stop him from harassing his victim- you love the rapist so much you censor the fact that he raped someone. So I guess, liberal, you really would not care about this. I remember with Kavanaugh you said Republicans should die for confirming him because he allegedly raped someone, here you have enough evidence of rape for an arrest warrant and you make the man a civil rights icon! And you voted for Biden who seems to have covered up his son exposing himself to a 14 year old girl, just like how in 2016 you voted for Hillary who says women survivors of her husband’s sexual assaults don’t matter.)
  • I guess they’re making it harder to lockup rapists because they plan to expand what the definition of rape is, so they don’t want their prisons too full.
  • Massive global censorship so that you never know this is happeningit’s already so bad that media pundits deliberately censor themselves from gaining knowledge of basic terms for their topic because those terms describe things contrary to their narrative (the new Dem Administration probably won’t have to make censorship a law, the liberal media happily does it for them. The same liberal media that lectured Pence about the media asking questions on behalf of the public like he was a child and said Trump should be impeached for corruption and claimed voters wanted Trump impeached for corruption and had to answer questions on it now say that voters don’t care about corruption at all and it’s a waste of time and these news people pledge to suppress the story. Just like how liberals coveredup everything Obama did wrong and even blamed Trump for what Obama did, liberals happily went after Trump over lies from anonymous sources or Clinton campaign shills or Adam Schiff but ignore and out of hand dismiss HARD EVIDENCE- the Biden campaign doesn’t deny these are legit emails and Hunter even asked for the laptop to be returned to him (but your “former intel officials” say that the signed receipt, emails the campaign says are legit, and laptop Hunter wanted returned are Russian disinformation)– of Biden corruption, liberals covered up the many murder threats against Republicans by prominent liberals, liberals downplayed or ignored actual murders and attempted murders of Republicans by liberals while lying about Republicans killing liberals, liberals even covered up the USSR’s murder of over 40 million people and want you to think the USSR was paradise– and they ignored the Holocaust– so it’s no surprise you’d never hear of failures in a Biden/Harris government, remember this is the media that told you that economic growth too small to give you a job was the new norm, and Trump could not fix it, and when he did the media denied it. For those concerned on the economy, your media wants you to believe that Obama/Biden who said that growth could never happen, said that Trump’s policies would destroy their progress, were responsible for the growth that happened after Trump’s policies took effect.)
  • Corruption. Lots, lots, and lots of it.
  • More scandals where the Intel Community directs its assets against Americans of the opposite political party. Remember- they fabricated the Steele Dossier and passed it off as fact in order to take down Trump, and then invented charges against General Flynn (and forced the confession by theatening his family, then refused to let the prosecutors drop the case against Flynn when its corrupt origins came to light).
  • Many, many, many political prosecutions. See what I said about Flynn above where Democrat Biden told the FBI to persecute Flynn, the Democrat FBI made a political show of it, the Democrat Mueller team forced Flynn to sign a confession by threatening his family and withheld evidence showing he was innocent, a Democrat Liberal Activist Judge ordered a prosecutor to continue with the case, and then the 7-Democrat vs 4 Republican court of appeals decided that deliberate bias and violating the oath of impartiality is perfectly fine if you’re a liberal (and by the way liberal, if you care about poor people and poor minorities then you’ll take note that the precedents YOU ARE TRYING TO SET are that now a judge can ensure endless prosecution of a Black and that if a Black is forced to plead guilty because they can’t fight the case any longer or are threatened into confessing but then exculpatory evidence comes out you can convict that Black of perjury too, leading to an increase in that minority prison population you allegedly want to decrease… or will you only do this to your political opponents?)? That’ll happen to you; they will fill the Supreme Court with people like that. Even under Trump they managed to setup Stalinesque tactics; once they have more power it’s only going to get worse (not that liberals care, they WANT this kind of thing because to a liberal you really are a criminal for having a different worldview, they think it is ACTUAL VIOLENCE to have a different belief system than theirs)
  • More U.S. troops in foreign locations, unlike Trump who beat the foes Obama/Biden encouraged (to ensure that when Hillary brought us to war it’d be very costly, no doubt, obviously the quick killing and destabilization of Libya didn’t give them as much a thrill as they liked, so they stood swaggering about Syria and lying about it to make us look weak, dithering on killing Bin Laden, and then did nothing about ISIS and screwed up anything Bush accomplished in Iraq. Oh, and there was that whole Democrat thing about supplying weapons to Al Qaeda and proto-ISIS). Remember- Democrats talked about war with nuclear superpower Russia only two years ago. Only 4 years ago they voted for someone who bragged about wanting to start World War III with Russia. Meanwhile Trump kicked the war hawks out of his cabinet and was criticized by Democrats for withdrawing troops, the same Democrats who praised Obama for it.
  • Liberals believe that being ready to stop a nuclear attack with a missile defense system is “belligerent”, and Obama/Biden helped other nuclear powers catch up with us, so expect more of that while Democrats want war with Russia, much to China’s delight.
  • Biden’s historically slow pandemic responses (look at how Democrats say Biden had nothing to do with the terrible response. How is he able to run on his record as Vice President if he didn’t actually do anything?), Democrats in general botching it, and then proudly standing by their lethal response and misinformation (disguised as “science” from “experts”) while blaming Republicans. Remember- he (and the Left) says Trump should’ve done all his actions earlier, but Biden himself admitted he would not have instituted masks and social distancing until two weeks AFTER Trump told people to social distance, until at least three weeks after the CDC recommended everyone wear masks. So if Trump delaying action made him responsible for every single COVID death, what does Biden’s admission that he would’ve waited EVEN LONGER mean? (and for you Biden lovers out there, let me reiterate: Biden had as much info as Trump on the virus, all anyone had to do was look at what other countries were doing and how the virus was tearing through them, people were wearing masks and social distancing in Europe well before U.S. officials recommended we do it, so Biden absolutely had enough information March 1 and earlier to form a plan, but he admits not planning key things like masking and social distancing until almost a month later)
  • Probably botch the Corona response because Biden will pull a Solyndra with vaccine production, since his son is investing in them. (He met with executives from a Ukraine company, the U.S. government pressured the prosecutor, suddenly everyone hated the prosecutor that was chasing after that company, and Biden pledged (calling it a “quid pro quo” deal, remember how you said that was impeachable liberal?) to withhold a billion dollars from an ally we are obligated by treaty to defend unless that prosecutor going after that company he’s working with is fired, the prosecutor is fired, then we learned all the reasons we were given for firing the prosecutor were fabricated. Then you have Biden’s China-friendly stance despite the Obama Admin’s “Asia pivot”, coincidentally his son made millions from China. Now his son is investing in COVID companies.)
  • Hey liberals, did you know that the company your new God-King helped is an oil company? A corrupt one? Guess we can’t really predict what a Harris-Biden Administration’s climate approach is since it will go to the highest bidder.
  • China’s domination of the world (they love China, and China knows, and they know China knows… and Russia knows Biden will be a friend- Biden and Obama gave half of Ukraine to Russia if you’ll recall, and refused to give Ukraine any kind of military support in violation of our treaty with them)
  • Speaking of China and Russia, Biden’s ban on oil and plan for net zero emissions by 2025 will empower both of these nations that you keep insisting are threats while crippling our own. You are ensuring they will turn a huge profit when they make up for the oil internationally that we’re no longer selling, while we lose jobs and GDP and no longer can compete as a global power. But liberals WANT China to run the world so this works out perfectly for them.
  • School curriculums will be radically altered to lie about America, to make the students hate it (and love the Democratic Party as saviors– I’m sure you remember the steps Obama took).
  • Hijack the education system to teach kids that this is acceptable, that they should hate who Democrats hate, that they are evil if they don’t, that white people are evil simply for their skin color, that whatever suffering and slavery Americans endure at the hands of the Liberal Despots they deserve
