The Ol’ ULTRA Violence


Image from wikimedia commons

“Of course I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?” -CIA Agent George White, in a letter to agency chemist and poison expert Sidney Gottlieb.

Well, if we elect more Democrats, I’d say anywhere in the country Mr. White so long as you remained in good standing with the party. But we’ll circle back to this in a moment. As the CIA did here, we know that Dems just love victims that can’t fight back.


Project MK ULTRA was the CIA’s attempt to understand mind control. What could go wrong? In the wake of the Korean War we saw supposedly brainwashed American POW’s and our government was curious about this. So instead of starting a fake war with aliens like any normal government the CIA decided to learn about how our POW’s could be brainwashed by trying to brainwash people themselves. They tried a bunch of stuff, from drugs to electroshock therapy. The tests were done at hospitals, prisons, and universities.

The CIA also conducted business at CIA safe houses. Government-employed prostitutes would lure people to those safe houses, slip them a mickey, and CIA agents would watch and record. This is what Mr. White was referring to above. CIA agents would often get a little carried away in the merriment, all on the taxpayer’s dime. Like when the IRS went to Disneyland. As you can imagine, this phase of the program (appropriately called “Operation Midnight Climax”) had very little oversight.

Not Quite Legal

The CIA abducted and spied on people while dosing them up with drugs, without their consent. They hired prostitutes. The CIA is limited to what it can do domestically, but I guess hiring prostitutes, kidnapping, drugging, and spying on the results doesn’t technically violate their charter, since it only forbids them from doing law enforcement or internal security work domestically. After revelations of these activities from the Church Committee, President Gerald Ford signed an executive order saying this was totally not cool guys.


Frank Church wanted this guy to like him.

And before you point out that the head of the Church Committee, Frank Church, was a Democrat thus proving that my snarky remark at the top of this piece is invalid, let me remind you that he was one of those EEEEEVVVIIILLLLL Democrat racists who you tell us switched parties to become Republican (Church reportedly didn’t care about black people, and only pretended because he wanted a favor from President Johnson later), so this is not a valid means of criticism for you unless you want to admit that the Leftwing narrative about the great Republican racist switcheroo is a lie.


ULTRA Apathy

Why should any of this matter? Government agency in charge of protecting our lives endangers them instead, no oversight, party-like atmosphere with prostitutes. Remind me again which political party wants us to trust the government in all things? Which party abhors oversight (or at least thinks it has no usefulness when a Democrat is in the White House)? Which party doesn’t even pay lip service to the idea of ending wasteful spending? The same party that tried to keep the American flag from being displayed at their convention for determining their Presidential candidate. I wonder why.

Trust The Government

Do you trust the government? This goes into why we should remember MK ULTRA; it seems we never quite learned the proper lessons of government accountability and transparency from it.

Let’s take a look at the Secret Service under President Obama. Incompetent, to say the least. The White House ended up taking a few bullets, and a man with a knife made it all the way into the building after hopping the fence. A member of the President’s last line of defense was found passed-out drunk in a hallway. The White House itself ignored some of these issues. Literally the life of their hero and boss Obama was on the line, but they ignored the problem.

Let’s take a look at the IRS scandal under President Obama. Conservatives are targeted. There’s one token firing. Years later, Conservative groups STILL don’t have tax-exempt status that was originally held-up by the IRS. And yet during all of this, even after hearings on IRS waste, the IRS demands more money from sympathetic Democrats, while Democrats dismiss and downplay claims of targeting (there’s a piece at titled “The Damage In The Wake of the Non-Scandal At The IRS” that Google saw fit to place as the second result of a search I did in which not only is the IRS case is dismissed as a non-event while perpetuating 5 year old myths that had been debunked, but the piece also denies the existence of the deep state, and Google result number 4 was a Newsweek article from 2017 saying the IRS scandal was fake news created by Republicans despite the IRS apologizing for it just 17 days after the Newsweek article was published, as well as several other scandals, while telling tried and true lies- like by saying the targeting stopped and telling the lie that Democrats are timid, it’s typical of bullies like the Democrats to pretend to be the victims. I also want to point out that this Newsweek article levels the criticism of “the investigations took forever and found no evidence yet they still believed the myth” at the Republicans, which Newsweek and doubtlessly the political hack author Neil Buchanan who has less credibility than his idols at Glavlit are reluctant to bring against Democrats over the Trump-Russia tale).

Let’s take a look at the DEA prostitution scandal under President Obama. The head of the agency said she didn’t have the power to discipline employees. It was up to an internal committee of unelected/unappointed (by Presidents) bureaucrats to police this agency.

Or how about that time the Obama Administration forced an Inspector General to stop looking into a friend of Obama’s who misused government funds, which sent a clear message to the rest of the Inspector Generals not to do anything unfriendly towards the President or his allies.

Meanwhile, the Obama Administration claims there were no scandals during it, and no one in the Leftstream media challenges that narrative. Do you think the CIA would be handled differently if caught in a scandal?

So How Would MK ULTRA Go Over Today?


