Pounded Paul Pelosi

I’ll get right to the point: what happened was either a freaky sex thing gone sideways, or it’s because Nancy felt sending Paul to the doghouse just wasn’t enough after he embarrassed her earlier this year.

What Happened?

Police are refusing to release bodycam footage, and any requests for information won’t be answered until well after the Midterms. Conveniently, Democrats are using this as a campaign issue, claiming it was an average Republican that stormed the Pelosi Capitol.

Here are the events:

  • A homeless-nudist-illegal-immigrant-Black Lives Matter-supporter was found naked except for underwear in Paul Pelosi’s house, and so was Paul (of course that story changed)
  • Paul’s house and neighborhood are protected by private security, and surrounded by cameras, yet there is no footage of the assailant entering (allegedly Capitol Police weren’t watching, like Epstein’s jail guards) and there was no security guarding the house
  • The alleged entry point into the house is so small that the assailant couldn’t get in without tearing himself apart on the glass, and apparently couldn’t enter without setting off an alarm. In fact, originally it was reported that he entered the back door, and the only visible glass was OUTSIDE the house in a pattern indicating the window was broken out, not broken in.
  • When police arrived, they reported THREE people in the house, with no one injured at that time, and Paul Pelosi was the one with the hammer. But over time the story changed (much like the FBI’s tales after their bosses told them to lie)
  • Somehow, Paul and the assailant ended up injured. In fact, the government alleges that Paul was brutally beaten after police arrived.
  • The assailant is an insane drug addict, there is no footage of him espousing conservative views, and he lives in a school bus, yet it is alleged he was sane enough to start and run a website.
  • There is no record of the assailant’s website until some time after the incident took place, and it was erased from the internet shortly afterwards.
  • Federal charges were filed, ensuring the case would be treated like the Mar-A-Lago raid in that the public will only receive selective details leaked by Democrat-affiliated DOJ officials disguised as “anonymous sources”.

As you can see, there are a few questions here. In fact, taken altogether, only two conclusions are reasonable.

  1. Paul knew his attacker (as indicated in the first link, that’s what police said) and invited him in for purposes unknown, though based on them both being in their underwear and a third person present, it was probably not anything platonic. The attempt to paint a homeless Canadian illegal immigrant nudist as a Republican happened after the fact to hide yet another Pelosi embarrassment.
  2. Nancy wanted an October Surprise because no one cared about the January 6 stuff and the Mar-A-Lago raid, so she told her husband to take a dive and found some crazy guy no one would remember. Her husband owed her after she bailed him out of his DUI earlier this year.

It clearly didn’t happen the way we are told. What happened defies logic. Somehow the archetypical San Francisco liberal (illegal immigrant nudist living in a school bus) radicalized overnight (based on the only known record of his website it could not have been around long) and immediately went to attack Nancy Pelosi at her house that somehow he had the address of and somehow bypassed security to get into by I guess imploding the window so it scattered backwards and somehow entered through the resultant hole that was too small for him?

I will add- look at how quick and ready Democrats are to blame this on Republicans. They’re even trying to get Republicans to stop running ads against their Democrat opponents, in the name of some fake “civility”. This was obviously not a random Trump supporter, it was either a politically-motivated quick fix for another Paul screwup or it was a hoax from start to finish, one that Paul had to get a little bruised for.

Where Is The Real Violence?

Since Democrats are saying that anything anti-Pelosi or anything questioning the 2020 Election’s legitimacy (meanwhile most Democrats still believe Russia hacked into our computer systems to alter the election totals in 2016, and still are saying elections are being stolen) led to this violence (and that not only must people stop saying things Democrats don’t like because anything a Democrat doesn’t like hearing leads to violence against Democrats, but also anyone who DOES say something Democrats don’t like needs to be punished for saying such things), then it would seem Democrats believe that words of public figures and actions of citizens are directly linked. The court ruling against Alex Jones wherein he had to pay $965,000,000 for questioning the official narrative because a handful of his followers decided to non-violently act after hearing information he provided shows what kind of consequences Democrats have in mind. I don’t doubt they will use that precedent to go after anyone else who says things they dislike if someone acts on it (and they know that Republicans can’t do that- Republican judges know such an action is unconstitutional and garbage so they’d throw out any cases like that, while liberal judges would just throw out any case like that which didn’t help the Democratic Party). And what a coincidence it is that this thing with Paul Pelosi and the demands from major news networks and politicians to silence and punish those saying words they disagree with came right after the Alex Jones ruling which provides a precedent for just such a punishment!

If Conservative judges also tore up the Constitution and allowed a case like that to go through, here is a list of violence by Democrats this year alone, all from articles I’ve collected only since August (so I didn’t mention the communist Buffalo shooter, the NYC attempted serial killer who hated white people like the Left told him to, the mass shooter who acted based on CNN last year, and the Bernie Sanders supporter who almost murdered several Congressmen in atmosphere of intense threats by Democrats). By the way, they say violence is uniquely rightwing.

