Madden NFL 10 (PlayStation 2, 2009)

Kinda looks like the Mortal Kombat 3 versus screen, except pressing buttons doesn’t change the letters in Madden so you can’t enter cheats here.

Just in time for the 2009-2010 football season, here is Madden 10! As with this year, I did not watch the Super Bowl. In fact I don’t recall watching or going to any games that year. At least this year I caught a game or two on TV. But I kept procrastinating on making my pick for who I thought would be at the Super Bowl. I figured the Chiefs again, but I couldn’t even tell you which 16 teams would’ve been contenders to be their opponent.

So as an FU to political correctness and in solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples that white liberals tried to erase, I picked the Washington Redskins even though I know that neither now nor 14 years ago nor any time in between were the Redskins/Commanders ever capable of making it to the Super Ball.

Since I brought up white liberals and am talking about football, I have to bring up (sigh) Taylor Swift. Some poll showed that she could sway up to 18% of voters because her shallow lifestyle that’s written by a PR staff- and her songs passing the blame onto the male half of the relation- appeal to lonely/idiot women, ie: Democrat voters. So my take is that it’s not so much that she’d sway 18% of the population, rather it’s that 18% of the population happens to vote the way she’d tell them to on their own. If that 18% didn’t think Swift would tell them to vote Democrat, they would never have been her fans, probably have cancelled her by now, and she’d die a penniless pauper instead of being a billionaire feeding off the insecurities and mental illnesses of white liberal women (and someone who, between her concerts and jet-setting lifestyle, pollutes more than some countries, something liberals seem ok with these days as long as you say the right thing after).

But as to the NFL plastering her face all over the place to try and bring those women who previously boycotted them and tried to disband them into the fold? Genius. It’s annoying to keep seeing SwiftCam (TM) but at the same time it’s hilarious that all these women that listen to her music and hated football because it was toxically masculine/only for rightwingers/kills people and needs to be replaced by soccer now changed their minds. Leftists used the term “hypermasculinity” to describe football, but now millions of liberal women are flocking to watch the game with Super Bowl advertisers catering more to women, courtesy of leftist Taylor Swift. Liberals are now celebrating the toxic masculinity they tried to war with 10 years ago, and all it took was one of their thought leaders to herd them that way with a relationship as phony as a 3 dollar bill. Well played, NFL, well played. Although, this totally undermines arguments in favor of the 19th Amendment. Oh well.

Instant replays let you watch the toxic masculinity from different angles. Or just watch yourself miss both your field goal attempts by hitting the left and then right sides of the goal post like I did.

And coming back full circle- these same white liberal women patting themselves on the back for cancelling the Redskins name to the chagrin of Native American tribes are now celebrating/contributing millions in merchandise sales to a football team called the “Chiefs” at a time when they are trying to not only ban that team name but ban that very word! And the kicker? It’s to celebrate the relationship between a white billionaire and a (mostly) white millionaire! This is just beautiful to me on every level. Maybe I will watch the Super Bowl.

Anyway, onto the game.

The Game

You can pick your teams from established NFL teams, fake teams the game has pre-loaded, or make up your own dream team. You can play at any stadium that existed at that time (since they are playing in real life at the LA Raiders stadium, I set it to the Oakland Raiders stadium) as far as I know, and even pick which time of day your game runs (you can make it start at one of the usual football game starting times, or make it start at whatever time your system says it is). I’m assuming you still can pick the weather because that feature was like 15 years old by the time this game came out. You can also customize the control scheme. There are a lot of ways to tailor this experience to you. One thing missing though is a closeup of the coin toss. One team picks heads or tails and which direction they are going/if they are doing offense or defense, and that’s it. No toss is shown.

Helpfully, shortly after booting up the game, before even the title screen, you get a helpful video telling you what new features you have for this game.

It plays enough like most every other football game made sense controllers had more than two action buttons that you can pick it up easily enough, though you’ll lose a bunch of yards at first trying to figure out the differences. I myself racked up 15 yards worth of “delay of game” penalties trying to figure out how to make the snap happen. Once I ironed it out though I played about as well as on any other football game I’ve tried- it just felt like all of them with the exception of the additional bells and whistles that didn’t do much to impact my playing experience.

This comment didn’t fit anywhere, but one last note is that they use actual songs instead of generic in-game ditties. I don’t really know when this feature started, but since it was not in any football game I tried yet I figured it worth mentioning. Heavy rock and roll stuff seemed to be the playlist.

