The Third Word War (Sega CD, 1994, Residual From The War Games Series, Cheat Post)

I assume the reason the words are curved at the bottom is that this is on a flatscreen CRT TV but the video input signal is either being output or processed like it’s for the convex-screen models. It happens on other games too, you may have noted it in my Doom post.

As I said 4 years ago…

As we watch the Democrats peddle their warmongering interventionist and laissez-faire let’s-wait-for-war attitudes, ie as they play their war games on their way to the fall brawl known as the midterm elections, where voters will probably vote Democrat to bring us nookular annihilation, I’ll take a look at some literal war games. Cold War video games, anyway.

That “let’s-wait-for-war attitude” remark is more reflective of the time I originally wrote it, at which point Democrats had briefly softened their warmongering from its 2017 levels (where Democrats wanted a nuclear war with Russia because they lost an election and blamed it on Russia… so protesting in the Capitol on January 6 because you thought an election was stolen is worse than trying to trigger a nuclear war because you thought an election was stolen- which Democrats STILL believe (despite scandal-free Obama and members of his team debunking it) while saying Republicans are terrorist Nazis who believe “the big lie” if they think 2020 was stolen).

Anyway, today we’ll look at a game I had wanted to do 4 years ago but didn’t get around to.

The Game

Imagine the game Civilization but you choose who to attack with a drop-down menu and the only time you get to move units on a map is when you start a battle and enter the Real-Time Strategy part of the game. Also you don’t even have to attack if you have enough money to buy out the foe.

I first tried to play as Russia, thinking I could mimic the moves that led to the Ukraine crisis. Instead, it turned out the world was totally bananas so that wasn’t going to work. Then the video output glitched (already here you can see it’s darker than usual) so I had to shutoff the console and try again.

It looks like something you’d play on a computer: you have a cursor and drop-down menus where you select what you want to do, and then the chance for some numerical inputs. You have a set amount of money in each turn, and can only take a couple of actions before you’re not allowed to act anymore (there’s a counter for it). You can invest the money in yourself or other countries. The benefit of foreign investment is you can either make them friendly or conquer their economies.

Now comes the “Third World War” part. You have military units you can send out, plus you can launch different types of attacks on a foreign country without invading. Surprisingly for a game named “Third World War”, your nuclear strikes are limited and don’t escalate to the world blowing itself apart. Maybe Putin played this before making his nuclear threats?

What’s interesting is some of the mechanics at play. You have unrealistic elements like increasing tax audits causing a rise in the morale of your population, or Canada developing chemical and nuclear weapons. But then there are some very realistic mechanics, like the fact that other countries can bomb cities and maim civilians without a care in the world but then America is condemned and loses allies if they do the same thing (same also goes for if you play as Israel where liberals really do want to “drive the Jews into the sea” I guess because they DON’T use human shields like Palestine does, yet strangely if you’re NOT playing as Israel they can invade at will with no condemnation), even if the country they’re doing it to just invaded somebody. Really, that applies to anyone you play as, and I’m sure idiots sucking propaganda worldwide can sympathize with how their special slice of Hell is always persecuted just like when you play as them in this game.

This is a very loooooong game to play, so have a few hours on hand. I went for an hour and the status quo was the same an hour in as it was at the start. Luckily there is a save feature. You can also play different scenarios, whether it’s erupting the Cold War into a nuclear conflict, starting a Third World War in the 1990s, or a free-for-all (though the Third World War scenario seems like that too). It definitely has a lot of replay value if this is your kind of thing.

Now for the combat- at times, you can get caught in a land war where you get to command military units. You’re shown the battlefield, but not all at the same time, and the camera starts over the enemy’s units. You hover the cursor over one of your units, and upon selecting it you can direct them to destinations and tell them who/what to attack. Once per battle you can also call in an air strike either from the air force or navy or both depending on who you have available. Just be careful with that- it takes them 20-30 seconds to get there, so enemy troops could easily have moved out of range of their attack. You can’t target specific units with them, rather you can only call for a strike at a general area and hope the enemy is still there when the attack comes. This is the Real-Time Strategy part I described earlier, for the casual reader not hip on game terms. Given the use of a cursor to point and click on things, this part too seems designed for a PC (I so dislike using controllers instead of a mouse for RTS games that I surrendered my copy of Command And Conquer on the Sega Saturn, which is not compatible with the mouse released for the Saturn… but I traded it for a Hogan’s Heroes boxset so while I was disappointed I had to trade it off it wasn’t a total loss).

Getting a ground battle started is not as easy as just picking a target. You also can control what each of those 16 armies have in them, a super level of micromanaging. Also- if you want to weaken the enemy with an air strike before starting combat (as opposed to during combat), you have to do the air strike in one turn and then combat the next turn because it will always start combat before doing an air strike if you try to do them in the same turn (air strikes outside of combat don’t effect your ability to do air strikes during combat).

Overall I have to say this high-level involved game isn’t really my style unless I plan to dedicate a day to it, but I’d probably get too bored after hour 2 of no progress. It’s a little… dry. You don’t exactly see how your economic moves affect your country and the world, and how they’re countered. There’s a lot of numbers and graphs too. Plus you’re not exactly seeing everything all at once, you have to scroll through pages of data every turn to make an informed decision. Also in between turns you get a news ticker at the bottom of the screen telling you what countries gained what weapons or what economic crisis or disaster affected which country, and you need to pay attention to that and take it into account in your turn. A lot of detail goes into this, it’s a very immersive and time-consuming experience, and it’s not fast-paced in the least bit. Even the ground combat portion takes a while- your units move slowly.

Then you remember it’s the Sega CD in 1994 and realize it’s a pretty good game given the circumstances, and usually can be found pretty cheap… or at least it used to be. In 2018 I got it complete in box for $5, but today that’d be $40 on eBay, or $15 for the game by itself. I’m planning a series on games that are inexplicably expensive and get the feeling I should’ve saved this one for that.

The Real World War III Is About To Begin!

Yes, this is also a cheat post.

Earlier this week I interviewed someone about Putin’s nuclear threats, how with his mentality he might not be bluffing, and how we’re not paying attention to the warning signs and just assume some sort of moral shield will protect us and we don’t have to understand how the enemy thinks, nor should we try to give the bad guy a little of what he wants in order to avoid a situation where precious liberal cities get nuked (the same liberals who say in all cases we should send unarmed, powerless, counselors to stop a crazy man with a gun who’s killing people because the nutcase just needs to be understood (as if social workers were infallible, as if victims had no rights and the killers should just be given a lecture and sent on their way… and rapists too, for you liberals who say there’s an epidemic and then vote to increase it) also say we should continually provoke and eventually fight a crazy man with nuclear weapons and that we shouldn’t even try to understand him, except to understand how we can attack first. They say you’re a traitor if you don’t shut up and obey Democrats’ calls to war without examining the bigger picture- just look at the Left’s McCarthy-era reaction to Tucker Carlson’s nuanced view on staying out of the war, in some cases the same Left that said we should not have tried to stop Russia-backed North Vietnam from invading South Vietnam).