  • 82yo pro-life activist shot
  • 18yo ran over by a Democrat who wanted to kill a Republican
  • 135 pro-life activists were attacked vs 6 pro-abortion activists between May and September
  • A canvasser for Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was beaten for being a Republican
  • A Democrat activist bit a Republican County Chair
  • Leftist man beat a woman for wearing an American flag shirt
  • Democrats are swatting conservatives (essentially using the police to attempt murder)
  • Democrats assembled a violent mob to stop a conservative from speaking at a college
  • Democrat politician murdered a reporter who was giving unfavorable coverage
  • Assassination attempt by a Democrat on a Conservative Supreme Court Justice
  • Crisis pregnancy centers firebombed by Democrats
  • Democrat activist tried to shoot a mayoral candidate
  • Democrat activist tried to stab a Republican Congressman to death
  • Teenage pro-life activist was assaulted
  • Democrats threatened a mass shooting against Republicans (which they actually did even earlier this year, and in 2017)
  • A Democrat threatened to murder a Republican poll worker at a polling place on a primary election day

Here is a list of violent rhetoric, or rhetoric leaving Democrat voters with no logical recourse except to act in violence. Remember, these are through the lenses of Leftists, through which the Left says that merely having a negative opinion of them is inciting violence, say that “fight for your rights” is tantamount to calling for physical violence, say that calling for Pelosi to lose her job or asking “where’s Pelosi” is the same as trying to murder her, and that saying “peacefully” is a dog-whistle for violence.

  • Rep. Tim Ryan (D) said they need to “kill” Trump support. He once said rhetoric like his leads to mass shootings.
  • Leftist puppet Liz Cheney said Trump supporters- 74,000,000 citizens or more- are a “clear and present danger”
  • House Speaker Pelosi was revealed to have said she wanted to physically assault Trump
  • Democrat activists expressed happiness at a Republican protester being shot dead
  • A Democrat Senator issued what she said was “literally” a “call to arms”
  • the Democrat President said anyone who disagrees with the agenda is a violent extremist who is a “clear and present danger”
  • A former FBI official told agreeing Democrats he thought the President’s threats weren’t strong enough
  • The President’s Press Secretary agreed with the President’s remarks labeling anyone disagreeing with him as so strong a threat that you’d be criminally negligent to ignore it.
  • Even rank and file Democrats believe conservatives are domestic terrorists.
  • MSNBC said Democrats are at war against their political opponents
  • All Democrats are saying their opponents are threats to Democracy
  • MSNBC says Republicans are a threat to our way of life
  • A Democrat Congressman said Republicans will engage in violence
  • MSNBC says white conservatives in particular are naturally violent
  • MSNBC says we are in a civil war already
  • CNN says Republicans are the only violent people in the country

Seems like we have a case on our hands too.

The Third Word War (Sega CD, 1994, Residual From The War Games Series, Cheat Post)

I assume the reason the words are curved at the bottom is that this is on a flatscreen CRT TV but the video input signal is either being output or processed like it’s for the convex-screen models. It happens on other games too, you may have noted it in my Doom post.

As I said 4 years ago…

As we watch the Democrats peddle their warmongering interventionist and laissez-faire let’s-wait-for-war attitudes, ie as they play their war games on their way to the fall brawl known as the midterm elections, where voters will probably vote Democrat to bring us nookular annihilation, I’ll take a look at some literal war games. Cold War video games, anyway.

That “let’s-wait-for-war attitude” remark is more reflective of the time I originally wrote it, at which point Democrats had briefly softened their warmongering from its 2017 levels (where Democrats wanted a nuclear war with Russia because they lost an election and blamed it on Russia… so protesting in the Capitol on January 6 because you thought an election was stolen is worse than trying to trigger a nuclear war because you thought an election was stolen- which Democrats STILL believe (despite scandal-free Obama and members of his team debunking it) while saying Republicans are terrorist Nazis who believe “the big lie” if they think 2020 was stolen).

Anyway, today we’ll look at a game I had wanted to do 4 years ago but didn’t get around to.

The Game

Imagine the game Civilization but you choose who to attack with a drop-down menu and the only time you get to move units on a map is when you start a battle and enter the Real-Time Strategy part of the game. Also you don’t even have to attack if you have enough money to buy out the foe.

I first tried to play as Russia, thinking I could mimic the moves that led to the Ukraine crisis. Instead, it turned out the world was totally bananas so that wasn’t going to work. Then the video output glitched (already here you can see it’s darker than usual) so I had to shutoff the console and try again.

