Missile Command (Atari 400/800, 1981, Residual From The War Games Series)

Hmmm… as will be made apparent later, I think my original leading paragraph from exactly 4 years ago still applies:

As we watch the Democrats peddle their warmongering interventionist and laissez-faire let’s-wait-for-war attitudes, ie as they play their war games on their way to the fall brawl known as the midterm elections, where voters will probably vote Democrat to bring us nookular annihilation, I’ll take a look at some literal war games. Cold War video games, anyway.

Today, we’ll look at a game I had wanted to do 4 years ago with the rest of the Missile Command games that were part of the War Games series, but I never got around to buying the hardware. Ironically enough at that time I had the disposable income to do so but thought it’d be too expensive, but now that I finally bought it I financially shouldn’t have!

The Game

I still say it looks like you’re shooting down American strategic bombers.
I played this on a contemporary TV that’s about the right size for a contemporary computer monitor.

Not much to say here that wasn’t said in the last one. This is pretty much the Atari 5200 version, though I’m wanting to say the cursor movements felt as smooth as the Game Boy Advance version, and looking at a comparison video of the 400/800 and 5200 versions I’m wanting to say that the 400/800 is faster, though the graphics are the same. That much struck me immediately about it.

Spotlight On The Atari 400

It blew my mind that this machine came out in 1979. I thought for sure it was later than that. Just look at the quality of the games on it and its computing power, and compare that with its competitors at the time (and note that for the TI-99 the games start looking better when they’re ports of Atari 400/800 games- but not like the originals!). The keyboard keys though… those were very interesting, and I enjoyed playing with them. Too bad I’m giving this one to my cousin and keeping the 800XL I bought, but he’d want this one because it came with the box and manuals whereas the 800XL was a PAL model that didn’t even come with connection or power cables… just a copy of Pac Man that was missing its back half for some bizarre reason.

Throw-Away Warfare

This post underwent many changes. I started this in the fall of 2021, then worked on it in the days right before the Ukraine conflict when it looked like the Biden Administration was lying about Russia’s intentions (I thought I was wrong for a few months because the Biden Admin made it sound like they were lying when they said Russia would invade, but then the Biden team freely admitted to a loving media that they really WERE lying and Russia’s invasion was just a coincidence- this wouldn’t be the last time they lied about Ukraine.). I added more stuff about Democrats provoking a war, then over the first month of the Ukrainian conflict I added all sorts to it, then abandoned it because it just got too messy.

It wouldn’t be part of the War Games series if I didn’t talk about war, and boy are Democrats into that this year! Remember how I predicted a conflict with Russia 4 years ago if Democrats had their way? Well here we are, and Democrats started it- in 2014! I’ll get to that in a moment, but first I need to go over the Left’s attitude towards war.

Today’s trend can be traced back to just after World War II. China could’ve gone communist or not, it was up to America to decide. The non-communists in China had helped us during World War II. Democrats- whose party had been infiltrated by communist spies– decided to abandon our Chinese allies to the genocidal ferocity of the Chinese Communists who still maintain that practice to this day. Democrats didn’t care then, they didn’t care when China wiped out millions of its own people (in fact, I’ve seen Leftists in various forums deny that anyone was killed), and we see it today with the Leftist love of China’s genocidal history, where alleged civil rights activists ally themselves with the racist/genocidal Chinese regime (and the liberal/Democrat-ran media and allies in Big Tech cover it up- indeed they believe America is worse than China), where BLM civil rights allies defect to the racist/genocidal Chinese government. A police officer can’t even shoot someone attempting to murder people without BLM pouncing on them (well… not unless the one killed is white, then BLM doesn’t care about alleged police brutality), yet the Chinese police can arrest people for no crime at all and harvest their organs and BLM sees them as a friend. Kind of makes you suspicious on what BLM really wants.

But the point of the above is that Democrats/Leftists/Liberals/whatever you want to call them used the anti-communist Chinese in World War II and then threw them away once they outlived their usefulness. This happened again in Vietnam. The Leftists started that war. We are taught that Nixon was eeeeeevil and corrupt and the most rotten thing ever to be in the White House (before Trump of course), but as I posted about in the link above, Nixon actually ended the Vietnam War on terms that allowed South Vietnam to exist. All we had to do was keep money coming to the South. A quick side note- yes we did need to pay the South Vietnamese because we were the reason they existed in the state they were in, it was our responsibility (the Democrat-ran American government had its CIA remove a stable leader who didn’t want American soldiers there and may have brokered an agreement with the North, a move that led to the war’s outbreak and the North’s mass-murdering ways being inflicted on the South) because actions taken by Democrats in Power (D.I.P.s) led directly to the threat faced by innocent civilians.

Anyway, once Gerald Ford finished what Nixon started that made Democrats so mad they impeached him (let’s not kid ourselves, Democrats cheated against Nixon in both 1960 and 1968, so the only reason they went after Nixon over doing exactly what they did is political, probably because Nixon ended their little war) the Democrats- who owned Congress- decided that they’d no longer protect the civilians their reckless policies endangered and withdrew funding for the South Vietnamese (again, as referenced in my post linked earlier). Done with their South Vietnamese allies, they tossed them to the wolves, just like they did with the Chinese. It gets better though- Democrats refused to take in refugees from South Vietnam.

And no, these aren’t the mythical Democrats that switched over to make the Republican Party racist in some sort of secular retelling of Lucifer being cast out of paradise (you atheist Lefties like to substitute government for religion in your war against religion (and you atheists don’t mind mass murder), so I see why you needed to have a creation story like this to explain where your devil came from), unless you think Jerry Brown and Joe Biden are Republicans.

This brings us to the modern age- Iraq and Afghanistan. Republicans started those, yes, but there was bipartisan support. Then Democrats took over and destroyed all progress in Iraq, even ignoring President Bush’s prescient statement that if we left too soon a new terror cell would rise. He didn’t know at the time that this would be called ISIS, and didn’t know that the next Democrat President would aid ISIS in addition to creating circumstances allowing ISIS to rise while tossing aside our friends in the region and deliberately abandoning efforts to create a democracy. Next came Afghanistan, where the well-organized withdrawal that the Republican Trump scheduled was thrown away by Democrats along with every ally we had in Afghanistan (barring the occasional political stunt, but also for fear of a failed rescue attempt making them look bad politically, so better not to try at all was their reasoning). Democrats didn’t bother consulting with allies for days after the withdrawal started, in fact they said on August 13th they weren’t closing the embassy in Kabul down and the city wasn’t in any danger, but even while they spoke the staff was getting ready to evacuate and by the 15th the building was empty as the Taliban took the city. They lied a lot about the withdrawal as it happened- they bribed the Afghan President (Didn’t Democrats say quid pro quo deals were impeachable? Or is that only when it’s not a Democrat making them?) to lie that Afghanistan was in no danger thus making people think they didn’t need to leave the country, during the evacuation they told people NOT to evacuate and that they wouldn’t bother coming for them, then to top it all off they lied about people being stuck there (and Biden thought it was a joke)! And all that chaos and death just because Biden wanted to meet a political goal, and you Democrats would vote for him again in a heartbeat after that.

As you read in the links above America made a commitment to get our Afghan allies out and Trump’s plan allowed that to happen. But then Democrats showed up and threw away our allies once again. What else do you call it when the Democrats in charge tell other NATO countries to stop withdrawing their friends and forces because it exposes the Democrats’ lies about why we abandoned everyone (worse- Biden withdrew the military before the civilians yet with less than a month until the 9/11 deadline he didn’t even have a plan for getting our civilians and allies out, caring more about the political victory than bodies on the ground)? Democrats didn’t just throw away our Afghani allies that time, they tried to throw our NATO allies out too and demanded they stay in the trashcan just so Democrats could look good! (Speaking of, Democrats were happy with how the disaster went and insisted that all the women they threw away in Afghanistan are better off now than they were before the withdrawal. No, no they are not, but even though Democrats are becoming aware of the problem they’re still happy to campaign on what happened as if it were great.)

I guess in a sick way that’s to the Democrats’ credit that they finally realized after 80 years how unpopular their policy of throwing away allies after they’ve outlived their usefulness is to folks outside their party. They tried to hide their usual scheme of ditching our Afghan allies by telling lies about how we couldn’t evacuate them even as our NATO allies easily evacuated their Afghan friends- and even telling our NATO allies not to evacuate their people so that the Democrats’ lie would look better. They also actively interfered in civilian efforts to get people out. trying to stop that from happening. They tried to hide their abandonment of our Afghan allies and violations of our promises to them by just shoving as many random people onto the evacuation craft as they could and hoping the public would be fooled into thinking that taking a bunch of strangers was the same as fulfilling promises to friends, friends who were hunted down and brutalized by the Taliban using the billions of dollars of equipment the Democrats left for them.

Oh and we still have Americans trapped in Afghanistan. You know how they just let anyone on the planes? They STOPPED Americans with papers from boarding the planes. They stopped women and orphans from boarding the planes in favor of fighting-age males who might be tied to terror cells. I hope at least the Americans left behind were all Democrats, because that would be the only bit of justice we’ll see in this world for the Democratic Party.

What We See In Ukraine

I predict the same thing in Ukraine. Democrats started this conflict in 2014, and they’ll abandon their allies there too. I promised an explanation so here it is.

Democrat God-King Barack Obama who had a flawless, scandal-free Presidency that represents the golden era of America (because creating ISIS, saying that America will never again have a good economy, and creating racial strife made him a deity for Democrats) decided to overthrow Ukraine’s government. No real reason for it, he just didn’t like how a foreign election went so he overthrew that government and installed one that he did like. This adds a layer of irony to the Democrats’ complaints about Russia interfering in our elections, as if Democrats would never do such a thing despite doing it to our allies- and it wasn’t a practice confined just to Ukraine. Democrats attempted it in Israel by using taxpayer money to fund the Prime Minister’s opponent in an election, and (while still President) Obama campaigned in England to oppose Brexit as if it was his personal business what a foreign country did with its own internal affairs. As if any of these incidents weren’t foreign interference, as if what Obama did in Ukraine wasn’t an “attempt to overthrow Democracy” as Democrats like to say these days, as if what Obama did in Ukraine wasn’t the same regime toppling that Democrats (repeating here that Democrat/Leftist/Liberal are being treated as synonyms) condemned Republicans like Reagan and Bush for doing.

Naturally, when you “overthrow democracy” like Democrats did, that leads to instability and factions. Some factions would want to reunite with Russia. Ukraine was part of Russia for a couple of centuries, so the broad-minded among you might understand how some Ukrainians would want to help Russia regain power over their country, or at least understand how heavily Russian some parts were. At the same time that Obama was destabilizing the Ukrainian government and helping some Neo Nazis gain power (every member of their party who is now saying Republicans are fascist, that has been lying about Trump saying Neo Nazis were fine people just to smear him as a sympathizer, are silent about their scandal-free Democrat President ensuring Neo Nazis ran a country), he was showing weakness to Russia while creating a fascist puppet state on their border so they decided to seize Crimea. While ethically not the right thing to do, strategically it totally was the right thing at the right time.

Look at it from Russia’s perspective- for centuries, they have been invaded over and over again by European powers. That is why they want buffer states. Centuries of valid paranoia led to this attitude of mistrust that the Russians have. Yes, NATO never wanted Ukraine, but how is Russia supposed to believe that when you topple Ukraine’s government and install a NATO-friendly one full of Neo-Nazis (y’know, the heirs to the most recent guys who invaded Russia)? So they took Crimea, which wasn’t much because a lot of folks there were friendly towards Russia anyway because of that centuries-long relation I mentioned.