  • Democratsponsored chaos to suppress opponents
  • Baby organ harvesting, and prosecuting anyone against it
  • More doctored polls to pressure you into thinking you’re alone and should just give up when you are disgusted by what Democrats are doing
  • Let’s not kid ourselves- do you really think they’re “color revolution” plot will end once they run the country? They’ve been threatening for a year now to purge or imprison political enemies, and that generally follows one of their “color revolutions” because the population is so divided at the end of it.
  • Freeze social security benefits (Biden has wanted to do this for decades, and his medical advisor says you should’ve died at age 75 anyway, and Biden’s voters celebrate when COVID kills elderly people)
  • Bankrupting medicare and social security, in part to pay for illegal immigrants (which would encourage illegals to come here, and that’d be super easy when Biden opens the border). Oh, and stopping you from buying a gun if you are on social security.
  • Legalized destruction of anything or anyone a mob of Democrats decides is racist, whether or not it actually is
  • Continued and legal mob intimidation of you (but you won’t be allowed to protect yourself or do the same to them)
  • Illegal for YOU to own firearms, but their mobs who’ve already murdered several people and attempted to murder others and are composed of felons that should not legally be allowed to have firearms under current laws will be allowed to have them
  • This is liberal justice folks.
  • Illegal for you to live when Democrat mobs demand that you die (their voters already riot when a police officer survives attempted murder, and Democrats do what these voters tell them.). They’re already working on that in Wisconsin, Omaha, and Minnesota.
  • Censor their political enemies on all platforms, and get the FCC involved in censoring the stuff their Big Tech allies can’t control
  • Make it illegal to speak against them- remember, liberals love how “enlightened” Europe is and try to follow their example.
  • Prevent campaign rallies from even happening for their opponents
  • Destroy your ability to independently move about the country (remember when Biden gave you $5 per gallon gas prices? Now he wants to not only raise gas prices beyond that, he wants to take away your car. You’d have to be very rich to afford an electric model, and the price to power it would be absurd- look at your electric bill already, now imagine what charging your car would cost, especially after the Green New Deal raises the cost of electricity. But that’s ok, you’ll be locked down so you won’t have anywhere to go anyway)
  • Government-ordered electric blackouts because they think you are spoiled by having too much electricity… which means you won’t even be able to charge that electric car.
  • Unequal application of the law- to the point liberals charge (and blame) conservatives for exactly what liberals did
  • Packed Supreme Court so that every move they make to oppress you is legal
  • Pack the Senate and House with more Democrats from places that don’t want to be a state like Puerto Rico or places that should never be a state because they’re supposed to not have a stake in what happens like DC, and then pass laws that let them remove a President (and probably any politician) they don’t like without even needing Congress’ approval. They also want to let Democrat Congressmen vote multiple times on bills, voting in the name of districts they do not represent.
  • Voting reforms guaranteed to allow Democrats to steal your ballots (ballot harvesting, and no they won’t let Republicans do it as we see in California where Republicans are obeying the law Democrats passed and Democrats are legally challenging them anyway), give illegals the right to vote- allowing any of the billion or so people in China to vote Democrat-, and people to vote multiple times.
  • Allow unlimited immigration from places that vote Democrat while stopping it from traditionally conservative places, even if it means death to the ones who are forced to stay behind (doesn’t matter that murderers and rapists will come in, because they’ll make it legal for criminals to vote too, and probably hire them to run the elections like how they hired criminals to run Obamacare and
  • Unequal application of the law- to the point liberals charge conservatives for exactly what liberals did (they hired a PIMP as an alternative to police in Seattle (the liberals you voted with think you’re a prude for believing it’s wrong to exploit underage girls like Seattle’s new Democrat Pimp Policeman did). Of course they’ll run out of criminals if they continue the trend of legalizing various crimes, in San Francisco where it is legal to attack police and they no longer prosecute people for burglary, so I guess this is what Americans want now. And remember- Kamala said she was proud of a rapist who fought police officers while trying to kidnap some children, that’s the Left’s hero, and people like him and the rioters/murderers who support him will be the ones with the guns while it will be ILLEGAL for YOU to resist them. On the bright side liberal, at least that rape epidemic you’ve been complaining about will finally be a real thing, that also means lotsa money for Planned Parenthood which they’ll give to your candidates after they give their CEO another raise, so all-in-all everybody on your side of the aisle who matters to you wins from it)
  • Banning guns (when you make it impossible to buy one, and then make it possible to sue the manufacturers if their gun is misused, it will kill the 2nd Amendment without having to alter the Constitution), except those owned by criminals because they’re even now deliberately not prosecuting them for it.
  • You’ll be labelled a terrorist for opposing them.
  • Make it a crime to support anyone who isn’t a Democrat
  • Freezing your bank account if they don’t like your politics, or even if you withdraw more money than they approve of.
  • Tell you that their partisan predictions are reality and call you sexist if you resist (and don’t forget- women want equality until someone challenges them, then they run crying that equality is misogyny.).
  • Change the election rules so that only Democrats can even run for office, and campaigns can barely talk about their politicians.
  • Foreign interference in elections– right now we have illegal immigrants voting. The Democrats and media only want more of this.
  • Legalized pedophilia, and a new cultural norm that having sex with the children you don’t “abort” once they’re out of the womb is ok (remember that Biden will be appointing a lot of judges, including judges whose positions don’t even exist right now, and we already have Democrat prosecutors that believe you deserve to die if liberal mobs order you to so this kind of depravity is hardly inconceivable, especially from a political party that believes they should have elected a pedophile enabler in the name of feminism, and who worshipped a “feminist icon” that argued for pedophilia).
  • An end to the basic family structure (in the name of fighting COVID most likely)
  • Hate speech and tolerance laws that make it illegal for women to refuse sexual advances from someone with male anatomy.
  • highly conditional compassion
  • For you radical Lefties, it seems the capitalists are onboard with your socialism and that’s never good (these capitalists just want free money from the government, that’s why they love your allegedly socialist Democrats, who act like socialist authoritarians towards the citizens while secretly bowing to the billionaires)
  • We all know your Russia talk is garbage, or are you going to be like Trump and criticize the U.N. for putting Russia (and Biden’s slave-holding friend China) on the Human Rights Commission? Nope, didn’t think you would. So with a Biden-Harris presidency you can expect MORE Russia dominance.
  • Your political leaders will be elitists beyond what they are now, and will care even less about you than ever now that they know how easy it is to win your vote.
  • You’re voting for a candidate who admitted he’s never made America equal, even with 8 years as Vice President of an Administration that owned Congress for two of those years, able to pass any legislation they wanted, he never made America equal. Meanwhile Trump did criminal justice reform with a Republican Congress, the same Congress that Biden said somehow stopped him from doing it. His Administration had the power to make illegal Hispanic immigrants into citizens without Congress, yet it did nothing for criminal justice reform that would save Black lives, according to Biden.
  • 8 years of Obama/Biden only led to a “peace” deal that made it certain Iran would have a nuclear weapon, 4 years of Trump led to a peace deal with Israel and its enemies. Biden wants to go back to giving Iran a nuclear weapon and lotsa money to build it and fund terrorism with, and Biden’s Party believed that A: Trump’s deal was impossible, B: he somehow did it by accident, and C: it was just a minor political distraction; achieving what Democrats believed impossible was just a pointless political distraction according to them.
  • Frankly, even the Left’s hero Osama Bin Laden (they loved his friend too, and his ideology, support itor at least the fact that like liberals, he didn’t like America, and even before the rubble of the Twin Towers had been cleared (reference is dated March 2002) liberal teachers were teaching kids to hate America) thought Biden would destroy America