It looks like something you’d play on a computer: you have a cursor and drop-down menus where you select what you want to do, and then the chance for some numerical inputs. You have a set amount of money in each turn, and can only take a couple of actions before you’re not allowed to act anymore (there’s a counter for it). You can invest the money in yourself or other countries. The benefit of foreign investment is you can either make them friendly or conquer their economies.

Now comes the “Third World War” part. You have military units you can send out, plus you can launch different types of attacks on a foreign country without invading. Surprisingly for a game named “Third World War”, your nuclear strikes are limited and don’t escalate to the world blowing itself apart. Maybe Putin played this before making his nuclear threats?

What’s interesting is some of the mechanics at play. You have unrealistic elements like increasing tax audits causing a rise in the morale of your population, or Canada developing chemical and nuclear weapons. But then there are some very realistic mechanics, like the fact that other countries can bomb cities and maim civilians without a care in the world but then America is condemned and loses allies if they do the same thing (same also goes for if you play as Israel where liberals really do want to “drive the Jews into the sea” I guess because they DON’T use human shields like Palestine does, yet strangely if you’re NOT playing as Israel they can invade at will with no condemnation), even if the country they’re doing it to just invaded somebody. Really, that applies to anyone you play as, and I’m sure idiots sucking propaganda worldwide can sympathize with how their special slice of Hell is always persecuted just like when you play as them in this game.

This is a very loooooong game to play, so have a few hours on hand. I went for an hour and the status quo was the same an hour in as it was at the start. Luckily there is a save feature. You can also play different scenarios, whether it’s erupting the Cold War into a nuclear conflict, starting a Third World War in the 1990s, or a free-for-all (though the Third World War scenario seems like that too). It definitely has a lot of replay value if this is your kind of thing.

Now for the combat- at times, you can get caught in a land war where you get to command military units. You’re shown the battlefield, but not all at the same time, and the camera starts over the enemy’s units. You hover the cursor over one of your units, and upon selecting it you can direct them to destinations and tell them who/what to attack. Once per battle you can also call in an air strike either from the air force or navy or both depending on who you have available. Just be careful with that- it takes them 20-30 seconds to get there, so enemy troops could easily have moved out of range of their attack. You can’t target specific units with them, rather you can only call for a strike at a general area and hope the enemy is still there when the attack comes. This is the Real-Time Strategy part I described earlier, for the casual reader not hip on game terms. Given the use of a cursor to point and click on things, this part too seems designed for a PC (I so dislike using controllers instead of a mouse for RTS games that I surrendered my copy of Command And Conquer on the Sega Saturn, which is not compatible with the mouse released for the Saturn… but I traded it for a Hogan’s Heroes boxset so while I was disappointed I had to trade it off it wasn’t a total loss).

Getting a ground battle started is not as easy as just picking a target. You also can control what each of those 16 armies have in them, a super level of micromanaging. Also- if you want to weaken the enemy with an air strike before starting combat (as opposed to during combat), you have to do the air strike in one turn and then combat the next turn because it will always start combat before doing an air strike if you try to do them in the same turn (air strikes outside of combat don’t effect your ability to do air strikes during combat).

Overall I have to say this high-level involved game isn’t really my style unless I plan to dedicate a day to it, but I’d probably get too bored after hour 2 of no progress. It’s a little… dry. You don’t exactly see how your economic moves affect your country and the world, and how they’re countered. There’s a lot of numbers and graphs too. Plus you’re not exactly seeing everything all at once, you have to scroll through pages of data every turn to make an informed decision. Also in between turns you get a news ticker at the bottom of the screen telling you what countries gained what weapons or what economic crisis or disaster affected which country, and you need to pay attention to that and take it into account in your turn. A lot of detail goes into this, it’s a very immersive and time-consuming experience, and it’s not fast-paced in the least bit. Even the ground combat portion takes a while- your units move slowly.

Then you remember it’s the Sega CD in 1994 and realize it’s a pretty good game given the circumstances, and usually can be found pretty cheap… or at least it used to be. In 2018 I got it complete in box for $5, but today that’d be $40 on eBay, or $15 for the game by itself. I’m planning a series on games that are inexplicably expensive and get the feeling I should’ve saved this one for that.

The Real World War III Is About To Begin!

Yes, this is also a cheat post.

Earlier this week I interviewed someone about Putin’s nuclear threats, how with his mentality he might not be bluffing, and how we’re not paying attention to the warning signs and just assume some sort of moral shield will protect us and we don’t have to understand how the enemy thinks, nor should we try to give the bad guy a little of what he wants in order to avoid a situation where precious liberal cities get nuked (the same liberals who say in all cases we should send unarmed, powerless, counselors to stop a crazy man with a gun who’s killing people because the nutcase just needs to be understood (as if social workers were infallible, as if victims had no rights and the killers should just be given a lecture and sent on their way… and rapists too, for you liberals who say there’s an epidemic and then vote to increase it) also say we should continually provoke and eventually fight a crazy man with nuclear weapons and that we shouldn’t even try to understand him, except to understand how we can attack first. They say you’re a traitor if you don’t shut up and obey Democrats’ calls to war without examining the bigger picture- just look at the Left’s McCarthy-era reaction to Tucker Carlson’s nuanced view on staying out of the war, in some cases the same Left that said we should not have tried to stop Russia-backed North Vietnam from invading South Vietnam).