Russia did want more, but a ceasefire that no one adhered to was reached and a very violent peace ensued up until February 2022. During this time, Russia took advantage of the big open border and friendly ethnic Russians to arm separatists. See Democrats, this is one of the downfalls of an open border policy… then again, you hate America so I guess you’d be happy if any power- including Russia- took advantage of your open borders policy to do the same thing to America. Strangely, under the anti-Russian Democrat rule, there’s been a nearly 2000% increase in Russians coming illegally into the U.S. over the border as compared to the election year for the alleged Pro-Russia-Putin-Puppet-President where you Democrats warned that the Putin Puppet might win if Russia was able to interfere. Kinda weird then that Russians didn’t start crossing until after the Putin Puppet lost, unless the current President and his political party had strong ties to Russia and would be seen begging Russia for oil… nah, how likely is any of that, Democrat?

Back to the history lesson- put aside the 6 years of being told Russia is the enemy and consider Russia’s point of view. Suddenly, as I talked about in 2018, this world power with nuclear missiles who was your best friend after you invaded a sovereign nation (Hillary Clinton wanted to make Russia a technological competitor to the U.S. and Obama wanted to be their friend while the bodies of their victims in Georgia were still warm), and still a friend after you seized part of another sovereign nation, is saying they hate you and want a war with you. Worse, they’re lying about you in order to get their citizens to support this war. Reread the 2018 War Games posts- Democrats openly said they wanted war with Russia! And this power that wants war with Russia had just “overthrown Democracy” in a country on Russia’s border to install confirmed Neo Nazis. And like I said, Russia has been invaded many times in its past, including by Nazis.

Now we come to the end of 2021. The Biden Administration is begging Russia for oil to lower our gas prices. Democrats lied to the world that we invaded Iraq for oil, and now those same Democrats who voted for that oil invasion are in charge and want Russia’s oil- the same Democrats who overthrew a government on Russia’s border and suddenly love George W. Bush whom they previously accused of invading Iraq for oil. The same Democrats who are now saying Russia will invade Ukraine, which is at this time a lie as I mentioned earlier, as much of a lie as Democrats say the WMD pretext for invading Iraq for its oil was- Democrats even admitted after the Ukraine war started that they were just lying about Russia invading, that they really had no idea it was going to happen. Oh, and suddenly those folks who were accused of lying about WMDs in Iraq are saying Russia is a threat (and lying about things being Russian efforts to interfere in elections) and are treated with love by the Democrats. Hmmmmm…

At this point, Russia has several options on the table, the worst of which is invading Ukraine. But their government is horribly corrupt and ran by a monster so they choose invasion. Since Russia has hardly changed in anything except labels (ie. monarchy, communist, democracy, oligarchy, but all still just as corrupt and imperialist as the other) it used its 19th century mentality to conclude invasion is what should be done. In today’s world with today’s morals it’s awful, but Russia isn’t from today’s world. So while it’s horrible and brutal, it shouldn’t have been unexpected that Russia would do the (morally) exact worst possible thing they could do in their situation.

Throwing Away Ukraine

Democrats had a lot of money tied-up in crooked Ukraine. Some biowarfare labs too, I guess getting around our various treaties on such things by outsourcing the work. That may be why Obama overthrew Ukraine’s government in the first place, “overthrew democracy” to use a Democrat phrase in vogue now- to ensure the Biden family and other such families could profit from the place (and use their puppets there to interfere in future elections), much as what America did to Cuba in the leadup to its communist revolution (ironic how those kids in the Che Guevara shirts and the Castro-loving media created the same corruption in Ukraine that led to their rise, but instead call you a traitor if you have a problem with it. I guess it’s ok to “overthrow democracy” everywhere else, and it’s not “overthrowing democracy” to assassinate their political opponents according to them). It shouldn’t be unexpected they’d do stuff like this- remember that Nancy Pelosi risked World War III just to help the family business in Taiwan, and saw an immediate profit from it. So with Democrats and their globalist friends financially tied to Ukraine it’s no wonder they’d play up this invasion the way they did.

Even if the conflict in Ukraine was not capping off 6 years of anti-Russian histrionics and lies, they’d still have overplayed Ukraine’s importance. Look at what they have tied-up.

  • Neo Nazis that Obama supported. They lost a bit of power since Obama was in charge, but they’re still a force. The Democrat-owned media in the U.S. even ran fluff pieces talking about how awesome these Neo Nazis are, and the Democrat-owned fact checkers and mobs of Democrat liars on the internet try to deny that these Neo Nazis exist.
  • Money.
  • Biowarfare labs. The Biden Administration admitted these places existed in Ukraine. Really, Russia should’ve used them as a pretext for invading, because bioweapons are considered WMDs. It wouldn’t justify Russia’s brutality, but it would justify invading, as all the Democrats who voted for invading Iraq would tell you.

But now that it looks like Ukraine is losing while we send them billions of dollars (that disappear with the weapons we send) at a time when we are facing Democratinduced destruction of our economy (once again), the Democrats’ media friends are starting to admit the truth that Ukraine could lose. This is very significant. You were a traitor if you even thought such a thing, the media/Democrat narrative had been Russia will lose if we just keep sending money to Ukraine. Now the truth that this never was true is being allowed to be expressed. Too late for the people the Democrats tried to cancel for saying this months ago. It won’t be long before support for Ukraine collapses, and they become just another cause Democrats tossed aside.

Ukraine’s offenses are few, far between, and failed moves for the sake of political optics rather than winning a battle. Russian planes fly free over the country. Ukraine’s benevolent, uncorrupt leadership just voted to give themselves a pay raise that’s funded by YOUR taxpayer dollars. Their military is quitting. They warned US citizens to evacuate.

Unfortunately, like with South Vietnam, Democrats made this situation much worse than it needed to be. How much of the barbarism would’ve been ended sooner had the Democrats not promised Ukrainian leadership support (and who knows what else) in their struggle? Russia has offered Ukraine terms. Would they have been taken more seriously, indeed would negotiations towards a favorable outcome for both sides, have happened already if Democrats weren’t encouraging the Ukrainian people to keep up the fight? By the way, guess which politicians the people manufacturing the weapons we send to Ukraine are donating to. The Republicans aren’t the only ones in the military-industrial complex. Consider this- days before Russia invaded, CBS’ 60 Minutes reported on February 20 that in response to Russia hurting Ukraine economically the U.S. was shipping WEAPONS to Ukraine. Not economic aid, WEAPONS. At the same time the Biden Administration was lying (as cited earlier) about Russia being aggressive.

Speaking of weapons, I noticed that the Russian Collussionists try to say Trump is a Putin puppet and delayed aid to Ukraine for political reasons that he needed to be impeached over (he actually delayed it because 1. he noticed the corruption that has now led to aid disappearing during a war and wanted something done about it BEFORE people would die from it and 2. he was hoping his refusal would pressure other European countries to do something instead of making us do all the work). He was actually the first to ship them- after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, and for the next 2 years, Obama sent money and a few items that couldn’t be used as weapons. Trump sent actual weapons. Biden was the one who cut out the weapon shipments in 2021, right after Biden was paid by Russia to allow them to finish their pipeline (between this and Biden’s aforementioned quid pro quo with the Afghan President that cost lives, how has HE not been impeached?).

Think about that- in 2015 Democrats refused to provide weapons to Ukraine and threatened to withhold a billion dollars in non-lethal aid a year after Russia invaded, threatening to withhold the aid unless they fired a prosecutor investigating businesses tied to Democrat Joe Biden’s son. They had just praised that prosecutor too, but then Democrats threw him under the bus. Some friends they are! They overthrow Democracy in Ukraine and then when Russia invades they refuse to provide weapons and threaten to withhold all aid unless they let the Democrat Vice President’s son’s friends get away with corruption, and they demand the head of a friendly prosecutor they praised because he dared investigate a Biden. Then they accuse TRUMP of trying to bribe Ukraine with aid and impeach him over allegedly doing what Joe Biden actually did.

What a tale of hypocrisy and total disregard for lives, ethics, and Democracy that the Democratic Party has created here. As I opened this section with- are you really surprised Pelosi risked a war just for money? And again- they don’t seem to care about the Ukrainians who could’ve been saved if peace had been declared, nor about the Europeans facing an economic and humanitarian disaster with their own citizens because liberals over there obeyed green-groups backed by Russia and became dependent on Russia’s energy (in other words, they pulled a California. And just like with California you can bet the elites in society and lawmakers who advocated for this misery won’t be impacted by it. They’ll just pretend they care about the damage they did, win an election by hook or by crook, and go on doing what they’ve always done).

What Do You Think?

Looks like such a fun game, vote Democrat and make it happen! Oh wait- you already did, because this is what you wanted! And now Putin has threatened nuclear war and your vaunted Democrat leader of Congress almost started a war with China so that she could make a quick buck, except we don’t have any defenses against nuclear weapons like what were shown in the video game this post covered. As mentioned in the original post about this game- Democrats mocked the very notion and instead focused on making sure America could never launch a nuke, while allowing Russia and China (and even helping them) to build their arsenals. Democrats actually reduced our nuclear defenses in exchange for nothing from Russia. The same Russia they said we should hate.

Like say for example when the Biden Administration lied about having evidence Russia was about to invade Ukraine- the Biden Administration said it, the journalists and think tanks and intellectuals said it was true and cited their friends in the Biden Administration, then it turned out to be a lie and their response was “so what? It made the public do what we wanted them to do so it was a good thing”, as if following a blind path of propaganda towards nuclear Armageddon was good for humanity. But these lies are what those in power say to each other and to you, so it must be true! And if you look back, this is how World War I started, how we got “the lost generation”, millions dead, because the societal elites who thought war would be fun on paper aren’t, as with Ukraine today and nuclear war in the future, the ones doing the fighting and dying.

From COVID To Ebola

It seems that a new virus is making the rounds in China, something close to Ebola (note that unlike COVID, this has only a 50% survival rate). In light of this, the Biden Administration is happy to send our best athletes, their support teams, throngs of tourists, and media personalities plus their support teams over to China for the Olympics. Because obviously the best way to stop Chinese Ebola from reaching the United States is to send thousands of people, many of whom interact with a lot of people in their daily lives, to catch it and bring it back here to spread it around. Recall that Democrats in February 2020- who would’ve known how contagious COVID was based on reports from overseas– did much the same thing in encouraging Americans to do everything they could to catch it, and then used the high infection rate that they created as an excuse to lockdown the country.

No liberal, your friends (who the New York Times got money from and protects by lying) in the Chinese government aren’t likely to care about stopping it from being spread to foreigners. When COVID was spreading, they knew about it, locked themselves down, and let foreigners come in and bring it back to their countries too for months. They even ordered the World Health Organization to lie and say COVID does not spread among humans while this was happening.

And this Ebola panic comes with us knowing already that the beloved Dr. Fauci funded COVID and even openly conspired on how the government can help maximize Big Pharma’s profits during a pandemic (he indicates frustration at having to prove that a vaccine actually works, he outright says he just wants you to inject whatever the hell he tells you too no matter how unsafe it is! Skipping costly trials and forcing every American to be a customer, ALL 330 million plus any on their way if Fauci has his way, definitely means Fauci is out to maximize Big Pharma’s profits). So you understand why we have reason to be terrified that this might be Phase 2 of a plan. The obedient ones- the ones they want to survive because scared sheep are easy to lead- took the vaccines, which will likely be used to determine who gets treated for Ebola, from what we’ve seen already with COVID. Remember- even though it’s known that COVID vaccines can cause heart conditions, doctors won’t give you a heart transplant to replace your faulty one unless you take the vaccine that will make your faulty heart even worse, which has been banned or limited for certain age groups in several countries because of the damage it causes to hearts. They will refuse to treat you for other illnesses if you don’t have the vaccine. In fact, as reported in the last post, they’ll even refuse treatment for COVID if you didn’t get the vaccine. Thus, if you get this Ebola-esque stuff but don’t have the COVID vaccine, they will refuse to treat you. They might even give it some high-sounding reason, like preserving hospital space after their vaccine mandates depleted hospital staffs (mentioned in the last post and this post), leaving them unable to take the number of patients even a flu epidemic let alone an Ebola epidemic would produce! Anyway, that’s my prediction based on the total disregard for life that liberals have shown thus far, especially the lives of their political opponents (discussed in the posts linked).