My Opinion

Most of the crowd looks like the left pic, but sometimes they will superimpose these eager fan models over the generic crowd. I know that’s what they do because the game made their animations disappear before the camera changed where it was focused.

It’s ok, pretty much the same as any other football game. It was released on the Wii, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, and even iOS and Blackberry somehow, so it’s not like there aren’t/weren’t other options for playing the game. I’d bet the Wii/PS3/360 versions look better too. So… I guess what I’m saying is there’s no real reason to buy this particular port unless you only have a PS2 (this isn’t even the last Madden game on the PS2), and really no reason to buy the game unless you forever exist inside the 2009-2010 football season.

My Prediction

Since I always use these as a basis to predict how the real Super Bowl will go, I will say that the 49ers will struggle with the controller until the Chiefs get a safety, then as they gradually get competent with the slightly different layout the Chiefs will be sure to keep throwing interceptions (three total) until in the second half when the 49ers lose their lead (and finally throw an interception of their own after MANY close calls) to tie at the end of the 4th quarter 27-27 despite the Chiefs only having a safety and a field goal compared to the 49ers’ two touchdowns at halftime. The Chiefs will win the coin toss at the start of the game and the start of overtime, but the 49ers will win by a touchdown.

Final Fantasy VII (PC, June 1998) – Part Of The Clouded Computer Copies Collection

Believe it or not, those figures of (right to left) Kaworu Nagisa, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, and Cloud Strife are in scale with each other. And Mr. Scott was desperately needed to keep this game running, as you’ll read later.

Part I of The Clouded Computer Copies Collection – Mega Man X

“Clouded” and “Copies” become puns for this one. Even though Mega Man X was the first in this series published, this is the first one where I came up with the title. I’ll let you piece together how that could’ve happened, I hint at it in here. Fun fact: evidently I was playing the first PC port of a Final Fantasy game.

I actually wrote this all April 2021, but kept procrastinating on putting in pictures. So now, here it is just in time for the game’s 25th Anniversary… that is, 25 years after it was released… which is also like a month after I finished this post.

The Plot

So with the remake coming out, I finally dusted off my copy of the PC game that I think I bought in 2017, and then I learned exactly why they decided to do a remake right now (editor’s note: this line was written in 2020 before the election). You take the role of ex-soldier turned ecoterrorist named Cloud as he fights a corporation that controls a big city- called Midgar- which itself controls the whole world. The city’s power source is the planet’s life force, but the corporate masters don’t particularly care about killing off the planet (which I have no problem with- the planet’s life force apparently absorbs the souls of sentient beings, trapping them there forever. Creepy! They made two Star Trek books on beings like that, one of which WAS a planet. I wonder if any of these are related to The Beast With A Million Eyes?) nor the impoverished slum dwellers underneath their city- the city is held up by eight pillars, up above some slums made largely out of trash, scrap metal, and pollution.

Final_Fantasy_7-PC-battleSo… we have an evil President, head of a corporation, with the alleged government official (the mayor) being just a figurehead, and a shocking depiction of income inequality and climate change. If you watched ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, or MSNBC, or read Huffington Post, Daily Beast, Salon, Washington Post, or New York Times any time during the Trump Administration you’d think they were reporting on Midgar rather than the United States. This game is like the Antifa vision of the country (and one of the characters  named “Tifa” by coincidence, with Antifa existing overseas when this game was made, and the terror cell in the game is hellbent on property damage and hurting people just like the real Antifa and think their ideals are the only correct ones so everyone else doesn’t matter just like the real Antifa. Hmmmmm…). So naturally they decide to release the remake now.

Yes, I know, it’s made in Japan, but this would not be the first time the Japanese gave us a game attacking the United States. Mega Man Zero 2 and Mega Man Zero 3 were all about attacking the Bush Administration’s war in Iraq, and even pushed the debunked “In Iraq For The Oil” narrative (which ironically their liberal counterparts here suggested be the reason we invade Libya), and the games actually went so far as to say you were an ignorant, stupid sheep if you believed  the Bush Administration’s narrative about WMD’s that the NYT even admitted was true (also ironically, the very intelligence community man they said lied about it, James Clapper, is now one of the Left’s trusted sources because he says bad things about anyone that isn’t a Democrat, but never recanted on his lie that the media said killed people (you remember their slogan- “Bush lied, people died”, yet they now implicitly trust one of those liars)). Also, keep in mind the growing trend for ALL video game companies of publishing woke content. What better remake for the 2020 election year than a beloved story about anarcho-communist ecoterrorists where the Left is unquestionably on the right side of history?