Liberals hate their political enemies (just look at ABC’s headline saying Jews deserved to be attacked for supporting Trump, ABC believes that it’s the fault of those Jews that the rioters attacked them, blaming the victim, like how the Nazis blamed the Jews for Kristallnacht. Liberals think Trump’s tweets are worse than Iran demanding a second Holocaust against Jews, so maybe I should’ve judged this story based on how liberals see the world.) so much that they don’t even believe they’re capable of loving their kids, and they believe white people are not capable of loving non-white children. They do not view the other side of the aisle as humans. They will have no mercy. They WANT to hurt you, you are not only less than human but absolute evil to them. They see you like a Nazi sees a Jew. What will these people inflict on you once they’re in power?

I already know liberals don’t really care about any of this. By your own standards (and even in your own words), Joe Biden is homophobic, racist, sexist, sexual predator, capitalist, worlddestroyer who’s committed crimes against humanity and wouldve brought COVID death to millions of Americans, yet you rally behind him and threaten anyone opposed. You are willing to kill to get Biden in office. You could have voted for someone more in-line with your views, but you voted for him instead in the primaries because “morality” and “beliefs” are punchlines to you, “power” is all you care about.

Liberals used their ownership of Congress to crash the economy in 2008 to win an election (and then bailed out their billionaire friends while you got nothing but increasing wealth inequality and the promise from Democrats that this was the new normal). They stalled the recovery and told you we’d never recover in order to win elections. They lied about the deaths of Americans in order to win an election. They begged for a recession to win an election, and got one by playing on our fears of COVID. “They” being YOU, liberal. This is what your party stands for. Your own words indicate the above.

Speaking of wanton disregard for people’s lives, liberals firmly believe that it’s a gift to the Left because you’ll let them do all this if they say it’s to protect you from the scary virus they keep lying about. Every death is a gift to the Left, that’s why they celebrate people dying from the virus, made sure people died from it (even before the nursing home stuff, at a time when all you had to do was look at Europe to see how bad the virus was), and want MORE to die.

Now I understand that the liberals in the audience love ALL of this. They ESPECIALLY love China dominating the world, because you liberals love slave labor (you must otherwise you would not be voting to support China and would not support Colin Kaepernick who’s funded by Nike, who is supported by slave labor in China). You also love China’s high-tech oppression– their move to a cashless society where the government easily controls who can buy/sell stuff (it’s hard to stop people from getting paper money, super easy to stop them from getting and using digital money- Obama dabbled in some of these controls while President and you think he was the best President ever), where there is a “social creditsystem that mandates everyone oppress who the government orders them to, where political dissidents disappear instead of getting into office like they can do here.

Image from USA Today

That is your ideal system of government, you’re voting to support it, so you have a kindred spirit with Chinese oppressors. Your own henchmen admit to wanting gulags and mass murder. So it’s no surprise you’d vote for the political party that wants to bring that oppression here (now with the perfect excuse- just say it’s in the name of fighting COVID, you’ve already started massive censorship campaigns and you already support police brutality in the name of fighting COVID).

Convincing you this is bad is like convincing you it’s not racist for a white person to adopt a non-white or convincing oil tycoons that oil is bad. It’s just not going to happen. You don’t care anyway, you assume this government you’re bringing in will never oppress you, and you see the rest of us as Nazis. You think you’re fighting for justice. Somehow murdering babies outside the womb, segregating Blacks, passing massive crime bills that mostly put Blacks in prison, making Black inmates into slaves, burning down Black neighborhoods, ignorantly silencing all voices opposed to you as if any human is capable of being right on everything, and declaring all Blacks are inferior while all political opponents should be murdered is what you consider to be just and righteous. Your sense of morality is warped, you are insane. There is no sense trying to talk sense into a crazy person, your brain’s too screwed up to process it unless you dose up on some pretty strong meds.

Unfortunately most of the country backs you, because your propaganda machine and terrorists have scared them into compliance, and managed to make Biden look as if he’s the moderate voice in the room (by hiding him and burying his record, and calling anyone a liar who dares to play old clips of Biden being a Lefty) when really he listens to the radicals of the party (like his dismissal of antifa terrorists, but then again you liberals LOVE them and LOVE when your enemies are murdered by your allies so you support that move). I’m sickened by having to endure the lies that make the average person think I am scum (because they won’t sit down long enough for me to deprogram the lies you push into them, such as your continual lies about Trump not disavowing white supremacists, BTW remind me again who the KKK is backing this election- DEMOCRATS) will lead to horrible laws, mass imprisonments of political dissidents, mass legal murder by your street terrorists, and America essentially ceasing to exist as a world power, or even a first-world country, after this election. But at least when this ship sinks it’ll take you rats with it. Too bad you’re not smart enough to realize it, you’ll just make like the Nazis and keep scapegoating powerless groups of people for all your failures. You already do this in Democrat- ran states, so why not keep it up once you put the whole country in the toilet? This country that you hate, that you see as racist, that you want to destroy.

Image from Politico

Honestly, I don’t know if this election was an argument for or against the Founders’ original idea about only educated people being allowed to vote. The “educated” people are the ones who are now saying Blacks are inferior and apologizing for scientific progress ever being made, the “educated” people are the ones who believe the Left’s lies about everything and believe that Communism can work. But on the other hand, enough Americans are stupid sheep to follow along with what these “educated” want them to do, which right now means surrendering your rights in the name of protecting you from an illness you probably don’t need protection from, protecting you in ways that fatten Democrats’ pocketbooks and gives them more control over your lives. But if all we are left is a nation of sheep, then maybe slavers like China deserve to rule the world, and maybe you deserve to be part of their forced labor camps, you certainly want that (and note how SILENT your self-righteous politicians and media who are quick to hate police and white people are, the same ones who say you’re racist to criticize China, the same ones who are protecting China despite China being responsible for the pandemic that they’re using as an excuse to take your rights away. Hey liberals, remember when the Nazis told Jews they couldn’t worship, but they told their Nazi mobs they could go into the streets and destroy businesses, and then forced the business owners to pay for it? Your liberals here are doing EXACTLY THAT right now, and yet you and the rest of your party say Republicans are the Nazis).

The Denied War On Christmas


How does it feel blogging on Christmas Eve? Reading up on all this bad news, like the Left’s recipe for ending the Republican Party forever without setting foot outside their cities? I feel like James Bond! Specifically, in “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” when he’s sitting in an ice skating rink that’s playing Christmas music and full of happy people, pulling his collar up over his head and hoping the bad guys trying to kill him don’t spot him (there is a nonzero chance I watched that movie for the millionth time two days ago). As point of fact, there is at least one socialist out there who’s targeted me in particular for termination. So he said, after pledging that socialists did not wish to kill people.

Here’s some placations from the Left:

  • “No one wants to do abortion outside of serious and extreme circumstances”
  • “No one wants to do partial-birth abortions”
  • “No one wants to kill a baby outside the womb and claim it’s for a woman’s health”
  • “No one wants to abort everyone born with Down Syndrome”
  • No one wants to take some of your guns”
  • “No one wants to take ALL of your guns”
  • “No one’s waging a war on Columbus Day”
  • “No one’s waging a war on Thanksgiving”

No one’s waging a war on Christmas

Mmmmhmmm. And I bet you believed the other ones too (and if last year you also believed them when they said the Rudolph Christmas special was bigoted, this year you’ll be happy to learn that it’s woke again and you are bigoted if you don’t think so… so I guess everyone including that woke NYT writer was a bigot last year, see how fast this stuff changes?). Seems everyone from Vox to Washington Post to Esquire to Mediamatters is denying that there is one, but the facts tell the real story, which as usual is nothing like the fiction the Left wants you to believe.

What made me think of writing this (I forgot I broached the topic last year) was how in this piece examining the Left’s triggering at the term “Merry Christmas”, one liberal outlet notes that the notion of a war on it is a GOP talking point. Given the warpath that the ADL went on this year, where as I mentioned even The Beatles circa 1963 would be considered white supremacist (which means owning a copy of the White Album is like owning a copy of Mein Kampf according to liberals), I’m surprised these critics of the phrase didn’t pickup on what I talked about last year when the Left decided that merely saying “Merry Christmas” was racist.

Where’s the war on Eid al-Fitr or Chanukah? Well… Democrats have their own thing for Chanukah I guess (and yes I do have a third one of those in the works; I’ve hoarded over 70 links in that thing but never bothered to write something)… not so much the occasion as the practitioners.

To morally justify their war, as if the depraved lunatics really need a justification to act aside from the raw emotion they feel moment to moment, some asinine commentator had the headline “OPINION: Social and religious inclusivity does not mean a ‘war on Christmas'”. Censoring Christians is NOT inclusive. Oh wait, you’re doing that thing like you do with racism where you take power away from your Enemy and then claim that  because the Enemy had power you can’t actually be the one attacking them, even though you are just as hateful as you claim they are.


Didn’t Ialready talk about the Left’s inquisitions? Well, that’s not all they copy from Christians. Image from Encyclopedia Britannica

I find this interesting: atheists are quite a litigious bunch. Much like their brethren of all faiths on the Left, they can’t force people to become atheists in this country, so they just complain and sue to silence everyone they disagree with… meaning Christians in the case of atheists. Checking out the Freedom From Religion’s website, it seems at best they only have minor arguments with the non-Christian religious community, and actually declare those people as holy figures to atheists. Aside from all the reverence and respect the atheist community has for their allies in their joint fight against Christianity, we have FFR’s site declare non-Christian religions as angels, at least in the Left’s theology.

Liberal Religion

Christianity has a concept called “original sin”. In the stories in the Bible, the first two humans God created screwed up royally, (getting knowledge after God told them not to get it) and that was the “original sin”, and God judges every human that followed based on it. Angels on the other hand have no sin and exist to serve God, and sort of have a more privileged position than mere humans.