Maybe coincidence or not, but a new Ebola-like virus was discovered allegedly in bats in China in early 2019. You know, the same year China got the pandemic started, the same year where we had a mysterious new flu variant the vaccines couldn’t handle (and the flu can cause a false positive in PCR tests for COVID. Hmmmm… might it not work the other way around too?), the same year COVID vaccines started being made. (I’m not yet going to say that this warning from September had any relation to this, since like every year according to the article someone warns of a pandemic so they were bound to be right eventually.)

And another remarkable coincidence: after being accused by the World Health Organization’s Director of not working on an Ebola vaccine earlier because it was not profitable, Big Pharma had both the COVID vaccine and an Ebola vaccine too in December 2019, with the latter approved by the FDA. And they randomly decided to waste money again working on an Ebola vaccine in November of 2021 that is based on the wildly profitable COVID vaccine (Ebola is a virus where its information is stored in its RNA and has that spike protein (and another thing- the mRNA vaccine works by making your body create spike proteins, yet this study shows that just having spike proteins by themselves does plenty of damage. They created something that had the physical structure of the COVID virus but without the virus part, injected it into hamsters, and found they still suffered. If you recall your basic biology, the structure of the cell was a cell wall and a nucleus containing its genetic info. In the case of COVID, that “wall” is where the spike proteins are and the “nucleus” is the RNA storage area where the information that makes you sick is. Think of it this way: the COVID virus is like a medieval mace (the spike protein shell) filled with poison (the RNA) bouncing through your body. The spikes are tearing you up, and then it releases the poison too (look you nitpicker, that’s the best analogy I could think of). So now with the vaccine we introduce similar spike proteins that bounce around your body like a mace, but spread knowledge to your immune system. Allegedly the spike proteins from the vaccine are different enough than the ones in COVID so that they would affect you different, like maybe a Nerf mace bouncing through your body… except one that damages your heart and immune system (to spell it out from those last two links- we keep getting breakthrough cases and people getting COVID multiple times while vaccinated, yet with natural immunity the CDC has no record of someone getting COVID a second time)) you hear so much about, like how the mRNA vaccine is a form of RNA except we artificially create the information stored there, so it’s very loosely possible that this Ebola variant mutated from an early mRNA vaccine- the Chinese were using one as early as August 2020, and they probably were experimenting earlier than that. We’ve had many COVID variants in this short span of time, so the vaccine had plenty of time to mutate, plus we’ve been funding Chinese biowarfare (and teaching their scientists) that does crazy experiments like perhaps making Ebola look like the COVID vaccine as part of gain of function research (for those that still hadn’t heard, as Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) put it based on how the government defined this research before Fauci got caught, gain of function research is when you take “animal viruses that only occur in animals and… [increase] their transmissibility to humans”, like say taking an Ebola virus’ RNA and putting it inside the lipid shell of the mRNA vaccine) to see how fast it’d transmit between humans. Just sayin’… (and after I wrote this post, I read that the inventor of mRNA vaccines pointed out that instead of the vaccine causing mutations in your body, the vaccine killing off the disease will cause IT to mutate, perhaps into something Ebola-like. And he also noted that China would be happy to spread it to everyone, it would cripple China’s enemies and China’s leadership has nothing to worry about because they have a nation of disposable slaves to order around while they hide from the pandemic they created. So long as in the end there’s still more Chinese and lots of Chinese money compared to the rest of the devastated world, they do not care. It’s Chairman Mao’s philosophy- and Democrats love that savage.)). Why would this profit-driven enterprise (to the point they exert their influence to silence complaints from doctors about harm the vaccines do, I mentioned in the last post that these are not nice people) waste money on worthless Ebola vaccines when there are still plenty of COVID variants, unless they knew something? Afterall, they were working on COVID vaccines in December of 2019 before anyone outside those in power knew about COVID… in fact, they started Ebola vaccines that year seemingly after the new strain was found in China. Did they know something? Were we first supposed to get Ebola but got COVID by accident? Or was it a two-step program to your submission to Big-Pharma-backed-Big-Government all along?

This situation now with Chinese Ebola is shaping up just like COVID, right down to vaccines being made as the Chinese government downplays the virus while it spreads. This absolutely looks like it will spread like COVID (the same pattern that COVID took, getting to lockdowns here in March). While COVID hit the world hardest (because it was already spreading before as you read earlier) from just the tourists coming for the Chinese New Year in Wuhan, this new Ebola “plandemic” will be spread from the much bigger Olympics. Whatsamatter Fauci, saying that we had SARS wasn’t enough to force people to vaccinate like you wanted, you had to have your friends in China release Ebola too? How much are you all making off this? Naturally, Fauci and China will get away with this bout of mass murder too.

I hope I am wrong and this turns out to just be another Ebola scare like in 2015 (or maybe the Chinese are using their citizens as guinea pigs for the Ebola vaccines mentioned earlier and it’s not going well)… but the way Fauci has been talking, the way Big Pharma is acting… I don’t know.

Could It All Be Accidents?

Well, yeah, and the reactions could just be that of psychos playing in the mess they accidentally made. Fauci gets to be a star and make the country adhere to his various medical fetishes, and gets to spout garbage theories that don’t hold up to reality while a friendly media tells him he’s right, and while he tells actual victims of his theology that they couldn’t possibly be victims because the voices in his head say that they’re wrong.

In 2018, Dr. Fauci’s buddies wanted to conduct gain of function research on Coronaviruses, but DARPA said no, said it was too risky. So they went to Fauci who funded this research in China instead, and sure enough we get a pandemic. Were they also playing with Ebola, maybe even that newly discovered variant?

For Those Of You About To Panic, We Salute You!

Ebola and other ailments of that flavor hurt you worse than COVID. The guidelines developed during the 2014/2015 Ebola scare say that anyone dealing with the infected should wear facemasks that block fluids and aren’t flexible (so no cloth masks) and don’t touch the mouth. They imply two nitrile gloves on each hand, though definitely use nitrile over latex. Cover anything you don’t intend to burn with a disposable covering or a reusable one that can tolerate multiple cleaning with chlorine solutions. Don’t let the Ebola near your skin, eyes, mouth, nose, and I suppose ears too.

“In terms of equipment, the CDC now advocates the use of coveralls and single-use, disposable hoods. The agency also recommends single-use, disposable full-face shields rather than goggles, which may not provide complete skin coverage. Goggles can also be problematic because they are not disposable, they may fog after extended use and health care workers may be tempted to manipulate them with contaminated gloved hands, according to the CDC.”

"In terms of equipment, the CDC now advocates the use of coveralls and single-use, disposable hoods. The agency also recommends single-use, disposable full-face shields rather than goggles, which may not provide complete skin coverage. Goggles can also be problematic because they are not disposable, they may fog after extended use and health care workers may be tempted to manipulate them with contaminated gloved hands, according to the CDC."
"In an October 28 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the group noted that removing PPE without allowing the outer surfaces of gloves or gowns to touch skin or underclothing “is difficult and that extensive practice is required to achieve proficiency with currently available PPE technology.”
Unfortunately, some of the best available hood coverings and other protections against infection are also “nearly impossible to remove without self-contamination,” according to the University of Iowa researchers."

So yeah… I think we’re screwed with this new one. It was hard enough just getting people to wear their masks properly even during that brief period when everyone was onboard with the idea; how the heck are you going to get people to put on remove all this stuff without infecting themselves?

Headline Roundup 2

These were all the stories I wracked-up while writing the first one of these compilations. A little out of date, but don’t worry I have another one ready to go with equally as outdated material.

A Chicago unioneer does not want to go back to school, and says only white supremacists want schools to open.

They could have made an argument that the schools need better HVAC systems before returning, that would have been a legitimate concern, we saw as much in the nursing homes in NY where the Democrats killed a bunch of old people. They could have tried to argue that their implementation of distanced learning is more successful than elsewhere in the country (there is no evidence it is, but they could have tried… not that Chicago schools ever were much better than elsewhere).

But because they knew they have a losing argument, and that many minority parents probably are NOT on their side since their kids are hit the hardest by all this because their kids rely on school for FOOD (it’s not like you liberals didn’t know that would happen) in addition to education (not to mention all the other benefits going to school had, but teacher’s unions don’t care if students commit suicide… now if TEACHERS did, then they’d care because it’d mean less union dues collected, less money for the political machines.), the author instead flipped it to race and Trump bashing. Saying white parents want to murder non-white kids, saying Trump botched the response (probably believes the lies Democrats told) when Democrats were the ones slowing him down at the beginning and when he got a vaccine when Democrats said was impossible, all the while lying that distance learning is effective. It is not, nationwide kids are failing much more because of it, and non-white kids are hit MUCH worse than white kids.

This being a teacher in Chicago, you can kinda guess the real reason they’re getting so extreme in the rhetoric is simply they got lazy at their job and don’t want more work, so they came up with the most outlandish claims they could think of to characterize their laziness as heroic resistance to the evil white race. I’ve been frowning on Chicago teachers ever since I first heard of them in 2012, when they went on strike because they weren’t satisfied with more than 2/3 of the school system’s budget, making more than the average U.S. teacher even in bigger cities, making more than the average household in Chicago (they were making $70k, which is $79k in today’s money, and twice what I make, and they went on strike because the city would not pay them $94k in today’s money, a 19% increase in pay when the school’s budget simply didn’t have it without cutting even more from what the students get, at that point might as well just stop having students because you couldn’t afford to upkeep the buildings or provide educational materials… and based on how teachers have been acting during the pandemic it seems they DO want to just stay at home collecting pay checks for doing nothing) wasn’t enough for them. Didn’t care about the kids then, don’t care now, or at least that’s the case with this person.

Washington Post says Biden’s outreach across the aisle by hiring a conservative sign language interpreter is divisive because the interpreter is on the other side of the aisle. WaPo, best known for their hatred, for saying it’s white privilege to NOT be filled with hate and despair, for blackmailing America by promising that liberals would riot and kill if Trump won, for spreading Chinese propaganda, for saying you are sexist if you criticize a female Democrat, for inventing a politically correct replacement for liberals who may feel uncomfortable expressing their hatred of non-whites who don’t obey them with racist slang like “banana” and “oreo”, for being pedolovers that find nothing horrifying about stabbing a baby with scissors, for implying that Obama exercised white privilege (maybe he’s one of those folks with multiracial whiteness that WaPo screamed about) by saying only white supremacists golf, plus the many lies they’ve told for years now, and making rioting cool says that the interpreter spread “misinformation”, and defines “misinformation” as roughly anything that Democrats don’t like, thus making “misinformation” “divisive” because it doesn’t glorify Democrats. By the way, this is ironic. Washington Post’s slogan is “Democracy Dies In Darkness”, yet here they are doing exactly what dictatorships like China do- labelling anything they don’t like as “misinformation” thus justifying their demands to censor it, saying it’s only lies and that you need to be protected from lies. Washington Post has a record of lying to help Democrats, so you’d think they’d censor themselves if that’s what they cared about. But like the dictators they love in Cuba, Washington Post’s definition of “misinformation” is merely anything that might jeopardize their political party’s popularity. They are of the same belief as Ocasio-Cortez, that they get to determine what the facts are you are allowed to use in an argument, and both she and Washington Post have a long history of declaring lies to be true when it suits them.

Joe Biden appointed a racist to a top position in the State Department. She says that Black people make better diplomats because they hate the United States. Her definition of “better” is that they will make more concessions and do things that will hurt the United States. So not only does she believe that all Black people hate the country, a prejudiced stereotype that you’d usually just hear from white nationalists, she also says that it’s good they hate the country because it means they will damage it. And Joe Biden, who took an oath to protect this country, just appointed this racist who wants to destroy it. Washington Post did not challenge her “misinformation”, as they believe this is the truth and believe destroying the country is a good thing- the Post is loyal to it’s billionaire globalist elite owner, not to the poor people and poor communities of color that would be wiped out in a globalist system (a system where it’s ok for the rich to pollute as much as they like. There are broad reasons why the poor will suffer, such as if they do a climate lockdown, but case in point as I type this: because no one would be able to stop folks like Bill Gates who want to block the sun at a time when winter storms are killing people, people who are dying even more because Green Energy that Bill Gates advocates was unable to withstand these storms that Bill Gates wants to create more of- and by the way, energy prices are rising which means poor people get to die in the cold thanks to your green energy, great work liberals. Tell me liberal, do you know how cold it can get inside a house without electricity in freezing temperatures? Because I know someone who luckily was rich enough to evacuate their house, where at night temperatures IN THE BEDROOM WITH FOUR PEOPLE got below freezing! Seems you’re the ones perpetrating a genocide against poor minority communities, communities who can’t afford to evacuate or pay extreme electric bills, certainly not the police. Remember liberal: your Leftwing billionaire leader heroes with their hands in the Biden Administration that you praise and voted for have charities dedicated to depopulating the planet, and are advocating policies that destroy minority communities.).