Since the interview was conducted, America seems to have decided to up the ante and sabotage Europe’s principle source of energy. If it turns out America is the culprit, then we pretty much cut off our nose to spite our face by royally screwing over our European allies. Remember how you Lefties said Trump was evil because he wanted other NATO nations to do their fair share of the work (ironic that you communists were AGAINST someone pulling their weight instead of mooching off others like a billionaire)? Well, I’d say making sure their citizens freeze to death in the winter is a bit worse, this coming after (as mentioned in the last post) the Biden Administration begged them not to evacuate their people from Afghanistan and leave them to be used as hostages or killed by the Taliban. Again, Trump saying NATO countries should put in equal effort according to their abilities is way different than the Biden Administration outright trying to kill citizens of NATO countries, but I guess that major difference is lost on the “orange man bad” crowd.

Of course it didn’t have to be this way, this proxy war Democrats are pushing (it could’ve been over in April but the Biden Administration teamed up with England to sabotage a peace deal) in Ukraine that leads to billions of taxpayer dollars going to Ukraine and defense contractors only to end up in the pockets of corrupt politicians over there and over here with defense contractors spending our money to put warmongers in office so the money keeps coming (I thought Democrats opposed the militaryindustrial complex?). America is pretty much the reason the war hasn’t ended yet (this war is NOT about “protecting Democracy in Ukraine” as liberals chant, since Zelensky has shown himself to be one execution away from being as anti-Democratic as Putin), as you heard in the interview and saw in my last post. So anything that happens, such as Europe’s power being cut, is on the Leftist Biden Administration. Worse, it looks like that might be a permanent cut given the damage to the pipelines (granted, the whole reason Europe got hooked on Russian power is because of Leftists believing Russian propaganda… which is ironic since they tried to blame Russia for Trump getting elected yet they believed everything Russia said about the climate that led to dependence on Russian energy).

And it really looks like the Biden Administration is responsible for the pipeline sabotage. Consider this- as recorded in the last post they had no problem trying to say Russia would launch a false flag to start a war, yet when NATO all but accused Russia of launching a false flag with its pipelines suddenly the Biden Administration came to Russia’s defense while at the same time telling Americans to evacuate Russia (ostensibly because Russia might conscript them, which actually has been grounds for war in the past… a war that left the White House as a pile of ash just as one with Russia would). It’s like they knew they screwed up and are trying to limit the damage.

Anyway, this definite provocation will just make Putin more likely to lash out irrationally, with a nuclear reprisal still on the table. Anyone else remember how Leftists wanted to disarm our nuclear arsenal (and as recently as a month before the invasion wanted to reduce it)? Hey Lefties, quick question: how would we deter Putin from escalating already in this crisis if we didn’t have weapons of mass destruction on the table?

For that matter, remember that Democrats consistently are anti-military (check out that link to a Salon piece in that post I linked to- hey Lefties, if you don’t need the military to protect your freedoms how come you keep sending military weapons designed for our military to a foreign military and say it’s to protect your freedom from Putin?). They’ve been very open about wanting to dissolve the institution, and under their current regime we’ve seen recruitment numbers drop while the military releases perfectly fit soldiers by the thousands who love this country while keeping/promoting soldiers they train to hate this country and love terrorists, and hate the race that constitutes the majority of the American public (not that the ones left are trained to be competent, they might make the Russians look competent by comparison. And let’s not forget that the folks in charge of the military think America shouldn’t exist.). So why would these people who hate America fight Russia to protect it? These people, taught through CRT that America is irredeemably racist and the majority population is the cause of it, would sooner take Russia’s side if we were invaded- why WOULDN’T they? Russia just has to claim to be the woke liberator and that the Leftists in the military are being lied to by evil white fascists about who the real enemy is, and like all good civil rights warriors they want to be on the right side of history don’t they?

On the one hand Democrats want a nuclear war with Russia and are doing everything they can to recklessly plough forward into it, but on the other hand they spent decades trying to disarm us and are STILL working to do so. What conclusion can we draw about them (and any ex-military who join the party) from this?

Yes I know I railed on Democrats a lot while most Republicans are aiding and abetting this (when looking for that article on Rand Paul, I saw that Leftwing Rolling Stone magazine said he was working for Putin because he dared pause funding to Ukraine), but this is the sort of thing the MAGA movement in the Republican Party was against; it’s those the “extremist” “clear and present danger” faction of the Republican Party believes. If you Lefties hadn’t welcomed the ejected warmongers like Liz Cheney with open arms and embraced their violent worldview, hadn’t embraced those you said were liars who tricked us into invading Iraq, then they’d be even less relevant and the RINOs too cowardly to jump ship would be more inclined to work for peace or at least not work against it just to keep their checks coming.

What Do You Think?

You voted Democrat, so I guess you wanted World War III after all. Whether it was 62 million or 81 million who voted for Biden, this is what at least a third of the country seems to want. Vote Democrat again this fall to make sure we all die.

Well… not all of us. Wealthy executives at our defense companies, a few billionaires, and the leaders of the Democratic Party will survive a nuclear war because they’re for the people and for equity, and equity means the royalty and nobility in society survive in luxury while the serfs die in nuclear hellfire or struggle to live in post-apocalyptic hellscapes, but that’s what you vote for and defend so ardently on the internet, in social media, and in the real world with your protests/riots so I guess that’s how you feel. It’s convenient that I live near a prime target so I’ll be vaporized in an instant, but I regert that I won’t get to see radiation poisoning dole out karma to you while you continue to praise your Democrat leaders for their bravery in forcing this situation on you.

Missile Command (Atari 400/800, 1981, Residual From The War Games Series)

Hmmm… as will be made apparent later, I think my original leading paragraph from exactly 4 years ago still applies:

As we watch the Democrats peddle their warmongering interventionist and laissez-faire let’s-wait-for-war attitudes, ie as they play their war games on their way to the fall brawl known as the midterm elections, where voters will probably vote Democrat to bring us nookular annihilation, I’ll take a look at some literal war games. Cold War video games, anyway.

Today, we’ll look at a game I had wanted to do 4 years ago with the rest of the Missile Command games that were part of the War Games series, but I never got around to buying the hardware. Ironically enough at that time I had the disposable income to do so but thought it’d be too expensive, but now that I finally bought it I financially shouldn’t have!