The Game

It’s an RPG. That means hours of grinding (meaning hours of fighting enemies to gain experience points to become stronger so the enemies don’t clobber you, you can’t just buy your way to super-soldier status or hope the plot gets you there). Three discs, and I was at 90 hours by the beginning of the second one, where I’d say I spent most of that time grinding away. It seemed to me that this was just hours of pressing the movement controls and the “select option” button with a cutscene giving my hands a 10 second break every couple of hours. Until the end of the second disc there is no difficulty or real strategy if you level-up sufficiently,  I found that once you get to the point where it takes you an hour to go up one level it’s usually safe to move on to the next area, and NEVER leave an area without going up at least two levels.

Final_Fantasy_7-PC-chocobosThat was my strategy for Final Fantasy X (which I abandoned three years ago after only getting a third into it after 40 hours of playtime… one of these days I’ll get back to it, but you already know my record for that. This game almost experienced that same fate, I ditched it and this review in the middle of June 2020 because I was moving and didn’t pick it back up until the end of February this year (editor’s note: 2021)), but the venerable founder of this blog informed me that his strategy was to use magic and elemental stuff to match enemy weaknesses, so he didn’t grind like I did. That sounds complicated; just walk around and smash the “select option” button for hours on end. Also, links here and here to our venerable Founder’s previous Final Fantasy entries.

Oh yeah, you can do side quests (like five minute mini-missions that usually don’t involve battles) and I assume your dialog choices have an effect on relations with other characters and minor elements of the plot. Because I don’t know jack and have no guide, before I even finished the first disc I had botched at least two of them. I probably missed some powerful items, but that’s why I follow the aforementioned strategy of levelling my people up to be as tough as Cardassian dreadnoughts. Heck, I didn’t even know how to use magic attacks until like 1/9th into the story, and didn’t really need to know at that point.

The PC Version

I never played the PlayStation version, so I can’t and won’t be comparing it to that one, but other people have. Frankly, I don’t have another 7 days to spend on this (that is, a consecutive 168 hours, it’d take way more than 7 days to play through 168 hours). I can say based on testimony from a reliable expert witness that an issue common to both the PC and PlayStation versions is targeting and camera angles during battles. It’s the standard turn-based RPG battle system where the game highlights a character and you pick the move they’re going to use, then it moves on to another character you control, then the enemy gets their turn, except the twist is the enemy can attack you while you’re taking your time to decide what to do. The camera is beyond my control so when it’s zoomed in on a character about to do an attack, it becomes impossible to accurately target other enemies when it’s time to pick what the next character is going to do. Worse, if you’re trying to target an enemy and one of your own team pulls in close to that enemy to do a move, then you might end up targeting your own teammate by accident. It’s very easy to do, and taking your time to target isn’t really an option since like I said the enemy can attack you while you’re doing that. But there’s one battle later that gets worse than even that- the camera is positioned just so that you can’t tell which of your party you’re pointing at, and the enemy has a 1-hit kill shot, so often I kept trying to revive the still-living character rather than the knocked out one.

Anyway, setup of the game was simple enough, but I ran into some issues getting it going. One was resolved, the other was only sort of resolved. See, the game maps its controls to the number pad on your keyboard. The number pad being the numbers usually on the right with an extra “Enter” button and symbols for math equations. Well, since this game is from 1998 I am using a contemporary laptop. That laptop has no number pad. There is no option for resetting the controls until you actually start the game, but you can’t start the game unless you can press “Enter” on the main menu, and you can’t press “Enter” unless you have that second “Enter” key on the number pad because the other “Enter” key WILL NOT WORK.

Cloud re-enacting a scene from “The Towering Inferno”

There’s an easy way and a hard way to get around this. The hard way is to go into the game’s program files and change one of them. The easy way is to set your controller to have no predetermined button functions so that the game tells the controller what to do. P.S.- make sure your controller has 10 buttons plus the directional controls. The game requires 10 buttons aside from the directional controls. I only had 9, so I guess the 10th one isn’t all that important.