Just an observation- even after Biden declares climate emergencies, why are liberal elites buying up beachfront property? Why did they never stop buying it up even while warning us that the world would end and those properties would be flooded well within their owner’s lifetime? A billionaire or politician does not get that far by making so obvious a mistake as buying property they say will be worthless soon. You can’t say they buy it because of optimism that things will be fixed, because as we’ve discussed their solutions would do nothing except destroy the United States. That seems to be a recurring theme amongst Democrats, destroying this country while empowering China. I don’t even have to ask why, we know China’s giving them money… and sex.

One bit of Trump harassment that I’ll have to say may actually be legitimate- Palm Beach’s review of if he can reside at his resort there. Trump made some agreement with them in 1993 that may or may not allow for it.

Remember what I said about the China-fueled opioid crisis (Because I don’t- I know I wrote about it as an aside somewhere in these posts this year!)? Well, I guess China promised Biden a cut of the profits because he cancelled an executive order from President Trump that expanded access to treatment for opioid abuse. In other words- Biden doesn’t want your addiction to China’s fentanyl to be treated.

More info on why the COVID figures are suspicious- only 23 flu cases have been reported, at a time when normally there’d be over 14,000. You can’t say it’s because of the lockdowns and masking, because you keep saying that we need more mandates because no one’s doing it and that’s why COVID is spreading, and even say masks AREN’T working (again- remember that as late as February 28 2020 CNN was telling you based on their own independent journalism that masks don’t work). Unless you want to admit that people are doing that, which is why the flu is down, but that your rules have no effect on COVID. I’d say it’s the former, because you count hospice deaths and gun deaths and untested people who happened to die with a cough as being COVID deaths, and probably also just test the deceased for if they ever had COVID versus if they had it at the time of death. Anything to keep the lockdowns in place! Those lockdowns that destroy the opponents of your fascist business leaders like at Amazon while making the Leftwing fascist billionaires richer. No wonder they went so heavily for Joe Biden, he was making sure their competition would be decimated!

In another example of unity, MSNBC says violence from the Right is bad and then says Trump should’ve been murdered. Like I’ve been saying- a liberal’s only definition of unity is “you think like we tell you to”.

Remember how the government brought charges against Russia for setting up fake social media accounts to sew discord in the 2016 election? Remember how we were told that is an act of war? China did it in 2020, and no one from Democrats on down to the Washington Post gives a hoot. I wonder why… Amazon gets lotsa money from Chinese sellers, and we all know of the DNC‘s very… ahem, “intimate” ties with China.

Speaking of Biden rewarding his friends, here’s another crony appointee into the DOJ.

CNN, best known for its many lies and hatred of science, is saying that cable companies should either censor or discontinue airing news outlets that CNN disagrees with. “Harm reduction” by stopping “disinformation” is the rationale from CNN’s resident potato baby. That, as I mentioned, is the rationale of China and CNN’s fellow Democrats and any dictatorship really. They decide what a fact is, not reality (like how CNN decided that the reality is it is glorious for Democrat Kamala Harris to be vaccinated but immoral for Republican Marco Rubio to be vaccinated, or how you are evil if you think Democrats stole the 2020 election but it’s ok to believe Republicans stole some races). Look at all the lies CNN tells- they want to censor people who call them out on those lies, they say that calling CNN anchors liars is disinformation. Heck, CNN’s potato baby says right in his own statement that it’s a lie CNN wants Fox off the air but then says they need to be taken off the air! Got that? CNN can lie all it wants and never bother with a retraction, CNN can mock Black people dying in the streets, but it’s “harmful” if you disagree with their talking points and you should be silenced. Their “disinformation” is truth, and you are dangerous if you fight their “disinformation”. So says the liars at CNN, and Washington Post, and DNC, and Chinese government, and so said the Nazi Party.

According to Oxford Languages, censorship is “the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.” So, why is CNN’s potato baby saying that suppressing material is not censorship when it’s clearly part of the definition of censorship? Again, he condemns misinformation as being a pollutant in the media environment and IN THE SAME SPEECH is guilty of polluting it himself! Speaking of the media environment, potato baby says that we can only debate issues when CNN’s chosen lies are used as facts. But then how can you debate an issue when the other side tells you what you’re allowed to use? CNN outright said that anyone opposed to Democrats was insane, that there could be no opposition to Democrat policies because Democrats are always right (climate change being an example of CNN saying Democrats are always right on, despite the many times they were wrong that I covered already). Potato baby brought up taxes as an example- well, if CNN says it is a fact that higher taxes are good, then how could you debate the issue? Do you call CNN a liar? But that’s spreading misinformation according to CNN, so you will be silenced for disagreeing with them. Potato baby’s ideal media environment is deliberately designed to remove debate altogether, something anti-Democratic anti-Free-Speech dictatorships love to do (you liberals spent 4 years saying Trump is bad because he’s an anti-Free-Speech dictator trying to destroy the press, yet now that you are in power you yourselves have become the anti-Free-Speech tyrants), though from what I’ve seen I doubt CNN’s potato baby really understands that concept. I think, like AOC, he’s just an actor with limited mental capacity.

If it were up to CNN, we would never learn about “harmful” “disinformation” like the fact that the brother of a CNN anchor killed a bunch of old people and lied about it to avoid federal prosecution, members of his administration apologized only to politicians for giving their opponents an issue to use, and that governor made sexist remarks to the daughter of one of his victims. Something that Trump would be successfully impeached for if he had done it, and I’ll also note that Cuomo’s buddy felt it was fine to reveal all this now because she noted it was only the Trump Administration they were worried about, meaning Trump would’ve cared but BIDEN DOES NOT CARE IF DEMOCRATS KILL PEOPLE (there is a federal investigation so it seems for the moment her faith the Biden Administration is misplaced). CNN buried that story until they really couldn’t any longer, and it was revealed by one of their folks saying that they got caught-up in the hype around the Emmy-winning murderer. Other media outlets equally dedicated to stopping the spread of misinformation are spreading misinformation of their own by telling interview subjects they aren’t allowed to criticize the killer in question. I look forward to hearing CNN criticize their fellow networks for this behavior, the same way I look forward to the day lollipop trees will sprout from the jelly beans I planted in the chocolate pudding/ground oreo dirt.

Airports are now detaining people simply for being at the wrong rally but still engaging in lawful activity.

Democrats actually believe that if you oppose them you are mentally ill. This goes back to CNN’s Potato Baby’s argument. If the Left determines what all the facts are then it is impossible to have a debate because they would always win, the idea of even having a debate is insane because you’d be debating facts, and CNN’s Potato Baby said that is not an option. So the only reason you’d disagree with a liberal is if you were mentally ill or hated them or something. That is actually how liberals see the world right now- they have all the facts, there is no room for debate because the facts (whether true or not) say there is no room for debate, therefore if you debate them you must be a crazy reality-denier or must have some other motive like bigotry or greed. So we already know what CNN’s Potato Baby’s theory would yield in practice, because liberals have always practiced it. It’s why I say they can’t be argued or reasoned with, their limited worldview permanently has them as being correct on all matters, that is a fact according to them, it’s “settled science”, it’s “their truth”, it’s “the law of the land”, it’s whatever other phrase they’ve used to describe it. Challenging them to a debate automatically means you lose because you can’t possibly have a fact that says they’re wrong, it’s simply not allowed in their worldview. They HAVE lied, cheated, and even murdered (and celebrated murder) to protect their worldview.

An activist judge decided that the law doesn’t matter and tampering with evidence in order to trick a court into letting you spy on a political rival is acceptable behavior. First of all, Democrat, you say Nixon was terrible for illegally spying on political opponents, yet here your “scandal-free” Obama Administration did worse and lied to a court in order to illegally spy on their political opponents. But you think it’s ok and are cheering that one of the individuals who tampered with evidence got away with it. Second of all, Democrat, I ask you: what would happen if you or I tampered with evidence? I thought you wanted everyone to be equal under the law, I thought that equality was what you spent 2020 burning down cities over, why is it equality when the powerful and connected get away with stuff the average peasant would be arrested for?

That’s ok though, Biden is planning to put more judges like this or the Flynn judge into power. So that you always know the law means nothing, just if you’re a Democrat and maybe how much you’ve paid the judge.

Joe Biden’s new State Department spokesperson said in 2016 that police officers are the biggest threat to America, a bigger threat than Russia or China or (at the time) ISIS. She’ll fit right in with that racist that Biden appointed to destroy the country. Now keep in mind 2016 was not a particularly noteworthy year of police violence. She believes that there is a genocide against Blacks… specifically, she believes that (as reported by the Washington Post) 40 Blacks who were unarmed (13 of which had realistic toy guns, and were waving them around like they were the real thing, and only 2 of those were juveniles) and neither near someone else who was armed nor trying to improvise a weapon to kill police with (for example, some used axes or stole an officer’s own equipment like batons and tasers, and others tried to ram their vehicles into police, which apparently is acceptable behavior according to the Biden Administration, based on their hiring choices) but were often fighting police (for example, one person JUMPED THROUGH A WINDOW to attack police officers) or in some cases mistaken as having a weapon, she believes that is genocide. Of course if you ask her, she’d just say the whole group of 234 Blacks armed and otherwise, trying to kill police or otherwise, are part of the genocide. Fun fact: for the previous decade police officers were 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a Black than they were to kill an unarmed Black- blacks were 6% of the population but responsible for 42% of murders of police officers- but in 2016 there was a 53% increase in murders of police officers, most of which were done by Black males, which means that 18.5 stat probably looked more like 21.5.

This alleged genocide against Blacks (had to specify who it was against since Blacks are doing a much better job on their genocide against police- and yes I can use the word “genocide” since Blacks are killing more and targeting a specific group which all data says is the victim) apparently hasn’t stopped yet, and isn’t doing a very good job. The Nazis killed 6 million people in the same time this alleged genocide of Blacks has been going on. In 2016, 558,662 Blacks were born, versus police killing 234 of them. Biden’s appointee believes that at this rate, if Blacks aren’t allowed to murder police and commit crimes with impunity, they will be “extinct” as she said it. She believes that the over 83% of Blacks killed who were themselves trying to kill police or involved with people trying to kill police should have been allowed to live, should have been allowed to kill police and whoever else some of them were trying to kill. She is not alone in that belief, we’ve already mentioned how BLM loves cop killers and murderers in general.

And Biden thinks this was a great resume item to have when joining the State Department and conveying America’s image and values overseas, and negotiating with foreign powers. I guess we won’t be condemning China for its real genocide anytime soon because of Biden’s appointees who believe in a fake domestic genocide. Those poor Muslims dying in China, all because liberals stick to a debunked talking point. Oh, I guess my fact-based refutation is some of that “disinformation” that CNN’s Potato Baby says needs to be suppressed!

So about that case where they are prosecuting someone for telling Clinton voters they can text their votes… apparently the government violated the Constitutional rights of the defendant by skipping the Grand Jury. You only skip those when there is no time, prosecutors waited FOUR YEARS to do it. And while the Biden Administration pursues him but not any of the many actual voter fraud claims, Democrats defund police and empty prisons. Since “disinformation” is dangerous, and since as you read earlier Democrats are the ones determining what “disinformation” is, and since this guy is also being charged for saying bad things about Hillary Clinton, and since Democrats are ok with China spreading fake news on social media, it’s easy to connect the dots and see that maybe Democrats just want to empty prisons so that they can be repurposed into those re-education concentration camps that they keep promising us.