The Game

I still say it looks like you’re shooting down American strategic bombers.
I played this on a contemporary TV that’s about the right size for a contemporary computer monitor.

Not much to say here that wasn’t said in the last one. This is pretty much the Atari 5200 version, though I’m wanting to say the cursor movements felt as smooth as the Game Boy Advance version, and looking at a comparison video of the 400/800 and 5200 versions I’m wanting to say that the 400/800 is faster, though the graphics are the same. That much struck me immediately about it.

Spotlight On The Atari 400

It blew my mind that this machine came out in 1979. I thought for sure it was later than that. Just look at the quality of the games on it and its computing power, and compare that with its competitors at the time (and note that for the TI-99 the games start looking better when they’re ports of Atari 400/800 games- but not like the originals!). The keyboard keys though… those were very interesting, and I enjoyed playing with them. Too bad I’m giving this one to my cousin and keeping the 800XL I bought, but he’d want this one because it came with the box and manuals whereas the 800XL was a PAL model that didn’t even come with connection or power cables… just a copy of Pac Man that was missing its back half for some bizarre reason.

Throw-Away Warfare

This post underwent many changes. I started this in the fall of 2021, then worked on it in the days right before the Ukraine conflict when it looked like the Biden Administration was lying about Russia’s intentions (I thought I was wrong for a few months because the Biden Admin made it sound like they were lying when they said Russia would invade, but then the Biden team freely admitted to a loving media that they really WERE lying and Russia’s invasion was just a coincidence- this wouldn’t be the last time they lied about Ukraine.). I added more stuff about Democrats provoking a war, then over the first month of the Ukrainian conflict I added all sorts to it, then abandoned it because it just got too messy.

It wouldn’t be part of the War Games series if I didn’t talk about war, and boy are Democrats into that this year! Remember how I predicted a conflict with Russia 4 years ago if Democrats had their way? Well here we are, and Democrats started it- in 2014! I’ll get to that in a moment, but first I need to go over the Left’s attitude towards war.

Today’s trend can be traced back to just after World War II. China could’ve gone communist or not, it was up to America to decide. The non-communists in China had helped us during World War II. Democrats- whose party had been infiltrated by communist spies– decided to abandon our Chinese allies to the genocidal ferocity of the Chinese Communists who still maintain that practice to this day. Democrats didn’t care then, they didn’t care when China wiped out millions of its own people (in fact, I’ve seen Leftists in various forums deny that anyone was killed), and we see it today with the Leftist love of China’s genocidal history, where alleged civil rights activists ally themselves with the racist/genocidal Chinese regime (and the liberal/Democrat-ran media and allies in Big Tech cover it up- indeed they believe America is worse than China), where BLM civil rights allies defect to the racist/genocidal Chinese government. A police officer can’t even shoot someone attempting to murder people without BLM pouncing on them (well… not unless the one killed is white, then BLM doesn’t care about alleged police brutality), yet the Chinese police can arrest people for no crime at all and harvest their organs and BLM sees them as a friend. Kind of makes you suspicious on what BLM really wants.

But the point of the above is that Democrats/Leftists/Liberals/whatever you want to call them used the anti-communist Chinese in World War II and then threw them away once they outlived their usefulness. This happened again in Vietnam. The Leftists started that war. We are taught that Nixon was eeeeeevil and corrupt and the most rotten thing ever to be in the White House (before Trump of course), but as I posted about in the link above, Nixon actually ended the Vietnam War on terms that allowed South Vietnam to exist. All we had to do was keep money coming to the South. A quick side note- yes we did need to pay the South Vietnamese because we were the reason they existed in the state they were in, it was our responsibility (the Democrat-ran American government had its CIA remove a stable leader who didn’t want American soldiers there and may have brokered an agreement with the North, a move that led to the war’s outbreak and the North’s mass-murdering ways being inflicted on the South) because actions taken by Democrats in Power (D.I.P.s) led directly to the threat faced by innocent civilians.

Anyway, once Gerald Ford finished what Nixon started that made Democrats so mad they impeached him (let’s not kid ourselves, Democrats cheated against Nixon in both 1960 and 1968, so the only reason they went after Nixon over doing exactly what they did is political, probably because Nixon ended their little war) the Democrats- who owned Congress- decided that they’d no longer protect the civilians their reckless policies endangered and withdrew funding for the South Vietnamese (again, as referenced in my post linked earlier). Done with their South Vietnamese allies, they tossed them to the wolves, just like they did with the Chinese. It gets better though- Democrats refused to take in refugees from South Vietnam.

And no, these aren’t the mythical Democrats that switched over to make the Republican Party racist in some sort of secular retelling of Lucifer being cast out of paradise (you atheist Lefties like to substitute government for religion in your war against religion (and you atheists don’t mind mass murder), so I see why you needed to have a creation story like this to explain where your devil came from), unless you think Jerry Brown and Joe Biden are Republicans.

This brings us to the modern age- Iraq and Afghanistan. Republicans started those, yes, but there was bipartisan support. Then Democrats took over and destroyed all progress in Iraq, even ignoring President Bush’s prescient statement that if we left too soon a new terror cell would rise. He didn’t know at the time that this would be called ISIS, and didn’t know that the next Democrat President would aid ISIS in addition to creating circumstances allowing ISIS to rise while tossing aside our friends in the region and deliberately abandoning efforts to create a democracy. Next came Afghanistan, where the well-organized withdrawal that the Republican Trump scheduled was thrown away by Democrats along with every ally we had in Afghanistan (barring the occasional political stunt, but also for fear of a failed rescue attempt making them look bad politically, so better not to try at all was their reasoning). Democrats didn’t bother consulting with allies for days after the withdrawal started, in fact they said on August 13th they weren’t closing the embassy in Kabul down and the city wasn’t in any danger, but even while they spoke the staff was getting ready to evacuate and by the 15th the building was empty as the Taliban took the city. They lied a lot about the withdrawal as it happened- they bribed the Afghan President (Didn’t Democrats say quid pro quo deals were impeachable? Or is that only when it’s not a Democrat making them?) to lie that Afghanistan was in no danger thus making people think they didn’t need to leave the country, during the evacuation they told people NOT to evacuate and that they wouldn’t bother coming for them, then to top it all off they lied about people being stuck there (and Biden thought it was a joke)! And all that chaos and death just because Biden wanted to meet a political goal, and you Democrats would vote for him again in a heartbeat after that.