The other issue was that when I first load the game after booting up the laptop, it would not load the backgrounds and the way menu text displayed was such that it looked like none of the options could be used. Quitting the game and restarting it solved that, but every time I played the game after turning the computer on this would happen. I doubt this problem is unique to my laptop as I have played other games with similar problems that cross multiple computers (“Star Trek: Armada” comes to mind).

It’s a beautiful day in Dallas and the [Shinra] President’s motorcade is now passing the book depository building.

I encountered a few glitches during the game, sometimes graphical (like one of the enemies seeming to be missing its stomach graphic), sometimes sound (the waterfall sound in the Chocobo race played at the wrong time), sometimes annoying (in an area with wind barriers, the visuals for the wind and their physical effect went out of sync so I could not pass by them because when you pass at the wrong time you’re blown away, but this was resolved just by leaving the room and coming back) and sometimes game breaking like when I beat the final boss of disc 2 and the game froze when it told me to insert disc 3. It does not save at that point, so I had to repeat the boss battle and a little of the lead-up to it. I also encountered a million-in-one error in the Ft. Condor battle where I guess a dialog box was supposed to pop up but I entered the command to dismiss it prematurely, so the game was waiting for the box that never came.

Also, during some battles you’re fighting the camera angle as much as you’re fighting the enemy, because the camera angle can sometimes make it very hard to tell who the cursor is pointing at, so you can easily end up healing the wrong character.

My Opinion

If you want to lose 7 days of your life hitting the same button over and over on autopilot while you level-up for like half an hour of story that you can hear in any half hour on MSNBC, go for it. Half an hour of story where socialism and communists and climate nutcases are the heroes and businessmen plus their hired scientists (I think that’s a jab at folks like Koch-brothers funded anti-global-warming scientists) are the villains. Buy some CDs and blast away to Gidea Park and the Beach Boys or find a good podcast, lest you go insane from the same battle music and battle sounds repeating for 7 days. (Hmmm… well, if it takes roughly 7 days and leaves you so bored you’re wishing for death at the end, maybe you should start playing the moment you get a certain phone call.) 

The big irony is that the company telling you in this game to hate companies made millions off telling you to hate companies, and will make millions more this year telling you to hate companies, and furthermore it required in 1997 and still requires today extreme amounts of pollution to develop, advertise, distribute to millions of people, and for millions of people to play this game that spreads a radical environmentalist anti-technology message. An anti-technology message in a video game.

Oh, and let’s not forget the irony of their income inequality message! When released on the PlayStation in 1997, it cost $80.49 in 2020 dollars. Part ONE of the three part HD re-release in 2020 costs $59.99 for the BASIC release, so we can imagine all three parts cost the same, totaling $179.97 plus tax (with the inevitable special compilation re-re-release for $100). So to receive this blessed anti-income-inequality New Testament from our corporate betters, in 1997 we had to pay out more than a week’s worth of groceries for one person, and to get all three parts in 2020 we have to pay out a week’s worth of groceries for a family of three!

Are these liberals cluelessly spreading a message, or are they conservative capitalists laughing their butts off at the people buying this highly-praised leftwing Epic who are ironically fueling the very things their beloved game speaks out against? If the developers are the latter, taking advantage of ignorant leftwingers, then they are my heroes.

It says “Midnight Express” on the big TV? What kind of outlaw mudshow bullshit is this?

Headline Roundup 1

As you might recall from the “of the gun” series, I tend to let articles pile-up and sometimes the only way to get them out is to just do this sort of grab-bag of them where I pretend to be Liberty Daily for a few minutes… but at least next time I lose track of all this I don’t have to go hunting across the Leftist-owned rigged search engines to find this stuff.

Start off with a retraction- the murder victim was entering through a window when shot by Capitol Police. She was still unarmed, and the police didn’t bother trying to help her. Now you liberals believe she deserves this for being there and all (it’s the same violence and hate you have been championing for years, liberal. This is what unity looks like to you? We don’t owe you anything of the kind!), but I remind you of the times you rioted in the Capitol Building and were not shot, of how you supported and voted into office a President and Vice President who supported rioters that were violating Federal buildings, and of the time your kind tried to murder police officers and were not shot, and of that time you said non-lethally defending a federal building from protesters was wrong, and of that time your peaceful protester friends tried to kill police by stopping them from getting medical treatment, and of the many times where you supported cop killers and would-be cop killers and killers in general only to suddenly say it’s wrong (and how many of you defund-the-police people are now demanding police murder unarmed protesters?), and again of how you voted in a President and Vice President who agree with these activities (and who helped bail out someone who raped a child) that you now say the Right has no right to engage in and deserves to die for doing.