The Left has its own theology complete with angels and “original sin”. Their version of “original sin” is racism, sometimes referred to as “privilege” for those who they can’t outright call racists but really really really want to for their narratives to work (“privilege” means the racist act of receiving special treatment because you are white, regardless of if you seek that privilege, and according the Left even the poorest of the whites has it thus it is, like “original sin”, something you are born with an an outgrowth of that racism). Rather than humans in general, white people are the ones judged by that, mostly white men though white women too depending on the denomination of the liberal in question. So racism is a white person’s “original sin”. Non-whites are the angels- they are not capable of racism, they are pure and clean unless they become “fallen angels” who share the white man’s ideology like Dr. Ben Carson, equal to Satan from Christianity (which explains why the only thing liberals hate more than a white is a non-white who defects, as you’d see in the post I linked to earlier in this run-on sentence). To borrow the phrase Nancy Pelosi used to describe MS-13 murderers and rapists, non-whites have a “spark of divinity” in them that white people don’t.

The religious parallel continues. Christianity gives you a chance for redemption. The “born with original sin” deal is said to have ended with Jesus’ resurrection. I mean, you’re still born with that original sin and all, but if you believe in Jesus (and presumably act like a good person) then your soul is saved.

So what’s the Left’s equivalent? Well, right now Bill Kristol and Nichole Wallace are at MSNBC repenting for their sins, They did worse than just be a white person, they actually helped Republicans. But for the rest of you whites, for the moment if you adopt the DNC as your Lord and Savior then your “original sin” disappears. Just look at what happened to Ralph Northam and Jimmy Kimmel- they committed some horribly racist sins, but are forgiven their trespasses as they preach in the Left’s name. Some folks aren’t so lucky, but Christianity has been rather fickle with those things too.

Also for the moment, other ways exist for whites to save their souls. Attach yourself to an oppressed group. Becoming an LGBTQ Democrat (LGBTQ Republicans are seen in the same way as nonwhite Republicans, as Satan is seen by Christians) strips you of some of that racist “privilege” of yours. Declaring yourself an atheist removes a little of that privilege too, because it is also considered an oppressed group despite their legal protections and their aggressive stance towards the dominant religion in the country. Conversion to a non-Christian religion also helps. Declaring yourself a communist strips you of your privilege too, to the point that many other sins like wealth are forgiven. So being a poor communist LGBTQ atheist slave to a non-white is the best that a white person can do to absolve themselves of their sins of privilege.

You’ll notice that earlier I said “for the moment” when it came to some ways a white could absolve their sins. That’s because the Left is a constantly changing place (as you saw exemplified above in my parenthetical about Rudolph). The DNC one day might be equal to the devil the next day, like how Obama’s immigration views in his book are now white nationalist rhetoric. Associating with the Democratic Party is by no means a certain path to redemption. Why, just recently the entire party was declared as racist by MSNBC. All those years of toiling for Obama were for nought, forgiveness was taken away simply because the Left changed its mind. I suppose that’s the biggest contrast with Christianity- God doesn’t change his mind unless you give Him a pretty darn good reason, certainly a better one than “this unqualified minority female candidate lost therefore everyone who went against her is racist”.

No wonder liberals hate Christians more than any other. The Left’s theology is a dark mirror of Christianity, and they see their religion as something like a changeling, but instead of switching an infant at birth they’re trying to switch the most popular religion in the country for their own version of it.

Or as the old hypothesis goes, if you believe in nothing then you’ll believe anything.


Yes, also from “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”




Another Hiatus

Hey guys. It sucks the first post from me in so many months has to be bad news, but thems tha breaks!! Right now I am having a hard time keeping up with work AND reviewing content, so to take the pressure off I am putting the blog on hiatus till June. Don’t be bummed though, when we come back there will be tons of fun content from both myself and Mr. F.L.A.G., and this hiatus will give us plenty of no stress time to develop our work. Thanks for your patience.

Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link (GBA)


Why would you pay $9.99 to get Zelda II on the GBA when you could be paying $9.99 for one month of the WWE Network?

It’s in the Zelda series, and Link is there, and he has an adventure. The end.

You’re off to a running start with Princess Zelda napping in the background. Link must retrieve a piece of the Triforce in order to wake her up, by uniting all pieces of the Triforce. Remember: these games took place a long time ago, a real long time ago, way before Levi Hutchins invented alarm clocks. They had to do some complicated Rube Goldberg Machine stuff in order to wake up, made even more complicated by the fact that Goldberg hadn’t debuted yet.


As evidenced in the picture, this conspiracy involves your state troopers and your local Police Department. Image of Goldberg from wwe.com

Hmmmm… Goldberg… Zelda 2 came in a gold cartridge… the opening notes for the music when you enter a village sound like notes from the song “Goldfinger”… the Triforce is golden… the final castle has a golden hue to it… all of the pieces fit Robin! Ganon plans to steal the Triforce from Fort Knox!

Speaking of Bat-Logic

I just want to point out that I cheated a little and used an online strategy guide. In my defense, there is no way that some of these puzzles could have been solved without one, unless there was something in the instruction manual (which I don’t have). Seriously- to get to a vital town you need to hack a forest to bits. Except in this game, the only hackable trees are the ones in that small area surrounding the hidden village, and at no point are you told or even given a hint that you even can hack trees, let alone that particular grouping.

Same goes for a monster sitting in the middle of the road. If this weren’t a carbon copy of waking Snorlax, complete with Pokeflute, I’d have had no idea about what I needed to do. I guess eventually I’d figure it out, by standing there and mashing buttons after obtaining the flute.

I Need Guidance, Great One

As I was reviewing the palace 6 section of the guide, I noticed that it was saying the

knights on horseback you face there are repeats of an earlier boss. I didn’t remember it, but attributed that to the 2 year gap between now and when I last put the game down. Turns out that I didn’t remember it because it was the boss of palace 3, the only boss that I skipped, probably because I wandered into the palace, grabbed the raft, then left thinking I could skip the boss. Or died and was curious about where the raft would take me and forgot all about beating the boss. If you get to palace 7 and the shield refuses to lower, then check how many crystals you have left (the blue circle icon on the start menu, you lose one after beating a palace).

My point is- make sure you get the required item from the palace AND defeat the boss. I don’t know what happens if you skip the item and beat the boss, but having to restart the game is not a risk worth taking.

You are also best served by using the guide to locate vital items like the 4 magic containers and the 4 heart containers. And level all the way up as soon as you can. It helps. You max out at level 8, by the way. Leveling up after that just gives you an extra life. There are also extra lives to be found throughout the overworld, but they can only be grabbed once. Come to think of it… while writing this I just solved a 2 year old mystery. I grabbed one of the extra lives and had no idea I had done so, because it was absolutely useless to me.

Also, be skeptical of any boss strategies the guides give you. For example, the one I used

said that the final battle (spoiler alert: it was against The Enemy Within) could easily be won by standing in a corner. I had no health and no magic left, but I thought it’d be a piece of cake since all I had to do was stand in the corner. The first thing the opponent did was jump up and stab me from above. So much for the guide’s credibility. Plus if you stay crouched in the corner, eventually that boss will just stand in the middle of the screen and do nothing for long periods.


I considered making like this blog’s venerable creator and posting a sexy pic of The Enemy Within (lots of them out there), but when I realized he was only 16 discretion and fear of the SVU prevailed. But I reached an epiphany- in this game, this so-called Enemy Within is in fact a Gengar. Pictured here is Morty’s Gengar. Image from Bulbapedia

Fortunately for the final palace, which I found rather difficult to get to, unlike with the other palaces once you enter it if you run out of lives you can just select “continue” and you will start out at the entrance to it. Be advised: any of the red magic potions you pickup will still be gone after you lose all your lives and hit “continue”. They only come back if you restart the game. Luckily the fairy stays. Since I found a way to budget lives and magic, you should be able to too. I say this with full confidence in the certainty that I am terrible at video games. Another convenience is that when you beat the first of the two bosses at the final palace it stays dead even if you run out of lives. I know because when The Enemy Within killed me it was my last life. It took the last health of my last life.


Everything mentioned above as such, of course.

The version I played fixed the following issue: on the NES release, the only way to save is to lose all of your lives. On the Game Boy Advance version you just pause the game on the overworld and press up plus either a or b. Or just buy the Famicom Disk version.