As you read in the links above America made a commitment to get our Afghan allies out and Trump’s plan allowed that to happen. But then Democrats showed up and threw away our allies once again. What else do you call it when the Democrats in charge tell other NATO countries to stop withdrawing their friends and forces because it exposes the Democrats’ lies about why we abandoned everyone (worse- Biden withdrew the military before the civilians yet with less than a month until the 9/11 deadline he didn’t even have a plan for getting our civilians and allies out, caring more about the political victory than bodies on the ground)? Democrats didn’t just throw away our Afghani allies that time, they tried to throw our NATO allies out too and demanded they stay in the trashcan just so Democrats could look good! (Speaking of, Democrats were happy with how the disaster went and insisted that all the women they threw away in Afghanistan are better off now than they were before the withdrawal. No, no they are not, but even though Democrats are becoming aware of the problem they’re still happy to campaign on what happened as if it were great.)

I guess in a sick way that’s to the Democrats’ credit that they finally realized after 80 years how unpopular their policy of throwing away allies after they’ve outlived their usefulness is to folks outside their party. They tried to hide their usual scheme of ditching our Afghan allies by telling lies about how we couldn’t evacuate them even as our NATO allies easily evacuated their Afghan friends- and even telling our NATO allies not to evacuate their people so that the Democrats’ lie would look better. They also actively interfered in civilian efforts to get people out. trying to stop that from happening. They tried to hide their abandonment of our Afghan allies and violations of our promises to them by just shoving as many random people onto the evacuation craft as they could and hoping the public would be fooled into thinking that taking a bunch of strangers was the same as fulfilling promises to friends, friends who were hunted down and brutalized by the Taliban using the billions of dollars of equipment the Democrats left for them.

Oh and we still have Americans trapped in Afghanistan. You know how they just let anyone on the planes? They STOPPED Americans with papers from boarding the planes. They stopped women and orphans from boarding the planes in favor of fighting-age males who might be tied to terror cells. I hope at least the Americans left behind were all Democrats, because that would be the only bit of justice we’ll see in this world for the Democratic Party.

What We See In Ukraine

I predict the same thing in Ukraine. Democrats started this conflict in 2014, and they’ll abandon their allies there too. I promised an explanation so here it is.

Democrat God-King Barack Obama who had a flawless, scandal-free Presidency that represents the golden era of America (because creating ISIS, saying that America will never again have a good economy, and creating racial strife made him a deity for Democrats) decided to overthrow Ukraine’s government. No real reason for it, he just didn’t like how a foreign election went so he overthrew that government and installed one that he did like. This adds a layer of irony to the Democrats’ complaints about Russia interfering in our elections, as if Democrats would never do such a thing despite doing it to our allies- and it wasn’t a practice confined just to Ukraine. Democrats attempted it in Israel by using taxpayer money to fund the Prime Minister’s opponent in an election, and (while still President) Obama campaigned in England to oppose Brexit as if it was his personal business what a foreign country did with its own internal affairs. As if any of these incidents weren’t foreign interference, as if what Obama did in Ukraine wasn’t an “attempt to overthrow Democracy” as Democrats like to say these days, as if what Obama did in Ukraine wasn’t the same regime toppling that Democrats (repeating here that Democrat/Leftist/Liberal are being treated as synonyms) condemned Republicans like Reagan and Bush for doing.

Naturally, when you “overthrow democracy” like Democrats did, that leads to instability and factions. Some factions would want to reunite with Russia. Ukraine was part of Russia for a couple of centuries, so the broad-minded among you might understand how some Ukrainians would want to help Russia regain power over their country, or at least understand how heavily Russian some parts were. At the same time that Obama was destabilizing the Ukrainian government and helping some Neo Nazis gain power (every member of their party who is now saying Republicans are fascist, that has been lying about Trump saying Neo Nazis were fine people just to smear him as a sympathizer, are silent about their scandal-free Democrat President ensuring Neo Nazis ran a country), he was showing weakness to Russia while creating a fascist puppet state on their border so they decided to seize Crimea. While ethically not the right thing to do, strategically it totally was the right thing at the right time.

Look at it from Russia’s perspective- for centuries, they have been invaded over and over again by European powers. That is why they want buffer states. Centuries of valid paranoia led to this attitude of mistrust that the Russians have. Yes, NATO never wanted Ukraine, but how is Russia supposed to believe that when you topple Ukraine’s government and install a NATO-friendly one full of Neo-Nazis (y’know, the heirs to the most recent guys who invaded Russia)? So they took Crimea, which wasn’t much because a lot of folks there were friendly towards Russia anyway because of that centuries-long relation I mentioned.

Russia did want more, but a ceasefire that no one adhered to was reached and a very violent peace ensued up until February 2022. During this time, Russia took advantage of the big open border and friendly ethnic Russians to arm separatists. See Democrats, this is one of the downfalls of an open border policy… then again, you hate America so I guess you’d be happy if any power- including Russia- took advantage of your open borders policy to do the same thing to America. Strangely, under the anti-Russian Democrat rule, there’s been a nearly 2000% increase in Russians coming illegally into the U.S. over the border as compared to the election year for the alleged Pro-Russia-Putin-Puppet-President where you Democrats warned that the Putin Puppet might win if Russia was able to interfere. Kinda weird then that Russians didn’t start crossing until after the Putin Puppet lost, unless the current President and his political party had strong ties to Russia and would be seen begging Russia for oil… nah, how likely is any of that, Democrat?

Back to the history lesson- put aside the 6 years of being told Russia is the enemy and consider Russia’s point of view. Suddenly, as I talked about in 2018, this world power with nuclear missiles who was your best friend after you invaded a sovereign nation (Hillary Clinton wanted to make Russia a technological competitor to the U.S. and Obama wanted to be their friend while the bodies of their victims in Georgia were still warm), and still a friend after you seized part of another sovereign nation, is saying they hate you and want a war with you. Worse, they’re lying about you in order to get their citizens to support this war. Reread the 2018 War Games posts- Democrats openly said they wanted war with Russia! And this power that wants war with Russia had just “overthrown Democracy” in a country on Russia’s border to install confirmed Neo Nazis. And like I said, Russia has been invaded many times in its past, including by Nazis.