Any departments under Joe Biden’s rule are not allowed to say “China Virus”. The more astute of you may recall that Spanish Flu and Ebola, terms used even when Biden was Vice President, terms used even during his campaign AFTER we were told that calling COVID the Wuhan Virus was racist, are STILL in use and are terms based on the location from which the virus originated, or at least appeared to have originated. Of course Spain and the Democratic Republic of Congo aren’t in charge of the U.S. government like China is, so that’s why Spanish Flu and Ebola are still politically correct terms.

That same FBI that’s ridding the military of Trump Supporters and arresting Trump Supporters lied in court in order to spy on the Trump Campaign in 2016.

That same FBI who lied about Trump obstructing justice, which I already went over long ago.

The same FBI who promoted the wife of one of those bad actors who Trump forced them to fire.

Department of Homeland Security, which is still mostly comprised of folks who were there in the Trump era decided Trump Supporters are terrorists and issued a warning stating as much more or less.

I find it ironic that The Simpsons creators and staff SUPPORT all this, even though under George W. Bush they clearly opposed it. I guess they didn’t like it because it wasn’t their side doing it.

This same government, with the same FBI I complain about, is now teaching your kids to protest and teaching your 6 year olds that whites are evil.

Precedent has been laid for arresting me for blogging. For arresting you if you ever speak out against the government. For arresting anyone who openly supports a candidate that the government doesn’t like. Theoretically Bernie Bros. should be just as mad, but this is the system they wanted anyway. You might wonder about the average American on the street. Well A: probably 60 million of them, even if you believe in extreme voter fraud, voted for Biden and are happy with this and B: the Democrat half of the country thinks the other half is full of racist terrorists that need to be silenced by any means. Go ahead and look at the rank and file, if you cut right down to it their reactions to Trump and the Right are extreme. 1/3 of Democrats believe you are racist if you criticize a politician of color, 28% of Democrats in 2016 when polarization wasn’t as bad as today would’ve blocked you on social media if you disagreed with them politically. They’ve tricked 61% of the public into thinking that Trump calling for peaceful protests was somehow violent and should be silenced (they and social media giants are silent on protesters coordinating their looting and liberals calling for outright murder on Twitter without being banned). They daily hear their leaders calling for riots and revolution (and speaking of insurrection, you joygasmed when some of your Democrat friends actually seceded from the United States, taking a hunk of Seattle with them and imprisoning the people inside that area who lived there but didn’t like them… and taking a few lives with them while turning others into sexual assault survivors, but your friends who fight fascism said the murder by them of black teens was victory) but then act horrified when they’re told someone who isn’t a Democrat actually did it. As for civility- does it really matter if the other side may be largely the same as you if they themselves think they’re godlike in their morality and are lied to about the differences? If you can’t cut through the hate and propaganda their experienced leaders spread, what good is it if you’re similar? If anything, we’ve seen it happen thanks to Trump’s trolling, pointing out similarities makes them MORE radical.

Also note that they only went after a Trump Supporter, not a Democrat who helped spread the same things that the Republican was arrested for saying.

It’s racist and sexist and transphobic to fight Wall Street billionaires profiteering off the stock market, according to the party of socialism. Again, this is why I call them “fascists”- it’s Big Business and Big Government in bed with each other.

Chinabacked rigged voting machine creator Dominion is being audited by people who have strong ties to them. And we’re terrorists if we see a problem here, according to the fascists in charge.

Even one of the Antifa infiltrators at the Capitol Hill riot doesn’t think Biden won legitimately. Rasmussen showed that 20% of Democrats back in November 2020 didn’t think Biden won legitimately.

New York State murdered even more old people than they initially admitted.

CNN does not care about these murders, after complaining that Trump was responsible for every COVID death.

Twitter banned a Trump Team member for literally no reason other than he is a Trump official.

The Biden Administration wants to tax how much you drive. Biden seems to have forgotten how food gets from farms to cities, but I’m ok with New York City and Los Angeles starving out. That would make voter fraud easy to prove when this Stalinist regime’s Holodomor reduces Leftwing city populations but we find they all still vote as if alive. A little gallows humour here before the FBI knocks on my door because the Biden Administration decided that anyone who doesn’t like them belongs in Gitmo.