Ready for round two?

I won’t mention the lack of a second quest. I mean, there is one, but unlike the first Zelda game everything this time around is exactly the same as it was before. The only difference is you start with all of the spells and fully levelled up. You will still have to hunt for the 4 magic extenders and 4 life extenders. So aside from that it’s pretty much what happens in Super Mario 64 once you get all the stars- no new quests, but you can play the old ones over again with a fancy skill you didn’t have the first go-around.

I guess I ended up mentioning the lack of a second quest anyway, but I don’t see that as a


So tiny that Zelda 1 felt compelled to buy a Ferrari and spend all of its spare time at the gym. Original image from VGMaps.

problem since the game’s big enough for just one playthrough to feel sufficient (I think, my playthrough took 2 years… technically, 22 years given that I first played the game in the 90s), leading into another nitpicking- the entirety of the map for the first game, that you spend hours wandering through, is scaled down and displayed as a few tiles towards the bottom of Zelda 2’s expansive overworld. Part of me likes the reference, but part of me thinks that sort of trivializes everything from the first game. That adventure seems so small now. No… the adventure is big, it’s the overworld that got small.

But in-universe, in Zelda 2, how did Link so easily work his Peter Pan/Legolas-lovechild-twink self through the Zelda 1 overworld when in Zelda 1 you couldn’t go beyond that area? Hyrulean magic and technology were not up to the task of building a path! Either that or one of the cave shopkeepers or palaces was blocking the route, and Hyrulean officials decided to exercise their eminent domain powers to seize those areas and open them up for public travel.

You might expect me to rip on the change in format from the first and third game (and the Game Boy games) like everyone else does. Battles fought in a sidescroller style, leveling up, stuff like that. Nope. I had no problem with this.

“I had no problem with this.” – Mr. Flagg


Mario’s Picross

mario's-picross-title - Copy

He’s watching…

It’s a plotless game. A plotless puzzle Game Boy game. A powerful plotless puzzle Game Boy game. Perhaps playing powerful plotless puzzlers pleasantly passes protracted periods. Excuse me.


What’s their game?


Is this a picross? Image from New York Times

The purpose is to draw a specific picture using the “instructions” given. For what there is of a plot, you are playing as Mario at some Egyptian ruin “chiseling” the images because he doesn’t want ants to get at them or something. He doesn’t know, he was drunk. The screen is taken up by a grid with squares for each space (unlike a certain other “grid” for “leveling up”). The controls allow you to mark a square so that you know not to chisel it, remove a mark, chisel the square, or unchisel one (this is only useful in Time Trial, for the other modes any tiles you chisel that should not be chiseled are unchiseled automatically. Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel CHISEL!).

You are given grids of varying sizes in the tutorial stage and easy mode. The normal


Is THIS a picross? Original image from Village Inn

mode presents only 15×15 grids. Regardless of size, you’re given 30 minutes to finish a puzzle. My cousin picked it up, started randomly guessing spots, and was out of time inside of 30 seconds. That’s because when you chisel the wrong area, you lose a bit of time on the clock. Each wrong area takes away increasingly larger chunks of your allotted time, with the largest being 8 minutes.

The tutorial is of course a good starting point, but to me its explanation about the numbers to the left and on top of the grid was faulty. I probably just misread it. The numbers are the “instructions” for each picture- they tell you how many squares to chisel in the row or column they line up with. They don’t tell you where in the row or column that the chiseling needs to happen, just the amount that needs to be done and in what order it should be done. For example: “5” means five squares together need to be chiseled while “5 1 2” means five squares together need to be chiseled, followed by one square, followed by two squares. Each one of these sets of chiseled squares would be separated by at least one non-chiseled square, so it would look something like 55555x1x22 where x is a non-chiseled square.

Tips (I usually do 15-20%)

There are shortcuts to take, and every puzzle is solvable with the information given,

mario's-picross-puzzle-a - Copy

The puzzle grid. Notice how I used my tip to fill in the 2nd row from the bottom a little bit. Chisel on, fellow players too cheap to buy stuff that lets you take a proper screenshot!

so no the game is not broken. We’re just dumb as hell. The most useful shortcut I found was that if you’re told that you need to chisel a group greater than half the number of spaces in the row or column, you can chisel the center spot safely. So if you had a row of 15, and you needed to fill 8 together, you can chisel the spot that’s in the middle (8 spaces in). If you had a row of 15 and you needed to fill 10 together, you can chisel out the center 5.

So… that’s about it. There are at least 192 puzzles, over 128 of which are 15×15. I say “at least” and “over” because once you complete the first 192 you get a Time Trial mode, wherein the mechanics change somewhat in that you have an infinite amount of time to solve a puzzle and you are not told if you chisel the wrong space. Unless my memory is failing me, the first puzzle I completed in that was unique from the previous 192, so that potentially means many more puzzles than I’ve seen so far. And to the best of my ability to determine, at this point the puzzles become impossible. Give up.

mario's-picross-cartridge - Copy

Says right here that it’s Super Game Boy compatible. Next to Mario’s soulless, vacant stare.

Oh yeah, this game is enhanced by the Super Game Boy. It doesn’t do much. I didn’t notice any fancy colorization like some games do (and yet still can look inferior to their Game Gear counterparts as “Star Trek Generations” showed). All I saw were two different borders around the screen. I would suggest playing it using the Super Game Boy since I’d imagine whatever appears on the TV screen would be easier to see than on the Game Boy’s screen, unless your SNES is connected to your Game Gear. Sometimes exhaustion and insufficient lighting make the tiny numbers blend together.

Yup, That’s It



“HAHA! Your official movie tie-in jigsaw puzzle shows a version of the ship that didn’t appear in the movie!” See? Doesn’t work. You can’t make fun of a jigsaw puzzle. Image from Fordos Models

To those expecting a scathing review like I gave to “They Were 11”, sorry to disappoint.   The material is lacking. What exactly am I going to make fun of? TELL ME! There’s no plot to put holes in, other than apparently Mario committing vandalism against Egyptian landmarks which last I heard was a criminal offense. Other than this bizarre item there’s nothing to mock, there’s no there there as our thought leaders like to say. It’d be like making fun of a jigsaw puzzle.

I find this game addicting. It has a strange effect on me, to where it puts me to sleep after I’ve done a few of the puzzles. So… I’m addicted to a sedative. Mario’s Picross is part of the opioid epidemic.

mario's-picross-wink - Copy

Title Screen for a Schedule II Controlled Video Game

Getting Control


Guns. From Nintendo’s Goldeneye (N64)

Guns make me nervous. I’ve fired real ones and was scared to death doing so. I hate loud noises too, so that does not help. Unlike the bedwetters on the Left, even though I’m not a huge fan of the devices I acknowledge the people’s right to own firearms and their utility in matters from defense to hunting (for food). I don’t want things that I don’t understand or can’t tolerate being banned (though the Left sure makes it tempting to flip-flop on that).

Our story today is motivated by the mass shooting in Florida. We express our deepest sympathies for the victims and their families.

Before the bodies were cold the media was demanding more gun control. ANY gun control.

As for these partisan hacks like Jimmy Kimmel who claim it’s never too soon after a shooting to go into a gun control debate, bear in mind that rash action seldom solves problems. Democrats themselves on this issue have been the poster boys for that. Hardly any of the legislation they propose reflexively after a shooting would stop said shooting from having taken place. We’ve even had shootings where the Left demands more gun control despite the fact that there were sufficient measures in place; the problem was that the people enforcing them acted badly. Democrats will be out calling for random action before they even know vital details of what happened.


I’ve come to learn that I don’t much like Jimmy Kimmel. Image from ABC

Speaking of reflex responses, liberals (Jimmy Kimmel of course, as well as CBS) have adopted a new response to shootings: saying that Trump is a hypocrite because he is quick to attack illegals and call for deportation but then calls for a measured response to gun violence. That’s because the problem with illegals is self-evident: THEY SHOULDN’T BE HERE… that’s why people on the Right call them “illegals”. That’s like saying someone is a hypocrite for immediately knowing they should get a glass of water when they are thirsty but taking hours to complete a test at school. Now there may be complex issues motivating the illegals to run people over while drunk or shoot people or whatever, but the solution is already a LAW: get rid of them. If it saves just one life, right? (WRONG, because even stats that anti-gun folks use show that at least one life is saved by having a gun, yet that argument only works AGAINST guns, not in favor of them, according to our intellectual superiors).


