The BLM Murders

A housing complex- still under construction- burning in the Minneapolis riots. This would’ve allowed 190 Black families to have a new home if it had not been torched. Image from Zenger

CNN’s resident (alleged) sexual assaulter and allaround racist (he grew up in America, so by his own words he, his colleagues, the people he’s voting for, are all racists, and just listen to what he thought of Blacks when Democrats were still in power over much of the country. Everything was entirely the Black Community’s fault according to Discriminatin’ Don in his million dollar apartment with guards everywhere he goes) Don Lemon says that “Silence Is Not An Option”. Let’s hear him say these names:

Bernell Trammell, Antonio Mays jr, Lorenzo Anderson, Chris Beaty, Aaron Danielson, Italia Kelly, Secoriea Turner, Marvin Francois, Jose Gutierrez, Victor Cazares jr, Tyler Gerth, Jessica Doty Whitaker, and David Dorn.

You wanna #SayTheirName liberal? And let’s not forget an unidentified charred corpse. We don’t know if he was Black (because that’s important to you, skin color determines a person’s value in your eyes), or if he was even a he. All we know is that if this person didn’t lose consciousness from all the smoke, their last moments on Earth were spent in Hell because of your “peaceful protesters” whom you believe had a right to murder him or her. You believe these protesters had a right to burn this person alive, trap them in a building and burn it down around them, a right to make the last moments of their life as close to Hell on Earth as possible.

Building burning in Portland, from KPTV

Tell me, liberal, have you ever BEEN in a burning building? No escape, nowhere to go, you’re stuck. Everything’s getting hot, the air is filling with smoke, it’s becoming very difficult to breathe because of that and because all the oxygen is being burned out. The fire uses oxygen for fuel just as you do, and will soon use YOU for fuel too. The fire finds its life more important than yours, just as your protesters found the fire’s life more important than that of the charred corpse they left behind. The person who may have spent their last moments on Earth screaming in horror, wondering what they did to deserve death. And if they could’ve, they’d wonder why YOU liberal decided it was time for them to die.

Later in Seattle, your “summer of love” “peaceful protesters” deliberately tried to inflict this fate on police (and Democrats denied there was a problem only a few days later). We say the Nazis were cruel for putting live Jews into ovens. What does that say about your “peaceful protesters“? What does it say about YOU that you believe your protesters have a right to wantonly burn buildings with people in them, when you apparently believe it’s NOT A CRIME?

You cheered (that’s an Attorney General encouraging anarchy, btw, for those interested in whether liberals support fairly applying laws) the burning of cities as if it was Sherman’s burning of Atlanta. You cheered the looting that’s led to murders, you still do, you say it’s “reparations“. For that matter, you’ve cheered the murders and tried to aid them (when you’re not busy saying they never happened) by stopping their victims from being treated. You cheered the rise in crimes. You cheered the destruction of Black communities that ensures the Black members will never escape poverty. You cheered the anarchy in the streets that allowed murders to happen (though this is not new). You cheer so loudly that you drown out the Black voices who say they don’t want any of this stuff you’re cheering for, such as when you cheer for police to be fought and murdered. You ENCOURAGED this environment. Your protesters demand less police so that this can happen even more (and you agree, provided that you yourself have guards or can flee.). You want your protesters/rioters to target political opponents. Your protesters demand more money, which you provide, so that they can continue to demand less money for the police, something which the very people You claim to be helping do not want (this stuff is beyond the point of parody). You said that the crimes and lawless environment you created were ok because it was all in the name of protesting that time a Black guy overdosed and died in police custody (for a healthy individual the neck restraint was by-the-book, but in Floyd’s case his drug abuse made him unable to withstand it, but the police had no way of knowing that. Even if a civilian did this, the worst you’d expect is some flavor of manslaughter charge. Arguably the officers should’ve known to call an ambulance earlier and should’ve known that the dead guy wasn’t just pretending to be unresponsive in order to escape when the officers’ guards were down, but they’re not doctors and falling for a trick like that could’ve meant their own deaths or even a death in the community if the wanted individual thought a snitch was involved), which you lied about and exaggerated in order to encourage destruction and death (which you often do to demonize police). Oh, and you DON’T want your protesters, particularly the non-white ones, to hear the other side. Hear things like white officers are NOT more likely to kill minority suspects, which certainly hurts the racism argument (probably why you changed it to saying you’re fighting something subjective and intangible like “systemic racism”, which you can claim exists and not need any proof since it’s only a matter of interpretation) or things like there is no data supporting an “epidemic of fatal police shootings against unarmed Black Americans“.