Maskless Democrat complains Republican isn’t wearing mask. Also, Biden signs mask mandate and immediately violates it (which we’re told no one cares about). Also, Democrat Portland Mayor who issued mask mandates pepper-sprays someone who complained that the Mayor was not wearing a mask. In case you’re wondering why Democrats seem to have gotten so bold, it’s because they realize they can get away with either rigging elections or lying to the population, so they don’t have to worry about their behavior and can crank the tyranny up to full blast.

Democrats who said the Right should make its own free speech platform if they don’t like Twitter and Facebook’s censorship (murder is ok but only if they approve of the victims) now demand the FBI investigate that platform after Big Tech colluded to terminate it (in other words- corporations and the government are working together to destroy competition to those corporations that provide money and a means of power to that government. The power that Big Tech gives Democrats is the power to censor you without having to violate the First Amendment- since Big Tech owns the means of communication, it’s technically not unconstitutional if they censor people Democrats don’t like. It is very much fascist.). And lest we forget, most of the stuff they want the FBI to investigate that platform for was actually accomplished on Twitter , who will be facing no such investigations because they’re part of that whole “fascism” thing where Big Corporations and Big Government work hand-in-hand that I keep mentioning.

If you have a social media account with a group that Democrats don’t approve of, your private sector boss will fire you. Because fascism. What part of “fascist” aren’t you people getting?

Heterosexuality is evil. This coming from the party of science, including evolutionary science which tells us that without heterosexuality people wouldn’t be here to complain about it. This coming from the party of tolerance where all sexual preferences, even heterosexuality, are supposedly tolerated. See what it is they don’t do?

Joe Biden admits that his 50 years in politics were a failure and implies that he’ll keep failing and we should never have voted for him.

Someone else finally agrees with me that the Left’s aren’t technically hypocrites since their sole reason for existing is to give themselves power, so all that talk of “double-standards” is misleading and implies they might be shamed by pointing out their hypocrisy when really it’s just one of many tactics they use for giving themselves power.

Biden’s brother is profiting off his connection to Joe Biden, implying that he will use this to influence court cases for you.

Liberals are out to dox anyone who hires anyone that worked with President Trump. Again, fascism. For you liberals just tuning-in, the point of doxing someone is to get their contact info out there so your activist friends can turn their lives into a living Hell and bankrupt their companies because they dared hire someone your political party does not approve of.

They want you wearing 4 face masks now, because COVID is just that dangerous. Meanwhile, that CNN anchor still isn’t even wearing one mask on the air… after complaining that Trump’s similar reasons for not wearing a mask were evil and set a bad example.

Big Tech is suppressing info on a legal tool Trump could use to kick out the fascists that Big Tech is working with.

Not really news since they’ve been trying for years, but Dems are yet again trying to codify into law their various election stealing methods. Even as we speak, a ballot box in a conservative area in California still has not been picked up. Remember the hullabaloo the media made over Stacey Abrams’ race allegedly being stolen? Where is that now when a ballot box hasn’t even been picked up and the Democrat-ran government refuses to get it?

Twitter is starting an initiative that lets random people who hate you, who DON’T work for Twitter, censor you. They can use lying sources to call you a liar. Basically, Twitter is duping the socialists into doing their fascist work for them. Lying sources like Newsweek who alter 5-year-old articles to suit their current narrative. Lying sources who tried to destroy the lives of teenagers because major media corporations have nothing better to do.

Journalists want the Democrat-ran government to make laws on what they’re allowed to say, and what everyone else is allowed to say. This comes after journalists said President Trump was a threat to the First Amendment.

Joe Biden who famously refused to answer if he’d pack the Supreme Court is looking at packing the Supreme Court. They claim it’s for “reform” because SCOTUS not ruling 100% as liberals order them to rule is a problem (and liberals have outright threatened SCOTUS to do what they’re told). Liberals only want their own kind to have justice, hence why they want the court now and find it unacceptable that sometimes the court says liberals are wrong. Liberals are NEVER WRONG in their worldview, so they don’t see a problem with this at all They are not capable of self-reflection, of even believing there’s a need for introspection. An average person if SCOTUS rules against them might rethink their position or at least analyze it, but not liberals. They instead feel rage that any resistance happened. They don’t believe there is any legitimate opposition to them, that’s why they’re saying their efforts are “reform”, implying a problem exists when there is none. They believe so fervently that they are right that their response to being told they’re wrong is anger and death threats as you’ve read all throughout this. That’s why they cheer when folks like Ashli Babbitt are killed, why they demand more Trump supporters die, why they cheer when they murder Trump supporters.