Since the interview was conducted, America seems to have decided to up the ante and sabotage Europe’s principle source of energy. If it turns out America is the culprit, then we pretty much cut off our nose to spite our face by royally screwing over our European allies. Remember how you Lefties said Trump was evil because he wanted other NATO nations to do their fair share of the work (ironic that you communists were AGAINST someone pulling their weight instead of mooching off others like a billionaire)? Well, I’d say making sure their citizens freeze to death in the winter is a bit worse, this coming after (as mentioned in the last post) the Biden Administration begged them not to evacuate their people from Afghanistan and leave them to be used as hostages or killed by the Taliban. Again, Trump saying NATO countries should put in equal effort according to their abilities is way different than the Biden Administration outright trying to kill citizens of NATO countries, but I guess that major difference is lost on the “orange man bad” crowd.

Of course it didn’t have to be this way, this proxy war Democrats are pushing (it could’ve been over in April but the Biden Administration teamed up with England to sabotage a peace deal) in Ukraine that leads to billions of taxpayer dollars going to Ukraine and defense contractors only to end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians over there and over here with defense contractors spending our money to put warmongers in office so the money keeps coming (I thought Democrats opposed the militaryindustrial complex?). America is pretty much the reason the war hasn’t ended yet (this war is NOT about “protecting Democracy in Ukraine” as liberals chant, since Zelensky has shown himself to be one execution away from being as anti-Democratic as Putin), as you heard in the interview and saw in my last post. So anything that happens, such as Europe’s power being cut, is on the Leftist Biden Administration. Worse, it looks like that might be a permanent cut given the damage to the pipelines (granted, the whole reason Europe got hooked on Russian power is because of Leftists believing Russian propaganda… which is ironic since they tried to blame Russia for Trump getting elected yet they believed everything Russia said about the climate that led to dependence on Russian energy).

And it really looks like the Biden Administration is responsible for the pipeline sabotage. Consider this- as recorded in the last post they had no problem trying to say Russia would launch a false flag to start a war, yet when NATO all but accused Russia of launching a false flag with its pipelines suddenly the Biden Administration came to Russia’s defense while at the same time telling Americans to evacuate Russia (ostensibly because Russia might conscript them, which actually has been grounds for war in the past… a war that left the White House as a pile of ash just as one with Russia would). It’s like they knew they screwed up and are trying to limit the damage.

Anyway, this definite provocation will just make Putin more likely to lash out irrationally, with a nuclear reprisal still on the table. Anyone else remember how Leftists wanted to disarm our nuclear arsenal (and as recently as a month before the invasion wanted to reduce it)? Hey Lefties, quick question: how would we deter Putin from escalating already in this crisis if we didn’t have weapons of mass destruction on the table?

For that matter, remember that Democrats consistently are anti-military (check out that link to a Salon piece in that post I linked to- hey Lefties, if you don’t need the military to protect your freedoms how come you keep sending military weapons designed for our military to a foreign military and say it’s to protect your freedom from Putin?). They’ve been very open about wanting to dissolve the institution, and under their current regime we’ve seen recruitment numbers drop while the military releases perfectly fit soldiers by the thousands who love this country while keeping/promoting soldiers they train to hate this country and love terrorists, and hate the race that constitutes the majority of the American public (not that the ones left are trained to be competent, they might make the Russians look competent by comparison. And let’s not forget that the folks in charge of the military think America shouldn’t exist.). So why would these people who hate America fight Russia to protect it? These people, taught through CRT that America is irredeemably racist and the majority population is the cause of it, would sooner take Russia’s side if we were invaded- why WOULDN’T they? Russia just has to claim to be the woke liberator and that the Leftists in the military are being lied to by evil white fascists about who the real enemy is, and like all good civil rights warriors they want to be on the right side of history don’t they?

On the one hand Democrats want a nuclear war with Russia and are doing everything they can to recklessly plough forward into it, but on the other hand they spent decades trying to disarm us and are STILL working to do so. What conclusion can we draw about them (and any ex-military who join the party) from this?

Yes I know I railed on Democrats a lot while most Republicans are aiding and abetting this (when looking for that article on Rand Paul, I saw that Leftwing Rolling Stone magazine said he was working for Putin because he dared pause funding to Ukraine), but this is the sort of thing the MAGA movement in the Republican Party was against; it’s those the “extremist” “clear and present danger” faction of the Republican Party believes. If you Lefties hadn’t welcomed the ejected warmongers like Liz Cheney with open arms and embraced their violent worldview, hadn’t embraced those you said were liars who tricked us into invading Iraq, then they’d be even less relevant and the RINOs too cowardly to jump ship would be more inclined to work for peace or at least not work against it just to keep their checks coming.