Now we come to the end of 2021. The Biden Administration is begging Russia for oil to lower our gas prices. Democrats lied to the world that we invaded Iraq for oil, and now those same Democrats who voted for that oil invasion are in charge and want Russia’s oil- the same Democrats who overthrew a government on Russia’s border and suddenly love George W. Bush whom they previously accused of invading Iraq for oil. The same Democrats who are now saying Russia will invade Ukraine, which is at this time a lie as I mentioned earlier, as much of a lie as Democrats say the WMD pretext for invading Iraq for its oil was- Democrats even admitted after the Ukraine war started that they were just lying about Russia invading, that they really had no idea it was going to happen. Oh, and suddenly those folks who were accused of lying about WMDs in Iraq are saying Russia is a threat (and lying about things being Russian efforts to interfere in elections) and are treated with love by the Democrats. Hmmmmm…

At this point, Russia has several options on the table, the worst of which is invading Ukraine. But their government is horribly corrupt and ran by a monster so they choose invasion. Since Russia has hardly changed in anything except labels (ie. monarchy, communist, democracy, oligarchy, but all still just as corrupt and imperialist as the other) it used its 19th century mentality to conclude invasion is what should be done. In today’s world with today’s morals it’s awful, but Russia isn’t from today’s world. So while it’s horrible and brutal, it shouldn’t have been unexpected that Russia would do the (morally) exact worst possible thing they could do in their situation.

Throwing Away Ukraine

Democrats had a lot of money tied-up in crooked Ukraine. Some biowarfare labs too, I guess getting around our various treaties on such things by outsourcing the work. That may be why Obama overthrew Ukraine’s government in the first place, “overthrew democracy” to use a Democrat phrase in vogue now- to ensure the Biden family and other such families could profit from the place (and use their puppets there to interfere in future elections), much as what America did to Cuba in the leadup to its communist revolution (ironic how those kids in the Che Guevara shirts and the Castro-loving media created the same corruption in Ukraine that led to their rise, but instead call you a traitor if you have a problem with it. I guess it’s ok to “overthrow democracy” everywhere else, and it’s not “overthrowing democracy” to assassinate their political opponents according to them). It shouldn’t be unexpected they’d do stuff like this- remember that Nancy Pelosi risked World War III just to help the family business in Taiwan, and saw an immediate profit from it. So with Democrats and their globalist friends financially tied to Ukraine it’s no wonder they’d play up this invasion the way they did.

Even if the conflict in Ukraine was not capping off 6 years of anti-Russian histrionics and lies, they’d still have overplayed Ukraine’s importance. Look at what they have tied-up.

  • Neo Nazis that Obama supported. They lost a bit of power since Obama was in charge, but they’re still a force. The Democrat-owned media in the U.S. even ran fluff pieces talking about how awesome these Neo Nazis are, and the Democrat-owned fact checkers and mobs of Democrat liars on the internet try to deny that these Neo Nazis exist.
  • Money.
  • Biowarfare labs. The Biden Administration admitted these places existed in Ukraine. Really, Russia should’ve used them as a pretext for invading, because bioweapons are considered WMDs. It wouldn’t justify Russia’s brutality, but it would justify invading, as all the Democrats who voted for invading Iraq would tell you.

But now that it looks like Ukraine is losing while we send them billions of dollars (that disappear with the weapons we send) at a time when we are facing Democratinduced destruction of our economy (once again), the Democrats’ media friends are starting to admit the truth that Ukraine could lose. This is very significant. You were a traitor if you even thought such a thing, the media/Democrat narrative had been Russia will lose if we just keep sending money to Ukraine. Now the truth that this never was true is being allowed to be expressed. Too late for the people the Democrats tried to cancel for saying this months ago. It won’t be long before support for Ukraine collapses, and they become just another cause Democrats tossed aside.

Ukraine’s offenses are few, far between, and failed moves for the sake of political optics rather than winning a battle. Russian planes fly free over the country. Ukraine’s benevolent, uncorrupt leadership just voted to give themselves a pay raise that’s funded by YOUR taxpayer dollars. Their military is quitting. They warned US citizens to evacuate.

Unfortunately, like with South Vietnam, Democrats made this situation much worse than it needed to be. How much of the barbarism would’ve been ended sooner had the Democrats not promised Ukrainian leadership support (and who knows what else) in their struggle? Russia has offered Ukraine terms. Would they have been taken more seriously, indeed would negotiations towards a favorable outcome for both sides, have happened already if Democrats weren’t encouraging the Ukrainian people to keep up the fight? By the way, guess which politicians the people manufacturing the weapons we send to Ukraine are donating to. The Republicans aren’t the only ones in the military-industrial complex. Consider this- days before Russia invaded, CBS’ 60 Minutes reported on February 20 that in response to Russia hurting Ukraine economically the U.S. was shipping WEAPONS to Ukraine. Not economic aid, WEAPONS. At the same time the Biden Administration was lying (as cited earlier) about Russia being aggressive.

Speaking of weapons, I noticed that the Russian Collussionists try to say Trump is a Putin puppet and delayed aid to Ukraine for political reasons that he needed to be impeached over (he actually delayed it because 1. he noticed the corruption that has now led to aid disappearing during a war and wanted something done about it BEFORE people would die from it and 2. he was hoping his refusal would pressure other European countries to do something instead of making us do all the work). He was actually the first to ship them- after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, and for the next 2 years, Obama sent money and a few items that couldn’t be used as weapons. Trump sent actual weapons. Biden was the one who cut out the weapon shipments in 2021, right after Biden was paid by Russia to allow them to finish their pipeline (between this and Biden’s aforementioned quid pro quo with the Afghan President that cost lives, how has HE not been impeached?).

Think about that- in 2015 Democrats refused to provide weapons to Ukraine and threatened to withhold a billion dollars in non-lethal aid a year after Russia invaded, threatening to withhold the aid unless they fired a prosecutor investigating businesses tied to Democrat Joe Biden’s son. They had just praised that prosecutor too, but then Democrats threw him under the bus. Some friends they are! They overthrow Democracy in Ukraine and then when Russia invades they refuse to provide weapons and threaten to withhold all aid unless they let the Democrat Vice President’s son’s friends get away with corruption, and they demand the head of a friendly prosecutor they praised because he dared investigate a Biden. Then they accuse TRUMP of trying to bribe Ukraine with aid and impeach him over allegedly doing what Joe Biden actually did.

What a tale of hypocrisy and total disregard for lives, ethics, and Democracy that the Democratic Party has created here. As I opened this section with- are you really surprised Pelosi risked a war just for money? And again- they don’t seem to care about the Ukrainians who could’ve been saved if peace had been declared, nor about the Europeans facing an economic and humanitarian disaster with their own citizens because liberals over there obeyed green-groups backed by Russia and became dependent on Russia’s energy (in other words, they pulled a California. And just like with California you can bet the elites in society and lawmakers who advocated for this misery won’t be impacted by it. They’ll just pretend they care about the damage they did, win an election by hook or by crook, and go on doing what they’ve always done).

What Do You Think?