Just a note here that AOC, who says she is “traumatized” by the Capitol Hill riots, is an ardent defender of political violence when she profits from it. And wasn’t actually in the Capitol Building as she claimed, if you look at a map she was across the street. But apparently if you call her a liar because of her lie you are a sexual abuser, according to her, and I guess CNN too because this is not any of that misinformation they claim to oppose.

Democrat lockdowns are leading to child abuse. I already went over in this post how their academic performance is dropping. So Democrats want our kids to be abused AND ignorant, meanwhile they send our taxpayer money off to help the kids of foreign countries and appoint diplomats who hate the United States and are happy that our kids will not be able to compete in tomorrow’s world due to ignorance and mental issues from abuse, if they even survive it. Remember- Democrats also promote abortion and tell you that you are immoral for even having kids. Well, they only say that to Americans, the rest of the world is ok to do what it likes. It’s only America that liberals hate, and if they can’t get you to destroy the country they’ll just destroy your children so that by default there is no future for this country. Except maybe as slave labor for China, which liberals would be ok with because they think China’s slave labor advances civil rights and is just a “cultural norm” that we shouldn’t judge, according to President Biden. Then again, given what you’ve read so far here about liberals advocating genocide against Republicans and the police, I guess it’s one of their cultural norms too.

Speaking of how much liberals hate America, they wanted to make sure that terrorists such as the guy who planned 9/11 are vaccinated before you are. Demonstrating their priorities, liberals decided that people who want to destroy this country deserve the vaccine more than anyone trying to protect our country or even anyone living in this country. Like I said above- they HATE this country and hate you for being a part of it.

Or maybe they’re hyperpatriotic and doing this because they know the vaccines are fatally flawed, in which case getting the elderly vaccinated is, much like Cuomo’s murders, just an attempt to weed out the older conservative voters. “Boomer removers“, as young liberals celebrated COVID to be. Nothing but bloodlust from the Left.

The New York Times, who you may recall loves dictators to the point they don’t mind taking a tour of Iran that did not permit gays or Jews (how harsh they were on Trump as a homophobic anti-Semite, yet they themselves enabled such behavior by Iran, whom they praise), lost one of their writers- arrested because they were a spy for dictators in Iran. Of course even mentioning that Iran had influence over the NYT is just “disinformation”, you will note the media didn’t report it. Now imagine if we learned that a Russian spy worked for Fox News… anyway, let’s hope this and woke attrition ends the NYT’s reign of lies.

The Biden Administration lost 20 million vaccine doses. The media blames Trump for it, even though it’s Biden’s fault. But as CNN’s Potato Baby would say, this is not disinformation, this lie is fact. You are evil and bigoted and racist and a liar if you don’t believe their lies. Biden is good, Trump is evil, it doesn’t matter if the FACT is that Biden lost the vaccines, it only matters that CNN tells you it’s Trump’s fault. And in CNN’s Potato Baby’s world, you would not be able to challenge their lie about Biden being perfect, that would be one of those “facts” we’re not allowed to debate.

The FBI lied about when the pipe bombs were placed in the Capitol. But since the Democrats run it now, you are evil for questioning their “Facts” even after they’re caught lying. So says CNN.

Liberals and elites are surprised to learn that the public doesn’t think like they do. That’s why you get people like CNN’s Potato Baby complaining that the Left needs to control even what the facts are, so that everyone HAS TO think like them.

I’ve noticed that liberals, particularly on dating apps, are very aggressive about their beliefs. “ALL cops are bastards” is what they believe. Not some, all. Plus they simply want nothing to do with people politically opposed to them, no room for disagreement. The most aggressive ones outright say basically “I’m right and you’re wrong”. So CNN’s Potato Baby and AOC aren’t alone in their quest for a DNC-narrative-ran world.

Headline Roundup 1

As you might recall from the “of the gun” series, I tend to let articles pile-up and sometimes the only way to get them out is to just do this sort of grab-bag of them where I pretend to be Liberty Daily for a few minutes… but at least next time I lose track of all this I don’t have to go hunting across the Leftist-owned rigged search engines to find this stuff.

Start off with a retraction- the murder victim was entering through a window when shot by Capitol Police. She was still unarmed, and the police didn’t bother trying to help her. Now you liberals believe she deserves this for being there and all (it’s the same violence and hate you have been championing for years, liberal. This is what unity looks like to you? We don’t owe you anything of the kind!), but I remind you of the times you rioted in the Capitol Building and were not shot, of how you supported and voted into office a President and Vice President who supported rioters that were violating Federal buildings, and of the time your kind tried to murder police officers and were not shot, and of that time you said non-lethally defending a federal building from protesters was wrong, and of that time your peaceful protester friends tried to kill police by stopping them from getting medical treatment, and of the many times where you supported cop killers and would-be cop killers and killers in general only to suddenly say it’s wrong (and how many of you defund-the-police people are now demanding police murder unarmed protesters?), and again of how you voted in a President and Vice President who agree with these activities (and who helped bail out someone who raped a child) that you now say the Right has no right to engage in and deserves to die for doing.

Any departments under Joe Biden’s rule are not allowed to say “China Virus”. The more astute of you may recall that Spanish Flu and Ebola, terms used even when Biden was Vice President, terms used even during his campaign AFTER we were told that calling COVID the Wuhan Virus was racist, are STILL in use and are terms based on the location from which the virus originated, or at least appeared to have originated. Of course Spain and the Democratic Republic of Congo aren’t in charge of the U.S. government like China is, so that’s why Spanish Flu and Ebola are still politically correct terms.

That same FBI that’s ridding the military of Trump Supporters and arresting Trump Supporters lied in court in order to spy on the Trump Campaign in 2016.

That same FBI who lied about Trump obstructing justice, which I already went over long ago.

The same FBI who promoted the wife of one of those bad actors who Trump forced them to fire.

Department of Homeland Security, which is still mostly comprised of folks who were there in the Trump era decided Trump Supporters are terrorists and issued a warning stating as much more or less.

I find it ironic that The Simpsons creators and staff SUPPORT all this, even though under George W. Bush they clearly opposed it. I guess they didn’t like it because it wasn’t their side doing it.

This same government, with the same FBI I complain about, is now teaching your kids to protest and teaching your 6 year olds that whites are evil.

Precedent has been laid for arresting me for blogging. For arresting you if you ever speak out against the government. For arresting anyone who openly supports a candidate that the government doesn’t like. Theoretically Bernie Bros. should be just as mad, but this is the system they wanted anyway. You might wonder about the average American on the street. Well A: probably 60 million of them, even if you believe in extreme voter fraud, voted for Biden and are happy with this and B: the Democrat half of the country thinks the other half is full of racist terrorists that need to be silenced by any means. Go ahead and look at the rank and file, if you cut right down to it their reactions to Trump and the Right are extreme. 1/3 of Democrats believe you are racist if you criticize a politician of color, 28% of Democrats in 2016 when polarization wasn’t as bad as today would’ve blocked you on social media if you disagreed with them politically. They’ve tricked 61% of the public into thinking that Trump calling for peaceful protests was somehow violent and should be silenced (they and social media giants are silent on protesters coordinating their looting and liberals calling for outright murder on Twitter without being banned). They daily hear their leaders calling for riots and revolution (and speaking of insurrection, you joygasmed when some of your Democrat friends actually seceded from the United States, taking a hunk of Seattle with them and imprisoning the people inside that area who lived there but didn’t like them… and taking a few lives with them while turning others into sexual assault survivors, but your friends who fight fascism said the murder by them of black teens was victory) but then act horrified when they’re told someone who isn’t a Democrat actually did it. As for civility- does it really matter if the other side may be largely the same as you if they themselves think they’re godlike in their morality and are lied to about the differences? If you can’t cut through the hate and propaganda their experienced leaders spread, what good is it if you’re similar? If anything, we’ve seen it happen thanks to Trump’s trolling, pointing out similarities makes them MORE radical.

Also note that they only went after a Trump Supporter, not a Democrat who helped spread the same things that the Republican was arrested for saying.

It’s racist and sexist and transphobic to fight Wall Street billionaires profiteering off the stock market, according to the party of socialism. Again, this is why I call them “fascists”- it’s Big Business and Big Government in bed with each other.

Chinabacked rigged voting machine creator Dominion is being audited by people who have strong ties to them. And we’re terrorists if we see a problem here, according to the fascists in charge.

Even one of the Antifa infiltrators at the Capitol Hill riot doesn’t think Biden won legitimately. Rasmussen showed that 20% of Democrats back in November 2020 didn’t think Biden won legitimately.

New York State murdered even more old people than they initially admitted.

CNN does not care about these murders, after complaining that Trump was responsible for every COVID death.

Twitter banned a Trump Team member for literally no reason other than he is a Trump official.

The Biden Administration wants to tax how much you drive. Biden seems to have forgotten how food gets from farms to cities, but I’m ok with New York City and Los Angeles starving out. That would make voter fraud easy to prove when this Stalinist regime’s Holodomor reduces Leftwing city populations but we find they all still vote as if alive. A little gallows humour here before the FBI knocks on my door because the Biden Administration decided that anyone who doesn’t like them belongs in Gitmo.

Maskless Democrat complains Republican isn’t wearing mask. Also, Biden signs mask mandate and immediately violates it (which we’re told no one cares about). Also, Democrat Portland Mayor who issued mask mandates pepper-sprays someone who complained that the Mayor was not wearing a mask. In case you’re wondering why Democrats seem to have gotten so bold, it’s because they realize they can get away with either rigging elections or lying to the population, so they don’t have to worry about their behavior and can crank the tyranny up to full blast.

Democrats who said the Right should make its own free speech platform if they don’t like Twitter and Facebook’s censorship (murder is ok but only if they approve of the victims) now demand the FBI investigate that platform after Big Tech colluded to terminate it (in other words- corporations and the government are working together to destroy competition to those corporations that provide money and a means of power to that government. The power that Big Tech gives Democrats is the power to censor you without having to violate the First Amendment- since Big Tech owns the means of communication, it’s technically not unconstitutional if they censor people Democrats don’t like. It is very much fascist.). And lest we forget, most of the stuff they want the FBI to investigate that platform for was actually accomplished on Twitter , who will be facing no such investigations because they’re part of that whole “fascism” thing where Big Corporations and Big Government work hand-in-hand that I keep mentioning.

If you have a social media account with a group that Democrats don’t approve of, your private sector boss will fire you. Because fascism. What part of “fascist” aren’t you people getting?

Heterosexuality is evil. This coming from the party of science, including evolutionary science which tells us that without heterosexuality people wouldn’t be here to complain about it. This coming from the party of tolerance where all sexual preferences, even heterosexuality, are supposedly tolerated. See what it is they don’t do?

Joe Biden admits that his 50 years in politics were a failure and implies that he’ll keep failing and we should never have voted for him.

Someone else finally agrees with me that the Left’s aren’t technically hypocrites since their sole reason for existing is to give themselves power, so all that talk of “double-standards” is misleading and implies they might be shamed by pointing out their hypocrisy when really it’s just one of many tactics they use for giving themselves power.

Biden’s brother is profiting off his connection to Joe Biden, implying that he will use this to influence court cases for you.

Liberals are out to dox anyone who hires anyone that worked with President Trump. Again, fascism. For you liberals just tuning-in, the point of doxing someone is to get their contact info out there so your activist friends can turn their lives into a living Hell and bankrupt their companies because they dared hire someone your political party does not approve of.

They want you wearing 4 face masks now, because COVID is just that dangerous. Meanwhile, that CNN anchor still isn’t even wearing one mask on the air… after complaining that Trump’s similar reasons for not wearing a mask were evil and set a bad example.

Big Tech is suppressing info on a legal tool Trump could use to kick out the fascists that Big Tech is working with.