What Do You Think?

You voted Democrat, so I guess you wanted World War III after all. Whether it was 62 million or 81 million who voted for Biden, this is what at least a third of the country seems to want. Vote Democrat again this fall to make sure we all die.

Well… not all of us. Wealthy executives at our defense companies, a few billionaires, and the leaders of the Democratic Party will survive a nuclear war because they’re for the people and for equity, and equity means the royalty and nobility in society survive in luxury while the serfs die in nuclear hellfire or struggle to live in post-apocalyptic hellscapes, but that’s what you vote for and defend so ardently on the internet, in social media, and in the real world with your protests/riots so I guess that’s how you feel. It’s convenient that I live near a prime target so I’ll be vaporized in an instant, but I regert that I won’t get to see radiation poisoning dole out karma to you while you continue to praise your Democrat leaders for their bravery in forcing this situation on you.

January 6 (1/6) – 1 Year Later

So let me get this straight…

  • Barack Obama’s mentor founded an organization of savages (look in that piece at what Obama’s mentor’s girlfriend had to say about the Mansons, and remember that she, Ayers, and presumably their disciple Obama (though I think Obama is just in it for the wealth and power) would want to do the same to you and your family (and remember that 3,000 of the people who teach your kids are also ok with this, ok with Ayers’ message “kill your parents”), which it seems is agreed upon by just about any liberal you see these days based on the posts you read from them and the savages at MSNBC, CNN, NYT, etc) that bombed the Capitol (plus other points of interest) with the intent to murder many people, and that’s so ok that he’s a hero to the Leftists from almost every sitting Democrat to the entire liberal media. He must be a hero, otherwise he and anyone associated with him would be as toxic as Bin Laden. So ok in fact that Ayers is still working with domestic terrorists.
  • Liberal protesters break through police barricades and storm and occupy the Capitol in 2018, after death threats were issued (and other threats, tangential but Kavanaugh’s family wasn’t left out- yet we’re supposed to only feel sorry for his (lying) accuser), with the intent of terrorizing Senators into voting the way they want them to… in other words, terrorism. And the media and Democrat Party see them as heroes, and the liberal FBI doesn’t bother investigating, and the “insurrectionists” aren’t being held as political prisoners in Stalin-level conditions.
  • Liberal protesters breach the Capitol again in 2018, occupying the offices of three Democrats. Again, this was acceptable.
  • In cities across the country, liberals maim and murder, and chase officials from government buildings while attacking other government buildings. Federal property factors into this, yet the Democrats and the media find this to be perfectly acceptable behavior and the liberal FBI doesn’t bother investigating, and none of the Leftists instigating it- even those in office- are investigated, let alone impeached.
  • Liberals commit true prosecutable insurrection by seizing land and seceding from the United States and then raping and murdering people in their seceded communities, while these Leftwing protesters tried to stop police from investigating the murders the Black Lives Matter secessionist insurrectionists committed. This is dismissed by Democrats and the media as the second “summer of love”.
  • Liberals who were eager to watch an unarmed protester murdered for being a Republican in a federal building once believed that it was wrong to use any kind of force to defend a federal building from protesters.

Now comes January 6 (which apparently lasted until April according to Pelosi and her defense team, when she tried to blame the January 6 rioters for a Democrat Farrakhanite killing someone) where suddenly trespassing on federal property like Biden once did is now insurrection (except your vaunted FBI says it wasn’t), treason, and all of them deserved to be shot, according to the Democrats and liberal media. A “mostly peaceful protest” where the only fatalities are protesters, where the damage is 1/1000th what liberals did for 6 months, where the protesters didn’t kill anyone unlike in your protests, is worse than September 11th and Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust. Oh and Trump is to blame even though he asked for peace before, during, and after the riot.