I suppose it’s a false comparison with illegal immigrants. Democrat Congressmen and Senators were booing when Trump mentioned illegal immigrants killing American citizens, right in front of relatives of such victims. Anyone remember when they said Trump was a terrible human for an allegedly insensitive phone call when that one nitwit Congresswoman said she wanted to cuss at the President? I’ll bet that same… creature… was booing in front of the victims’ families too. It’s clear where the line of compassion starts- Democrats repeatedly have shown they only care about saving one life when it involves restricting the rights of citizens, mostly Republicans.

The Left, and CBS in particular as seen in the above CBS link, also are now saying that Trump is a hypocrite because he says mental health issues are the problem, yet rolled back an Obama-era regulation so that people with mental health issues can now buy guns. They also claim that Medicaid cutbacks are an attack on therapy for mental health issues. The latter is of course just stupid to say, Medicaid is so full of waste spending that we could probably cut most if it and still get the same lousy level of service. As for rolling back that Obama-era regulation, the ACLU opposed that regulation because it was a violation of people’s rights. You remember the ACLU right, the ones typically favored by liberals? One of their board members said he would kill Trump voters? Those guys? I guess noted attorney Harvey Dent was right.

A Tangent

Coming off of the CBS screed, I’ll point out the usual about how the mainstream media tends to ignore blacks shooting each other. I see it on the local news every evening it seems, but only 3 or more dead at a school or at an office appears to get the Left’s attention. It’s almost like they’re trying to bury black-on-black crime reports if I were to wax conspiratorial. If the Left cared about black shootings, the national news programs and papers would be dominated by crime reports from liberal haven Chicago.

Also in regards to the Left/shootings/African American community- they tell the citizens they don’t need guns, that law enforcement will be enough to handle any criminals or shooters that trouble us, except they also say that you can’t trust the racistpigs”. So if you’re an African American, what are you supposed to think? Why does your trusted Democrat want you to give up your gun and trust the police while at the same time telling you that you can’t trust the police? Why does your trusted liberal tout the support of the evil police? Why do your trusted liberals suggest banning guns to PROTECT the police?


The typical Leftist response in the wake of a mass shooting is to call for more gun control legislation, as mentioned above. Great, but how come that wasn’t always the case? Remember when Major Hassan shot up Ft. Hood and the Obama Administration said it was workplace violence? Why wasn’t there a strong drive for gun control then? For that matter, in the wake of the Binghamton shootings, where was the call for gun control?

Remember: in addition to having the most governors at the time, Democrats had the House of Representatives starting in 2007, they also had the Senate starting in 2007, and they had the Presidency starting in 2009. It wasn’t until January 2011 that a Republican majority was present in the House to disrupt the Democrats’ agenda. In the time Democrats controlled all of this, there were four mass shootings where 10 or more people were killed. Why wasn’t gun control rammed through if it’s so important an issue?

Nancy Pelosi (from Jan 2007-Jan 2011 she was Speaker of the House of Representatives,


Map of the 111th Congress, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as House Speaker. Image from Wikimedia Commons

second in line for the Presidency if the real one were killed) said in February of 2018 that when Democrats owned the government no one was clamoring for gun control. Four mass shootings (Virginia Tech, Binghamton, Ft. Hood, Geneva), 68 people dead (71 if we count the shooters), and Democrats didn’t really care about gun control according to the recollection of THEIR LEADERSHIP!


I’ll cut you apologists off right now who say Democrats couldn’t have done anything. They could’ve passed the bill in the House, ratified it in the Senate, and in 2009 and 2010 Obama could’ve signed the bill into law. Though they didn’t have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate they could’ve invoked the nuclear option if the issue was important enough. Or are you going to tell me that getting Obama’s political appointees approved in 2013 was so vital that it demanded the filibuster be overturned, but saving lives wasn’t? Even in 2007 and 2008 when Democrats did not have the Presidency they could’ve either pressured George W. Bush to sign the bill into law or pressured a couple of Republicans to overturn a Presidential veto. We’ve seen how easily Republican senators surrender plenty of times. There was a motive and opportunity to pass gun control legislation, yet Democrats refused.

But then January 2011 came around, and Republicans had the House again. And looky here, CBS reports that over 100 measures were introduced by Democrats between January 2011 and 2016. Clearly Democrats aren’t short on ideas for how to stop gun violence, and obviously mass shootings didn’t stop just because Democrats ran the country, so where was this legislation when Democrats could’ve rammed it through like they did with Obamacare? Why did they wait until AFTER Republicans had the House?

On the subject of waiting- why is it only now that high school kids are organizing nationwide marches against gun violence? It certainly isn’t the first time a high school was the site of a mass shooting. Where was this kind of mass dissatisfaction before? It’s like with Antifa- why did that suddenly spring up to stop Trump? Where was it when all the other fascist Republicans were running? Why do we only see organized efforts to #resist when a Republican is in office, yet when Democrats are in control and the same tragedies happen we see no comparable efforts (just like with Democrats in government)? More importantly- how exactly are a bunch of high school kids organizing nationwide, to begin with? Maybe as with Antifa, they’re getting help, like the Left alleges with the Tea Party.


What Are These Fixes That Democrats Suddenly Realized After January 1, 2011?

Usually, they go for banning “assault weapons”- civilian rifles that just happen to look like military hardware but can only achieve such a performance if illegally modified. Of course, banning any weapon that can be used in an attack means banning all of them. Right? Besides, even the Washington Post wonders if such a ban would do anything. Perhaps it would prevent people from being killed with “assault weapons”, but as mass stabbings and killings via truck or pressure cooker show, interfering with our choices for a hunting rifle hardly will do anything to deter killers.

They claim law-abiding citizens need more background checks and less access to assault weapons even if the guns used in a shooting were stolen. They claim we need more background checks even if the ones in place are entirely sufficient, but either were not executed properly by the bureaucrats or the information that legally was required to be there was left out due to some bureaucrat’s negligence. As always, the Left’s solution to negligent bureaucrats is to give them more money and grow the government rather than to reform what’s already there into something effective. That’s why the IRS has major conferences near Disneyland and pays bonuses to bad employees while their computers still run Windows XP well past when Microsoft stopped supporting it.

It’s a consistent pattern with the Left that when current laws aren’t used properly, their

solution is more laws and more government rather than reforming the present system. Like with the alleged wage gap- it’s been illegal to pay women less than men for the same work for 40-50 years now, yet in the past 8 years we’ve been hearing all about how women earn less and we need legislation to solve that problem.


Here’s another winner the Democrats proposed, now that we’re on the subject of bureaucrats and laws. Democrats wanted a secret list to be created of people who aren’t allowed to buy guns. You wouldn’t know that you were on the list until you went to buy a gun, and it would be near-impossible to get your name off the list. Any bureaucrat or politician could put your name on that list for any reason. You would’ve heard this in the media last year after various shootings- it is the idea that people on the “no-fly” list should not be allowed to buy guns either. Basically, if anyone claims you are a terrorist or whatever, you can be denied your 2nd Amendment rights without a trial or notification, which is as complete a violation of the Constitution as you can get. Basically, the Left wants to be able to tell you which rights you are allowed to have.

This ties-in to another gun control measure the Left wants. Recall how liberals, even Democrats in Congress, are saying that Trump supporters are terrorists and dangerousTHESE are the people that would be deciding who goes on the secret no-gun list. What this ties-in to is the idea of meeting a certain standard of mental health before being allowed to buy a gun. It would be these same people, the ones who say gun owners are scared and ignorant, that judge whether you are mentally fit to own a gun.

Would you trust a Republican who said they wanted to redraw a district just to make voting fairer?

It’s a good segue from above- we might agree that one should be sane when purchasing a firearm, but the Right and Left have different definitions of sane, thus we automatically must assume that such measures would be executed in bad faith. So it is with any gun control measure- the Left has made it plain that they want to repeal the 2nd Amendment, therefore when it comes time to talk gun control we naturally will be reticent to surrender ANY rights, whether or not the reforms proposed make sense. Of course, the Left either can’t or won’t acknowledge this, they just say the NRA boogeyman (gun control’s equivalent to what the Russians are for elections according to the Left) is preventing legislation from passing and is also brainwashing people. This certainly makes any attempts at debate by the Left appear to be in bad faith, much as they probably assume the NRA corrupts all Rightwing positions, so in the end, we’re not going to resolve this issue.