Here is Chris Hayes from MSNBC complaining, like many Democrats, that the GOP won’t commit honorable suicide after the staged riots nor renounce their opposition to the Democratic Party since that’s what Democrats keep demanding they do after the riot. You will note that after the riots of 2020 which MSNBC itself encouraged and which left many dead, murdered by MSNBC’s activists in the streets, there were no “mea culpas” as Chris Hayes put it from either him or his friends. In other words- if you can do it, WE can do it, so straighten yourself out or shut up!

I never paid much attention to The Intercept when Glenn Greenwald was in charge, sometimes they said things I liked and sometimes they didn’t, so I guess he ran it in a centrist non-biased way. I suppose it’s time for me to give a “mea culpa” for supporting the George W. Bush incarnation of the folks who are currently destroying our rights. The folks you liberals were told not to trust in the 2000s who now run your news networks (and who you now get mad at when people question them, like how you got mad at people who believed them under George W. Bush. Are you going to argue that these CIA and FBI folks are better than Bush’s? First of all, some are the same people Bush had around, just playing musical chairs with their jobs. Second of all, Obama’s vaunted officials are the ones who spied on the Senate then lied about it under oath, spied on the Presidential campaign of their opponent (you keep saying Nixon was bad solely because he did it, but I guess it’s ok when your side does it?), spied on reporters while severely prosecuting whistleblowers, tortured people while your Democrat friends let them off the hook, and executed American citizens without a trial.). I just assumed that Democrats were the deep state Leftwing Stalinist party, I didn’t realize it was Republicans too. But also as Greenwald points out, they weren’t as extreme back then as they are now. He coins the new phrase “Neoliberal 9/11” to describe the Capitol Hill riot. That is how Democrats and any other Big Stater like Mitt Romney and RINOs have reacted. See, the riots last year were great because they got Trump out of power, but when the riots threaten the power of Democrats and Deep Staters that’s when it’s a problem. Like with the GameStop thing- liberals never were bothered when their own people were damaging enemy companies, but now it is indeed like the Capitol Hill riot in that the average citizen is showing the elites they are vulnerable, so that’s why the Left that claimed it would support stuff like this is going insane with rage- twice in a month their power was challenged. In a way this is worse than Trump winning, because he was one man. What’s gone on now is twice in one month the public at large showed it’s out of their control.

Also notable in Glenn Greenwald’s piece is reference to how many Deep Staters are running the NBC/CBS/CNN/ABC cabal of news networks and TV shows. Liberals have no problem with this, they think the USSR was paradise specifically because of its government’s tight controls over the population, controls like being in command of what people were allowed to say and do.

He further points out how internet channels outside the control of these Deep State operators that have a monopoly on cable TV are a threat, internet channels with more viewers than the Deep State Networks. A Deep State actor complained about this being a problem on CNN.

Joe Biden hates Trump’s COVID relief plan so much he’s using it. Aren’t we supposed to believe Biden won because he said he WOULD NOT do what Trump was doing for COVID?

The media is ignoring Antifa riots on Federal property. Because it’s only insurrection when a Republican is murdered by Capitol Police on Federal property, it’s not insurrection when Antifa tries to murder people. Unless… unless Democrats know that Antifa isn’t trying to murder anyone because Democrats control Antifa. If they want to admit to that then I won’t complain about their hypocritical treatment.

At the same time Democrats say walls don’t work and stop building one to protect our borders, Democrats erect a wall around themselves because walls work. Interesting too how in the middle of a pandemic when Democrats say lockdowns are needed to control the spread of the virus, they want unlimited illegal immigration across the border, full of COVID carriers. They want YOU locked down and jobless with only the $600 check that they gave you while giving billions to foreign countries and billions more to the COVID carriers they’re inviting into the country so that they can give them free money as well in the name of fighting poverty caused by the COVID that they’re spreading, at your expense.

The Democrat in charge of improving the climate singlehandedly did more damage than 36 people over the past year.