Not really news since they’ve been trying for years, but Dems are yet again trying to codify into law their various election stealing methods. Even as we speak, a ballot box in a conservative area in California still has not been picked up. Remember the hullabaloo the media made over Stacey Abrams’ race allegedly being stolen? Where is that now when a ballot box hasn’t even been picked up and the Democrat-ran government refuses to get it?

Twitter is starting an initiative that lets random people who hate you, who DON’T work for Twitter, censor you. They can use lying sources to call you a liar. Basically, Twitter is duping the socialists into doing their fascist work for them. Lying sources like Newsweek who alter 5-year-old articles to suit their current narrative. Lying sources who tried to destroy the lives of teenagers because major media corporations have nothing better to do.

Journalists want the Democrat-ran government to make laws on what they’re allowed to say, and what everyone else is allowed to say. This comes after journalists said President Trump was a threat to the First Amendment.

Joe Biden who famously refused to answer if he’d pack the Supreme Court is looking at packing the Supreme Court. They claim it’s for “reform” because SCOTUS not ruling 100% as liberals order them to rule is a problem (and liberals have outright threatened SCOTUS to do what they’re told). Liberals only want their own kind to have justice, hence why they want the court now and find it unacceptable that sometimes the court says liberals are wrong. Liberals are NEVER WRONG in their worldview, so they don’t see a problem with this at all They are not capable of self-reflection, of even believing there’s a need for introspection. An average person if SCOTUS rules against them might rethink their position or at least analyze it, but not liberals. They instead feel rage that any resistance happened. They don’t believe there is any legitimate opposition to them, that’s why they’re saying their efforts are “reform”, implying a problem exists when there is none. They believe so fervently that they are right that their response to being told they’re wrong is anger and death threats as you’ve read all throughout this. That’s why they cheer when folks like Ashli Babbitt are killed, why they demand more Trump supporters die, why they cheer when they murder Trump supporters.

Here is Chris Hayes from MSNBC complaining, like many Democrats, that the GOP won’t commit honorable suicide after the staged riots nor renounce their opposition to the Democratic Party since that’s what Democrats keep demanding they do after the riot. You will note that after the riots of 2020 which MSNBC itself encouraged and which left many dead, murdered by MSNBC’s activists in the streets, there were no “mea culpas” as Chris Hayes put it from either him or his friends. In other words- if you can do it, WE can do it, so straighten yourself out or shut up!

I never paid much attention to The Intercept when Glenn Greenwald was in charge, sometimes they said things I liked and sometimes they didn’t, so I guess he ran it in a centrist non-biased way. I suppose it’s time for me to give a “mea culpa” for supporting the George W. Bush incarnation of the folks who are currently destroying our rights. The folks you liberals were told not to trust in the 2000s who now run your news networks (and who you now get mad at when people question them, like how you got mad at people who believed them under George W. Bush. Are you going to argue that these CIA and FBI folks are better than Bush’s? First of all, some are the same people Bush had around, just playing musical chairs with their jobs. Second of all, Obama’s vaunted officials are the ones who spied on the Senate then lied about it under oath, spied on the Presidential campaign of their opponent (you keep saying Nixon was bad solely because he did it, but I guess it’s ok when your side does it?), spied on reporters while severely prosecuting whistleblowers, tortured people while your Democrat friends let them off the hook, and executed American citizens without a trial.). I just assumed that Democrats were the deep state Leftwing Stalinist party, I didn’t realize it was Republicans too. But also as Greenwald points out, they weren’t as extreme back then as they are now. He coins the new phrase “Neoliberal 9/11” to describe the Capitol Hill riot. That is how Democrats and any other Big Stater like Mitt Romney and RINOs have reacted. See, the riots last year were great because they got Trump out of power, but when the riots threaten the power of Democrats and Deep Staters that’s when it’s a problem. Like with the GameStop thing- liberals never were bothered when their own people were damaging enemy companies, but now it is indeed like the Capitol Hill riot in that the average citizen is showing the elites they are vulnerable, so that’s why the Left that claimed it would support stuff like this is going insane with rage- twice in a month their power was challenged. In a way this is worse than Trump winning, because he was one man. What’s gone on now is twice in one month the public at large showed it’s out of their control.

Also notable in Glenn Greenwald’s piece is reference to how many Deep Staters are running the NBC/CBS/CNN/ABC cabal of news networks and TV shows. Liberals have no problem with this, they think the USSR was paradise specifically because of its government’s tight controls over the population, controls like being in command of what people were allowed to say and do.

He further points out how internet channels outside the control of these Deep State operators that have a monopoly on cable TV are a threat, internet channels with more viewers than the Deep State Networks. A Deep State actor complained about this being a problem on CNN.

Joe Biden hates Trump’s COVID relief plan so much he’s using it. Aren’t we supposed to believe Biden won because he said he WOULD NOT do what Trump was doing for COVID?

The media is ignoring Antifa riots on Federal property. Because it’s only insurrection when a Republican is murdered by Capitol Police on Federal property, it’s not insurrection when Antifa tries to murder people. Unless… unless Democrats know that Antifa isn’t trying to murder anyone because Democrats control Antifa. If they want to admit to that then I won’t complain about their hypocritical treatment.

At the same time Democrats say walls don’t work and stop building one to protect our borders, Democrats erect a wall around themselves because walls work. Interesting too how in the middle of a pandemic when Democrats say lockdowns are needed to control the spread of the virus, they want unlimited illegal immigration across the border, full of COVID carriers. They want YOU locked down and jobless with only the $600 check that they gave you while giving billions to foreign countries and billions more to the COVID carriers they’re inviting into the country so that they can give them free money as well in the name of fighting poverty caused by the COVID that they’re spreading, at your expense.

The Democrat in charge of improving the climate singlehandedly did more damage than 36 people over the past year.

Twitter believes that posting a news story about a court ruling incites violence, because Twitter disagrees with the court ruling. Again- if you disagree with them, that’s all the evidence they need that you are evil. Just look at them banning Trump for calling for peace. Heck, just look at what I wrote a few years ago about how Ilhan Omar decided that criticizing her put her life in danger.

More evidence comes forward that the elections were rigged by corrupt officials.

After cheering DC Police for murdering a Trump Supporter because the Trump Supporter disagrees with them (as you read earlier), after labelling Trump Supporters as terrorists who need to be exterminated, MSNBC complains that Republicans are the ones who want to murder people that disagree with them.

Democrats believe death threats are funny when Republicans receive them, but you’re a terrorist if you send them to Democrats.

The Bidens may now be laundering money from China through the University of Pennsylvania, who themselves probably would get a cut. UPenn and the Bidens are of kindred spirits, concealing rape and all.

ICE Agents can no longer use the term “illegal alien”. It’s not hard to see where this goes. ICE is supposed to arrest noncitizens illegally in this country. But if they’re restricted from referring to them as such, and can only use the politically correct term “immigrants’, then the Left gets to say that ICE exists to stop immigrants as if it means all immigrants. Remember that book 1984 where they talk about getting rid of words until you can no longer argue a point? This is it. How can you say you exist to stop illegal immigrants if you’re not allowed to say that?

Dr. YouTube decided that doctors were lying under oath about COVID and so removed videos of their testimony.

Even the New York Times wants Biden to slow down on his unprecedented amount of executive orders. 33 in the first week, even though Biden owns the House and Senate so can get any law he wants passed and thus does not need executive orders. Unless Democrats are afraid that their own party doesn’t support what they want Biden to do. Or maybe they just feel that because they own the government forever they can dispense with formalities like passing laws and the President is a de facto dictator.

Twitter believes violence does not violate its policies or warrant a banning if they agree with it, if it’s directed against their political opponents. In other words, they are fascists by using their corporate power to influence government and the public.

Speaking of government ties and fascism, Pelosi just pulled a very crony capitalist fascist move that gave her lots of money that you’ll never see because you don’t matter to her.

Twice now we have Democrats melting down because they hear remarks that they made recently but think Republicans said them.

China has a strong influence over our colleges… which explains the rise in ignorant, unscientific, “we’re acting like we criticize Christians in the Dark Ages for acting like” Chinese-government-style behavior by the colleges and Leftist students (if this was an LGBTQ student saying that they were uncomfortable with a counsellor wearing a cross, the Left would say this was empowering. If this was a woman who was raped by a priest requesting that a Christian not be her counsellor, this would be empowering. But this is a Marine traumatized by Muslims, and we know how little the Democrats think of the military).

The COVID vaccine seems to not only not be terribly effective but also has some bad side effects. As in some places would be better off it seems without the vaccine at all. If you asked me, I’d say that based on the fascist companies that are now working with the Biden Administration to stop COVID who did not want to work with Trump, I’d say the companies deliberately released inferior vaccines hoping to hurt Trump’s reputation.

Biden just axed a bunch of jobs in the name of saving the environment. Except what he did hurt our energy independence, empowered polluters like China who Biden’s on the payroll of, and don’t actually save the environment because the fracking will still take place, the oil will just be transferred by less ecologically sound means.

Worse, in the middle of the pandemic 11,000 jobs are being axed. Those jobs have ripple effects in the local economies, since small businesses like for food and banks and salons are clobbered when the town is out of work. Poverty, resentment, and opioid crises which line China’s pockets develop when this happens (but Democrats are ok with white people suffering from it, just ask their ex-Presidential candidate who told a bunch of whites that even though they’re suffering they should still hate themselves for being white). Funny how China keeps benefitting from Biden, yet we are told Biden has no ties to them. Boy, if he isn’t making them pay him to do this stuff he really is stupid!

Then you get the ivory tower liberals who say they’ll just give the workers “better” jobs, except when they say “better” they mean green jobs that pay less and force the workers to relocate (force workers who spent their lives learning to do this one job to try and learn a new trade at an advanced age) thus destroying many businesses in those communities since the population is being drained. But liberals don’t care about that, just ask them, they’ll tell you no one wants to live there anyway so it’s good they’re being destroyed, they’ll tell you it’s good those communities are destroyed because they’re the ignorant rednecks and the like. In other words- liberals don’t care about you and your family.

Slight Amendment And Updates To Previous Post On Capitol Hill Riot

So as more news breaks we learn that what I said yesterday was only partly correct. Police clashed with protesters in one area, while in other parts they peacefully engaged protesters, had some fun with them, and even opened the barriers for them. We also have learned more about Antifa’s role in the event. It seems they were the escalators, and the crowds even tried to restrain them. It appears we’re getting more confirmation that what happened was Antifa infiltrators escalated matters (they have been identified as Antifa members, by their social media profiles and appearances at Antifa events, and by people who saw them arrive), and Trump supporters merely followed them in once the Capitol Building was made accessible.

It did seem to be quite the coordinated strike. Expanding on what I said yesterday, we have:

  • A Democrat Congresswoman had legislation ready to go that she said was in response to the Antifa-spawned riot, legislation dated from the day before the riot.
  • Of the tens of thousands of Trump supporters present, CNN managed to interview an Antifa member disguised as a Trump supporter. This had to have been pre-planned, either by CNN or Antifa, the odds of it being a coincidence are like 1-in-20,000.
  • Big Tech ramped up its censorship against people protesting voter fraud, or engaged in legal battles claiming it happened. Trump himself was banned for telling protesters NOT to start a riot. Whereas Big Tech has always allowed DNC-approved rioters (and murders) unlimited access to their services. So obviously this had nothing to do with “public safety” as Twitter claimed it, because Big Tech even dumps money into DNC-approved riots. The entire Left, Big Tech too, was onboard when Democrats did the same thing in 2018.
  • In alllllll of the 2020 riots, the ONLY rioter killed by police was someone shooting at police (it was otherwise the other way around at your peaceful protests, for all you ACAB liberals I’m sure your bloodlust was not sated by the murders). So how come it’s the first pro-Trump riot that draws the first fatality, an Air Force veteran no less? And look at the circumstances- she isn’t even trying to attack police unlike the Leftwing rioters in 2020; she’s unarmed and behind a locked door!
  • Put this in the “maybe” pile: The GOP elite wasted no time, as I mentioned last time, throwing the protesters under the bus. They gave the BLM crowd a wide latitude, but when it turns out their own voters were infiltrated by outsiders and murdered they still condemned them and even said they deserved to die, as I noted last time. Now whether or not these elitist punks were in on this and that’s why they acted so quickly when they couldn’t even figure out their stance on Obamacare after 4 years, or they just saw an opportunity to finally take power away from Trump and seized it, we don’t know and might never know. All we know is that we can’t trust them, folks like Establishment FBI Director Wray who never laid a finger on Antifa, never condemned the many times liberals seized the Capitol for their protests as I’ve referenced let alone put them on a wanted list, but plans to prosecute every Trump supporter he can find, and maybe Trump himself. It almost makes you wonder if the police letting protesters into the building was setting up for this kind of trap, knowing that such acts would be ignored by the establishment and the media, ignored in favor of the narrative that they were thousands of violent animals.