It’s a pretty neat little compartmentalization trick that you do. You create the environment in the name of a cause that’s ostensibly good, but then you take zero responsibility for the fallout (like for example when some of those Blacks you say should hate their white oppressors kill people for being white- no I won’t say Cannon Hinnant applies here, since that was not about race, though it IS interesting how George Floyd’s death involved neither race nor police brutality and yet that’s what YOUR SIDE made it about because Floyd was Black, whereas Hinnant’s death was treated more accurately because he was white). You create an environment that allows crimes to happen, and when you aren’t denying that there’s any increase in crimes you are acting shocked when crimes happen (let’s go back to Don Lemon again, who mocked people concerned about the rising crimes, mocked the idea of crime, MOCKED THE MURDERS OF BLACK BABIES, then decided it was a serious issue only after Dems started getting hurt in polls… at which point he blamed Trump even though Democrats like him were the ones enabling and downplaying it. Anyone who heard that earlier link of him lecturing the Black community is now hoping he choked on his words as he pretends to believe the polar opposite, but it gets even better when he tries to ignore problems in the Black Community as you’ll hear in a quote from him later on), and act like it’s not your fault that those crimes are happening when it was you that allowed this situation to exist. You do your damnedest to pretend those crimes have nothing to do with the permissive environment you create. When you tell your people they have a right to loot and destroy, you encourage the worst elements of society to come out and play. I think the worst part is that your actions don’t affect you at all, they only destroy the Black communities you say you’re helping, and you trick Blacks into thinking more crime in their communities (what’s left of them, and you tell those communities you won’t help them rebuild after you destroyed them unless they pay you, after saying that the damage was ok because insurance would pay for it… which it didn’t) makes them better off than they were before. More Blacks being murdered in a month because no police are around than were killed in a year by police (Think about it- 4 truly unarmed Blacks killed by police across the country in 2019, vs. 9 more people murdered ONLY in NYC than in 2019 ONLY for the month of June, murdered amidst the backdrop of the protests. That number is significant because only 30 people were murdered in NYC in June of 2019, vs 39 this year. A 30% increase. And yes, it’s safe to say that all 9 could’ve been Black, because 97% of the 39 June victims were “minorities“. But only 5 have to be Black for it to be shocking that liberal solutions killed 1 more Black just in one city in just 1 month than were killed nationwide in a year by the problem those solutions purport to solve. Don’t read more into it than is here- police ideally shouldn’t be killing anyone needlessly, but your solution is causing almost as many deaths in one city in one month- with many other cities showing a similar trend meaning you’ve probably killed at least ten times as many Blacks- than police across the country are accused of doing in an entire year. We saw your solution do the same thing in 2015 and 2016- 2,000 more Blacks died than needed, compared to the 2 Blacks whose deaths led to police reducing enforcement which led to those many more deaths. The situation is worse this year since the lockdowns that the Left never wants to end are contributing. Also, a mostly-Black group of 11 were confirmed dead in the first week of the Floyd protests. Many more have followed. But… liberals do believe that murder is the Final Solution to various questions so I guess that explains your support here.), and daily burnings and lootings by your activists, makes these communities better off according to you.

