Andrew Callaghan – A Tale Of Two Rapes

Just to get this out of the way first- I don’t even know the guy, though apparently I’ve watched some of his work. I just saw a cutoff headline about Tim Heidecker having no plans to work with someone, and clicked to find out who.

One of the claims against Andrew Callaghan is total garbage. The other is legitimate. The fact that BOTH are being treated the same is unconscionable.

I’m not defending him, except in the “innocent until proven guilty” sense and the “women really fake rape stories so wait for proof” sense.

Apparently he is one of those super-woke types, so while I’m sort of defending him, frankly it’s good that he’s being hoisted by his own petard. These are the standards he wants us to live by, so now he gets to live by them.

Anyway, let’s get down to cases.

Case 1

He’s in a car, and allegedly gets very aggressive. He allegedly tries to force himself onto someone he once had sex with. He allegedly grabs her hand and forces it down to his genitals.

If true, this is awful and he deserves to be prosecuted and jailed.

Case 2

Some woman he’s staying with regrets having sex with him. That’s it. She let him into her residence, he asked her several times for sex but never in an aggressive way, eventually she relented. Now she says this was “traumatic”. So she didn’t kick the guy out and eventually consented with the only pressure being that he asked her. We’re supposed to see this as rape and feel sorry for her. She made a choice she regrets, but it’s not HER fault, it’s someone else’s, someoen she allowed to stay at her house despite allegedly unwanted advances, to which she eventually agreed. That’s consent. She could’ve kicked him out, called the police to get him out if he refused, but she did nothing of the kind.


If you see no difference between being raped and consensual sex that in no way has any sign of being forced, then you’re a liberal.

What can I say? All sex is rape I guess. Rewrite the laws!

But you know what this does to people who REALLY are raped? It trivializes what happened. If rape is just sex as you regret, as liberals want us to believe, then how do we know someone who really was raped isn’t just misusing the word and lying about the rest to make their story more believable? Ok, we get it, sometimes you have sex and it’s lousy, but that IS NOT rape if you consent to it! And how much more consent can you give than letting the guy live with you and saying “yes let’s have sex”?! If they meet in court, the person in the first case has every right to slap the smug off the face of the person in the second case. The person in the second case doesn’t know what trauma is. Her ONLY excuse is if she is mentally ill to the point where the mundane is traumatic, where she hasn’t left the house in years because terror keeps her in bed. Only then could she use that word “trauma”. Does someone need to mansplain what rape is to her? What trauma is? Or are women just THAT fragile and pathetic that one night of bad sex THEY AGREED TO WITH SOMEONE THEY VOLUNTARILY ALLOWED INTO THEIR HOUSE FOR MANY NIGHTS must be treated as rape?


Virtue signallers are sick in the head and total narcissists. This woman has the gall to think that regretting consensual sex with someone she lived with put her in the same category as a woman who was raped, and dared to say she feels “trauma”.

And for those of you saying I don’t understand her plight, by HER OWN definition, I’VE been raped, multiple times by different people!

She is clearly pretending to be a victim here, but in her circle of Lefties they have their heads so far in the clouds that she actually thinks consensual sex with a housemate she allowed to stay with her would be viewed as rape if she said she regretted it. You know, maybe it’s good that liberals defunded police to the point where they can’t enforce calls on rapes anymore, because if THIS is what qualifies as rape then there’s a lot of fuss over nothing.