Looks like such a fun game, vote Democrat and make it happen! Oh wait- you already did, because this is what you wanted! And now Putin has threatened nuclear war and your vaunted Democrat leader of Congress almost started a war with China so that she could make a quick buck, except we don’t have any defenses against nuclear weapons like what were shown in the video game this post covered. As mentioned in the original post about this game- Democrats mocked the very notion and instead focused on making sure America could never launch a nuke, while allowing Russia and China (and even helping them) to build their arsenals. Democrats actually reduced our nuclear defenses in exchange for nothing from Russia. The same Russia they said we should hate.

Like say for example when the Biden Administration lied about having evidence Russia was about to invade Ukraine- the Biden Administration said it, the journalists and think tanks and intellectuals said it was true and cited their friends in the Biden Administration, then it turned out to be a lie and their response was “so what? It made the public do what we wanted them to do so it was a good thing”, as if following a blind path of propaganda towards nuclear Armageddon was good for humanity. But these lies are what those in power say to each other and to you, so it must be true! And if you look back, this is how World War I started, how we got “the lost generation”, millions dead, because the societal elites who thought war would be fun on paper aren’t, as with Ukraine today and nuclear war in the future, the ones doing the fighting and dying.

Impeachment In The Air


I was going to have an image of Pelosi to start this post since it starts off talking about her, but the first word below is “hot” and I don’t want to sicken any readers by associating that word with her image. So instead, here is an image of some literal hot air as liberals burn things down because they were “sad“. Images from AP, RWC, Fox News, Quora

Hot air anyway. Amazing how times change, only 19 years ago did the Lefties at The Simpsons have Lisa say that “it’s… irresponsible to present rumors as facts”.

Of all the things to impeach over, why did Pelosi pick the whistleblower complaint? They have Mueller give them 10 points of alleged obstruction of justice they could impeach over, complete with research and all. Instead, Pelosi chooses to impeach over something Trump is alleged to have said, alleged by some guy who didn’t even hear it, alleged by some guy with a political bias against Trump according to the Inspector General, an allegation not backed by the transcript. Heck, the media has to lie about what the transcript said and selectively edit quotes from it to make it look bad! Further showing that she doesn’t know up from down on the issue, Pelosi said that the acting DNI broke the law by not referring the matter to Congress, even though the matter does not involve bad actions by intelligence officials, and might not even have been WITNESSED by an intelligence official unless that’s who the whistleblower got his second-hand information from.

In a real court the whistleblower would not be allowed to testify, anyone who went to law school would have it thrown out as hearsay, assuming the case even went to trial since both the victim (Ukraine) and accused deny that it happened, the transcript of the call shows nothing happened, and there is no other evidence contradicting this, to the point that the Washington Post even said the call “had nothing to do with a quid pro quo”. But impeachment isn’t about “facts” or even “laws”, otherwise as I’ll get into later Democrats would’ve had to impeach Obama and Biden would be polling at 0. Instead, Democrats feel impeachment is about letting a partisan rumor overturn an election you don’t like. Because the riots I started this post with pictures of failed.

You’ll also notice that once the transcript came out, the goal posts were immediately moved (or in some basket cases, the Left and NeverTrumpers just went with the tried and true “dog whistles” idea, saying that “see, we were right, but you just have to believe that these words that clearly mean something else mean what we tell you they mean, but you have to be smart like me to see it. And you’re smart, right?” Other basket cases like the New York Times wrote misleading headlines like “Trump Asks Ukraine’s Leader to ‘Do Us a Favor’ and Also Urges Inquiry of Biden” making it look at first glance like the quid pro quo was about Biden, when really the favor was about something from the foreign interference in the 2016 election that Democrats had in the past wanted investigated. They also make it sound like Trump was pressuring Ukraine on the Biden matter when the Ukrainian President was the one who brought it up in the first place. Then NPR went and outright LIED about what was said- they directly connect Trump’s “do us a favor” remark with Biden’s son, when the remark as I just said HAD NOTHING TO DO with Biden. NPR ironically says their edited remarks, the same editors behind the Charlottesville lie no doubt, provide a “kernel of truth” about the whistleblower story. I don’t know why NPR linked to the transcript right there, it DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS their reporting.). It went from being “Trump should be impeached for threatening to withhold aid unless a foreign leader interfered in the election” to “Trump should be impeached for asking a foreign leader to investigate corruption in their country involving a Democrat”. As I’ll get into shortly, their new goal post would make Joe Biden unfit for office by the Left’s standards because he did more than just ask about an investigation in that same foreign country; he outright got their prosecutor- who was going after his son’s company- fired!

Is This Their Best Shot?

Democrats have been saying since day one that Trump needs to be impeached. They tell you he obstructed justice, they tell you that despite what Mueller found he colluded with Russia, they tell you that he is violating the emoluments clause. So what do they proceed to impeachment with? Some guy says he heard through the grapevine some stuff happened, and those with direct knowledge of the event who spoke about it say what that guy said was not true and are backed by the transcript. Basically, this is the Left’s attitude on the matter (except it was not absurdly found to be true for the sake of humor and story).

For those thinking “of course Ukraine would lie since Trump was blackmailing them”, the best I can say because I’m not a mind reader is read the phone call’s transcript and that his present stated rationale matches his moves for NATO and the UN and what he was talking with the Ukrainian President about in the transcript. And kinda represents one of the reasons people like me voted for him. Ukraine hasn’t come out swinging against Biden, yet they got paid anyway a week before this whistleblower complaint hit the news. And if you think Trump faked the transcript (it sure reads like it’s verbatim as this author notes) then there’s not much I can do for you.

This story also has more potential backblast than a M72 LAW. If Democrats are asserting that Trump asking a foreign leader to provide dirt on Biden is an impeachable offense, then Obama should have been impeached when he did the same thing with the British and Italians (even if you claim the intel communities were helping Hillary not necessarily under Obama’s orders- which shows Obama’s incompetence if that’s your argument- Obama would’ve known), and Hillary should have been thrown out as a candidate once she did the same thing with the Ukrainians, Russians, and Australians. Biden shouldn’t even be showing his face in this race.

And Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) should be impeached too, because he threatened to hurt Ukraine if they helped Trump’s 2020 campaign, meaning he threatened a foreign country if they helped his party’s political opponent, which is kinda what his party wants to impeach Trump for doing. Also, Democrat Senators Menendez, Durbin, and Leahy.

Rep. Maxine Waters gets her own sentences for her statement that “when you talk about Russia, you have to bring in Ukraine”. Because if those two are so inextricably linked then how could Clinton working with Ukrainian officials not tie her in with Russia (as if she needed help being connected to them)?