I guess the Right really did collude with the Russians. The NRA worked with the Russians to brainwash everyone! Their spokesman could not be reached for comment at the time of publishing. Image from The Manchurian Candidate (United Artists, 1962)


Lighting Democrats On FISA

We finally saw the much-ballyhooed House GOP FISA memo. It confirms what Rep. John Jordan (R-OH) speculated back in December: that the bogus Fusion GPS Trump Dossier was used to get a FISA warrant to spy on members of Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign. At the time, the Dossier was unverified. When presented to the judge who granted the FISA warrant, no one mentioned the DNC’s involvement (and no, Republicans were NOT involved with the Dossier contrary to what the media is STILL reporting, the one GOPer involved pulled funding early on and no work up to that point was used. That’s like saying that the writers for the abandoned “Star Trek Planet of the Titans” project should receive credit for “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”!). Another item used to justify the FISA warrant was a news report that allegedly corroborated the Dossier, except the evidence the news report cited was leaked information from the Dossier’s author. The wife of a senior DOJ official involved with people who approved the FISA warrant had worked on the Dossier. The DNC paid for this Dossier, and the FBI almost put money towards it.

So basically- a political hit job full of salacious innuendo that was grown by the DNC was then sent to the FBI, who were ready and willing to pay for it too. Then it was used, without anyone checking for accuracy, to get FISA warrants so that the government could legally spy on Trump’s campaign. Oh yeah, and at least two of the people working on the Dossier had strong ties to the DOJ and FBI, and the Dossier’s author hated Trump with the burning passion of a thousand suns. Can you imagine the outrage if a Republican Presidential Campaign had fabricated evidence against the Democrats, (almost) got the FBI to pay for it, and then used that fake evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on the Democrats legally? Ironically, it’s the Left characterizing the release of this memo as a Nixonian move by Republicans.

Some Say It’s Significant, But Others…

Let’s address the donkey in the room- the Democrat Party’s frantic response to this. The


The Hula Burger was the original nothingburger. Photo from mid-card nothingburger USA Today.

media (propaganda arm of the DNC, since most journalists vote Democrat and most of their donations apparently go to Democrats, and their union sends money that way too) has been quick to say this dreaded, evil thing they have been railing against is really nothing at all.


Despite claims from Republicans to the contrary and despite the fact that the memo does not say anything about more than a couple of named FBI folks, one CNN pundit commented that the FBI at large was being attacked, and other leftwing media cronies back him up on it. If talking about some individuals is an attack on the whole, where were these folks when Democrats attacked the FBI Director in 2016? More importantly, with Democrats now saying it’s wrong to attack the FBI, and to insult it is to attack the Constitution, how come it was alright to attack the FBI in 2016 to begin with? Oh, right… And didn’t the FBI Director himself under Obama say that law enforcement was full of evil racists anyway?

As with claiming that the memo was an attack on the FBI despite statements to the contrary, Democrats have also claimed that this memo is an attack on Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation… despite statements to the contrary and in spite of what the memo itself says. Don’t worry Democrats, your precious insurance policy is still intact.

Scandalous Comparison

Let’s think about the treatment of this memo for a moment. Despite not a shred of evidence being found as admitted by Democrats themselves, the media pushes the Trump-Russia collusion narrative as if it were fact. When the Fusion GPS Dossier was released by BuzzFeed, the Left started embracing it, and still now despite the initial controversy, as fact despite it still being unverified (one year after BuzzFeed released it, longer still since when it would’ve been used to get a FISA warrant). Yet now with this GOP FISA memo, suddenly conclusions from a Congressional Committee have less weight than tall tales of collusion and unconfirmed innuendo that belongs in the National Enquirer? Really? If the partisanship were any thicker and any more transparent, you’d be able to build a glass house in the Marianas Trench with it!

Is The Best Way To Fight Alleged Partisanship To Incoherently Apply Some Of Your Own?


On the right is Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA). Fittingly pictured on the Left is Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), whose histrionics about the memo, which he read, before its release is contradicted by the media/Democrat’s dismissal of it as a nothingburger. That’s it, I’m making burgers tonight. Photo from New York Post

In the leadup to the memo’s release, Democrat politicians were far from honest. Take Rep. Adam Schiff, a sniveling, putrid, pathetic little weasel of a human being whose arrogance as he lies to the public bothers me to no end (I’ve been forced to listen to him for many months), who stated that the FBI agents that reviewed the FISA memo said it had factual inaccuracies. Except the agents said they found no such inaccuracies. Note the date for the video and the date for the report: Schiff made his statement AFTER the agents’ findings had come out. Remember, Schiff serves as Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.


Then we have poor confused Nancy Pelosi. I sometimes think that Democrats in San Francisco keep voting for her because that’s the only way they have of getting her to stay the heck away for most of the year. Throwing in a shout-out to our Baltimore readers, I want to point out that she is a transplant from there; her father and brother were both mayors of that town. Granted, not much difference between San Francisco and Baltimore these days. Anyway, No Pelotas said on CNN, within a minute or so mind you, that the Democrats’ own memo designed to counter the GOP’s memo would have items redacted because the Democrats want them to be redacted, but also that the GOP is obstructing the release of the memo by forcing the Democrats to have the very redacting process that Democrats asked for.

Another one on Pelosi- in that same interview, host Chris Cuomo asks her if her position is that releasing the GOP FISA memo would not be damaging because it does not show any wrongdoing. Pelosi confirms this to be true but then goes on to say that this memo which shows no wrongdoing is entirely a lie (actual quote: “it’s not even true”). So… it’s a lie that nothing happened? I’ll buy that. She was having a rough night- she said that intelligence is about fact and not a “false memo based on a false premise”, sort of ignoring the Fusion GPS Dossier used by the FBI that started all of this.

Yet another Democrat protest has been that the released version of the GOP’s FISA memo was altered from the one that Democrats had seen. Democrats seem to feel this was a troubling, wrong, sneaky thing to do. Except the changes to the memo were small, mostly grammatical, and came at the recommendation of the FBI and the Democrats themselves!

So first the Democrats claim GOP obstruction because the GOP gives them what they want and puts the Democrat FISA counter-memo through redactions, then the Democrats claim that a memo they never saw before is being released even though the only changes were ones that Democrats themselves suggested. Maybe Democrats are trying to break into the bread market with these Partisan-bred attacks. Ok, I’ll concede that any Antifa death threats against me are warranted if they’re triggered by that pun.

More Responses To Responses

This response only warrants a footnote, but the Democrat notion that the GOP memo is


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has to worry about a lot of leaks at her age. (AP Photo/Khue Bui)

being released without the needed context to understand why it is unimportant is quite hypocritical given that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) leaked some testimony which was missing needed context too! You remember, the stuff she said that her head cold made her release.

One other DNC response I want to address is their claim that the GOP FISA memo contained sensitive info. First of all, since when did the Dems give a whit about classified/sensitive/private info? They’ve been begging for and reporting on leaks from the Trump White House ever since he got into office, some of which even could have or had diplomatic repercussions. Add to that their cavalier attitude towards classified info that Hillary Clinton herself leaked when she made her emails public (while denying there was any classified info) and you wonder where this sudden interest in the integrity of our government’s ability to keep secrets came from. Adding insult to injury, there’s nothing classified in the GOP memo anyway despite all these claims that it contains secrets that will get people killed or whatever.

While the Dems have launched quite the campaign of denial, one other irony escapes them. The Fusion GPS Dossier that started all of this, which the DNC funded and the FBI used, probably was put together with the help of the Russians. A Democrat Senator even tried to collaborate with the Russians to learn more about it (remember when reading that article- the Left said that Trump’s son meeting with a Russian lawyer to talk about dirt on Clinton was close to treason, as stated by the other Senator from the aforementioned Democrat’s state).

Where’s The Beef?

Ever since 2016, Democrats have been trying to say the Trump Campaign colluded with the Russians to get him elected. Yet here we have evidence that the CLINTON CAMPAIGN was the one doing the colluding. Certainly, for those liberals in the audience, you MUST concede that the link between the Clinton Campaign and the Russians presented here is far more sturdy than any link that could exist between Trump and Russia, otherwise 20 months of journalists and government agents investigating the matter would have revealed the Trump collusion by now just as it had this link between the Clinton camp and Russia, or at least some scintilla of evidence.  Aren’t endless, factless, politically-driven investigations what you all kept accusing the GOP of regarding Benghazi and the IRS?  And if you think for one second that this government with its anti-Trump employees that leak everything they can get their grubby little paws on wouldn’t leak genuine evidence of collusion if it existed, if you think folks like Feinstein who feel the need to leak classified testimony wouldn’t drop other stuff if it existed, then you really need some fresh air. Stop reading this and go for a walk or something. Sniffing your own farts isn’t healthy. I know, I know, there will be a nice big tantrum awaiting me in the comments section even though all I wanted to do was work a South Park reference into this.