Yes, riots are wrong, but when liberals try to incite riots and refuse to condemn their riots (including riots designed to be acts of insurrection and terrorism by intimidating the government into doing the Left’s bidding. In case you need it spelled out because you are a Democrat: until 2016, a “peaceful protest” meant that you assemble, maybe with some signs, chant, yell a bit, then go home. “Peaceful Protests” do not involve showing how violent and aggressive you will be if your demands are not met. Violent and aggressive protestors are using fear of further violence to force a political goal (a goal that apparently means more murders in their cities, as opposed to simply disputing an election), which is terrorism. And besides, even by liberal standards January 6 was a “mostly peaceful” protest. You keep saying that protests where communities are destroyed and people are killed are mostly peaceful because you allege that the majority of the attendees were peaceful, well guess what: out of the official 126,000 who showed up on January 6, only an alleged 1,200 (not even 1%) of the protesters entered the Capitol. And when they did get inside, they just walked around a bit except for the dozen or two that Ashli Babbit was with. Isn’t that “mostly peaceful” too? It would be, by your definition.) and rioters who cause billions in damage, destroy Black communities, rape, and murder, then why should the Right condemn its own rioters? When the Left decides to torch everything they dislike, why shouldn’t the Right do the same? If the argument is “we’re better than them morally so let’s not fight like them”, keep in mind that same moderate thinking led to Nazi Germany (the moderates and sane people had the hands-off business-as-usual approach that Republicans are using, which led to the National Socialists and the Communists being the parties people flocked to because they were actually doing something, but also they gained supporters who were just plane scared of the other side and wanted to feel protected, with the weak moderates left behind.). You can’t take the “let’s stick to policy and be the nice guys” approach when people are scared of the other side and see you as unable to protect them.

Besides, it is perfectly possible for the Right to riot and still have the moral high ground, just don’t rape and murder people like Democrats did.

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Capitol Riot

It’s been slowly coming out, though I’ve been on it from pretty early on, that January 6 was a bit of an inside job. Planned and executed by Democrats, hence why Pelosi didn’t bother defending the Capitol and now has a smokescreen committee out to accuse others of her own alleged dereliction of duty. Granted, at the time I didn’t think (and maybe wouldn’t have believed) that the FBI had as big or a bigger part to play than Antifa infiltrators (at the Stop The Steal rally I attended, we were warned in advanced to look out for troublemakers, and I even saw social media posts from Antifa folks talking about infiltrating the protest and how they’d identify each other), but I guess I was red-pilled about the government.

As early as March 2020, Democrats were claiming there would be a riot if Trump lost (probably thinking about the riots when Hillary lost in 2016). Allegedly this was to impugn Trump, saying he’d radicalize his supporters into thinking the election was stolen… much like Democrats spent 4 years doing in regards to both 2016 and 2018. Prominent Democrats in 2020 even were saying that if Trump won, that means the election would have been stolen again (I get more specific in a later paragraph, you liberal denier you).

So with this March 2020 warning it seems more like Democrats used “Trump” as a “dog whistle” for their own candidate, thus they could distribute instructions to their own Democrat politicians who went on later to say that the election would be fake if Trump won (the very thing that the March 2020 report said that Trump would do, the very thing Democrats were warned would start a riot), planning for yet another Democrat riot, but also if Trump lost then they could go ahead and do a Trump riot to discredit him and his followers. Which they did.

As you saw in the first source cited in the paragraph before the previous paragraph, Democrats knew that there would be a riot. House Speaker Pelosi herself is cited as interfering in security measures, refusing more security on the grounds of “optics”. It gets worse than this though- during the riot, Pelosi turned down the National Guard’s aid, meanwhile President Trump actually demanded an additional 10,000 National Guardsmen be in DC, but his order was ignored. The same Army brass that is now weeding out Trump supporters from the military and are more worried about teaching soldiers to hate America than about the Chinese developing superweapons were the ones who delayed the reaction time, whereas Trump actually wanted to have enough people ready to stop a riot before it happened.

Hmmmm… a bunch of folks who turn out to be hardcore antiAmerican (when the DOJ/FBI (to the point that they fabricate grounds for harassing and intimidating parents concerned about their ideology, and lie to Congress about sending the FBI to school board meetings… and let’s not forget the head of the DOJ’s family profits from this toxic anti-American ideology that he ordered the FBI to support) and military leaders support this anti-Americanism and want it drilled into their subordinates’ heads that this country and all its institutions are racist, thus the self-proclaimed anti-racist Democratic Party is the only legitimate institution, so that the military fights to protect the party rather than the country just as China’s military does, what else can you call it?) Leftists drag their feet and allow a riot to happen that undermines the credibility of the people who actually want to protect this country? Politicians who would just love it if the other side rioted for once deliberately loosen security when they are warned one might happen?

And let’s not forget- one of the government organizations who lied to create investigations into Trump sends people to stir up trouble just before the riot. The FBI had a few faces in the crowd, tried to recruit people to storm the Capitol, and even apparently stormed it themselves (a tried and true tactic, and in September 2021 they accidentally arrested their own agent because the Right caught on to the gimmick) as you’ll see below.