Batting a thousand with the Left these days, ain’t ya? Image from Techcrunch

Aside from attacks for hypocrisy, Democrats risk calling attention to Biden’s possible misdeeds. That is what Trump was allegedly blackmailing the Ukrainians into doing, so people would be asking what it was Trump wanted the Ukrainians to look into, right? Unless you’re a Democrat in which case you feel betrayed when the New York Times mentions Biden’s potential bad conduct. You can hear and read more about the allegations elsewhere, but the story basically goes that Biden’s son was with some corrupt people and the Ukrainian government was set to prosecute until Vice President Biden stepped in and threatened to withhold aid money unless the Ukrainians fired the prosecutor. Biden admits to threatening the Ukraine over the prosecutor, but didn’t mention that his son was involved.


Anyway, if you’re saying that it warrants an impeachment inquiry that Trump merely talked about his political opponents to another foreign leader, not necessarily acknowledging that the quid pro quo part happened, I have to ask: why? He’s chewing the fat with someone who just won an election, so what? And he tells the guy he should investigate Biden’s dirty ties in his country, after that person mentions his willingness to cooperate. Ok, what’s wrong with that? Obama funded Netanyahu’s political opponent and Obama campaigned against Brexit, at rallies in the UK. Obama allowed UN poll watchers to make sure he won in 2012 or whatever (I’m intentionally hyperbolizing here) and Obama allowed our government to help Hillary by using foreigners and Obama allowed the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election because he thought Hillary would win. So… what’s your problem with what Trump did? Is it just because you don’t like him?

Forget Impeachment, Execute Him!

Excecute Trump for treason, because he chatted with a foreign leader? Or execute for treason because he asked a foreign leader to look at a potential 2020 rival? Because if that is the case, then Obama and Biden and Hillary will be next in line for the firing squad because in 2016 they had the British, Ukrainians, Italians, and Australians helping them against Trump. And Bill Clinton will be in line too, because of all that money the Chinese gave him and his delivery of our missile secrets to them. And if  Democrat hero Ted Kennedy were still alive, HE’D be in line for the firing squad.

So… how many Democrats do you want to kill just to get rid of Trump? Oh wait, I see the flaw in my assumption. You’re not going to apply the laws equally. Hillary Clinton (jokingly I hope) in 2016 promised to sell off Republican districts to China; if she had actually done that you would back her 100%. When your Democratic leaders reached out to foreign countries to spy on their 2016 Republican rival, you celebrated and later buried the move. But when Trump is only RUMORED to have pressured a foreign leader to investigate some very shady Biden things that even the New York Times felt it worth mentioning, that’s worth sending Trump to the gas chamber over!

I know, I know, Weld is a Republican, but what he said was pretty welcome on the MSNBC set. Also, to those NeverTrumpers like him who think Trump should be executed, you’d have to do Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao next because China has them wrapped around its finger.

So go ahead Weld, kill everyone who disagrees with you. Go ahead Dems, kill everyone who disagrees with you. Kill everyone who’s BETTER than you. You’ll be sending hundreds of millions to their death, but that IS what socialism’s biggest accomplishment has been so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I thought liberals were pretty vicious, but these NeverTrumpers are just as much the psychopath. After hearing Bill Weld, I’m not sure if I should say “I’m no longer a Republican, just a Trump fan” or if I should say “NeverTrumpers are not Republicans”.

I think the former, since NeverTrumpers are just Abe Lincoln Republicans- “do what I say or I will hurt you”. I’m not talking about the Emancipation Proclamation so don’t get started on your fake outrage about racism Democrat (your website claims that protecting slavery was a civil rights cause), I’m talking about Lincoln’s and his subordinates’ liberal attacks on people/journalists who spoke fondly of the Confederates, because remember: the nation was only split for a few years. If you had family in the Confederacy that you loved, or even if you thought it ironic that the man saying he’s fighting to save the Constitution was suspending its provisions, you could be imprisoned for expressing these views under Lincoln’s laws. Of course modern liberals don’t really understand the family ties part, how could they if they want to be able to murder their own kids months after they’re born? So I don’t think they’d quite get the problem with what Lincoln did. Maybe this analogy will help: it’s like if a President Ocasio-Cortez wanted you executed for saying you still love your spouse even though they voted for white nationalist Obama with his xenophobic bigoted border policies and homophobic bigotry in 2008.


From their own website, they said (as of I think 2017 when I first saw this, or maybe 2016) that “[f]or more than 200 years” they have “led the fight for civil rights”. Included in that 200 years is the time that Democrats formed their own country to protect the institution of slavery, claiming that was protecting the civil right to own property, soooo… here they are celebrating their own racism.

What’s This Impeachment Outbreak Really About?

On Trump’s end, I think he kept the mystery going until the Democrats were ready to impeach, just to pull the rug out from under them and make them look crazy. CNN tried to do a little damage control the night before the transcript’s release, saying that it was a victory and the Trump Administration was finally crumbling to Democrat pressures. NPR flat out lied about what the transcript said, as referenced in a parenthetical in the first section of this post. NeverTrumper Mitt Romney probably got away with saying what he said simply because of all the “if trues” he put into it, but NeverTrumper Bill Kristol went farther out on the limb so hopefully he plummeted.

As for the Democrats, Trump struck too close to home. Biden is the candidate that establishment Dems like Nancy Pelosi want. If Ukraine reveals that the corruption there is true, that Biden really did force out a prosecutor in a foreign country by threatening to withhold aid because that prosecutor was going after his corrupt son, then his already tenuous lead will slip and establishment Democrats will be left with a candidate they’ve decided is unelectable. So naturally Democrats themselves are threatening the Ukraine if they do reveal any info about the Biden allegations, thus becoming guilty of the very thing they accuse Trump of doing. It’s about, in a word, “desperation”. That’s why this bit of hot air was enough to set off their impeachment dynamite, rather than the possibly lit matches from the other stuff.

This explains some other things too. Why are NeverTrump “Democrats in disguise” like Romney and Kristol talking impeachment? Why is Trump’s NeverTrump GOP challenger saying Trump needs to be executed? Because they want Biden, like they wanted Hillary in 2016. And they’re terrified too that this will put an extremist in who’ll lose the election and give us four more years of Trump.

The hope is that by hitting Trump with impeachment and having all the media talking heads stuck yabbering about that, then Biden can quietly win the Democratic Primaries since no one is talking about his corruption, with the bonus that anyone who does hear about it will merely assume it’s part of the collusion between Trump and Ukraine. Normally it’d be a problem that the closest thing to evidence they have is “this guy says these guys said Trump said it”, but as you saw in Pelosi’s statement she’s talking like it’s a fact that Trump did say this stuff, so maybe they’re hoping that if they say it happened many times people will forget that it’s a lie.