“We’re your government. We’re the good guys!” Watchers, 1983, and apparently Barack Obama, 2013. Image from

Well, we already know the CIA Director can lie to Congress under oath and get away with it. We already know that Democrats can get away with saying there were no scandals in their Administrations. We know the NSA can get away with spying on Americans, Obama just has to tell us we can trust the government, maybe in a soft appearance on our favorite late-night shows.

We actually can kind of guess the rest, using Hillary Clinton’s email scandal as a model. Hillary wiped her servers to remove the evidence. It’s the 21st century afterall, the age of MK ULTRA and their Ollie North-brand file shredders is long over, but the firm that cleaned Hillary’s service lacked the CIA’s common sense and bragged about it. Some sympathetic deep staters would investigate and find no wrongdoing even before they interview half the witnesses, including the star one. The Democrat President would say people acted carelessly, and an exoneration letter would be drafted around that same time saying exactly that. Then the media would tell us there was no scandal, just hysterical Republicans.

So if Hillary can destroy evidence, endanger lives, lie under oath to Congress about possession of classified materials and various other things, threaten to fire the Inspector General investigating her, and be cleared of all charges in time for the election then surely the CIA would too have been given nary a slap on the wrist.

How Come You’ve Never Heard Of MK ULTRA?

It’s almost like it never happened. You’d think even the Republicans would be referencing it as an example of the deep state gone rogue, what with the CIA committing illegal acts against thousands of Americans. This didn’t even hit the headlines when the Unabomber was caught- he was one of the subjects of the CIA’s experiments. Take a look at this article from The Atlantic- NOTHING is mentioned about the CIA’s possible involvement.


But remember kiddies- the government will be your friend throughout your life! Image from wikimedia commons

The Unabomber was only 17 years old, a math prodigy studying at Harvard. One of his trusted professors put him through this. The CIA experiments, which consisted of sessions held across 3 years, were designed to destroy his core beliefs. Well it worked: after the experiments he was mentally warped and thus 6 years after the experiments would’ve ended he started his nationwide bombing campaign.

The casual disregard for lives exhibited by government agents, scientists, doctors, and psychologists during all of this is rather stunning, though I guess after all that human experimentation in World War II I can’t say I was surprised. Just disappointed that it happened here, especially since our intellectual elite loves to tell us how superior they are. Definitely something to consider the next time you hear a climate scientist demand we adopt a totalitarian government, and demand control of how/whether people live. Since most of these professionals are Democrats anyway, I can’t say I’m surprised. It just confirms some of the worst stereotypes about them and their chosen party.

Speaking Of Democrats


Only a conspiracy theorist believes in MK ULTRA. By the way, did you hear how Trump is really a Russian agent?

Over at Leftwing rag “The Daily Beast”, we have Rick Wilson telling us that Republicans who defend Trump against the Russian Collusion accusations are engaging in “wild-eyed MK-ULTRA paranoiac raving”. For one thing, he only presents insults to back his claims (whereas my insults usually orbit around facts, pardon the preening acknowledgement of my own flaw). Claims which clearly can’t be trusted, as his choice of presenting MK ULTRA as something only a crazy person would believe in demonstrates. He does not even have the knowledge which fellow liberals have of those events, thus it is doubtful that for his rambling chain of ad hominem attacks there could be found a factual basis. It also appears he is impugning the credibility of said liberals.

Moreover, if Republicans are really as deluded as this screaming tantrum indicates, then surely after a year the Mueller investigation would’ve produced something against Trump. Right? Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told us in March 2017 that they already had beyond circumstantial evidence of Trump colluding. Surely that would’ve been leaked by him, master leaker that he is, or at least released out of spite once the GOP ended the House’s investigation, and Mueller certainly could use that tipoff. At the very least the GOP would’ve debunked said evidence in their summary. And let’s not forget- a crippled GOP with only Fox News to help managed to prove malfeasance by the IRS in 2013 within several months, much less than 12. Surely the Mueller probe with the full apparatus of the mainstream media and its legions of journalists at its disposal would’ve produced some smidgen of evidence by now. But instead it seems all they’ve produced is an army of Rick Wilsons with their tales told by idiots full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Aside from the form of insults and a scattered few articles, there isn’t much in the way of widespread talk about MK ULTRA. At the time of the revelations of course the networks covered it, but this bit of deep statism was memory holed pretty quick. Perhaps because the program allegedly ended (can you really trust the CIA to obey an executive order after breaking several laws to begin with?), it just isn’t considered a noteworthy pursuit.

Or maybe because it’s a grim reminder of what happens when the government gets too much power. Maybe it’s Plan B if this Mueller thing doesn’t produce anything useful. We already have an army of anti-Trump bureaucrats leaking secrets left and right just to spite the President, we have an admitted conspiracy by anti-Trump law enforcement officials to take out Trump (their insurance policy), we have the Obama Administration spying on Trump’s campaign, you have liberals all over the spectrum calling for Trump’s death and other forms of violence against both him and Republicans in general (while those in charge of handling such matters ignored it because they were Democrats), so would another Strzok still stuck in the government deciding on dosing Trump’s morning coffee with some surplus LSD really be such a far-fetched thing?



Forgettable 1961 CIA Spokesperson Rai (pictured center) was unavailable for comment on if the mind control experiments really worked. Records of his tenure are lost to history due to a tragic shredding mishap. Original images from and artbooks