A Look Inside The Riot

The timing is incredibly suspicious. Right as the Senate began hearing election disputes, the riot was started. At the exact moment when on public record instead of in the rightwing media we’d see voter fraud and Democrats would have to deal with it to proceed, that’s when the riots started. Not one point of data was entered into the record, because the GOP was scared of the bad PR from the riots. Democrats of course were never scared of the bad PR from their riots, because no matter how many burnt corpses and dead communities were found in their wake the Democrats always are depicted as the good guys, assuming they even acknowledge their riots happened (it is promising that more people want BLM riots probed than January 6, but this’ll blow over like Afghanistan where Biden left 14,000 people to die (and lied about it), destroyed trust our allies had for us (Democrats even told our allies to stop evacuating their people because it made us look bad), and brought in countless unvetted refugees (possibly in violation of the law) that we never promised to get out of the country just so Biden could have a good PR moment by telling us to focus on the number of people withdrawn who we did not promise relief to rather than his abandonment of the people we promised to help (while the folks we promised to get out are executed and the Biden Admin blocks private attempts to evacuate people, presumably for the same reason they tried to stop our allies from evacuating people that you read earlier- it looked bad for Biden). Where we killed a family just because Biden wanted a good PR moment, where we let a suicide bomber blow up members of our military while arming terrorists because liberals love them and hate our military, as much as they love preventing their political opponents from receiving medical care (and for those provax folks that think you have the intellectual and moral high ground because you think you aren’t spreading (or catching) COVIDwell Big Pharma salesman, just read these links about why people might not get COVID vaxxed, and why those vaccines and masks and lockdowns do nothing for public health as more people died from COVID under Biden than under Trump in the same time span despite your vaccines and mandates. No wonder your Democrat leaders who order us to wear masks refuse to wear them, who order us to isolate but refuse to, violate the orders without concern for their own health. They know it’s all garbage, and know their followers are too stupid to do anything but threaten to kill their opponents, to the point now doctors are scared to report vaccine side effects. Meanwhile the best preventative measures such as maintaining a healthy weight and various drugs not profitable to Big Pharma are ignored or attacked in favor of highly profitable vaccines (talk about killing grandma (and just to sell books too)! Look at all the treatments your side is attacking because they’d make your side look bad, like how Biden tried to stop our allies and private citizens from saving lives in Afghanistan because it would make him look bad) and other new treatments that are equally as profitable for Big Pharma. The public health advice- and mandate if you want to stay employed- is to stay locked down and get fat and take the pills and vaccines from Big Pharma. Ironically, this is bringing about the overrun hospitals liberals lie about (while liberals ignored the steps he took to help, and killed the elderly instead)– but now it’s because liberals are firing thousands of healthcare workers so our medical system can no longer support our population, firing them for not taking a vaccine that doesn’t stop them from spreading COVID anyway.)).

Uniformed law enforcement folks let protesters into the Capitol, protesters that were later arrested for trespassing and held/tortured in a political prison (as liberals cheer their arrests, liberals want this for anyone that stands in their way) after law enforcement invited them in. Then on the other hand, uniformed law enforcement folks fired on actual peaceful protesters and murdered SEVERAL unarmed protesters, going so far as to attack and arrest people trying to save one of their victims. We see this on video, there’s plenty of it. People breaching the Capitol with force (who appear to be FBI agents or Antifa, or both since there’s hardly any daylight between their ideologies. Also, the government admits it had infiltrators.), people peacefully walking inside, and police randomly opening fire on unarmed crowds of people with no reason or justification and in violation of many safety protocols and rules of engagement and for no reason according to internal police documents (these must be the only police officers Democrats are fine with shooting blindly and for no reason at unarmed protesters, or the only unarmed protesters Democrats are fine with being arbitrarily executed).

Oh, and anyone on Capitol grounds– not just in the building, but anyone anywhere near the building including places where I and liberals and conservatives legally walked at a peaceful protest just a few weeks prior- was retroactively declared a trespasser and the DOJ wants to prosecute them in violation of ex post facto. This illegal move comes out as Pelosi pursued her January 6 committee, as Democrats plummeted in the polls due to repeatedly botching everything. Gee, I wonder if the January 6 committee will say something just in time for the 2022 midterms? Not that this really matters, the Democrats are going to overturn the filibuster rule so they can ram through legislation making it legal to cheat in elections. Just in time too- the computer systems they allegedly hacked 2020 (and 2021 and 2016 and 2012 according to a reliable source I know) with must be getting out of date by now since it allegedly originated in the Bush Administration.

I guess overall it’s not really that hypocritical if you think about it. Before January 6th, liberals hailed their rioters and Capitol breachers as heroes and the few that were arrested were out the next day. Well, look what happened January 6- their Leftwing rioters and Capitol breachers (with guns) still are ignored by the Leftist FBI.

Do These Revelations Matter To The Public?