Seattle, from Komonews

If one falsely alleged police murder was worth burning down cities over, if maybe four unjustified murders of unarmed Blacks by police (versus 25 police officers murdered, and an increase this year in murders of policemen, and 5 police officers murdered by a Black in a single incident in 2016 that no one rioted over) in 2019 are worth burning down cities over, if an event that didn’t even happen is worth burning down cities over, then why can’t we even hear the names of the people your riots murder? Why aren’t there riots in the name of protest reform in order to stop the killing by protesters, if rioting is the solution to problems? Why aren’t there riots in the name of supporting the victims of riots? The answer is obvious: their lives don’t matter, obviously you don’t find them worth rioting over, but do you even know their names? Or do you just not care? The same way you don’t care about black-on-black homicide rates.

Did you note how many of YOUR victims were Black? Did you note how many Blacks were killed over the years precisely because your riots worked and police stopped enforcing the laws? You say “All Lives Don’t Matter Until Black Lives Matter”, but if YOU don’t even care about Black Lives as you murder them directly and indirectly (such as through such things like increased homicides or people defending themselves from rioters) in the name of Black Lives Matter, do you think anyone else would? YOU claim to be the one with moral clarity, you claim to be the side that cares the most about Black Lives, so if YOU don’t care why do you think the other side ever would?

Follow The Money

The only logical conclusion is that this has NOTHING to do with Black Lives. An easy assumption to make- in the 7 years since BLM was founded, we know that most of their money went to their political cronies and “travel” (only 6% went to local chapters- also note the paltry sums talked about in this piece, hardly totaling $5 million spent by BLM from 2017-2019, yet we KNOW in 2016 that BLM got $100,000,000 and it’s hard to believe that if liberals really cared about that cause they’d donate only 5% of that amount in the following 3 years… and what happened to that money anyway?) while evidently the Black community slid from Progressive Paradise in 2012 to Jews in Nazi Germany in 2014 and beyond. So why did things clearly get worse a year after BLM was founded? Why did it only get worse and worse as BLM got more money? Why did 7 years of BLM lead to riots in the streets and Black people being murdered by pro-Black protesters? (The answer might be that BLM doesn’t care about Black men except when it comes time to get a donation, and they’d rather invest money in “Arts & Culture“.) If BLM was doing anything more than spreading discontent in order to profit off people demanding their intervention and demanding that they receive more money, then surely things wouldn’t have degenerated so much under their watch, especially after that $100,000,000 kick they got in 2016. And what’s a prominent demand of the protesting groups? Transfer money from police to them. That’s something which Black communities aren’t too happy with.

Though, we don’t actually know much about what BLM does with its money- despite the Left’s screams for an end to dark money, BLM’s money seems darker than oiled-covered Koch Brothers dollars. You find more info on the KKK’s finances than BLM’s.

It certainly has nothing to do with Trump… or does it? Blacks under Trump prospered more than under Obama with Trump giving the lowest unemployment rate ever, and under Obama we saw major race riots just like under Trump with one exception- Democrats weren’t nearly as permissive (not to say that they didn’t encourage them, just not to the point we’ve seen this year). Now, Democrat mayors only stop the riots when they reach that mayor’s neighborhood. Meanwhile their party blames Trump for the riots that they themselves allow, the ones they surrender to and agree with. They even go so far as to say that Trump is the one who wants to defund the police to make these riots possible, while they themselves defund the police and order them not to intervene in the riots.

And while Democrats fuel these fires, they rake in loads of cash from the protesters and protest organizations. They start the fires and say that they won’t put them out unless you vote for them. They will hurt you unless you give them power and money. That is the message of both BLM and the DNC. Obviously, they don’t care about Black Lives otherwise they’d at least mention all the ones their protests and policies are murdering; obviously they’d at least pretend to tweak their policies so that Blacks WOULDN’T end up suffering and dying under them. But nope, all we get is denial that any of this happens mixed with an assertion of their dominance over you by saying you’re a racist for genuinely believing that these Black Lives they ended had ever Mattered.

Building burning in Kenosha. I’m sure your peaceful protesters checked it just as thoroughly for people before torching it as they did in Minneapolis. Image from Slate

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