Coincidence? Maybe. But these are people who think so little of you that they’ll release repeat offenders to go and murder people and think that if you catch COVID you should be imprisoned without even a lawyer or trial (they say the bill is for diseases like COVID, threats to “public health”, except Obama’s Surgeon General defined GUNS in that language, meaning that if the NY Bill is passed there is already legal groundwork for gun owners being imprisoned, all you need is an activist judge which NY is full of, and a packed Supreme Court which Democrats promise to deliver. As for the actual “trial”, it’s only when the State determines you are “healthy”. You can beg for one after three days of being imprisoned, but you might not get it. And they can easily keep you from seeing a lawyer, and in fact get the many left-leaning lawyers on their side by saying it’s for the health of the lawyer that they’re not allowed to see the inmate. It’s not technically an arrest anyway, so the standard “right to an attorney” does not apply.), people who think you should stay locked inside your home forever while they go out and party, so would you really say anything is too extreme for them? They wouldn’t.

Just look at what they said today- after alleging Trump said violent thinks that made protesters violent, Biden says all Trump’s supporters are domestic terrorists and Pelosi says Trump kills people. If your standards are as neutral as you claim, liberal, then what Biden and Pelosi said should incite way more violence than what you lied about Trump saying.

And let’s not forget: China. I mentioned them last time, I will mention them again. And here we introduce another amazing coincidence: this distracted us from China arresting its own dissidents. Republicans and Democrats collaborated to murder a Republican protester and start a riot to discredit the idea that they and China stole the election, and draw attention from China’s abuses? We saw what they did last year (as I’ve discussed in posts linked to posts linked to this post already); is this really beyond them? I mean, they DO take orders from China’s leaders, so this is really in-line with the Chinese way.

Leftist Misinformation Gone Viral

Anyone remember the last time someone running for President said that if they were elected they could stop an epidemic? Biden ran against Jackson 33 years ago, and must’ve thought it was a good idea since Jackson did better than him, so Biden said he’d end both corona and CANCER (and Alzheimers and diabetes). He also says he could’ve stopped the pandemic from reaching America… after saying that nothing could stop it from coming here and we shouldn’t try (nothing short of making sure it didn’t start overseas to begin with, which Biden is not saying now that he’d have done, so as usual by Biden’s own measure Biden is wrong) and after saying “no miracles are coming” to end it. Just a fact of life, like Israel never having peace with Arab neighbors unless Palestine is onboard. Oh wait…

Liberal misinformation such as:

  • 200,000,000 people die from COVID every hour or so
  • 180,000,000 Americans dead from the virus
  • 600,000 Americans dead in May
  • 6,000 members of the military dying from it
  • the U.S. rejected testing kits from the World Health Organization
  • you are racist for calling it the Wuhan Virus
  • the virus can’t be transmitted to humans
  • you don’t need travel bans to beat the virus and are racist for having them (positions the Left reversed on, after trying to deprive the President of his authority to issue bans… and then re-reversed on)
  • you don’t have to wear masks and social distance if you’re a power figure in the Democratic Party
  • the virus won’t affect you if you’re a Democrat (also saying Trump’s rallies are killing people the day before the face of your party has a rally that’s just as much of a health hazard)
  • you don’t need to wear a facemask if you have a respiratory illness that COVID would make worse
  • you don’t need masks period
  • you do need masks always
  • masks alone will work
  • masks alone won’t work
  • somehow lockdowns will and won’t hurt the country
  • the Liberal meme that the virus isn’t too terrible
  • Jews and Christians aren’t being targeted by lockdown restrictions
  • claims Trump’s slowness to find a vaccine to end the pandemic is costing lives and jobs (Biden clearly blamed Trump for the lockdowns, which Democrats say are good for the planet and will only end when we have a vaccine they approve of, thus Biden must be holding Trump responsible for there not being a vaccine approved by Democrats back in May when Biden made those remarks)
  • liberals care about you losing your job… while the billionaire friends of this party of socialists get rich off the party’s lockdown demands
  • the implication in the last item that we can have a vaccine in only 4 months
  • Eric Trump actually believes COVID is a Democrat hoax, when he was clearly referring to the Democrats’ and media’s interest in it
  • Liberals insisting that if a liberal were President then NO ONE would’ve died from it (like what didn’t happen when the liberals in Europe and China and New York had their shot at dealing with it, with liberals even trying to stop our ability to keep sick undocumented immigrants out, because upon entry they’d spread it unchecked and untracked. And Biden said corona would not have come to America if Trump acted sooner… back when Biden called him a racist for acting to stop its spread here, back when Biden said he wanted no limits on immigration and no travel bans.) even though liberals said Trump acted too strongly early on
  • the idea that the Left would’ve acted more effectively than Trump when in fact Biden’s pandemic plan copied Trump’s
  • the idea that we’re racist for criticizing China, Biden’s claim that Obama left Trump a way to deal with pandemics (Obama tried to cut the supply of PPE)
  • the idea that Trump cut funding to the CDC (as you read above, Obama/Biden tried to do that)
  • the Left’s claim that it is “false” to say that corona can enter through our open southern border via illegal immigrants
  • the lie that Trump said coronavirus was a hoax which the Left itself refuted by accident by reciting Trump’s remarks
  • socialism can defeat corona
  • we will reopen once we “flatten the curve”
  • emissions regulations for airlines and tax credits for green energy will fight corona
  • Los Angeles insisting that COVID will be cleared up enough to reopen schools immediately after the election (liberals with their demands for lockdowns don’t care for our kids, but they do fight for the rights of non-citizen children even when they might spread the pandemic)– a bit of misinformation other Democrats are spreading
  • the 12 lies covered here
  • the lies- such as that corona will not be a pandemic- covered here
  • that we have to accept this “new normal” like liberals order you to

Coronavirus, COVID-19, Wuhan Virus, China Virus, Kung Flu. If you don’t know of it then you must have been on an island in the last 8 months. If you do know about it but what you do know conflicts with what other people know, then you’ve probably missed like a day’s worth of media coverage because what the “experts” say about the virus changes all the time, as my happy little intro demonstrated. For example- back in February they said lockdowns were unnecessary, in March they said they were, in May they said they did not care that the lockdowns they demanded destroyed the economy, in August they started saying that the lockdowns and economic destruction were entirely Trump’s fault, and now they’re saying that if elected they will do the lockdowns again and tax you so badly that the economy will be WORSE than it has been this year. So say the “experts”, who all agree each time that what you’re being told is fact. “Experts” like Joe Biden’s corona “expert”, who once said 75 was a great age to die (not that Biden’s voters would disagree) and people older than that should be denied healthcare, and who believes now that anyone over 65 should not get the corona vaccine unless they’re an important Democrat like himself or Joe Biden. In fact, there’s only one sure thing that the “experts” agree on about the virus…

China Totally Had Nothing To Do With It (wink)

Even though the virus is clearly artificial (U.S. Govt. people even agree, but as for those who disagree like our media who for years have spread Chinese propaganda, censorial China-lovin’ tech giants, or Dr. Fauci who personally funded the Wuhan lab… well, I guess I just explained why they’d lie about COVID’s origins. “Experts” were denying this as early as when they still said you don’t need masks and travel bans wouldn’t help, and continue to deny it after a whistleblower comes out… after other whistleblowers disappeared.), coming from the lab near Wuhan, we are supposed to believe that China had nothing to do with this. China’s original story was that it came from some market where people pay to watch living dogs be deep fried, and it was all just a horrible accident. Except for that part where China knew for a week about the pandemic breaking out in their midst and decided to let millions of people flock to Wuhan and then back to their places of origin across the world, and blocked internal travel but allowed foreigners to come in and get corona.

If you wanted to carry out a worldwide bioterror strike and have plausible deniability it would look like this. We can confidently state that the government allowed this virus to be spread to the rest of the world. It was NOT an act of negligence, it was a calculated move to allow the virus to spread. Chinese officials barred their own people from travelling but let everyone else come in and out. It would take 10 kinds of stupid, or 1 kind of sinister government noted for being intent on spreading its authoritarianism (and conveniently China is the supplier of everything needed to handle pandemics), to pull a stunt like this.

For those of you who wonder why China would unleash a virus on itself just to infect the rest of the world, consider several things. 1- no Chinese leader caught it. 2- Chairman Mao killed 65 million of the people he led, and was eager to lose tens of millions more in a nuclear war. 3- as you’ll read later, if liberals here in the U.S. are willing to kill people in order to fabricate the results they need in a Hydroxychloroquine study, imagine what the much more depraved Chinese government would be willing to do if it meant world domination, which is their goal.

A clearly artificial virus escapes from a government lab, and the government makes sure it spreads to the rest of the world while stopping its own citizens from spreading it within the country. If Trump did that, he’d be shot before he could be impeached, and would roundly be criticized as a xenophobe trying to destroy the world. But the Chinese did it, so apparently they’re allowed to do it. Democrats are fighting any effort to investigate China (they’re too busy trying to blame Trump for everything, probably to deflect from China). The great irony is that liberals tell you that operating in China helps liberate them from oppression, when in reality liberals oppress us to appease China, a government known even as you read this for presently having slavery and concentration camps. There’s a reason Democrats love FDR- a wannabe dictator who ordered the press to ignore the Holocaust and who refused to let fleeing Jews into America and who put American citizens into what some called “concentration camps” based solely on their race.

China’s privilege extends such that the so-called “World Health Organization” seems to be ran by China’s propaganda bureau. Remember back when the “experts” we should trust at W.H.O. told us that Corona can’t spread to humans and then DESTROYED EVIDENCE THAT IT COULD? W.H.O. only says what China approves of. And the world’s scientists are in on this too- it is as obvious as a mouse with a human ear that this virus is artificially engineered, but scientists have been very quiet about it, not surprising since scientists and “experts” at W.H.O. DESTROYED EVIDENCE THAT CORONA WAS TRANSMITTED TO HUMANS because China told them to. By the way- that evidence they destroyed came from the same scientist who said the virus was manufactured, the one that liberals and “experts” and scientists say is crazy (yet who an ex-MI6 agent believes). The ones aiding China are the same “experts” and scientists telling us that we need to just stay in our homes forever, let every business and factory fail, and destroy our economy, while China profits off our misery (like the aforementioned billionaires, except China also profits from being our source for many medical supplies) and becomes the world’s only functioning economy.

If you understand how the scientific community works, this is not so crazy an idea as it might sound. They are all Chinalovinliberals (and as you saw above, liberals love them some China and communism). They all want to see the United States fail. These are the same scientists who say “think with heart, not head”.

For example, they all supported the Paris Climate Agreement; they all told us that somehow crashing the U.S. economy, exporting most of the jobs that keep low-educated and largely minority populations employed, and destroying America’s energy supplies while every other country on the planet creates as many polluting coal power plants as they possibly can and kick their economies into overdrive would end global warming. That was the consensus of the scientific community, that destroying the United States while increasing the power and prestige of all the other countries on the planet, especially China, would save the world.

The DNC’s new official banner. Image from wikimedia commons

They, and their political cronies, gambled big that they could scare you into hiding, and keep you from knowing the truth by calling you a racist if you even suspected China played dirty. Scare you from leaving your home, scare you from learning about the virus, scare you until all you do is what they tell you to do, scare you until all you think of is what they tell you to.