Twitter believes that posting a news story about a court ruling incites violence, because Twitter disagrees with the court ruling. Again- if you disagree with them, that’s all the evidence they need that you are evil. Just look at them banning Trump for calling for peace. Heck, just look at what I wrote a few years ago about how Ilhan Omar decided that criticizing her put her life in danger.

More evidence comes forward that the elections were rigged by corrupt officials.

After cheering DC Police for murdering a Trump Supporter because the Trump Supporter disagrees with them (as you read earlier), after labelling Trump Supporters as terrorists who need to be exterminated, MSNBC complains that Republicans are the ones who want to murder people that disagree with them.

Democrats believe death threats are funny when Republicans receive them, but you’re a terrorist if you send them to Democrats.

The Bidens may now be laundering money from China through the University of Pennsylvania, who themselves probably would get a cut. UPenn and the Bidens are of kindred spirits, concealing rape and all.

ICE Agents can no longer use the term “illegal alien”. It’s not hard to see where this goes. ICE is supposed to arrest noncitizens illegally in this country. But if they’re restricted from referring to them as such, and can only use the politically correct term “immigrants’, then the Left gets to say that ICE exists to stop immigrants as if it means all immigrants. Remember that book 1984 where they talk about getting rid of words until you can no longer argue a point? This is it. How can you say you exist to stop illegal immigrants if you’re not allowed to say that?

Dr. YouTube decided that doctors were lying under oath about COVID and so removed videos of their testimony.

Even the New York Times wants Biden to slow down on his unprecedented amount of executive orders. 33 in the first week, even though Biden owns the House and Senate so can get any law he wants passed and thus does not need executive orders. Unless Democrats are afraid that their own party doesn’t support what they want Biden to do. Or maybe they just feel that because they own the government forever they can dispense with formalities like passing laws and the President is a de facto dictator.

Twitter believes violence does not violate its policies or warrant a banning if they agree with it, if it’s directed against their political opponents. In other words, they are fascists by using their corporate power to influence government and the public.

Speaking of government ties and fascism, Pelosi just pulled a very crony capitalist fascist move that gave her lots of money that you’ll never see because you don’t matter to her.

Twice now we have Democrats melting down because they hear remarks that they made recently but think Republicans said them.

China has a strong influence over our colleges… which explains the rise in ignorant, unscientific, “we’re acting like we criticize Christians in the Dark Ages for acting like” Chinese-government-style behavior by the colleges and Leftist students (if this was an LGBTQ student saying that they were uncomfortable with a counsellor wearing a cross, the Left would say this was empowering. If this was a woman who was raped by a priest requesting that a Christian not be her counsellor, this would be empowering. But this is a Marine traumatized by Muslims, and we know how little the Democrats think of the military).

The COVID vaccine seems to not only not be terribly effective but also has some bad side effects. As in some places would be better off it seems without the vaccine at all. If you asked me, I’d say that based on the fascist companies that are now working with the Biden Administration to stop COVID who did not want to work with Trump, I’d say the companies deliberately released inferior vaccines hoping to hurt Trump’s reputation.

Biden just axed a bunch of jobs in the name of saving the environment. Except what he did hurt our energy independence, empowered polluters like China who Biden’s on the payroll of, and don’t actually save the environment because the fracking will still take place, the oil will just be transferred by less ecologically sound means.

Worse, in the middle of the pandemic 11,000 jobs are being axed. Those jobs have ripple effects in the local economies, since small businesses like for food and banks and salons are clobbered when the town is out of work. Poverty, resentment, and opioid crises which line China’s pockets develop when this happens (but Democrats are ok with white people suffering from it, just ask their ex-Presidential candidate who told a bunch of whites that even though they’re suffering they should still hate themselves for being white). Funny how China keeps benefitting from Biden, yet we are told Biden has no ties to them. Boy, if he isn’t making them pay him to do this stuff he really is stupid!

Then you get the ivory tower liberals who say they’ll just give the workers “better” jobs, except when they say “better” they mean green jobs that pay less and force the workers to relocate (force workers who spent their lives learning to do this one job to try and learn a new trade at an advanced age) thus destroying many businesses in those communities since the population is being drained. But liberals don’t care about that, just ask them, they’ll tell you no one wants to live there anyway so it’s good they’re being destroyed, they’ll tell you it’s good those communities are destroyed because they’re the ignorant rednecks and the like. In other words- liberals don’t care about you and your family.