Pictured from left to right: A phony scandal and phony human. Images from CNN and The Washington Times

Some Site Announcements

Hey guys, I have a few exciting announcements regarding the blog.

First-off getting the less exciting things out of the way, I have an announcement about the C-Gaymer Podcast. After Episode 10 the Podcast will be on Hiatus until the Spring. This is out of consideration to Mr. F.L.A.G. so he does not have to travel in the crazy winter weather we get here in the North East.

Don’t be sad though, as of next week Mr. F.L.A.G. will be contributing his thoughts and opinions too in his inaugural post on the blog. Please read them and enjoy his unique views.

Next, in the next few months or so I want to do a Q&A for the blog. Please send in your questions for me and I will answer them. I expect to post that once I have gotten 10 good questions I can give 10 good answers for.

Finally, I am considering doing a solo weekly news recap Podcast when season 2 of the C-Gaymer Podcast returns. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them!!

Thanks again guys for a wonderful 2018. It has been an awesome year and I could not have kept doing this without all of you. See you in the next year!!

Ghost in The Shell: Stand Alone Complex

I’m really inspired to write about this show because it is one of my all time favorites and this weekend I am going to share it with a friend. She said she would like to get into anime but she can’t find any she is into.  But she loves procedural crime dramas so that gave me a hint. Ghost in The Shell is perfect for her, it is one part Law & Order and one part West Wing that’s been doused in a shitload of cyber punk. It’s one wild ride and a look at the future which would give anybody mixed feelings and trepidation.

 It is a time when, even if nets were to guide all consciousness that had been converted to photons and electrons toward coalescing, standalone individuals have not yet been converted into data to the extent that they can form unique components of a larger complex. – Explination of the Stand Alone Complex from Ghost in The Shell SAC EP1

In the near future cyberization, the practice of replacing components of the human body with electronic components has changed the way society functions. Now with the ability to surf the web with one’s own brain, everything from business to shopping to paying bills is done differently, including crime. Cyber crimes such as body hacking and the influencing of cyber brains are on the rise, prompting the Japanese government to establish an armed anti-terror unit to combat these crimes. Enter Public Security Section 9, an elite commando team on record as an international rescue squad, in reality, they investigate and respond to incidents of cyber crime and cyber terrorism. Organized and commanded by Daisuke Aramaki, the team is lead into battle by Major Motoko Kusanagi as they quickly dispatch dangerous cyber criminals with their various sets of skills.


Motoko Kusanagi in the middle of a Section 9 Operation

Their next case, however, isn’t going to be as simple as hacked robot geisha’s or out of control AI Tanks. When the case of the Laughing Man Terrorist incident comes across the desk of Cheif Aramaki everything changes for Section 9. What begins as a reopened investigation into the kidnapping of the CEO of a Micro machines company quickly turns into a tangled web of government conspiracy and corruption that goes all the way to the top and threatens to tear apart the squad. Will they solve the laughing man incident, or is someone trying to stop them from getting to the bottom of everything. And if they do get to the bottom of it all, will they themselves survive?


Laughing Man’s Logo

One of the most appealing things about this anime phenomena according to fans is the astonishing quality of the animation and the amazing musical score. I can certainly agree with the latter statement, any score composed by Yoko Kanno is amazing. I, however, am the biggest fan of the writing which introduces smaller cases with no relation to the ongoing Laughing Man case to the main story line. This allows for the show to keep its integrity as a procedural crime drama while unraveling the components of a much larger mystery which the show is geared toward. And the levels of the writing go still deeper.


The “Tachikoma” AI Mini Tanks

The show has a few references to J.D. Salinger‘s “The Catcher in The Rye” which should greatly entertain literary buffs, but the philosophy in the show goes deeper than just exploring some of the themes from that novel. While the main story line brings up themes about the malicious farcical nature of the political world and derides the phonies therein, I find more meaning in the development of things like the AI units. Indeed the best philosophical dive, in my opinion, is the exploration of what it means to be human in a world where the borderline between man and machine has been blurred so much. The development of the Tachikoma AI’s various individual personalities brings up excellent points on the ethics of AI’s and the episode about the Gerry Androids explored not only the idea of human sexuality when an android can fill our ideal expectations of a mate, but as to whether those lifeless automatons can possess a will or a soul of their own. Most important though is the idea of the Stand Alone Complex, the idea that even in a networked society where opinions easily become more uniform, that some individuals will cling to their individuality and in doing so become the most valuable component of a larger social machine.


Major Kusanagi Equipped for an “Internet Dive”

Now I would be remiss if I did this piece without talking about the technology that exists in the world of Ghost in The Shell. 13 years ago many people commented that the time frame for this was not the best as many of the technologies showcased were not implausible but indeed highly improbable. With 13 more years to go until 2030 (the date the show takes place), we are seeing many of these technologies become a reality. While we are nowhere mind diving into the internet with cyber brains, VR Headsets are allowing gamers to experience their games in a more immersive environment. And although they are not quite as useful yet, cybernetic implants and prosthetics are now becoming a reality and are changing the way some people live.

So if you are a fan of police dramas or are looking forward to a future of cybernetic enhancement this is the show for you. It’s fast paced action and dives into the headiest philosophy make it a show any fan can enjoy. It’s an anime legend of the mid-2000’s that can hardly be topped by anything else in its genre. You can purchase it for yourself here. Enjoy!!

My Current Editorial Dillema

Hey there everybody. Today is my 48th post since I started this blog. 2 more weeks and I will have hit number 50. And I have to tell you, every day I wake up and see more people have viewed my blog I think to myself, “Holy shit, they are still reading that shitty thing?” Just kidding, but seriously it has been a wonderful 48 so far and there will be more to come this year. I am hoping by the end of the year to have a few reviews of some Final Fantasy games up, and of course, expect a special post on December 18th to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Final Fantasy. That’s right, it has been 30 years since that shabby little game company that split from an electric power company was saved by a game that would become a legend of the video gaming industry.

But obviously as evidenced above, I am having a huge dilemma I need to solve. Going into this blog, I wanted it to be a unique showcase that shares who I am and what I am passionate about. A Blog about gaming and politics seemed awesome since those are my life. Then I had some life issues and had to take a Hiatus, and since I have come back my posts have been mostly about politics. I want more content about gaming though, as well as anime and technology.

Now, of course, you ask, “why this is so hard to achieve?” Well, I have explained some of this before. Of course, as I mentioned before part of the video game and anime reviewing is having to complete a video game or anime to review it. You also have to remember to take screen shots. I have plenty of games in the works right now and will hopefully be able to complete something at some point, but I have not been able to play as much as I would like due to life distractions. Some examples include health issues, issues with my sleep, and stress. These are obstacles to completing the games I want to review.

Another issue is this year itself. It is a politically charged year, and quite frankly there is not a month that goes by where I do not find 2 or more issues that I decide I need to write about. We have seen a lot this year that just needs to be written about because of its significance. There have been historical events, mass media lies, landmark court decisions, unfortunate scandals, roving gangs of politically driven bigots, and of course the left going totally unhinged. With all of this going on, it is hard for me to focus on finishing games and reviewing them. I mean there, of course, is stress from these events that plays a factor, but also the need to write about it. And I have been told by some friends who read the blog that they are glad I took the time to write what I have as it is informative.

Now I have been pondering for a while how to deal with this. The only conclusion I can come to is that there is only so much I can do as one person. I do not want to adjust my schedule again. So what I want to do is bring in another writer. And so I am adding a new page to the Blog.

On July 31st at noon a new page will show up on my blog entitled “Contribute”. Here I will outline my requirements for the job. If you fit these criteria just fill out the contact form with a small writing sample and some information about yourself, then submit it. I will review your writing sample and any other information that is relevant. A hint for you guys, if you have a WordPress blog/account already that will play in your favor.

Good luck guys, I hope I get a stream of interested individuals with bright ideas and sharp writing skills. Good luck to you all.


And here is last weeks really hot picture of Cloud again, cause damn. DX