It’s obvious that Democrats planned all this, and figured their election theft would agitate Trump supporters, and they with their FBI chums (who already proved willing to break the law to help Democrats) could create this trap to discredit the GOP. This was not the only attempt either- the FBI pulled this with an attempt to kidnap a Democrat governor, where the FBI planned and plotted her kidnapping but then used some citizens they radicalized to execute it. Fortunately, Republicans learned from this and left the FBI to arrest themselves at their latest trap, but who knows what they’ll try next. Meanwhile, well-meaning conservative protesters are locked in prison, tortured by guards, starving after being held months without bail or trial (one who was arrested for seeking help from the police during the riot died while waiting for the “speedy trial” our laws promised us) for misdemeanor offenses (held by liberals who meanwhile say that people should not be prosecuted at all for the charges the January 6 folks are being held on, liberals who think people should face no jail time for armed robbery. Criminals don’t stand between them and their power, you do, that’s why they want you in prison and want everyone from illegal alien child predators to citizen domestic abusers and Democrat child predators out on the streets… turns out rape is ok if it helps your agenda), forcing them to get vaccines to see a lawyer and weigh that against being tortured longer, and the only way out is a Soviet-style confession where they change their political views under penalty of more torture at the hands of liberal sadists (notice that the liberal judge let out someone who actually committed violence because he changed his political views, but is still holding peaceful protesters). Or the activist judges impose sentences harsher than what prosecutors ask for and describe the crimes far worse than how the prosecutors describe them. And Democrats are happy with this. They love it. this is the kind of system they want. Hadn’t you noticed? Their bombs and riots listed above are good, they cheer when they murder Trump supporters, but the other side shouldn’t even be allowed to express an idea.

As an added bonus- they get to smear their opponents. Call them paranoid and ignorant for believing Trump. Let’s see now… if you believe 2016 was stolen you are Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (who is known for encouraging uprisings, like January 6), and Fmr. Democratic President Jimmy Carter. If you believe 2018 was stolen you are Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, Fmr. Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe, and Fmr. Democratic Presidential candidate/Senator Corey Booker. If you believed in January 2020 that 2020 would be stolen so you must impeach Trump to steal it first, you are Adam Schiff. But if you believe 2020 was stolen now, you are an insurrectionist and a terrorist (despite no one being charged for these under the Democrats’ Attorney General, I guess they know that they only have misdemeanors and opposing Democrats isn’t a crime yet so that’s why they’re holding them without trial indefinitely like a third world dictatorship or Nazi Germany would)… and one of the 51% of Americans who believe it. The threat to Democracy wasn’t 4 years of Democrats trying to stop Trump from doing anything at all (you started trying to impeach him before he was sworn in) with Hillary Clinton herself basically declaring herself the real President-in-exile and ordering her minions in government to act like it, the threat to Democracy wasn’t you saying Trump was illegitimate, and saying you have to oust him before the next election, saying you have to overturn the results of an election, getting so desperate that you threatened riots (ie made terroristic threats) if Trump won. Nope, the real threat was when Republicans did what you had been doing for years.

And come on, this is the world where the liberal media says voter fraud doesn’t happen but then reports on Democrats shredding voter registrations. The world where Fauci is considered the final word on science, so that even when the CDC says something that contradicts him it’s not true. The world where AOC says that she is for equality and removing your mask is killing people right before she goes to parties where she and the elite are maskless while the peasants must bow and cover themselves, displaying “tax the rich” on a $10,000 dress at a $30,000 per head event like some kind of sick joke as she makes $170,000 per year and demands that you pay her college debt. In other words- truth doesn’t matter, hypocrisy just means you’re right, and no matter how wrong the Democrats are shown to be, how evil they are, they will still enjoy broad support because people are too scared of COVID and too ignorant- and too ideologically invested- to ever let facts shake their beliefs.

So what if liberals created purely political persecutions and may even have framed people and staged the event? They’re the good guys so not only must anything they do be for a noble goal (like say altering elections to make their theft easier), but how they do it is above reproach too (look at the Steele Dossier- the whole “Russian collusion” narrative started from here, there would be no such narrative without them, so naturally liberals try to say there really was collusion even if the Dossier was false, to the point that less than a week after the biggest source for it is indicted for lying to the government about it, liberals are out saying that the Dossier was never really important nor believed after that being their only evidence for collusion because their 2-year political hitman for hire Mueller himself admitted there was none.)! Liberals and Democrats take this a step further though- they believe that even if they are in the wrong, so what, totalitarian control is better anyway because they want other people making their choices for them, and they want to force that on you too. Frankly, given how many humans today and in the past support this, I can’t say I blame the corrupt ones in power from taking advantage of it, I would be sorely tempted to do the same because I’m sure they know better than me that their supporters deserve to be taken advantage of.

Oh yeah, why are you “Bush lied, people died” folks welcoming Dick Cheney and his daughter into your ranks? I thought he was the root of all evil and anything he liked must be bad and sinister, and now he and his daughter like you. I thought you guys didn’t want the eeeeeeevil government deep state folks who got us into Iraq and put in the Nazi-esque Patriot Act running your media after you claim they conned you into wars and scared you into giving up your rights by lying (which as you read earlier you’re ok with for COVID), and certainly you would not want racist law enforcement folks running your media, yet you happily listen to them and believe whatever they say.