Don’t believe me? All I did was Google “china handling corona” and set the search to only cover the past month. The first page was littered with Leftwing outlets praising China, outlets like New York Times saying that the Chinese model of welding you into your home is the best idea since telling lesbians to get a sex change (NYT said this was a good thing when the USSR did it- they said USSR women had the best orgasms) and Brookings said we should stop trying to blame China.

In fact, China’s crack team of researchers is so much better than the rest of the world that they already have vaccines, whereas in the U.S. we’re told that we have to wait until the end of 2021 before we could even hope for a vaccine. Isn’t that interesting, we’ve been studying the virus for at least 6 months and have no cure expected for another 15, while the Chinese have been at it supposedly for only 9 months and they already have vaccines. If our scientists are to be believed, either they are stupid and we should never listen to a word they say OR the Chinese must’ve been getting ready for COVID-19 a lot longer than we were told, almost as if they were studying it well before it broke out. Studying it in a lab somewhere- oh wait, I’m a racist conspiracy theorist for thinking that! I guess that just leaves the other option as the truth- our own scientists are stupid idiots that you should never listen to… which the intro kinda outlined already.

Stupid Science

Typical day in a Wuhan lab according to our intelligence sources, yet our “intelligent” “scientists” want us to believe this was never the case and China is always perfect. Probably because China funds international orgs that in turn fund these scientists, who probably get lots of cheap research equipment from Chinese suppliers, if they aren’t directly funded by Chinese companies/the Chinese Government (there is no difference). Image from “Dizzy Doctors”.

Our own scientists don’t have a very good track record. They claimed that COVID-19 is similar to past viruses that escaped from Chinese labs, like SARS, but that there is no way this one could’ve escaped from a lab. Their reasoning is based on the “evidence” we have, which is basically whatever the Chinese government told the scientists, and they claim that such lab accidents are sooooo unlikely anyway, I guess especially unlikely in a place like the Wuhan Lab which we knew was being ran by staff less competent than The Three Stooges. I mean, just how crazy of an idea is it that one careless scientist spreads it to someone who gives it to someone and so on, just how crazy is it to say that a Chinese Government scientist deliberately infected someone to start a pandemic that was guaranteed to destroy their geopolitical rivals, especially the United States where the most likely Presidential candidates at the time (Trump was being impeached) were big China lovers and their whole party loved China? (And… isn’t it curious that right around the time Corona was escaping the Wuhan Lab, Biden says Trump is not ready for a pandemic? Funny how the guy who’s son worked for China would know at that exact moment.)

The ones saying that the incompetent Wuhan Lab folks were incapable of spreading the virus, and certainly would never deliberately release it, are the ones who also couldn’t quite figure out if masks work or not. Now, if you read that article in the above paragraph you’d see that they compared COVID-19 to other coronaviruses and concluded there is no way it could have escaped. Well, with all the research we had on such viruses, if COVID-19 is sooooooo similar to them then surely we’d know if a mask would work or not right? Well apparently either the virus is radically different enough that masks are a question mark- meaning it might be different enough that they couldn’t determine if it could escape- OR it really is similar to the other ones and the whole mask question happened because our scientists have a combined IQ totaling somewhere in the single digits. First it was only sick people should wear it, then everybody should wear it for your protection, but now it’s “wear it because we tell you to, not because it does anything”.

And let’s not forget what all these “scientists” were telling you in January and February. They said don’t worry about Corona. They said don’t worry even if you catch it. They now say that Trump was the only one who knew its severity, but just a few weeks before Bob Woodward’s electioneering book these same “experts” said that Trump should have known based on what was publicly available knowledge about how the virus was doing in Europe and should’ve closed our borders to them. But these same people back in March said we should never close our borders to anyone. These same people said back in February and January, WITH all the data available from infections in Europe, that you had nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. Got that? They knew the severity as much as Trump did, in their own words (prior to Woodward’s book) they had all the data they needed on Corona to say it was bad, but they called Trump a racist and called you a racist for being concerned, and told you basically to do everything you could to go out and catch it and don’t worry if you do catch it. THESE are the “experts” and “scientists” you are trusting now.

Everything they do is politically motivated. If the fact that the only thing consistent between any of their given statements has been “we believe the opposite of Trump” wasn’t enough, how about a case study? Hydroxychloroquine. The media was blasé about it until Trump touted it. Suddenly, studies started appearing saying it would kill you! Suddenly Trump was a murderer for suggesting it because some idiots ate fish tank cleaner, even though the Democratic Governor of New York (the President during the pandemic according to MSNBC) was taking the stuff. Further, we learned that these “scientists” we’ve come to rely on actually made sure their studies would give them the results they wanted, to the point where they committed murder by abusing Hydroxychloroquine, just so they could label it as unsafe. News flash: ANY substance in too large of a quantity is unsafe, but these scientists wanted you to think Hydroxychloroquine was unsafe in every quantity. These studies ended up being retracted though you probably didn’t hear about that, and a new study showed it was effective (and liberals still oppose using it to treat people, even if the people saying we should use it are experts of the kind they say we should be listening to- as I said and will say, they only support cures they approve of and hope the rest of you die). Meanwhile on the political side, a Black Female Democrat was told to shut up by Democrats because she wanted the world to know that Hydroxychloroquine cured her. Democrats SILENCED AND ALMOST KILLED A BLACK FEMALE BY BANNING THE THING THAT CURED HER. Got that? They’d banned her treatment and told her she was wrong for saying it worked, they’d have preferred it if she DIED than be cured by that stuff! They killed patients by overdosing them on Hydroxychloroquine and would rather see a Black Female killed than treated by it so they banned the stuff.

Meanwhile, these same people tell you China is not to blame. In fact, they pin every corona death in this country on Donald Trump. Democrat New York Governor Cuomo ordered COVID patients to be placed in senior homes where the air systems sent the COVID throughout the facility and so far killed over 11,000 seniors, but Democrats want you to think Donald Trump is to blame for the virus even entering the country. Speaking of Cuomo, turns out his Administration conjured a study that said there was NO WAY to stock all the needed equipment for a pandemic like this, something which Democrats insist that Trump should have done, but Democrats want you to believe Cuomo was the real President during the COVID crisis while Trump was just stupid and evil as always and trying to kill people by being unprepared. Get that? They are blaming Trump for what THEY did to their own citizens, and saying Trump should have been ready for something THEY THEMSELVES SAID YOU COULD NOT BE READY FOR! They line their shows with scientists and “experts” who tell you Trump murdered all these people THAT THEY THEMSELVES MURDERED. (They keep covering up murders in other areas, and even committing them, and hoping their political enemies die, so why would murdering people in order to up the body count and advance their agenda with the COVID crisis be so farfetched when they do it elsewhere? These are the people who want babies to be murdered AFTER they leave the womb, and say people who do that are “superheroes“.)

And They Killed The Economy (And Bayoneted The Survivors)

They all said we needed to shut it down. They even said the planet was better off with everyone locked in their homes and the economy-destroying measures were a great thing. But now they’re saying Trump should never have done any of that. They say he is evil for wanting to end the lockdowns, but also evil because the lockdowns Democrats want to CONTINUE destroyed the economy. Got that? They ordered the economy murdered because it’s what Trump was winning with in polls, then they said that we need to keep stabbing it even after it is dead and that somehow Democrats can revive it while they continue stabbing it. How do you revive the economy when no one can open a business because of your orders, liberal? You can’t. But Democrats say they can, and their “experts” support them.

Ask The “Experts”

They don’t know if masks work, when Europe was suffering and there was plentiful data on how bad this was they insisted Corona was no worse than a cold, they say you’re a racist if you think China had anything to do with this, they killed people in order to make Hydroxychloroquine look dangerous, they killed people in their response to COVID, their desired response crashed the economy and they want it to continue FOR ANOTHER YEAR while saying that somehow they can alter reality by reopening businesses while keeping them closed, and they even got it totally wrong about what parts of the body that COVID-19 attacks and how it does damage. Further, your “experts” and “scientists” say that I am insane/stupid/racist for pointing out the many holes in their statements. And you believe them, liberal. They lie and lie and lie and you believe them, like the wife of an abusive husband. They say that the same response which murdered people much more directly than anything Trump ever did was the best response possible, they say faking test data by murdering people is science.

And you believe them when they say China has nothing to do with this virus. You think that these SAME people who have lied and killed and who take money from China wouldn’t lie to protect the hand that feeds them. You think the Chinese, who run concentration camps and whose lies about this virus led to millions being infected, is trustworthy and innocent of all wrongdoing; you think it is racist to even question them.

Trust In China

At heart, liberals feel the Chinese are a peace-loving freedom-loving people dedicated to nonaggression and unilateral disarmament. Image from American Federation of Scientists.

It can’t be a coincidence that every platform the Left has had for 6 years has meant glorifying China and destroying the U.S.’s power. Biden sold us out to them, Obama didn’t bother checking their power, our politicians send our jobs over there, our politicians pocket millions from China, the same political party that says America is racist and deliberately infecting itself with the plague believe China is not racist despite its concentration camps and had no part in the plague despite everything that’s publicly known, Pelosi even said China wants Biden to win like that was an endorsement to be proud of. Heck, right now the DNC’s platform is “You are not allowed to criticize our Chinese comrades”. The Leftwing NYT said China’s totalitarian crackdown was the best way to deal with COVID, just like the Leftwing U.N. Climate Chief said China’s totalitarian model was the best one for dealing with Climate Change even though China is more polluted than the United States. All of these glowing endorsements of China, all this money coming from China, all the Chinese influence on American companies and media outlets (remember- ABC is owned by Disney, and Disney JUST PRAISED THE PEOPLE WHO RUN CHINA’S CONCENTRATION CAMPS), and we’re supposed to just believe these Chinese propagandists who provably have been lying to us about every aspect of Corona when they say that China had nothing to do with it?

CHINA MURDERED SCIENTISTS THAT SPOKE ABOUT CORONA, AND DEMOCRATS WHO CLAIM TO BE THE PARTY OF SCIENCE PROTECT THAT COUNTRY! SCIENTISTS PROTECT THAT COUNTRY AFTER THEIR COLLEAGUES ARE MURDERED! Am I getting through to you? Are you paying any attention to what your side of the aisle is up to? Are you paying any attention to these “experts” that you’re told to put your faith in? It’s an interesting parallel- Democrats and scientists here are just as totalitarian about their beliefs as China is. They can’t actually murder you, but they’ll do everything they can to make you disappear and be shunned from society if you’re too smart to fall for their lies and dare to question their political orthodoxy. “Science” is supposed to be the pursuit of the truth, so what does it tell you when “scientists” order you not to question their work after they lie to you, and try to cover-up for a government that murdered scientists in order to bury the truth?

And for those who believe Black Lives Matter because of slavery and genocide, China does exactly that, yet you want to give power to the party that is covering up a biological attack on China’s behalf, and your principle civil rights group Black Lives Matter has allied itself with genocidal, slaveholding China. Let me guess liberal, you believe slavery and genocide are wrong only when whites do it to Blacks, you don’t care if the Chinese or anyone else does it to Blacks (wishing you better luck than I had in finding a video full of man-on-the-street interviews with Democrats made between 2018 and August of 2020 that shows Democrats saying it was ok for Muslims to own slaves because of their religion: Google buried that one deep!), because Black Lives only matter if you can blame white people. Meanwhile you coverup a bio-attack and your civil rights groups help a slaveholding genocidal country. And all you people out there STILL think what I’ve said is extremist when the evidence that this is what’s happening is right in front of you? At this point it’s clear your accusations of extremism are lies to cover your guilt in all this, lies to cover your true views about the world- that China is dominant, that Black Lives don’t Matter, and that you only care about the pandemic because you’ve used it as a tool for your own gain.

As you can see from the 2016 Democratic Convention, Democrats aren’t terribly different from the Chinese. Image from TalkMediaNews