Like, what if I told you that some guy told me some guys told him that Biden is a serial rapist and Pelosi acts as a pimp to make sure he gets a lot of underage girls? I now have as much evidence as Democrats have for impeachment, more in fact because there’s nothing like a transcript refuting my allegations,  and I have a slight edge since the victims are women and we’re supposed to believe all such accusations according to Democrats. See the problem here? If not, I can guess your IQ has as many digits as “IQ” has letters, and speaking of letters I can authoritatively say you only vote for people with the letter “D” appended after their names.


There are of course… other reasons why my accusation might be more believable than the High School gossip Democrats are using to impeach Trump. Image from PJ Media

What The Strzok Is Going On?

original unaltered image from

For those of you not paying attention during the Obama Administration, it may come as a surprise just how politicized the government itself has become. I’m not talking about the elected folks, by the very nature of their jobs it’s a given that they will be politicized, I mean the bureaucracy itself. The un-elected masses that make the government work, appointees and employees alike.

Appointees are of course going to be political, but they are in a separate class from Congressmen and Presidents and members of a President’s cabinet. All of those guys have a chance to be ousted every 2-4 years. Appointees though? Forget it! Unless they are fired (which is very hard because the Supreme Court ruled that government jobs were actually private property, belonging to the people that hold them1), die, quit, or maybe for some reach a mandatory retirement age, we’re stuck with them long after the voters have determined that they hate the Administration that put them there. This contrasts with government employees, who are basically like appointees except they advance through skill or nepotism rather than the whims of the President and Congress.

Judicial Use Of Force

     What happens when all of these people become entrenched in our system? Well, let’s focus on the Judicial Branch to see (there is a 33% chance that you have no idea what I’m talking about when I say “Judicial Branch”, based on a recent Annenburg Public Policy Center poll, so stop here and look it up or just keep nodding as though you understand). Remember earlier this year all of that hubbub over President Trump’s travel ban? Amidst legal challenges, the Supreme Court declared it Constitutional. However, the judges challenging it were all leftwing appointees. The law states clearly that Trump had the authority to do what he did, SCOTUS upheld that in a 7-2 vote, yet these judges were out there saying what Trump did was illegal.

Executive Decision

     Already you can see that the law is up for grabs because of judges that are political appointees unless you have enough money and time to take it to the Supreme Court (yes it works for both sides of the aisle, but after the Obamacare rulings11,11A it seems liberals


Why is Ginsberg on the far right? Maybe this is a colored Daguerreotype. -image from

keep winning, and liberals are a bit looser with the rules anyway10, plus there’s a lot more of them9), but now let’s cross over into the Executive Branch and see how law enforcement itself is affected. I could cite the soft takeover, as seen in Baltimore. Ever since the Freddy Gray case, police have been noticeably reticent to do their jobs, and so the murder rate shot through the roof5,5A. This is part of the so-called Ferguson Effect5A, where police are hesitant to do their jobs around minorities because of zealous prosecutors and a judgmental public, fueled by negative media coverage of the police giving their local actions national attention. I call it a ‘soft takeover’ because it matches the Left’s doctrine of giving privileged status to select minority groups, in this case by pressuring police to stop enforcing the law around them. Don’t believe me? Explain why white people need to shut up12. Explain sanctuary cities, which are blatantly in violation of the law, and how it’s always characterized as benefiting the Latino community and used for gaining Latino votes.

But that’s the more subtle takeover, let’s get to the big headliner today: the FBI. The one group that’s supposed to be above reproach. Local police might be bigoted or incompetent, as AG Eric Holder thought when he ordered the investigation of the Ferguson Police Department, but certainly not the FBI. If you’ll recall, the Left was arguing that nationalizing the police was the best way to deal with bias8. So what would that nationalized police force look like?

The First Thing We Do, Let’s Bias All The Lawyers

     It would look like Special Counsel Mueller’s investigative team, of course. Politifact6, often biased to the Left, tells us that Of the 9 prosecutors on Mueller’s team who have donated to campaigns, there’s a 15-1 ratio in favor of Democrats as to whom the donations went. Of course, Politifact isn’t a very good source, they counted 15 prosecutors when at that point there would’ve been 16 to consider7. A steadfast Democrat donor who defended Obama’s immigration action in 2014 was brought onboard. Plus, several other folks on it had ties to the Clintons too, though Politifact is quite nebulous as to how the spread looks or if those involved with the Clintons had not donated, thus bringing the bias figure from 10 to possibly 12, out of 16.

Agents Of Change

     It’s more than just the lawyers though! We also have FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who has come to symbolize the bias on the team as of late. Mueller kicked him out, though I agree with Rep. Jim Jordan2 in wondering why, since so many others on the team were clearly biased too. But Strzok is a special case. In 2016, he edited then-FBI Director Comey’s exoneration statement about Hillary Clinton- specifically, he changed the wording from “Grossly negligent” (which the law says is a crime) to “extremely careless”2. Quite a change indeed, basically going from admitting that Clinton behaved illegally to saying she did the equivalent of crossing the street without looking both ways first. Strzok’s bias was in favor of Hillary, in case it wasn’t obvious. He set up the FBI’s interview with Hillary Clinton so that other people involved in the alleged crime were in the room with her, an unprecedented arrangement2 which obviously shows Strzok favored her.


WaPo alleges that Strzok was using an untraceable phone merely to hide his office romance, an explanation that is clearly fake news because Strzok’s true love is not known for using secure devices. – Image from Associated Press

Now we come to his text messages, sent using an allegedly untraceable FBI phone or some such (according to the texts themselves13). Strzok mentions in them a meeting where an “insurance policy” was discussed, in case Trump won13. He also mentioned that “we”, at least meaning himself and someone else at the FBI, could not take the risk of Trump getting elected3. And shortly thereafter, in the same month, the FBI starts its investigation into Trump-Russia collusion3. What a coincidence! Strzok, by the way, at the time was deputy head of counterintelligence at the FBI2.

With Liberty And Justice For… The Left

     Even under Trump, it’s clear that the Left still can do plenty of damage- biased court decisions, biased legal teams, biased FBI agents in powerful positions. The Left would love nothing more than to make opposition to it illegal. We see this incubating on college campuses right now, and those snowflakes will be the avalanche that sweeps away our government in the future. But it’s not just them, this bit of typing called to mind Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano issuing a terror threat assessment that declared rightwing extremists can include returning military veterans, pro-life, and anti-illegal immigration people4. Meaning like half the country at least are potential rightwing extremist terrorists and should be watched. That was in 2009; we had 7 more years of Obama bringing in people that think like that. Mueller’s team and Peter Strzok, in particular, aren’t even the tip of the iceberg, they’re the carbon molecule that came to rest on top of it!


  1.                  1A.
  4.                    4A.
  5.                                                5A.
  11.                                                                                                    11A.